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^ tt t) 1 1 c a t to n ^
€f)e llarleian ^ocietp.
¥^olume XXXV.
Co\)fnt d^artien, lon^on.
ml Hh—mu'imt^, less-issv.
1 40 , WARDO VR;?S "RRE E tl;;-;i:0 N t) b l\l ' >A/
Clje l\esisters
t. ^aul, Cobrnt (S^arten,
An Agreementf of Mariage betweene Thomas Potter a Souldier in my Lord
Generalls Regiment and Elizabeth Waller AVidd of Martins parish in the
Feilds was pulishedj at the Close of the morning exercize on the 20'** day of
November 1653 : on the 27"' of the same Moneth and on the 4'*' day of Dee.
following being the last time.
Robert Plavdellf Esq'' & M"^^ Elizabeth Saunders of this parish
published Nov: 27, Dec: 4, 11
William Widdriugtonf sonn of the Late Lord Widdrington &
iM'^ Elizabeth Bartie of this parish were published Nov: 27, Dec: 4, 11
Francis Drake of this parish Ersq' and M'* Susanna Potts of the
parish of Brides publishd Dec 11, 18, 25
William Ghostlin and Jane Goodricke of this parish Spinster
published Jaii 1, 8, 15
John Daniell of this parish & Mary Hall of the parish of Clark-
tonwell published " Jan 8, 15, 22
Publicacons 1653
William Martinf of S* Clements Cordwainer & Jone Boulton of
this pish spinster published January 15, 22, 29
Archibald Clinkard & M'^ Anne Maney both of this parish were
published in the Marquett place Jan 23, 30, Feb: 6
* The^e Publications are entered on tlie reverse side of the Marriage entries, to Sep. 1659
inclu.sive, excepting the first, which occurs directly under the heading " A Register of Mariages,"
etc., on the first page of Vol. I. of the Register. — Ed.
f Entry of Marriage also given. — Ed. X '^'''•
Charles Stanley Esq': & tlie hon'^''^ Jane Widdrington were
published in the Marquett place published Jan 30, Feb: G, 13
Jeremy Lacey of Walden gent & Elizabeth daughter of Thomas
AylifFe Esq'' of this parish published Feb: I, 6, 13
John A'nthanke* of this parish of Covont garde Tayler and Amyf
Fowler of the same spinster published in the Church Febrary 26, March 5, 12
Henry Nudam Barber and Mary Reynolds Spinster were
published ' March 5, 12, 19
Robert Nuson a Souldier and Mary Brumwell widd both of this
parish published in the Church March 12, 19, 26
Rob: Bladwell* of Covent garden gent and M'^ Elizabeth
Keylway werj published in the next Markett place
Peregrine Palmer Esq'" sonne of S' Thomas Palmer of Fairfield
in Sumersett Shire deceased of this parish and M''^ Anne
Steueiies daughter of Nathaniell Steuens of Eastington
in Glossester Shire Esq"' but now of the parish of Mar-
garites W^estm'" published
Richard Fouks* of Covent garden and Dorothey Haywood of
the same parish Widdow were ])ubli8hed in the Markett
Richard Freeman* of Covent garden Joyner and Dorothy
Peniiifather spinster of the same parish were pub: in the
Thomas l^ray* of the parish of Sepulcres and Emma Wain-
man of this parish spinster were published in the Church
March 18, 24, 27
ApHU 2, 9, 16
Aprill 7, 15, 22
Aprill 9, 16, 23
Ap"^ 23, 30
Publicacons 1654
John Arnold of the parish of Margarits AVestm"" Doctor of
Phisicke and Medices Gydeon daughter of S'" William
Gydeon K' of this parish were published in the Church May 14, 21, 28
Eichard Cutts of the parish of Clare in the County of Suffoike
gent and M''^ Elizabeth Powlett of this Parish of Covent
garden were published in the Church May 14, 21, 28
AVillam Wallis a Souldier in Capt Writes Company and Mary
Smith of this parish of Covent garden Spinster were pub-
lished in ye Church May 21, 28, June 4
William Ghostly* of this ])ari8h Taylor and Martha Price of
this parish Spinster were published in the Church May 28, June 4, 11
Elias Gray of this Parish and Margery Johnson of the same
Spinster were published in the Church June 4, 11, 18
James Barger* of this parish and Dorothy Harris of the same
Spinster were published in the Church June 4, 11, 18
Publicacons 1654
Noah Webb* of this pariah Baker & M'^ Martha Shaw of the
same were published in the Church June 25, July 2° July 9°
John Dorington of this parish and Margarite Bodlidg of the
same Spinster wer published in y'= Church July 16, 23, 30
Entry of Marriage also given. — Ed. f " Anne " in entry of Marriage. — Ed. J Sic.
Thomas Pepys* gent, of the parish of Martins in the Fields
soiiue and Heire of Thomas Pepys of Impriugton in the
County oP Cambridg gent, deceased and 5l'^ Anne Cope
of the parish of Covent garden daughter of S"^ John Cope
of Brewing in the Compty of Oxou Barrownett deceased
were published three severall Markett dayes in Westm''
between the howers of eleiien and two of the Clock in the
afternoone vizt July 22, July 28, July 31
Humphry Wharton of the parish of Covent garden gent, and
M'* Anne Smith of the same parish Widdow were published
three severall Markett dayes in 3 severall weeks! betweene
the howers of eleuen and two of the Clocke in y*^ afternoon
According to an Act of pliam' in that behalf e made viczt
July24, Aug:2, AugO
Publicacons 1054:
Thomas Leake of the pish of Covent G-arden Cordw ainer and
Mary Barnard of Martins in the Pields spinster were pub-
lished three severall Markett dayes in three several! weeks
betweene the howers of eleuen and two of the Clocke in
the afternoone According to an Act of pliain'^ in that
behalfe made vizt August o, 9, 14, 1054
John Knight* of the parish of Covent garden gent and M'"* Anne
Painter of the same Widd were published 3 severall times
in y*^ Church at the Close of y^ morning exercize According
to an Act of Parliam'^ in that behalfe made vizt August 6, 13, 20
John Barker* of Martins in the Fields Tayler and Frances
Hutchins of the pish of Covent Garden Spinster were
published 3 severall Lords dayes in the Ch: at the Close of
the Morninge exercize According to an Act of pliam* in
that behalfe made vizt August 13, 20, 27
Publicacons 1654
David Jefferyes of Trotton in the County of Sussex gent and
M''^ Margarite Thirabily of the pish of Covent garden
daughter of G-eorge Thimbily of Swinsteed in the County
of Lincohie gentlema were published three Markett dayes
in three severall weekes betweene the howers of Eleuen
and two in the Afternoone According to an Act of Parliam^
in that behalfe made vizt on August 19, 25, 28
Nathaniell Dier* of Steuens Coleman Street London Brewer and
M""^ Mary Smith of Covent garden "NYidd were published
three severall Markett dayes in three severall AV^eekes in
the markett next Adioyning betweene the howers of Eleuen
and two of the Clocke in the afternoone according to an
Act of Parliament in that behalfe made vizt Sei)t. 2,8, 11
Robert Patersou* of this pish and Anne Murry of the same
widd were published three severall Lords dayes at the Close
of the morning Excercise Ac-cording to an Act of Parliament
in that behalfe made in Covent garde Church viezt on Septemb 3, 10, 17
Publicacons 1654
Richard Booth* of this parish of Covent Garden Cordwayner
and Frances Bedford of the same spinster were published
three severall Lords dayes at the Close of the morning
Excercize according to an Act of pliam* vizt on the Sept 3, 10, 17
* Eutry of Marriage also given. — Ed. t -^" erasure.— Ed.
David Crowder* of the pish of OUiues Southwarke aud Eliza-
beth Periman of this pish of Coveut Gar: spinster were
published three severall Lords dayes at the Close of the
mominge exercize According to an Act of plia^n* in that
behalf e made vizt 8ept 10, 17, 24
GriflBth Johnson* of Covent Garden pish Taylor and Mary Crox-
tont of the same were published three severall Lords dayes
in Covent garden Church at y'^ Close of the Morning
excercize According to an Act of pJiam* in that behalfe
made vizt on the Sept 10, 17, 24
James Byssey of this pish Cordwayfi and Elizabeth Thor[)e of
the pish of Clements Danes Spinster W'ere published in the
Church at the Clowe of the Moniing Excercise According
to Act of pliam' vizt Sept 24, Octob 1, 8
Publicacons 1654
Edward Anderson of this Parish Waterman and Dorothy Barker
of the same pish Spinster Avere Published three severall
Lords Dayes in the Church at the Close of the Morning
Excercize According to an Act of pliament in y^ behalfe
made vizt on October 8, 15, 22
Simon Tesott* of tiiis pish Merchant and Katharine Tausell of
the same si)insl' were published three severall Lords dayes
at the Close of the Morning Exercise According to the
Act vizt on ^ October 8, 15, 22
Thomas Bicknell of the pish of Clements Danes Gunsmith and
aWiddower and Margarite Williams of the pish of Covent
garden Spinsf were published three severall Markett dayes
in three seuall weeks betweene the howers of eleuen and
two of the Clocke in y'" afternoone viz* Octob 20, 23, 30
Cliristopher Wally of this pish widdower and Ellinor Warne of
the pish of Margarites Westm'' Spinster w^ere publish J
three severall JNlarkettsj dayes in AV^estm'' Markett betweene
the howers of eleuen and two in the afternoone vizt on Octob 29, Nov: 5*, 12
1654 Publicacons 1654
Thomas How of this pisli sonne of John How of Hempsteed in
the County of Hertford And Elizabeth Parterich of Hemp-
steed aforesayd daughter of Seth Partrich of the same were
published three seuall Lords dayes in the Church at the
Close of Morning excercize vizt on Octob 29, Nov 5*, 12
John de Lignere of the parish of CoventJ and M" Frances
Skipwith of y* same pish single woman were published
three Markett dayes in three severall weekes betweene the
howers of eleuen and two of the Clocke in the afternoone
vizt In Westm' Markett Octob 30, Nov: 8, 13
Edward Villers§ Esq'', of the pish of Covent Garden and
M'» Frances Howard daghterj to the R* Hono'''*^ the Late
Earle of Suffolkc of the same pish were published three
Markett dayes in thej in three severall weekes betweene
the howers of eleuen and two of y Clocke in the afternoone
viczt on Nov: 3, 8, 13, 1654
* Entry of Marriage also given.— Ed. t " Croxsou " in entry of Marriage.— Ed.
+ '^''^<^'- § Misplaced in Register.— Ed.
Roger Draper of the pish of Penchureh London Merchant and
Frances IJarnea of Coveiit Garden pish widd were publish*
three seuall Markett dayes in Westin' Markett in 3 seuall
weeks according to an Act of plia"" in y' behalfe made vizt Nov : 13, 20, 27
Publicacons IGo-t
Wift Gargravef of the pish of Couent gar .Student in Phisicke
and Mary Coke of tlie pish of Brides Lciidon w ere puldished
three seveuall Lords daye* in Covent garden Church at the
Close of the morning excercise vizt on Xovemb 19: 2t3 and
on the S-i of Uecemb: Woi Nov 19, 2G, Dec 3
ISimou Hawkes of the pish of Martins in the Pields Turner and
Dorothy Gyles of this pish Spinster were published three
severall Lords dayes in Covent garden Church at the Close
of the morning exercize vizt on the Nov: 19, 2(3, Dec 3, 1654
Evan Harris of this Parish of Covent Garden gent, and M'^
Emnly Swift of the same pish Spinster were published three
severall Markett dayes in three seuall weekes vizt on the
2° of Deeemb 16ol- on the 8"' Instant and on the U"' follow-
ing according to an Act of Parliam' in thai behalfe made Dec. 2°, 8, 11
Eichard Bentieldt of this Parish gent and IM'^ Jane+ Stoweli of
the same spin^' w^ere published three severall Lords dayes
in Covent garden Church at the Close of the morning exoer-
cize According to an Act of pliam^ in v' behalfe made
vizt ' Dec. 10, 17, 24
Publications 1654
S^ Thomas Spencer.f Barronett, being of Covent Garden pish
vnder the gardiauship of Eichard Knightly of Pausly in
the Cotmty of Northampton Esq'', and M''^ .lane Garrard
daughter of S*" John Garrard of Lamer in the County of
Hartford K' & Barronett were ])ublished 3 severall Markett
dayes in 3 severall weekes with consent of Parents aocurd*
to the Act vizt on January 3, 13, 15
The publicacon of Marriage betweene Giles Capell of this pish
Widdower and Mary Carter of the same pish Spinster her
Father consenting therevnto was published 3 seuerall Mar-
kett dayes in three severall weekes According to the Act
viz* on January 15, 22, 29
Richard Carpenter of the parish of Covent gar and Frances
Long of S' Clements parish Spinst' were published 3 severall
markett dayes in Westm' Markett w''' her mother excepted
against, vizt on January 17, 22, 29
Steuen Phesant of Grayes Inn in y^ County of Middsx Esq"'
and M''* Mary vStanton of Covent gardtn pish widd were
published 3 severall markett dayes According to the act vizt Jan 20, 27, Feb: 3
John Taylor of the pish of Bottoifs Allgate Grosser and M''^
Elliuor Newton of y'^ pish of Covent garden were published
three times in Covent garden Church at the Close of the
Moring exercize vizt Jan the 21, 28, Feb: 11*''
Publications 1654
Richardt Archbold§ of Covent Garden gent aged 30 yeares And
Maiy Goddard of tlie same pish Spinster were published
3 seuerall Lords dayes in Cov: garden Church at the Close
of the Morning exercise vizt Feb 4, 11, 18
* Sic. t Eutry of Marriage also giveu. — Ed. t " Mar^' " in entry of Marriage. — Ed.
§ " Archbald " in entry of Marriage. — Ed.
Chareles Xeedham* Esq"" sonne to the late Lord Viscount
Kemurry of Sliavington in the County of Salop but now
liueing in Covent Cxarden And M''^ Bridgett Drewry
daughter and Coheire of S' William Drewry of Besthorpe
in Xorfolke were published three severall Markett dayes
ill 3 severall weeks with consent of y^ Lady Drewry her
mother according to y^ Act vi/,t Feb 3, 10, 12, 1654
Edward Giice of the pish of 8* Clements Danes Leather Seller
and M""^ Judith White of the pish of Covent garden single
woman were published thfee severall Lords dayes in Covent
garden Church Accord to an Act of Parliament in that
behalf e made vizt Feb 11, 18, 25
John Terre of the pish of Covent garden Apothicary and M'*
Mary Kayment of the pish of Compton in the County of
Surry were published 3 severall Lords dayes in Covent
garde Church at the Close of the moininge exercise Accord-
ing to an Act of Parliaui* in that behalf e made vizt on
Feb 18, 25, March 4, 1654
Publieatios 1654 1655
Thomas Smith of the pish of Giles in the Fields Poulterer Sonne
of John Smith of Emerton in the County of Bucks Yeoman
and Mary Blisse of the pish of Covent garden were published
in AV^estm' Markett three seuerall weekes according to the
Act with the consent of her mother vizt Feb 17, 19, 26
Simon AVilliams of the pish of Covent garden gent, and M''^
Thomazine Paine of the same pish Widd were published
three severall Markett dayes in three seiiall weekes betweene
the howers of eleuen and two of the Clocke in the after-
noone According to the Act vizt March 3, 10, 16
Anthony Locksmith of the pish of Covent garden and M'"^'Rose
Gierke of the pish of Sepulcres published 3 sevei*all Lords
dayes in Covent garden Church According to the Act vizt
on March 11, 18, 25, 1655
Thomas Roberts of the pish of Miirtins in the Fields Coop and
Amie Thornto of the of Covent garden spinster pub-
lished in the Church 3 seuall Lords dayes according to the
Act vizt March 11, 18, 25, 1655
Anthony Boyer of the pish of Leonards Shoreditch Widdower
& fxrace Humphris of this pish widd were published three
seuall markett daves in three seuall weeks According to the
Act vizt " March 16, 23, 26, 1655
Public-aeons 1655
Thomas Muzeene of the pish of Covent Garden Widdower and
Mary Colferr of the pish of Martines in the Fields single-
woman were publi.-^heti 3 seuall ^Markett dayes in Westm'
markett betweene the howers of eleuen and two of the
Clock in y« aftenoonf vizt on March 24, 28, Apr 2", 1655
Edward Pierce of the pish of Buttolfs Aldergate widdower and
Dorothy Hill of Covent garden pish singlewoman published
in the Next markett 3 seuall markett dayes according to
the Act vizt Apr 7, 14, 21
William Heueningham of the pish of Martins in the Fields
Esq'' and a widower and M'^ Mary Gary of the pish of
Covent Garden singlewoman were published 3 seuall markett
dayes in Westm'' markett According to the Act vizt Apr 23, 26, 30
* Entry of Marriage also given. — Ed. t ^ic-
Robert Painter* of the pish of Covent Garden Cordwainer and
Mary "Walker of the pish of Clements Danes spinster
published 3 severall Lords dayes Ac. vizt May 13, 20, 27
Francis Gibbons* of this pish and M''^ Elizabeth .Stenehouse of
the same single woman were published 3 seuall market
dayes in the next markett betweene the howers of eleuen
and two of the Clock in the afternoone According to y^ Act
vizt May 26, June 2", 6, 1G55
1655 Publications 1655
Thomas Staninot of the pish of Covent Garden Cooke, and
Mary Mathew of Chilton in the County of Bucks spinster
aged 22 yeares were published 3 several! markett dayes in
3 severall weekes according to the Act vizt June 2°, 6, 13
Thomas Hooke of Covent garden Corwainerf and Anne Wallis of
the same pish single woman were published three seuall market
dayes in the markett next adioyning in three severall weekes
accoi'ding to the Act of pliam"^ in that behalfe made vizt on June 6, 13, IS
Thomas Tunstall of the pish of Covent garden gent, and Mary
liunnibourne of Tunstall in the County of Kent siiiglewomii
published in the Church 3 severall Lords dayes at the close
of the morning exercize vizt June 10, 17, 24
S"" David Fowles of Inglefield in the County of Yorke Barronett
and Katharine AVattkins daughter of S'" David \Yattkins
of the Parish of Covent gardetf Kt: published in the next
Markett place 3 severall market dayes in three severall
weeks According to y® Act (noe exceptions being against
the publicacons) June 16, 18, 25
John Eodham of the pish of Covent Garden gent, and M'^ Mary
Parris of the same published in the markett next adioyning
3 severall markett dayes in 3 severall weekes betweene the
howers of eleuen & too of the Clocke in the afternoone
vizt June 18, 25, July 2
Publicacoiis 1655
William Dorrell of Covent garden gent, and M*"^ Anne Thorell
of the same pish Spinster were Published in the markett
place next adioyning 3 severall Markett dayes According
to the Act (vizt) on the " June 29, July 2, 9, 1655
Hugh Vaughan of the Parish of Covent garden gent, aged 30
yeares and Elizabeth Cooke of the pish of IS* Andrewes
Holberne spinster her parents both dead were published
3 seuall markett dayes in Westm"" Markett accordinge to
the Act (vizt on July 23, 30, August 6, 1655
S'" Anthony Ashley Cooper* of this parish K*^ and Bai'ronett,
and the Hono'''^ Margarite Spencer of Andrewes Holberne
in the County of Midd daughter of the R' Hono'''^ AVilliam
Lord Spencer deceased and the Lady Penellope his wife
now livinge were Published 3 seilall Lords dayes in Covent
garden Church According to the Act (vizt) July 29, August 5\ 12, 1655
Publicacons 1655
Thomas Harding of Standmore Perry in the County of Midd
Glover & Rebecca Harding of this pish spinster aged 22
yeares were published in the next Markett According to
the Act vizt July 30, Aug: 6\ 13
* Entry of Marriage also given. — Ed. f Sic.
Robert l''razcr Soiiii of John Fra/.er Deceased of Covent garden
& Margery Driver of the same parisli S})inster her Parents
deceased were published in New Markett According to y'"
Act (vizt) on Aug: 4, 6, 18, 1655
Thomas Jacob of this pish gent. Sonne of Charles Jacob of
Lediard in the County of Witts gent and M'^ Joyce Coley
of the parish of Clements Danes spinster were published
in Westm"^ Markett According to the Act (vizt) Aug: 29, Sept 3, 10
G-eorge Ileldon of this pish gent aged 30 yeares and Constance
Violett of the same widd were Published in Westm''
markett according to the Act vizt on Aug 29, Sept 3, lO***, 1655
Publicacons 1655
George Mathewes* of this parish Appothicary and M'^ Mary
Barrow of the same singlewomfi were publislif in Westm''
Markett According to the Act (vizt) on Sept 1, 3, 10
George Clare of this Parish Tayler and Anne Douglasse daughter
of John and Mary Douglasse of the pish of Martins in the
Fields were published in this Church according to the
Act on Sept 2, 9, 16
Eichard Owen of this parish Shipcarpenter and Margery Lalan
of Basinghall ])arish London were published in the Church
According to the Act Septemb 16, 23, 30
Richard I'owell of this Parish Servingman his parents dead and
Jane Tayler of the same pish spinster and her parents
dead were published in the mai'kett According to the Act
of Parliament in that behalf made (vizt) on Sept 15, 17, 24, 1655
Publications 1055
Francis Milliard of the pish of Dunstons London Tayler his
pai'ents dead and Katharine Crofts of this parish spinsf
daughter of Thomas Crofts of Martins in the Field wei'e
jjublished in Covent garden Church According to the Act
(vizt) Sept 16, 23, 30
Clement Throgmorten of the pish of Haisly in the County of
Warwicke Esq'", and M'* l""" ranees;]; Cruinpton of this parish
daughter of M'^ Mary Crumpton of the pish of S' Giles in
y*^ Fields were Published in Westm' markett according to
the Act (vizt) Sept 10, 17, 24
Robert Eyre of the parish of Whiteparish in the County of
Wilts gent sonne of Gyles Eyre of Brickworth in the sayd
County Esq'' and M"* Mary Moore of this parish widd were
published in Westm"" markett Accoi'ding to the Act (vizt)
Sept 17^'': 24t'': Oct 1" SepJ; 17"', 24, Oct 1°
John Dunington of this pish gent and Katharine Lone of the
pish of Giles in the Fields spinster daughter of George
Lone of the same parish gent were published in Westm*"
Markett according to the Act vizt Sept 24*'' Octob 3: 8
Sept 24, Octob 3, S, 1655
Publicacons 1655
Laurence le liouteleir of this parish gent, and Elizabeth Kaitezon
of the same widd were published 3 seuall markett dayes in
3 seuall weekes in Westm' markett According to the Act
(vizt) on Octob 3, 8, 15
* Entry of Marriage also giveu.— Ed. f .Sic I Written over an erasure. — Ed.
William Parstou of this parish gent and Mary Lawson of the
pish of Giles in the Field widd were published 3 senall
Markctt daves in Westm'' markett According to the Act'
(vizt) on y^' ' Oct 3, 8, 15
Eobert Lapeire of this pish Barber & Anue Blithman of the
same widd were published 3 seuall markett dayes in Westm""
(vizt) on Oct 6, 8, & 15. Oct 6, 8, 15
Eobert Lord Gourdaine Yisecount* Kenmore of the parish of
Martins in the Fields and the Lady Martha Norton of this
parish wei'e published three Markett dayes in AVestm""
markettf according to the Act vizt on the 12"' of Octob
on the 15"' and on the 22"' foUowinge. Octob 12, 15, 22
Publicacons 1655
Mathias Scarffe of this pish gent and Vrsula Walker of the
same Widd were published 3 seiiall markett dayes in
Westm' markett ' Oct 20, 22, 29
John Knight:|: of this parish Cordwainer and Anne Greenbury
of the same spinster were published three seiaall Sabath
dayes in this Church According to the Act vizt Oct 21, 28, Nov: 4
Kichard Scotcher of .S^ Mary Guilford in the C'ount§ of Surry
gent, and M''^ Alice Wetton of this pish singlewoman were
published three seuall markett dayes in ^V'estm'■ markett
according to tlie Act vizt on Oct: 22, 29, Nov: 9
Littleton Osboldiston|| of this pish gent sonne of Jo: Osboldesto
of Chadlington Esq"", and M'"* Katharine Browker of the
same singlewoman daughter of Tho : Browker of Vpp
Pever Esq^ publish§ 3 seuall Lords daves in y'^ Church
vizt. ' Oct: 28, Nov: 4, 11
Publicacons 1655
William Hides of this pish: Coachman and Mary Herbert of
the same spinster were published three seGall markett
dayes in Westm"" markett According to the Act vizt on Oct 29, Nov 9, 12
John Mason of Wellington in the County of Bedford Freemason
and Mary Leather of this pish spinster were ]iublished
three Lords daves in this Church according to the Act
vizt ^ Nov 4, 11, 18
Eichard Effiekl of 8ettiugborne in the County of Kent Barber
and and§ Alice Hunniburne of this pish spinster were
published in the Church 3 Lords dayes Nov: 9, 12, 19
Thomas Poole of the of Clements Danes Stashioner and
Jane Fierchouse of this pish spinster were publ' 3 markett
dayes in Westm'" according to the Act, vizt Nov 9, 12, 19
Publicacoiis 1655
Joseph Wade of Eling in the County of Midd Scrivener and
Alice Slater of the pish of Covent garden Spinster were
pubublish§ three severall Markett dayes in three seQall
weekes in Westm'' markett According to the Act (vizt) on Nov: 9, 12, 19
* "Written over an erasure. — Ed. t An erasure. — Ed.
X Misplaced in Register. — Ed. § Sic. II Entry of Marriage also given. — Ed.
"William Kent* of this parish gent sonn of William Kent of
Boscombe in the County of Wilts Esq^. and M"^ Jane
Browker daugftter of M' Thomas Browker of Vpp Pever
in the County of Chester were published three Lords dayes
in Covent garden Church at the Close of the Morning
exercize According to the Act (vizt) Nov: 9, 12, 19
Henry Eampton of this parish gent and Prances Dennis of the
same singlewoman were published 3 seuall markett dayes
in three seGall weekes in "Westm'' markett According"^ to
the Act vizt on Nov: 9, 12, 19
Publicacofis 1655
John Palmer of the pish of Covent garden privatt Souldier and
Jone Blacksheee of the same Spinster were published
three seuall Lords dayes in the Church at the Close of the
Morning exercize vizt on Nov: 18, 25, Uembf 2
Charles Goulding* of the pish of Covent Grarden Esq"" sonne of
S^^ Edward Groulding of Colson Bassett in the County of
Nottingha Knight and Barronett and M>"* Mary Eauenscroft
of Covent garden daughter of James Eavenscroft of Ock en-
bury in the County of Huntington Esq'" were published
seuall markett dayes in 3 seuall weeks According to the
Act vizt Westm^^ markettf Nov: 30. Decemb 3, 10, 1655
John Grybbi»ns of this parish gent and Martha AViguKu-e of the
same Spinster were Published three severall niarkett dayes
in three seuall weeks in Westm'' markett According to ithe
Act vizt on Decemb 8*'' lO'*" 17*'': Decemb 8, 10, 17
Publicacoiis 1655
William Farncombe of this parish Salter and Katharine Browne
of S* Laurence Poultney spinster daughter of ArtherJ
Browne of the same pish spinsterf were published three
severall Lords dayes in Covent garden Church according
to the Act vizt on " Decemb 9, 16, 23
Miles Stapleton of this pish Esq-^ And the Lady Elizabeth
Bartue of the same pish singlewoman were Published three
seuall markett dayes in three severall weeks in the markett
next adiacent (vizt) on the 15^. of December on the 17'''
and on the 24"' fol' according to the Act. Dec. 14, 17, 25
William Carpenter of the Sslvoj parish Cuttler and Dorothy
Mucklebury of this parish spinster were published three
seuall markett dayes in three seuallf in Westm'' markett
betweene the bowers of eleuen and two of the Clocke
according to an Act of Parliam' in that behalfe made vizt
on Dec 14 17 and 24"' Decemb 14, 17, 24
Publicacoiis 1655
G-eorge Welden of Mary Savoy in the County of Midd Esq'
aged 30 yeares & Parents deceased and M''" Lucv Newton
of this pish spinster aged 21 yeares her parents" deceased
were published three seuall* markett dayes in 3 seuall
weeks in Westm^ markett According to the Act (vizt) on
Decl7 24:31. Decemb 17, 24, 31
* Entry of Marriage also given.— Ed. f Sic. % Altered from Ann.— Ed.
Henry Brockett of this parish gent and Susanna Wallrond of
the same Widd were published three seuall markett dayes
in three seuall weeke* in Westm'' markett According to
the Act vizt on Dec: 21, 24, 31
Thomas Bradshawf of the parish of Margarites Westm'" gent his
parents dead, and Frances Cooper of this parish widd were
published in Covent garden Church on three severall Lords
dayes at the Close of the morninge exercize vizt Decemb 30, Jan 0, 13
Publicacons 1655
Bryan Dugwry of this parish servingman and Prances Proscer
of the same spinster were published three severall Lords
dayes in the Chuch according to the Act viczt on January 6, 13, 20
Walter Crokerf of this pish gent. & M'^ Constance Linuy of
the same spinster were published three severll Lords dayes
in the Church According to the Act vizt, on Jan 13, 20, 27
William Drewettf of this parish Tayler and JaneJ Koe of the
same parish spinster were published 3 seuall Lords dayes
in the Church According to the Act (vizt) on Jan 13, 20, 27
William Webb of this pish yeoman and Mary White of the
same spinst' were published thi-ee seiiall Lords dayes in
the Church according to the Act vizt Jan 20, 27, Feb 8
Publicacoiis 1655
William Weekes of this parish yeoman aged 22 yeares and his
Father dead and noe Graurdian, and Jone Powell of the
pish of Griles in the Fields widd were published three seuall
markett dayes in three seijall weekes in Westm' markett
betweene the bowers of eleuen and two of the Ciocke
Accordinge to the Act vizt on Jan 19, 23, 28
Joseph Higgs of this parish gent and Aune Aimer (jf the same
singlewoman were published three seiiall mnrkett dayes in
three seilall weeke* betweene the bovvers of eleuen and two
According to the Act vizt on Jan 25, 28, Feb 4
Ambross Willmott of this pish Vintner and Elizabeth French
of the same spinster were published three seQall markett
dayes in Westm'' markett according to the Act (vizt) Jaii 26, 28, Feb 4
Mathew Fry of tlie pish of Covent garden Coachman and Mary
Crofts of the same Widd were published three seuerall
niarkett dayes in 3 severall weekes in AVestm' markett
according to the Act vizt Jan 28, Feb 4, 11
Publicacons 1655
John Chapman of the Parish of Gov: gar. Cordwainer and Jone
Ayr o* the same spinster were published three seuall
markett dayes in three seuall weekes in Westm' inarkett
iVccordiwg to the Act Feb 2, 4, 11
Nicholas Hare of the pish of Covent garden gent, and M''^ Katha-
rine Gery of the same pish singlewoman were published
three seQall markett dayes in Westm"" markett betweene y^
bowers of eleuen and two of the Clock according to tlie
Act (vizt) on Feb 11, 18, 25
* Sic. t Eutry of Marriage also giveu. — Ed. X " Marj " iu the entry of Marriage.— Ed.
Thomas Heame*t of Martines in the Fields Millaner aud Bridgett
Conestable of this pish singlewomaii daughter of M'' Thomas
Conestable of the same were published in AV^estm' markett
According to the Act vizt Feb 13, 18, 25
Publicacons 1655
S"" George Sondis of this pish Knight of the Bath a widdower
and M''* Mary Yillers of the pish of Brydes!}: London single-
woman daughter of the Lady Villers of Brookebiue aged
24 yeares were published in AVestm'' markett three seuall
dayes according to the Act vizt on Feb 16, 18, 25
James Brooke of the parish of Giles in the Fields gent and
Eliza: Baker of this pish spinster were published in Westm''
markett three seuall dayes according to the Act vizt on Feb 16, 18, 25
Henry Goreing of the parish of Martins in the Fieldes Esc^^'
and the Lady Mary Gage of this parish Widd, were
Published 3 seuall markett dayes in 3 seQall weekes betweene
the howers of eleueu and two of the Clock in the afternoone
According to the Act (vizt) on March 8, 10, 17
March 1655 Publicacons March 1656
Joseph Sheldon of the pish of 8' Grigories London wolleu
Draper and Elizabeth Clifton daughter of M"' Will' Clifton
of this parish singlewoma were published three seGall Lords
dayes in Coveiit garden Church according to the Act (vizt)
on March 16, 23, 30
Luke Cornwell of this pish gent aud Anne Gavill of the pish
of Margarits Westm'' were published three seuall Lords
dayes in Covent garden Chui'ch According to the Act
(vizt) on March 16, 23, 30
Gabriell Pile of this parish Esq' & M'^ Frances Moore of the
same singlewoman were published three seiiall markett
dayes in 3 seuall weekes (vizt) on the 19*'' of March the
21"' and 31*'' According to the Act March 19, 24, 31
Eoger Thome of the parish of Covent garden Porter and
Martha Owen of the same spinster were published three
several 1 Lords dayes in the Church according to the Act
(vizt) March 23, 30, Ap' 6
Publicacofies 1656
Evau Jones of this j)arish widdower gent and Thomazine
Endicke of the same parish spinster were published three
market dayes in AVestui'' markett according to the Statute
(vizt) March 22, 26, Apr 2
Thomas Marshall* of this pis'n Cord way ner, and Jane Howson
of the same Spinster were published three seuerall markett
dayes in three sen weekes in AV^estm' markett according to
the Act, vizt on Apr 5, 9, 14
Kobert Blakely* of the pish of Margarites Westm'. gent: and
M" Mary Ouseley of the pish of Covent garden single-
woman were published three seuall markett dayes in
Westm'' markett according to y* Act (vizt) on Apr 5, 9, 14
* Entry of Marriage also given. — Ed. t " Heames " in entry of Marriage. — Ed.
X Altered from " Brides." — Ed.
Eichard Lasiuby* of this parish widdower and M''t Hanua Carter
of the saiDe singlewouuui were published three seuall
markett dayes iu Westm'' Markett according to the Act
(vizt) ou Aprill 18, 21, 28
Publieacons 1656
Causon Johnson of this paris!i Cordwayner and Dorothy Dew-
bery of the same spinster were published three severall
markett dayes in three seuall weekes in Westin'' markett
According to the Act vizt Apr 30"', May 7, 17
Charles Powlett of this parish gent & M'^ Elizabeth White of
the same singlewoman were published three seuall markett
dayes in Westm"" markett vizt on May 3, 7, 12
Olliver Carter;}: of the pish of Martines in the Fields Taylor
And Judith Wetherspoou of tliis pish spinster were pub-
lished three seGall markett dayes in Westin'' markett
According to the Act (vi/.t) on May 3, 7, 12
John Pattison of this pish gent, nnd Betterice Attock of the
same widd were published three seuall Lords dayes in the
Chuch,t According to the Act (vizt) on May 4^, 11, 18
John Puddifoot of great Gadsden in the County of Hertford
yeoman and Chatharine Ekius of this pish spinster were
published three seuall Lords dayes in the Church according
to the Act vizt May 4, 11, 18
Publieacons 1656
Peter Titley of Clements Danes Taylor and Elizabeth Ansell
of this parish spinster were published three markett dayes
in Wes'tm' markett According to the Act (vizt) on May 7, 12, 19
Dioiiisius Andrewes of Clements Danes pf umer and Mary Drew
of this pish singlewoman daughter of Joseph Drew of the
same pish Apothicary were published three seuall markettf
in Westm'' market according to y*^ Act vizt ^ May 7, 12, 19
Euclid .Spidell of this parish gent and Kathai-ine Greene of y^
same spinster were published three markett dayes in
3 seuall weekes According to the Act May 9, 12, 19
Publieacons 1656
Edward Ployd Esq'' sonue of 8'' Edward Floyd of Borth-lloyd
in the County of Mountgomaiy K* and JVI"* Dorothy
Browker of this pish singlewoman daughter of Thomas
Browker of vpp Pever in the County of Chester Esq'' were
published 3 seuall Lords dayes in the Church according to
yc statute viz^ _ May 11, 18, 25
Thomas Draylield of this parish Porter and Dorothy Sharp of
the same spinster were published three severall Lords dayes
in the Church According to the Act (vizt) May 18, 25, June P
Edward Shaw of Chelsey in the County of Midd gent, and
M'^ Aniie Mainard of this pish singlewoman were published
markettt dayes in Westm'' markett according to the Act
(vizt) May 24, 28, June 4'"
Will' Peachy t of the parish of Harrow of y'^ Hill Carpeuter And
Alice Ansell of the same pish s[)inster were published three
seuall Markett dayes in 3 several! weekes iu Westm'' mar-
kett (vizt) on May 24, 28, June 4*''
* Entry of Marriage also given.— Ed. t Sic I Misplaced iu Register.— Ed.
John Key of the pish of C'oveut garden gent and Jane Owen
of the same spinster were published three several! Lords
dayes in the Church at the Close of the morning exercize
according to the Act May 28, June 4, 11
Publicacons 1656
Charles Brett of the Parish of Brides London Esq'' and M'* Anne
Leedes of this parish widd were published in Westm''
Markett 3 seiiall markett dayes according to the Act (vizt) May 28, June 4, 19
John Butler of this pisli yeoman and Mary Harris of the same
spinster were Published three seuall Lords dayes in the
Church at the Close of the ni'irning exercize According to
the Act ' June 1, 8, 15
Edmoiid Sindry of this parish Tayier and Alice Martinc of
Martiues in the Fields widd were published three seuall
Lords dayes in the Church at the Close of y*^ morning
exercize According to an Act of pi lament in that behalfe
made (vizt) on June 15, 22, 29
Publicacons 1656
William Mordaunt of this parish Esq"", and M'^ Anne Butler of
Martins in the Fields singlewomaii were Published three
seuall Lords dayes in this Church according to y'" Act of
pliam^ ill that behalfe made (vizt) June 15, 22, 29
Kobert Forest of this pish Porter and Alice Butler of the same
spinster were published three seiaall Market* dayes accord-
ing to the Act (vizt) June 23, 30, July 7"'
Kichard Powis of this parish Taylor and Mary Morris of the
same widd were published three seuall markettf in Westm""
markett according to y' Act (vizt) June 25, 30, July 7
John Dauenport of the parish of Martins in the Fields widower
and Elizabeth Frampton of this j)arish spihster were pub-
lished three seuall markett dayes in Westm'' markett
according to the Act vizt on June 28, 30, July 7^''
Publiacons 1656
Richard Millward of this Parish gent, and Margarite Atkinson
of Kingsland in the parish of Uakny* spinster were pub-
lished 3 seiaall mai-lictt Dayes in Westm'' markett (vizt) on July 4, 11, 11
James Dobson of this pish Millaner & M'^ Jane (xoulding of
Waltham in y'^ Count}^ of Essex spinster were published
3 severall markett dayes in 3 several 1 weekes in Westm''
markett (viztj on July II, 1-4, 21
Thomas Brigham;!: of this parish widow'" and M" Anne Lukins
Daughter of M' Sidenham Ijukins of Notterton in York-
shire singiewoiiiau were published 3 markett dayes in
Westm'' markett according to the Act (vizt) on July 12, 14, 21
George Trim of thisf of this Parish gent: and M''* Anne Pom-
fract of y*^ same widd were published 3 seuall markett
dayes in 3 seiaall weekes in Westm' markett according to
the Act of Parliam' in that behalfe made (vizt) July 12, 14, 21
• Written over an erasure.— Ed. f Sic. X Eutry of Marriage also giveu.— Ed.
Publicacons 1656
Eaph Ipsly of this parish gent and Anne Fox of the same
spinster were Published three seQall Lords dares in this
Church at the Close of the morning exercize According to
the Act (vizt) ou July 13, 20, 27
Robert Right of this parish gent and Anne Weatherell of y"-'
same Widd were published three scAerall Lords dayes in
this Church at the Close of the morning exercize according
to the Act (vizt) on July 20, 27, Aug 3
Francis Leech of the pish of Martins in the Fields Heinpdresser
and Mary Broughton of this parish spinster were published
in this Church 3 seuall Lords dayes according to the Act
(vizt) ou ' July 20, 27, Aug 3
Henry Smith of the pish of Cro\ den in the County of Surry
yeoman and Grace Briggs of this parish spinster were
published tln-ee severall markett dayes in Westm' markett
according to the Act (vizt) on July 21, 28, Aug 4
Publicacoiis 1656
Richard Browne of this pish Cordwayuer and Elizabeth Layton
of" Buttolfe Aldersgatt spinster were published 3 seQall
Lords dayes in this Church at the Close of the morning
exercize according to the Act (vizt) on July 27, Aug 3, 10
Percy Groreing* of White Friers London Esq'' and the Lady
Mary Bishop of this pish widd were published three seQall
markett dayes in three seuall weeks in Westm'' markett
according to the Act (vizt) on Aug 1, 4, 11
John Anleby of this pish Taylor and Elizabeth Mantoe of the
same daughter of M'' Duncan Mantoe were published
3 seQall markett days in 3 seGall weeks in AVestm' market
according to the Act (vizt) on Aug 1°, 4, 11
Nicholas Tooly of this pish vintner and Judith Brian of the
same pish widd. were published three severall markett dayes
in three severall weekes in Westm'' markett according to
the Act (vizt) on ^ Aug P, 4, 11
Publicacons 1656
William Alstone of this Parish Esq'' Sonne and Heire of
S'' Edward Alstone of the County of Hertford Knight and
M'^ Elizabeth Dennis of y^ same one of y* daughters and
Coheires of Anthony Dennis of Orley in the County of
Devon Esq'' deceased were Published three seQall Markett
dayes in Westm'" markett Accoi'ding to the iVct, vizt, on Aug 4, 11, 18
Thomas Osburuef of this pish gent, and Katharin Habington of
y^ same were Published three severall markett dayes in
Westm"^ Markett accord to the Act (\'izt) on August 9*^:
IV^: 18 Aug 9, 11, 18
John Alexander of thi« parish Cordwayner and M" Elizabeth
Marshall of the same widd were Published in this Church
three sev'"all Lords dayes at the Close of the morning
exercize According to the Act (vizt) ou Aug. 24: 31 and
Sept the 7^'' 1656 Aug 24, 31, Sept 7"'
* Misplaced in Register. — Ed. t Entry of Marriage also given. — Ed.
Publicacons 1656
■William Clifton* of this pish sofine of M'' "William Clifton of
the same vintner and Marthaf PittJ of the same pish
spinster were Published three seuall Lords dayes in Covent
garden Church at the Close of the morning exercize
Ac-cordin<j; to the Act vizt, on Aug. 24, 31, Sept 7
James Hoyee of the pish of Faythes London gent, and M" Mary
Lambton of this pish daughter of the Lady Lampton of
the same singlewoman published in the Church three
several 1 Lords dayes at the Close of the morning exercize
according to the Act (vizt) on Aug 31, Sept 7, 14
Arthur Kedwood of Martins in y*^ Feilds Tayler soiine of Joseph
Eedwood of the same parish and Mary Pigeon of this pish
spinster were published three severall Lords§ in Covent
garden Church at the Close of the morninge exercize
According to the Act (vizt) Sept 7"', 14, 23"', 1656
Publicacons 1656
Thomas Phipps of the Parish of Martins of the Feilds Tayler
and Frrmces Tirrell of this Parish singlewoman were
Published three severall markett dayes in AVestm' markett
according to the Act (vizt) on Sept 21, 29, Oct. 6
Thomas Flower of this parish yeoman and Eose Attkius of the
same widd were published three severall Lords dayes in
this Church According to the Act vizt on Oct 19, 26, Nov: 2
Francis Savidge of this pish Esq' and M'^ Elizabeth Masham of
the same widd were published three severall markett dayes
in AN'^estm'' iNIarkett According to the Act vizt on Nov 26, Decemfe 1", 8
John Foster* of this parish Butcher and Susanna Cuthbert of
the same spinster were Published three seuerall Lords
dayes According to the Act (vizt) on Nov : 30, Dec 7, 14
Publicacons 1656
S"- Jarvice Clifton of the pih§ of S^ Gyles in the Fields K*. &
Barr": & the right Hono*^'^. Lady Alice Hastings daughter
of the right Hono''^'^. Henry Hastings Earle of Huntington
were Published three severall Lords dayes in the Chuch§
according to the Act (vizt) on Nov: 30, Dec 7, 14
Abraham Pinchbeck* ^Minister of the Gospell in this Parish
and M''* Abigail Blackwell of the same singlewoman were
Published three severall Lords dayes according to y« Act vizt Decemb 7, 14, 21
Edward Norris* of this pish Coachmaker and Sarah Wallis of
the same spinster were Published in We.stm'' markett
according to y<= act vizt on Decenb 10, 15, 22
Rob Harding of this pish privat Souldier and Mary Long of the
same Spinster were published three severall Lords dayes
according to the Act (vizt) Decemb 14, 21, 28
Publiacoiis 1656
John Hullcupp of the Parish of Margarites Westni'' yeonian and
Martha Davenport of this parish spinstoi' were Published
in the Church at the Close of the Morning excercize
According to the Act vizt on Decemb 14, 21, 28
* Eutry of Marriage also given. — Ed. t Altered from Mary. — Ed.
X " Pitts " in the Marriage. — Ed. § Sic.
James Carstaires of this pish geut and M" Sarah Yates of y*.
same singlewoman were publised* three severall Lords
dayes in y* Church according to tlie Act vizt Deceinb 21, 28, Jatl 4"'
Thomas Pauconberg of this pish Esq'" and M'^ Ann Trott of the
parish of Martins in the Fields were Published three seuall
markett dayes in Westm'" markett according to the Act
(vizt) on Jan 3, 7, 12
William Hargrave of this parish Vintner and Anne Attkinson
of Margarites Westm'' widd were published in Westm""
markett according to the Act (vizt) Jafi 3, 7, 12
Publicacons 1656
Arnaunt de Chaumont Marquise of Mount pelian of this Parish
and Adriana Demiyerne of the Parish of Chelsey Single-
woma were Published in this Church on 3 lords dayes at
the Close of the Morning Service accord to the Act (vizt) on Jan 4, 11, 18
John Budlef of this pish widdo'' and Mary Cumpton of the
same widd were Published three markett dayes in three
severallweekesinWe8tm''markettaccordingtotheAct(vizt) Jan 10, 17, 23
Willam Turpin of this Parish Miller;]: and Jane Hunt of the
same spinster were published three severall Lords dayes
in the Church according to the Act vizt Jan 11, 18, 25
Thomas Wint of the parish of Buttolfes Bishopsgate weaver
and Elizabeth Wood of this parish Spinster were published
in the Church according to the Act Jan 18, 25, Feb P
Thomas Fanchaw§ of this pisli gent & M*"^ Margarite Heath of
the Parish of Martins Singlewom|| were published three
seuall Lords dayes in the Church according to the Act Jan 18, 25, Fefe 1**
Publicacons 1656
William Claxton of this pish gent, and Anne Furnace of the
same spinster were published three markett dayes in Westm'
markett in three severall weekes according to the Act
(vizt) on Jaii 31, Feb 2, 9"^
Edward Miller of the pish of Margarite Moses London vintner
and Mary Long daughter of M'' Wilt Longe of Covent
garden singlewoman was published in the Church on three
Lords dayes at the Close of the Morning exercize According
to the Act vizt on Feb 1», 8, 15
Thomas P'ittz James of this pish Esq"" and M''^ Katharine Mill
daughter of Thomas Mill Esq'' of the pish of Clements
Danes singlewoman were Published three seuall markett
dayes in three seuall weekes in Westm'' markett betweene
the howers of eleuen and two according to the Act (vizt) on Feb : 4*^ 9"*, 16
Publicacons 1656
John Wattson of this parish Tayler & Elizabeth Midlemore
of the same widd were published three severall markett
dayes in Westm'J markett according to the Act (vizt) on Feb: 13, 16, 23
Eaph Snowball of this Parish Porter & Maudlin Elmer of the
same spinster were Published three seuall Lords dayes in
the Church at the Close of the morninge exercize according
to the Act vizt on Feb 22, March lo, 8
* Sic. t Misplaced in ReRister.— Ed. t Written over an erasure.— Ed.
§ Entry of Marriage also given.— Ed. 11 Sic, over an erasure.— Ed.
"William Ethrington of the Parish of Martins in the Eield
yeoman and Francis Mosely of this pish spinster were
publish* three several] markctt dayes in 3 seuall weel<es
in Westm"" markett according to the Act (vizt) Feb 25,t March 2, 9
^Robert Briggs of this parish yeoman and and* Elizabeth Tom-
linson of the pish of Michaell Woodstreet Avere Published
3 seuall markett dayes in Westm'" markett according to the
Act (vizt) on Feb 28, March 2, 9"'
Publicacons 1656
Thomas Chace| of the Parish of Stone in the County of Kent :
gent and M"^^ Anne Ayleworth of this parish single-
Avoman was was* Published three severall Lords dayes in
the Church at the Close of the morning execercize* Accord-
ing to the Act vizt March l^, 8, 15
Samuell Allington§ of this pish Cordwaner and Isabella|| Backhas
of the same spinster were Published three severall Lords
dayes at the Close of the morning exercize vizt March 1", 8, 15
"William Kent§ of the parish of Covent garden widdo' and Mary
Foster^ of the pish of Margarites Westm"" singlewoman
were Published three seuall markett dayes in three sev^'ell
weekes in Westm' market betweene the bowers of eleuen
and two according to the Act (vizt) March 4, 9, 16
John Cocheron of the pish of Margarites Westm'' sonn of Will*
Lord Cocheron and M''^ Margarite Strickland of this pish
singlewoman daughter of S'' AVilliam Strickland of the
same K* ; and Barron ett were Published three seGall Lords
dayes in the Church at the Close of the morning exercize
According to the Act March 8, 15, 22
Publicacons 1657
Eichard Hunt of this pish yeoman and Elizabeth Whitehead
of the same spinster were Published thre* seuall Lords
dayes in the Church at the Close of the morning exercize
according to the Act (vizt) on March 15, 22, 29
Hermon Steuens of this pish Cordwainer and Anne Deuberry
of the same spinster were published three seiiall Lords
dayes in the Church according to the Act vizt March 22, 29, Ap^ 5'
Thomas Bening of the pish of Wilsdon in the County of Midd
gent and M" Anne Bosse of this parish singlewoman were
Publish* three seuall Lords dayes in the Church according
to the Act (vizt) on March 22, 29, Ap' 5"'
Lionell Fletcher of this parish Barber and Elizabeth Cole of
the pish of Cree Church London were Published in the
Church three seuall Lords dayes according to the Act,
vizt on March 22, 29, Ap"" 5"'
Publiacons 1657
Henry Coles of the Parish of S* Peter de ventulo* within the
Tower of London and Petronell Bowne of this pish were
published in AVestm'" markett 3 seuall markett dayes in
three seuall weekes according to the Act (vizt) on the
23^'' of March on the 30"' an* on Ap"" 6"' March 23, 30, Ap^ 6*^
* Sic. f Altered from 23.— Ed.
X Entry of Marriage also given twice, the second time erased. — Ed.
§ Entry of Marriage also given.— Ed. || " Elizabeth" in entry of Marriage.— Ed.
T[ " Forster " in entry of Marriage.— Ed.
Nicholas Dimock of this parish gentlema and M'* Mary Cogan
of the same singlewoman were Published three seuall Lords
dayes in the Church at the Close of the morning exercize
According to the Act (vizt) on the 29"' of March Ap^ 5*: 1 2'h
March 29, Ap'" 5, 12
Raph Peach* of this Parish Coachman and Elizabeth Lion of
the same spinsf were Published three seuall markett dayes
in three seuall weekes According to the Act vizt on Ap'' 6, 13, 20
Henry Ludlow* of Covent garden gent, and Margarite Clement
of the same widd were Published three severall markett
dayes in three seuall weekes in the mai'kett next adioyning
betweeue the howers of eleuen and two according to the
Act (vizt) on Ap^ 13, 22, 27
Publicacons 1657
Daniell Stacy of this Parish Coachma aud Prancis Bowes of the
same spinster were Published three seuall markett dayes
in 3 seiiall weekes in Westm' markett According to the
Act (vizt) on A pi- 22, 27, May 4"'
William Boothby of the pish of S*^ Ethilburke w'^''iu Bushipsgate
gent and M''^ Anne Aubry daughter of Herbert Aubry of
this pish singlewoman were publishf three markett dayes
in Westm'' markett According to the Act (vizt) on Ap"" 25, 27, May 4*''
Christopher Orme of S' Posters Foster lane london Bodyes
maker and Elizabeth Armstronge of this pish spinster were
Published in Westm"" markett according to y"^ Act Ap'' 27, May 4, 11*''
Joseph DrewJ§ of this parish widdower and M''^ Dorothy Newman
of the same widd were Published three seuall markett
dayes in three seuall weekes in Westm'' markett according
to the Act (vizt) on May 3, 12, 22
S' Hugh Midleton of this pish Baronett and M'^ Jane Grorges
of S*^ Martins in the Feilds widd were Published] | three
seiiall markett dayes in Westm'' markett According to the
Act vizt on May 16, 18, 25
Publicacoiis 1657
William Arnold of this pish Grosser aud Eebecca Cary of the
same singlewoman were Published three several! Lords
dayes according to the Act (vizt) on May 17, 24, 31
John Windham of this Parish Esq'' and M'^ Dorothy Ogle of
the pish of S*^ Andrewes Holberue singlewoman were
Published three seuall Lords dayes in the Church at the
Close of the Morning exercize According to the Act (vizt)
on May 17, 24, 31
Thomas HenshamJ of the Middle Temple Esq^' and M''^ Anne
Darrell of this Parish widd were Published three markett
dayes in Westm"^ markett according to the Act (vizt) on May 18, 25, June 1°
Publicacons 1657
George Curteys of this parish gent, and M'^ Anne Banks of
the same singlewoman were Published three seGall markett
dayes in three seuall weekes in Westm'' markett According
to the Act (vizt) on May 22, 25, June !•
* Entry of Marriage also given.— Ed. t Sic. % Misplaced in Register.— Ed.
§ " Thomas Hensham of the Middle Temple " erased, see later. — Ed.
II "Written over an erasure. — Ed.
William Salke of this Parish Yeomau and Elizabeth Clarke of
the same spinster were Published three seQall markett
dayes in Westin'' markett According to the Act (vizt) on May 25, June 1", 8
Thomas Rydiards*t of t^^is parish Tayler and Elizabeth Siminett
of the Same Spinster were published three severall Lords
dayes accordinge to the Act (vizt) on May 31, June 7, 14
Edmund Ludlow* Senior of this parish Esquire and M'^ Kathe-
rine Clement of the Same Singlewoman were published
three severall markett dayes in three severall Weeks in
Westm"" Markett Accordinge to the Act (vizt) on June 1, 8, 15
Publicacofis 1657
Allexander Brett of this Parrish Grent and M^ Elizabeth Dickin-
son Widdow of the same pish were published three seijall
Markett dayes in threej severall Weeks in Westm'' Markett
Accordinge to the Act (vizt) on June 5*^'', 8, 15
E/obert Boles of the parish of S* Giles in the Peilds Widdower and
Susanna Bright of this parish were published three severall
Lords Dayes in our Church accordinge to the Act (vizt on June 7, 14, 21
George Elsmore§ of this parishe Gentaud M'^ Elizabeth Vaughan
of the same Singlewoman were published three severall
Markett dayes in three severall Weeks in New Markett
Accordinge to the Act (vizt on June 16, 22, 29
Michaell Daniell* of the parish of Clem^^ Danes Barber and
Elizabeth Lambert of this parish were published three
severall Markett dayes in three severall weekes in Westm''
Markett Accordinge to the Act (vizt on June 17, 22, 29
John Sare of this parish Tayler and Joane Cleeves of the same
Spinster were published three severall Markett dayes in
three severall Weeks in Westm' Markett accordinge to the
Act June 20, 22, 29
Publicacofis 1657
William Cooke* of this parish Gent and Ann Beere of the
Same Spinster were published three seuall Markett dayes
in three severall Weeks in New Markett Accordinge to
the Act (vizt on
William Cooke of this parishe Cordwainer and Elizabeth Dallye
of the same Spinster were published three severall Lords
June 24, 29, July 6
dayes Accordinge to the Act (vizt on
Edward Denton of the pish of Great Allhollowes London
Vintner and Mary parker of this parishe singlewoman were
published three severall Lords dayes Accordinge to the
June 28, July 5, 12
Act (vizt on
Henry Darlinge of this parishe and Ellen Stacy of the same
Singlewoman were published three severall Markett Dayes
in three severall weeks in New Markett Accordinge to the
June 28, July 5, 12
Act of Parliament (vizt on
June 29, July 6, 13
Publicacofis 1657
B-ichard Cox§ of this parishe Gent and Mary Moore of the
same Singlewoman were published three severall Markett
Dayes in three severall Weeks in New Markett Accordinge
to the Act (vizt on
July 4, 6, 13
* Entry of Marriage also given. — Ed.
1 Written over an erasure. — Ed.
t " Richards " in entry of Marriage. — Ed.
§ Misplaced in Register.— Ed.
Robert Child of this parish Joyner and Ann James of the same
Spinster were published three severall Lords dayes Accord-
inge to the Act (vizt on July 5, 12, 19
Thomas Townesend of the parish of Andrewes Holborne Gent
Sonne of Eoger Townesend Esqr and Bridgett Scotto of
this parish widdow were published three severall Lords
dayes According to the Act (vizt on July 5, 12, 19
Publicacons 1657
John Fowle of Boxstead in the County e of Essex Gent and
M""^ Mary Hind of this parish Singlewoman were published
three severall Lords dayes Accordiuge to the Act (vizt on July 12, 19, 26
Frauncis Gould of this parishe yeoman and Dorothy Edwards
of the same Spinster were published three severall Lords
Dayes According to the Act (vizt on July 19, 2G, Aug: 2
Edmond Terroll of Hoxdonin the parisbe of Shoreditch Barber-
Chirurgcon and M'^ Sarah Fendall of this parish Single-
woman were published three severall Lords Dayes A ccording
to the Act (vizt on July 26, Aug: 2, 9
Thomas Harris* of this parishe Gent and Lettis peirce of the
Same Singlewoman were published three severall Markett
dayes in three severall weekes in New Markett Accordinge
to the Act (vizt on July 27, Aug: 3, 10
Jeremiah Hobines*t of this parishe Gent and M''* Mary
Dickinson of the same Widdow were published three
severall Markett dayes in three severall Weeks in New
Markett Accordinge to the Act (vizt on Aug: 3, 10, 17
Gerrard Pigeonf of this parishe Confecconer and M^: Clare
Parton of the same Singlewoman were published three
severall markett dayes in three severall weeks in New
Markett According to the Act (vizt on Aug: 5, 10, 17
Publicacons 1657
William Howard of this parishe Gent and Sarah Crew of the
same Singlewoman were published three severall markett
dayes in three severall weeks in New Markett According
to the Act (vizt on Aug 5, 10, 17
William Harris of | Streett Joyner and Elizabeth Roe of this
parish Spinster were published three severall Lords dayes
Accordinge to the Act (vizt on Aug 16, 23, 30
Publicacons 1657
Walter Gibson of this parrishe Tayler and Alice Catesby of the
parishe of Walton Abby in the County of Essex Spinster
were published three severall Lords Dayes According to
the Act (vizt on Aug 23, 80, Sept 6
Robert Tucker of this parrishe Gent and Susan Turner of the
same Widdow were published three severall Markett dayes
in three severall weeks in New Markett Accordinge to the
Act (vizt on Sept 5, 11, 16
Christopher Chilton of this parishe Gent and Margarett Tomp-
son of the same Spinster were published three severall
Lords dayes Accordinge to the Act (vizt on Sept 20, 27, Oct 4
* Misplaced in Register.— En. f Entry of Marriage also given.— Ed.
X Blank in Register. — Ed.
Daniell King of this parrishe yeoman and Katherine Pemerton
of the same Spinster were published three severall Markett
dayes in three severall weeks in New Markett Accordinge
to the Act (vizt on Oct 9, 12, 19
Publicacons 1657
William Norris* of this parishe Coachmaker and Hester Bond
of the same .Spinster were published three severall Lords
dayes Accordinge to the Act (vizt on Oct 11, 18, 25
James Cocduroy of this parishe Coachman and Mart Turner
of the same Spinster were published three severall Lords
dayes According to the Act (vizt on Oct 11, 18, 25
John Crowbrow of this parishe Tayler and Emme Day of thef
the same spinster were published three severall Markett
dayes in three severall weeks in New Markett Accordinge
to the Act (vizt on Oct 12 19 27
Joseph Smith of this parrishe Gent and M'-^: Mary Dodsworth
of the same Singlewoman were published three severall
Lords Dayes Accordinge to the Act (vizt on Nov 29, Decemfe 6, 13
Publicacons 1657
George Bro^vne of this parishe Barber and Sarah Lambert of
the same singlewoman Avere published three severall Lords
Dayes Accordinge to the Act (\-izt on Dec 6, 13, 20
Frauncis Hipperson of this pish Bodysmaker and Jane Hewson
of the same spinster were published three severall Lords
dayes Accordinge to the Act (vizt on Dec 6, 13, 20
Frauncis Warner of the parish of Giles in the Feilds Esqr and
the Lady Ann Pettus of this pish Barronettice were
published three seuall Markett dayes in three seuall weeks
Accord to the Act (vizt on Dec 22, 29, January 5
Thomas Bouse of this parish Barber and Elizabeth Jacob of
the pish of Martins in the Feilds widd were published
three severall markett dayes in three severall Weeks
According to the Act (vizt on Dec 22, 29, January 5
Publicacons 1657
Henry ButtsJ of this parish Gent and M^= Florah Edson
daughter of M' John Edson of this parish Singlewoman
were published three severall Markett daves in three
severall Weeks in New Markett Accordinge to the Act
,^ (°^^ , Dec 29, January 5, 12
Henry MuschampeJ of the parishe of Clements Danes Gent and
M's Grissell Woodroofe of this parishe vSingle woman were
published three severall markett dayes in three severall
weeks in new markett Accordinge to the Act (vizt on January 2, 9, 16
Hugh Wells* of Grayes Inn Gent and M": Mary Harris spinster
daughter of§ Kichard Harris of this parishe Gent w^ere
published three severall Lords dayes Accordinge to the
Act vizt on January 10, 17, 19
James Bryan of this parishe Turner and Margarett Bush of
Andrewes Holborne Spinster were published three severall
Lords dayes Accordinge to the Act (vizt on January 10, 17, 24
* Entry of Marriage also given.— Ed. + Sic.
t Misplaced in Register.— Ed. § An erasure.— Ed.
Publicacons 1657
Kichard Mincha of Bourton in the County of Bucks. Esqr and
M'^ Constantia Enion of Flower in the County of North-
ampton Singlewoman daughter of ISir James Enion of the
same Knight and Barronett were published three severall
mkett dayes in three severall weeks Accord to the Act January IG, 21, 2G
Wiiim Fitzmorris of this parish Esqr and M": Constance Long
of the same singlewoman daughter* of M' Wiftm* Long of
the same were published three severall Markett dayes in
three severall weeks in New ^Markett Accordinge to the
Act (vizt on Janu: 21, 26, Feb: 2
John Hamon of this parishe Widdower and Margarett Alsop
of the same spinster were published three severall Lords
dayes Accordinge to the Act (vizt on January 24, 31, Feb: 7
Thomas Holmes of this parish Coachman and Elizabeth Tidder
of the same Widdow were published three severall Lords
dayes Accordinge to the Act (vizt on January 31, Feb: 7, 14
Publicacons 1657
John Tompson of this parishe Grent and M'"^: Eachell Swann of
the same Singlewoman were published three severall mar-
kett dayes in three severall weeks in New Markett
Accordinge to the Act (vizt on Feb: 6, 11, 16
John Peirson of this parish Blacksmith and Jane Coles of the
same Singlewoman were published three severall markett
dayes in three severall weeks in new Markett Accordinge
to the Act (vizt on Feb 14, 21, 28
William Adamsf sonne of Wiftm Adams of Bringhust in the
County of Leicester and Mary Harrison of Eockingham
in the County of Northampton Spinster were published
three seuall markett dayes in three seuall Weeks in the
markett adjacent According to the Act (vizt Feb : 20, 23, March 2
Stearne G-arcew of this pish and Frances Gary of the Same
Spinster were published three severall Lords dayes Accord-
inge to the Act (vizt) Feb: 21, 28, March 7
Publicacons 1657
Robert Eow of Harburough in the County of Warwicke yeoman
and Jane Hancox of this parish Spinster were published
three severall Markett dayes in three severall Weeks in
New Markett According to the Act (vizt) Feb 23, March 2, 9
William CaborneJ of the parishe of Saint Andrew^es Holborne
and Ellinor Yates of this parishe Spinster were published
three severall Markett dayes in three severall weeks in
New Markett Accordinge to the Act (vizt) Feb : 27, March 4, 8
Robert Selbyf of this parish gent and Elizabeth Caldwall of the
same Singlewoman were published three severall Lords
dayes According to the Act (vizt) Feb: 28, March 7, 14
William Gayre of this parish Tayler and Mary North of the
same Singlewoman were published three severall Lords
dayes Accordinge to the Act of Parliam': (vizt) Feb: 28, March 7, 14
* Written over an erasure.— Ed.
X Misplaced in Register. — Ed.
t Entry of Marriage also given. — Ed.
Publicacons i/^ero
John Hilton* of this parislie Marriner and Luce "Woodst of tlie
Same Singlewotnan were published three severall Lords
dayes Accordiuge to the Act (vizt) Feb 28, March 7, 14
Edward Sparrow of this parishe Gent and M" Ann Billingham
of the same Singlewoman were published three severall
Lords dayes accordiuge to the Act (vizt) March 14, 21, 28, 1658
Nicholas Bach of the parishe of S' Martins in the Feilds Lock-
smith and Elizabeth Foot of this parishe Spinster were
published three severall Lords dayes accordinge to the Act
(vizt) ' March 28, Aprill 4, 11
Edward Butterfeild of Midd Clayden in the County of Bucks
Widciower and M'* Katheriiie Aris of this parishe were
published three severall markett dayes in three severall
weeks in New markett Accordinge to the Act (vizt) Aprill 13, 20, 29
Publicacons 1658
"William Whitehall of the parishe of Winslow in the County of
Bucks Mercer and M'^ Katherine Copinger of this parishe
Singlewoman were published three severall markett dayes
in three severall w^eeks in New markett accordinge to the
Act (vizt) Aprill 13, 20, 29
Thomas Goodrige of this parishe Clothier and P]lizabeth Dibdall
of the same Spinster were published three severall Markett
dayes in three severall weeks in New Markett accordinge
to the Act Aprill 13, 20, 29
William FitzGerrardJ of this parishe Gent and M'"^ Charity
Woodroofte of the same singlewoman were published three
severall mai-kett dayes in three severall weeks in new
markett according to the Act (vizt Aprill 20, 29, May 6
Henry Geiry of the parishe of Clem'^ Danes Mealeman and
Martha Edwards of this parishe Spinster were published
three severall Lords dayes accordinge to the Act (vizt Aprill 25, May 2, 9
Publicacons 1658
Robert Dickerson§ of the parishe of Saviors Southwarke and
M"*: Millisent Marshall of this pai'ishe wei'e published three
severall Lords dayes accordinge to the Act (vizt May 2, 9, 16
Kichard Davis of this parishe yeoman and Jane Withers of the
same Spinster were published three severall Lords dayes
accordinge to the Act (vizt May 9, 16, 23
William Little of this parishe gent and M'*: Mary Waggoner of
the parish of Saviours Southwarke widdow were published
three severall markett dayes in three severall weeks
accordinge to the Act (vizt May 17, 25, June 1
Luke Cornwall of this parishe gent and M" Margarett Pulford
of Saint Margaretts Westm"': Witldow were published
three severall Lords dayes accordinge to the Act (vizt May 23, 30, June 6
* Entry of Marriage also given twice.— Ed. t " Wood " in one of the entries of Marriage. — Ed.
X Misplaced in Register.— Ed. § Entry of Marriage also given.— Ed.
Publicacons 1658
William Mooty of the parishe of Saint Olives Southwarke
Tanner and Margery Kewen of this parishe Spinster were
published three Severall Markett dayes in three Severall
weekes Accordinge to the Act (vizt) June 3, 10, 17
Thomas Hooker* of this pish Baker & Elizabeth Veres of the
pish of Martins in the Feilds widd, were Published three
seuall Marquett dayes in the thef Marquett next adioyning
betweene the bowers of eleuenf and according to the Acta
vidz on June 17, 22, 29
Thomas Michell of this parishe Cordwayner and Elizabeth
Westmerland of the parishe of S* Martins in the Feilds
Spinster were published three seuall Markett dayes in three
Severall Weekes Accordinge to the Act (vizt) June 17, 23, 30
John Vpraan of this parishe Bodymaker and Alice Spence of
the parishe of S* Clements Widf Danes| were published
three severall Markett dayes in three Severall Weeks
Accordinge to the Act (vizt) June 19, 26, 29
Publicacons 1658
William Barkstead of this parishe Marchant Tayler and
M'^ Mary Eeeves of the Same Widdow were published
three Severall Markett dayes in three severall Weekes
Accordinge to the Act (vizt) June 19, 26, 29
William Elliott of the parishe of Buttolfes Aldersgate London
gent and M"^^* : Margarett Burton of this parishe Singlewoman
were published three severall Markett dayes in three
severall weekes Accordinge to the Act (vizt) July 1, 6, 13
Thomas Aston of this parishe and M" Elizabeth Oglethorp§
of the Same Singlewoman were published three Severall
Markett dayes in three Severall Weekes Accordinge to
the Act (vizt) July 3, 6, 13
Publicacons 1658
John Bambridge late of Langar in the County of Nottingham
Gent and M'^ Elizabeth Parletou daughter of the lady
Viddle of the towne and County of Newcastle Vpon Tine
were published three Severall Lords dayes accordinge to
the Act (vizt) July IS''^, 25, August 1
Francis Archer|| of this parishe Gent and Ann Collingwood of
the parishe of S': Margaretts Westm'' Widdow were pub-
lished three severall Lords dayes Accordinge to the Act
(vizt) August 1, 8, 15
William Watts of this pishe Tayler and Margarett Pratt of the
same Spinster were published three severall Lords dayes
According to the Act August 22, 29, Sept 5
Publicacons 1658
Eichard Lanchard of Wollerton in Shropshire gent and Mary
Lucy Matchett of this parishe Spinster were published
three Severall Lords dayes Accordinge to the Act Sept 7, 14, 21
* This publication occurs among the entries of Marriage. — Ed. t Sic.
t " Wid " evidently inserted later at end of line after " Clements."— Ed.
§ Written over an erasure.— Ed. || Entry of Marriage also given.— Ed.
Henry Andrewes of this pishe Esquire and M'«: Margarett Bate
of the parishe of Saint Margaretts Westin'' widdowe were
|)uhlished three several) Lords dayes Accordini^e to the Act Sep: 26, Oct 1, 8
John Welch of this pishe Esqr and Dame Mary Hudleston of
the Savoy parishe widdow were published three several]
Markett Dayes in three several! Weekes Accordinge to
the Act (vizt)
Nov: 18, 25, 30
Publicacons 1658
Henry Chace* of the parishe of S': Dunstans in the in thef
West gent and Duglas Love of this parishe Spinster were
published three Severall Markett dayes in three Severall
Weeks According to the Act, vizt Dec 4, 7, 16
Richard Browne of this parishe Coachman and Mary Grinway
of the same were published three Severall Lords dayes
Accordinge to the Act (vizt) Dec 12, 19, 26
Richard Nettleton of the parishe of Christchurch Butcher and
Margery Rogers of this parishe Spinster were published
three Severall Lords dayes Accordinge to the Act (vizt) Dec 26, January 2, 9
Edward Smyth Sonn and heire appent of John Smyth of Nibly
in the County of Gloucester Esqr and Rose Reechf of this
parishe Spinster daughter of Sir Edward Leech Knight
deceased were published three Severall Lords dayes Accord-
inge to the Act (vizt)
Arthur Sherly Esqr and the lady Fraunces Lee Widdow both
of this parishe were published three Severall Lords dayes
Accordinge to the Act (vizt)
Thomas Bennett of the Savoy parishe and Alice Chambers of
this parishe Singlewoman were published three Severall
Lords dayes Accordinge to the Act (vizt)
Janu: 2, 9, 16
March 6, 13, 20
March 13, 20, 27
Publicacons 1659
William Juxon of the parishe of S': Andrewes Holborne Esqr
and M" Elizabeth Walter of this parishe spinster were
published three severall Markett dayes in three severall
weeks Accordinge to the Act. (vizt)
AVilliam Kitchin of the parishe of Saint Andrewes Holborne
widdower and M": Margarett Broadshaw of this pishe
singlewoman were published three severall Loi*ds dayes
Accordinge to the Act (vizt)
Bernard Hide of Boreplace in the pishe of Kiddinston in the
County of Kent Esqr and M" Margarett Morley of this
parishe singlewoman were published three severall Lords
dayes Accordinge to the Act (vizt)
Publicacons 1659
William Phelps of this parishe Baker and Mary Hedington in
the parishe of S' Dunstans in the West were published
three severall Lords Dayes Accordinge to the Act (vizt)
March 19, 26, 29
Aprill 10, 17, 24
May 1, 8, 15
May 1, 8, 15
* Entry of Marriage also given. — Ed.
t Sic.
Henry Osliife of the parishe of S' Martins in the Feilds Gent
and Tomazin Bornwell of this parishe widd were published
three seiaall Lords dayes Accordinge to the Act (vizt) June 5"', 12, 19
John Sherman of the parishe of S^ Payths London gent and
Mary Love of this pi she daughter of M'' James Love
spinster were published three severall Lords dayes Accord-
inge to the Act (vizt) June 12, 19, 26
The Eight Hono''''': John Lord Bellasis Baron of WoUaby in the
County of Lincolne and the Lady Ann Armine of this
parishe were published three seuall Lords dayes Accordinge
to the Act (vizt) July 10, 17, 24.
Publicacons 1659
Mathew Pirebanke* of the pishe of Saint Martins in the Feildsf
and M'^: Jane Constable of this parishe spinster Avere
published three severall Lords daves Accordinge to the
Act (vizt) " July 24, 31, August 7
Thomas Constable* of this parishe Sonne of M'' Thomas Con-
stable and M'^ Jane Syers of the pish of Saint Martins in
the Fields Singlewoman were published three Severall
Lords dayes Accordinge to the Act (vizt) Aug: 28, Sept 4, 11
* Entry of Marriage also given. — Ed. t Blank in Register. — Ed.
9 ^ffiisitfr of iBanages; m Counit Garten.*
Thomas Pottert]: of the parish of Co vent garden and Elizabeth
Waller of the parish of Martijis in the Feilds widd were
Maried before William Bossevile Esq"' one of the Justices
of the Peace for the Cittj & libertie of Westminster
December the 5. In the p'sence of
Edmond Gattliffe
Mary Battersey 1653§
A Eegister of Manages Solemnized within the parish of Couent garden in the
County of Middsx according to an Act of pliament Intituled an Act touching
Mariages and the Eegistring thereof dated the 24'i' day of August 1653.
Eobert Playdall;}: of the pish of Andrewes Holburne and
M''^ Elizabeth Sawnders of this parish were maried before
Francis Blake Esq' one of the Justices of the peace for
the Citty and Liberties of Westminster in the p'sence of :
S'' Orlando Bridgman
Will' Pledwell
John PuUen Jan 5\ 1653
William WiddringtonJ sonue of the late Lord Widdrington
and M'^ Elizabeth Bartie bothe of this parish were Maried
before Francis Blake Esq'^ one of the Justices of the peace
for the Citty and Liberties of Westm'' in the presence of
The Lady Mary Widdrington
The Lady Anne Bartie
Edward Bartie Esq' January 12, 1653
Eobert Loone of the parish of Ollives Southwark and Margery
Eyard of the parish of Fayths London were maried before
Francis B]ak|] Esq'' one of the Justices of the Peace for
the Citty and Liberties of Westm'': January the 12"' 1653
In the p''sence of
Henry Byard
William Bourne
Mariages 1653
John Mante and Mary Chicke both of the Savoy parish were
Maried before Francis Blake Esq'' one of the Justices of
the Peace for the Citty and Liberties of Westminster
haueing Certificatt from thence of the LawfuU publicacon
of the sayd Mariage Jan 30'^, 1653
* The note referrin;; to John Penu's appointment as Registrar, printed in Vol. I. after the
heading " Christening.-;," occurs on the first page of the first volume of the Registers, after this
heading. — Ed.
t Tue "publications" of mirriages from Njvombor 1653 to September 1659 inclusiTe are
given on pp. 1 to 27. — Ed.
J Publication also given.— Ed. § Year only mentioned.— Ed. ^ Sic.
"William Martin* and Jone Boulton both of this parish were
Maried before William Boseevile Esq' one of the Justices
of the Peace for the Citty and Liberties of Westm'' in the
p''sence of
John Smith
Barbar Town send
William J^ewland and Mary Blake both of the parish of Maryes
Savoy were Maried before Francis Blake Esq' one of the
Justices of the Peace for the Cytty and liberties of West-
minster in the p'sence of
Richard Blake
Thomas Blake
John Vnthanke* of this parish Tayler and Annef Fowler of
this parish Spinster were Maried by Francis Blake Esq''
Justice of the peace and Quorum for the Citty and Liberty
of Westm"" on the 13"" day of March According to an Act
of pliam* In the p"sence of
Sarah Charington
Eobert Goodwine
Febr. 6^, 1653
Febr 20"', 1653
March 13t^ 1653
Robert Downton and Jane Franklin were maried by Francis
Blake Esq"" one of the Justices of the peace whin J the
Citty and Liberty of Westm"' the 27"' of March 1654 by
a Certificatt from the parish of S' Giles in the p''sence of
Josua Andrewes
John Walker
Robert Bladwell* Esq"' of the parish of Covent Garden and
M""^ Elizabeth Keylway of y"^ pish of Gyles were maried by
Francis Blake Esq'" one of the Justices of the peace within
the Citty and Liberty of Westm'' in the p'sence of
Colonell William Witton
Thomas Harris
Richard Freeman* of Covent garden Joyner and Dorothy
Pennifather of the same spinster were Maried by Francis
Blake Esq"" one of the Justices of the peace within the
Citty and Liberty of Westm"" in the presence of :
Robei't Ogden
George Neale
Richard Foukes* of Covent garden Tayler and Dorothy Hay-
wood of the Same widd: were maried by Francis Blake Esq""
one of the Justices of the peace within the Citty and
Liberty of Westm"" In the presence of §
March 27, 1654
March 27, 1654
Aprill 27"", 1653:
Aprill 27*, 1654
Mariages 1654:
Simon Elliott a Souldier and Frances Wayth of S' Gyles in the
Fields Spinster were Maried by Francis Blake Esq"' on| of
the Justices of the peace within the Citty and Liberty of
Westm"' the 12**" of May 1654 by Certificatt from Gyles
in the Fields In the p'sence of
Thomas Clithero
Nath: Kyttoe
May 12'h, 1654
* Publication also given. — Ed.
t Sic.
t " Amy " in publication. — En.
§ Blank in Register. — Ed.
Thomas Bray* and Ema Waiiieinan were mariecl by Francis
Blake Esq'' one of the Justices of the peace within the
Citty and Liberty of Westm'' by two Certificatts In the
p'sence of
Joseph Leng
Ellen Bkke May 16<^ 1654
William Sherocke and Jone Helliar were maried the 6*'' day of
June 1654 bf Francis Blake Esq'\ one of the Justices of
the peace within the Citty and Liberty of Westm'' by
a Certificat from Martins in the Fields
Wittnesses John Seimor
Job Latchford June 6"', 1654
William Ghostly* and Martha Price were maried by Francis
Blake Esq'" one of the Justices of the peace w*Mn the Citty
and Liberty of Westm' on the 23"' day of June 1654 being
before published 3 severall Lords dayes June 23, 1654
Mariages 1654:
James Barger* and Dorothy Harris of the parish of Covent
garden were Maried by Francis Blake Esq*" one of y"
Justices of the peace within the Citty & Liberty of Westm'
haueing bin 3 times published in the Church According to
an Act of pliam' in that belialfe made And in the p'sence of
Edward Waite
Elizabeth Humphrys June 24*'', 1654
Justinian Hayes of the parish of 8' Gyles in the Fields And
Catharine Charoll of the same parish Spinster were maried
by Francis Blake Esq'' one of the Justices of the Peace
within the Cytty and Liberty of Westm'' on the 26"' of
June 1654 by Certificatt from S' Gyles & in the p'sence of
Rich : Roberts
Hellen Blake June 16"',t 1654
Noah Webb* of this pish Baker & Martha Shaw of the same
were maried by Francis Blackef Esq'' one of the Justices
of the Peace for the Citty and Libertie of Westm'" haueing
bin 3 times published in Covent garden Church according
to an Act of pliameut
Wittnesse Robert Shaw
Sarah Shaw July 12, 1654
Mariages 1654
Sr: John Scyfingtou Baronetty* soune of S'' Richard Scytington
Knight deceased and of the Lady Anne his wife late
Inhabitants at Coventry in the County of Warwicke and
Mary Clotwcjrthy the daughter of S"" John Clotworthy kt
and of the Lady Margarite his wife were Mai'ied by Francis
Blake one of the Justices of the peace for the Citty and
Liberty of Westm' on the 20"' day of July 1654, According
to an Act of Parliam* in that behalfe made & by a Certificatt
from the pish of Martins in the Fields & in p'sence of
Theo: Kildulph
John Percivall July 20*'", 1654
* Publication also given. — Ed. t Sic.
Thomas Pepys* gent of the pish of S' Martins sonne and Heire
of Thomas Pepys of Imprington in the County of Cambridge
gent and M'"^ Anne Cope of the pish of Covent garden
daughter of S'' John Cope of Brewing in the County of
Oxford Baronett deceased were maried by Witt Wheeler
Esq"" onf of y*^ Justices of the Peace for the Citty & Liberty
of Westm' on the 17*^' day of August 1654 haueing bin
3 times published in the Markett place at Westm*' accord-
ing to Act of Paliam't on that behalfe made and in the
p'sence of
Mary Blake
Percivall Anngier|
John Fenn Eegister August 17, 1654
Manages 1654:
John Knight* of this pish gent and M*"^ Anne Painter of the
same Widd were maried by William Bossevile Esq'' One
of the Justices of y® Peace Witliin the Citty and Libertie
of "Westm'' on the 25**^ of August 1654 haueing been
published in this Church 3 severall Lords dayes According
to an Act of Parliament and in the p'sence of
Eichard Fookes
Johu Fenn Eegister August 25^^, 1654
Nathaniell Dier* of the Parish of Steuens Coleman Street
London Brewer & Mary Smith of this Parish Widd were
Maried by Francis Blake Esq'' one of the Justices of Peace
of the Citty and Liberties of Westfn on the 12^'' day of
Sept 1654 According to an Act of pliam* in that behalfe
made & in the p''sence of :
Judith Webb
John Smith Septemb 12, 1654
Mariages 1654:
David Crowder* of the pish of Olliues Southwarke Feltmaker
and Elizabeth Perriman of Covent Garden Spinsf were
maried by Francis Blake Esq' one of the Justices of the
Peace for the Citty and Liberty tot of Westm'" haueing
bin published 3 severall Lords dayes on the Five & twentith
day of Septemb 1654 According to an x\ct of pliam* in
that behalfe made In the p'sence ot§ Sept 25, 1654
Eichard Baker of the pish of Martins in the Fields Cittizen and
M''^ Anne Bury of off Covent Garden were maried by
Francis Blake Esq"" onf of the Justices of the Peace for
the Citty and Liberty of Westm'' on the six & twentith
day of Sept by a Certificatt from the Eegisf of Martins pish
Wittnes John Fenn
Nath: Kitto Sept 26'!', 1654
John Barker of Martins in the Fields Taylor and Frances
Hutchins of Covent Garden Spinster were Maried by
Francis Blake Esq'' on of the Justices of the Peace for the
Citty & Libertie of A\'"estm'' by Certificatt from the
Eegister of Martins on Sept 28, 1654
Wittnes Nath : Kitto
John Fenn
* Publication also given. — Ed. t Sic.
X PAnugier — Ed. § Blank in Register. — Ed.
Eichard Booth* of the Parish of Covent Garden Cordwainer
and Fracest Bedford of the same Spinster were married
by Francis Blake Esq'' on of the Justices of the Peace &c
According to the Act & in p^sence of
Nath: Kittoe
John Fenn
Marriages 1654
Eobert Paterson*J of the pish of Covent Garden Baker and
M'^ Anne Murry AVidd were niaried by William Haberfield
one of the Justices of the Peace for the Citty and Liberties
of Westm"" on the 5' day of Octob 1654 In the p'^sence of
Andrew Caldwall
James Botteler
John Fenn
Griffith Johnson* of this pish Tayler and Mary Croxson§ of the
same pish spinster were maried by Francis Blake Esq"" on
of the Justices of the Peace for the Citty and Liberty of
Westm'' haueing bin published three severall Lordsf in the
Church According to the Act and in the p^'senee of
Nath Kitto
John Fenn
Simon Tesott*J of the pish of Covent Garden Merchant and
Katharine Tawsell of the same pish .Spinster were maried
by Francis Blake Esq'' ont of the Justices of the Peace for
the Citty and Liberty of Westm'' on the three & twentith
day of Octob 1654 haueinge been three times published
according to the Act and in the p''sence of
John Pausett
Anne Blake
Sept 28♦^ 1654
October 5, 1654
Octob 12"!, 1654
Marriges 1654
William Fillian Widdower of Martins in the Fields and Elizabeth
Wilson widd were Married by Francis Blake Esq' on of
the Justices of the Peace for the Citty and Liberty of
Westm'' by vertue of a Certificate from the Eegister of Mar-
tins pish on the 21'*" of Novemb 1654
Wittnes John Dale
Wiii IS'eyler
Nathaniell Eudd of Martins in the Fields sonne of Christopher
Eudd of Wetherfield in the County of Essex and Anne
Gambell of Marti nes in the Fields were maried by Francis
Blake Esq'' one of y'^ Justices of the Peace for the Citty
and Liberty of AVestm"" by a Certificatt from the Ecgister
Novemb 21, 1654
of Martins Parish Dec. IV^ 1654
William Gargrave* of this Parish Student in Phissicke and
Mary Coke of y* Parish of Brides London Spinster were
married by Francis Blake Esq'' one of y'^ Justices of the
Peace of the Citty and Liberty of Westm'' haueing bin
publishf 'i seQall Lords dayes in the Church according to
an Act of pliam* in that behalfe made the 17"' of Dec
1654 and in the p'sence of
John Cooke
Eichard Browne
Decemb 11"', 1654
Dec 17, 1654
* Publication also given. — Ed.
X Misplaced in Register. — Ed.
t Sic.
§ " Croxton " in the publication. — Ep.
Marriages 1654 :
Richard Beufield* of tlie pish of Covent Garden gent and M"
IMaryt StoAvell of the same spinster were married by Francis
Blake Esq"" one of the Justices of the Peace for the Citty
and Liberty of Westra'" by Certificatt of Publicacon in the
Church 3 seiiall lords dayes in the p'sence of:
George Stowell
William Brew January 1°, 1654
John Smith gentlema and M''^ Philadelphia Gybson were married
by Francis Blake Esq*" one of the Justices of the Peace for
the Citty and liibei-ty of Westm'' by a Certificatt from the
Register of 8* Giles in the Fields published in the Markett
place In the p'"sence of
John Jerman
Marger Parker January 13"', 1654
S"" Thomas Spencer*^ Barronett and JNl''^ Jane Garrard daughter
of S'' John Garrard both of Covent garden were Married
by Peter Bradshaw Esq'' one of the Justices of the Peace
of Middsx and Citty of Westm'' haueing bin published in
the Markett place 3 severall Markett dayes according to
the Act, and married in the p'sence of
Edward Smith Esq'"
Beniamiue Maddox Esq'" January 24, 1654
Marriages 1654
John Kendall of Covent garden Cooke & Jaue Hawkins of the
pish of S' Gyles in the Fields were married by Francis
Blake Esq'" one of the Justices of the peace for the Citty
and Liberty of Westm'" on the 25*'' of January by a
Certifcate of publicacon from the Register of S* Gyles In
p'"sence of
Cornelius§ Garett
James§ Hill
Robert Bickerton of Clements Danes Merchant Taylor and
Anne Roberts of Andrewes Holberne Widd were married
by Francis Blake Esq'" one of the Justices of the Peace
w'^'in the Citty & laberty of Westm'" by Certificatt from
the Register of each pish on the 30"' of Jan In the
p'"sence of
Charles Dronfield
Charles Blankes
William Wildbourne and Mary Pinchin both of Giles in the
Fields were married by Francis Blake Esq'" one of the
Justices of the Peace for the Citty and Libertie of AV^estm'"
on the S"* of Feb 1654 by a Certificatt from the Register
of Gyles and in p'sence of
John Jones
Edward Moggs
January 25, 1654
Jan 30'h, 1654
Feb 8"', 1654
* Publication also given.— Ed. t " Jane " in the publication. — Ed.
X This entry (in a slightly shortened form) with same date is given again between the
entries for May and June 1655. — Ed.
§ Written over an erasure. — Ed.
Eobert Foote aud Elizabeth Warwicke both of the pish of
S' Mary Savoy were married by Francis Blake Esq"" on of
the Justices of the Peace for the Citty & liberty of Westm"'
by a Certificatt of publicacou from the Eegister of the
Savoy & In p'sence of
Eobert Selbee
Mary Smith Feb 16, 1654
Marriages 1654: 1655:
Eichard Archbald*t of Covent garden gent and Mary Goddard
of the same pish Spinster were married by Francis Blake
Esq'' one of the Justices of the Peace for the Citty and
Liberty of Westm"' on the 22"' of Feb haueiug bin publishj
3 severall Lords dayes in the Church as by certificate In
p''sence of
John Shaw
John Hatton Feb 22"', 1654
Charles Needham* of Covent garden pish Esq'' sonne to the Late
Lord Viscount Kilmurry and M'^ Bridgett Drewry daughf
and Coheire of S'' William Drewry were married by Francis
Blake Esq'' one of the Justices of the Peace for the Citty
& Liberty of Westm'' haueing bin jjublished 3 seuall
markett dayes in 3 severall weekes as b}^ the Certificatt
appeares. In p'sence of
Madda E]li7ior Vicountis Kilmurry
Dame Mary Drewry Febr 27"', 1654
John Parker of Martins in the Fields and Anne Nash of the
pish of Margarites Westm'' were married by Francis
Blake Esq'' one of the Justices of y^ peace for the Citty
and Liberty of Westm'' on the 11"' day of May 1655 by a
Certificatt from the Eegisf of Margarites Westm'" In tlie
p''sence of
John Kingsmell
Isaac Quinsey May the 11"', 1655
Marriges 1655
Eobert Painter* || and Mary AValker were Married by Francis
Blake Esqu'' one of the .Justices of the Peace for the
County of Midd and Citty and Liberty of Westm'' In the
p''sence of
Thomas Bourne
George Hodges
Francis Gibbones,* and Elizabeth Stenhouse were Married by
Francis Blake Esq"" one of the Justices of the Peace of
the County of Midd and Citty and Libertie of Westm'' In
the p''sence of
Thomas Wharton
Humphry Wharton
Will' Pierce June 12"', 1655
* Publication also given.— Ed. t " Archbold " in publication.— Ed. J Sic.
§ The entry of S' Thomas Spencer's marriage is given here for the second time. See
January 24, 1654-5. — Ed.
II No date given.— Ed.
Manages 1655
S*" Anthony Ayslily Coopei'* of Covent garden Barronett and the
Hono'^'^ Margarite Spencer of Andrewewsf Holberne
daughter of the right hono''^^ Lord Spencer deceased and
of the Lady Penellope his wife Married by John Hooker
Esq'' one of the Justices of the Peace of the County of Midd
and Citty & Liberty of Westm'" on the 30"» of Aug In the
p^'sence of
The Lady Penellope her mother
M'' Eob Spencer her Brother
August aO'h, 1655
Marriages 1655
Greorge Mathewes* and Mary Barrow were married by Col:
Edward Grrosvenor one of the Justices of the Peace of y^
County of Midd and Citty and Liberty of Westm'' on the
11"' day of Sep^ in the p''sence of
James Westwoth
Constance Woolfott Sept IV^, 1655^
Marriages 1655
Littleton Osboldeston* of this parish gent, sonne of John
Osboldestou of Chadlington in the County of Oxou Esq'
and M''* Chatharine Browker of Covent gar, Siuglewoma
daughter of Thomas Browker of Vpper Pever in the County
of Chester Esq', were married by Peter Bradshaw Esq''
one of the Justices of the Peace of the County of Midd
and Citty and liberty of Westm'" on the 21''' off In the
p'sence of
Seirgeant Timothy Littleton
Richard CressettEsq'' Novemb 21'*'
Marriages 1655
William Kent* of this parish gent soune of William Kent of
Boscombe in the County of Wilts Esq'", and M''^ Jane
Browker daughter of Thomas Browker of Vpp Pever in y^
County of Chester Esq'' wei'e married by John Caesar Esq""
on of the Justices of the Peace of the County of Midd &c
on the 21"' day of Novemb 1655 In the p'sence ot'§ Nouemb 21'^, 1655
Marriages 1655
Claudius Ueunison and Elizabeth Churchman Married by Francis
Blake Esq'" one of off the Justices of the Peace of the
County of Midd &c by a Certificat from the Register of
Martins on y'^ xx'** day of Deceinb 1655. In the p'sence of
Charles Gibbons
Anne Harrison
* Publication also given. — Ed. t Sic.
X Altered from "8."— Ed. § Blank in Register.— Ed.
Charles Goulding* Esq"" soniie of IS'' Edward Go aiding of Coulson
Bassett in the County of Notingham Knight and Barronett
and M" Mary Eavenscroft of this pish single woman were
Marriedf by Francis Blake Esq"" on of the Justices of the
Peace of the County of Midd and Citty and liberty of
Westm'' on the nintht of Januaryt 1655 haueiug bin
published according to the Act And in the p*'sence of
James Ravenscrof tf
Mary Eavenscroftf
Marriages 1655
Thomas Bradshaw* and Frances Cooper Married by Francis
Blake Esq' on of the Justices of the Peace of the County
of Midd and Citty of Westm'' on the 19^'' of January 1655
being formerly published heere in the Church and married
in the p'"sence of
Joseph Periam
Betterice Loulgriest January 17, 1655
Willam Drewett* and Mary;}: Roe both of this pish were
married by Francis Blake Esq'' one of the Justices of y'=
Peace of the County of Middx and Citty and liberty of
"Westm"' haueing bin published in the Church three Lords
dayes according to the Act on the 29"^'' of Jan 1655 In the
p'^sence of
Andrew Caldwall
James Smith January 29, 1655
Marriages 1655
Walter Croker* and Constance Linny married by John Hooker
Esq'' one of the Justices of the Peace of the County of
Midd and Citty and Liberty of Westm'^ on the 18*'' of Feb
1655, haueing bin published according to the Act. In the
Richard Fuller
Thomas Ashly February 18, 1655
Marriages 1655
Thomas Heames*§ and Bridget Conestable were married by
Francis Blake Escj'' one of the Justices of the Peace of
the County of IVlidd and Citty and liberty of Westm''
March 20*'' 1655 haueing bin published According to the
Act and mar in the p''sence of
Elizabeth Amies
Jane Conestable March 20*'*, 1655
Marriages 1656
Henry Chamberlaine and Susanna Rosse married by Francis
Blake Esq'' one of the Justices of the Peace of y^ County
of Midd and Citty and liberty of Westm'' by Certificatt
from Westm'' and Mary Woolnoth London, on the 17"' of
Ap'' In the p''sence of
Jo: James
Henry Beale Aprill 17, 1656
* Publication also given. — Ed. t Written over an erasure. — Ed.
X " Jaae " in publication. — Ed. § " Heame " in publication. — Ed.
Thomas Marshall* of this pish Cordwayner and Jane Howson
spinster married by Francis Blake Esq'" one of tlie Justices
of the peace of the County of Midd. and C'itty and liberty
of Westm'' on the 21"* of Ap' In p'sence of
Alexander Short
Nath: Barker
Robert Blakeley* of the parish of Margarites Westm'' gent.
and M""^ Mary Uwsclcy i>f this parish singlewoman married
by Prancis Blake Esq'' one of the Justices of the Peace of
the County of Midd and Citty and Liberty of Westm' on
the 29'^ day of Ap'" 1656 In p'"sence of
Greorge Groddard
John Haitley
Aprill 21, 1656
Aprill 29, 1656
Marriages 1656
Richard Lasinby* of this pish widdow'" and M'^f Carter of the
same singlewoman were married by John Hooker Esq'" one
of the Justices of the Peace of the County of Midd ajid
Citty and liberty of "Westm"" on the 31*** of May 1656, in
the presence of
Jobe Williams
John Penn
May SV^, 1656
Marriages 1656
Thomas Brigham* and M'^ Anne Lukins were Married by
Prancis Blake Esq'" one of the Justices of the Peace of
the liberty of Westm' on the 22"' day of July 1656 In the
p'"sence of
Sidneham Lukins
J one Stringer
July 22, 1656
Mariages 1656
Thomas Osburne* of this parish gent and Katharine Habington
of the same were married by Scipio Le Squire one of the
Justices of the Peace of the Citty and Liberty of Westm'
on the 24:"' of Septemb 1656 According to the Act.
Sept 24, 1656
Marriages 1656
Hnry;]: Laurence and Joue Evans were married by Prancis
Blake Esq'" one of the Justices of the Peace &c. on the
21"' of October 1656, by a Certificatt from Martin's Register
and in p'sence of
Cliaworth Herbert
Thomas Warren
Francis Holden and Anne Charnley mar by Pra : Blake Esq"" by
Certificatt from S' Clements in p'"sence of
John Toy
John Champart
Octob 21
* Publicatiou also i?lvea. — Ed.
Octob 23
t " Hauua Carter " iu publication. — Ed. | Sic.
Marriages 1656
Robert Morton aud Elizabeth Tooly married by Francis Blake
Y,sq^ one of the Justices of the Peace for the Conty of
Midd and Citty & libty of Westm'' by Certificatt from the
Kegister of Clements Danes in the p'sence of
Rich: Steine
• Robert Ley Octob 28
Marriages in 1656
William Clifton*t sonne of M'' Witt Clifton of y« pish of
Covent garden vintnesj and M*'^ Martha Pitts§ of the same
pish singlewoman were married by Peter Bradshaw Esq*"
on of y*^ Justices of the Peace for the Libty of Westm*"
on the 20"" of JN'ovemb In the p'sence of :
Thomas Pitts
William Clifton Novemb 20'i>, 1656
John Foster*t of this pish Butcher and Susanna Cuthbert of
y"^ same Spinster was married by Scipieo le Squjre one of
the Justices of the Peace &c. on the 16th of Deceb 1656
In the p''sence of
Tho: Lathwell
Sarah Lathwell Decemb 16, 1656
M'' Abraliam Pinchbeckef and M'^ Abigail Blackwell were
manned by Francis Blak Esq'' one of y*^ Justices of the .
Peace of the libty of Westm'' In the p'sence of
Eldad Blackwell
Elizabeth. Stanton January 7"', 1656
Edward Norrisf and Sarah Wallis were married by Francis Blake
Esq'" one of the Justices of the Peace of the Citty and
Liberty of Westm'' on January 12"', 1656
In p''sence of Richard Norris
Margarite Norris
Marriages 1656
Thomas Fanchawf of this pish gent and M''^ Margarite Heath
of S^ Martins in the Fields were married by John Mill
Esq'", one of the Justices of the Peace of the libty of
Westm'' on the 5' of Feb In p'sence of
John Bridgman
Nath Doubaron Feb 5, 1656
Marriages 1656
Thomas Chacef Gent and Ann Ayleworth Spinster were
married by Edward Roberts Esq'" one of the Justice of
the peace of the County of Midd and Citty and liberty of
Westm'" by Certificate from this parish in the presence of
Tho: Leigh Esq-"
John Chace March 17, 1656
Mariages 1656
Samuell Allingtont and Elizabeth Backhas were married by
Thomas Peipcs Escj' one of the Justices of the Peace of
the County of Middx and Citty and Liberty of Westm ■" on
the 19^^ of March 166.X March 19, 1656
* Misplaced in Register. — Ed. t Publication also given. — Ed.
X Sic. § " Pitt " in publication.— Ed.
William Kent* and Mary Forsterf were married by William
Wheeler Esq'', one of the Justices of the Peace of the
Liberty of Westm'' on the second of Aprill IG57. In
presence of
Abraham A^anhacke
John Fenn
Eobert Blackford Aprill 2, 1657
Marriages 1657
Henry Ludlow*:{: gent, and Margarite Clement widd were
married by Francis Blake E^q''. one of the Justices of tlie
Peace of the County of Midd and Citty and libty of Westni''
on y*^ Fourth of May in the p'sence of
Eobert Selby:
Ellin Blake:' May 4"', 1657
Eaph Peach* Coachman and Elizabeth Lion spinster married
by Francis Blake Esq^'. one of§ Justices of the Peace &c
on the 5* of May In the p'sence of
James Marcraft
William Edly May 5*'', 1657
II Mari'iges 1657
Edmund Ludlow* Esq'" and M^ Katherine Clement were married
by Frauncis Blake Esq'' one of the Justices of the peace
of the County of Midd and Citty and liberty of Westm' in
the presence of
Edward Wade
Sarah Scarberrough June 17, 1657
Marriages 1657
Thomas Richards*^ and Elizabeth Siminett were Married by
Francis Blake Esqr one of the Justics of the peace of the
County of Midd and Citty and liberty of Westm"" in the
presence of
Jo : Fisk
Katherine Fisk June 23, 1657
** Marriages 1657
Michaell Daniell* and Elizabeth Lambert were Married by
Thomas Peips Esqr. one of the Justics of the peace of the
County of Midd and Citty and liberty of Westm"" in the
presence of
Anthony Pendelberry
Jane Pendelberry Jidy 6, 1657
William Cooke* and Ann Beere were Married by Thomas
Peips Esqr one of the Justics of the peace of the County
of Midd and Citty and liberty of AVestmr in the presence of
John Cresham
Thomas Hampton July 7, 1657
* Publication also given. — Ed. t " Foster" in publication. — Ed.
X Misplaced in Register. — Ed. § Sic.
i! An entry here is erased of the marriage of Thomas Chace and Anne Avlworth. See entry
for March 17, 1656-7.— Ed.
% " Eychards " in the publication. — Ed.
Entry of Robert Clarke's marriage (dated March 17, 1657) occurs here. Seep. 41. — Ep.
Marriages 1657
Jeremiah Hobines* gent and M^ Mary Dickinson "Widdow were
married by Thomas Peips Esqr one of the .Tustics of the
peace of the County of Midd and Citty and liberty of
Westm"" in the presence of
Eichard Chard
Elizabeth Bacon Aug 29, 1657
G-erard Pigeon*t and Clare Parton were married by Thomas
Peips Esqr one of the Justics of the peace of the County
of 5lidd and Citty and liberty of Westm' in the presence of
Francis Bodin
Michaell Turwood Aug: 31, 1657
Marriages 1657
William Xorris* and Hester Bond were Married by Francis
Blake Esqr one of the .Justics of the peace of the County
of Midd and Citty and liberty of VV^estm' in the presence of
Eichard Norris
Edward Norris Oct 28, 1657
Marriages 1657
John Kirton and ^lary Eichardson were Married by Francis
Blake Esqr one of the Justics of the peace of the County
of Midd and (?itty and liberty of AVestm' in the presence of
William Wooley
Eichard Eichardson Dec 3, 1657
AVilliam AVilloughby Esq' of Andrewes Holborne and Margarett
Abbott of Dunstons in the west Spinster were Married by
Francis Blake Esqr one of the Justics of the peace of the
County of Midd and Citty and liberty of Westm"" by Cer-
tificate from both parishes in the p''sence of
.1 0 : Morton
Charles Lee Dec 24, 1657
Marriages 1657
Joseph Mackreth and Judith Williams were Married by Francis
Blake Esqr one of the .Justics of the peace of the County
of Midd and Citty and liberty of AVestm'' by Certificate
from Christ Church London and Margaretts Westm'' iu
the presence of
.James Hutton
Thomas Williams
Hugh Wells Gent and M" Mary Harris Spinster daughter of
Eichard Harris of this pish Gent wei*e married in Covent
Garden Church
Marriages 1657
Willinm Adams* sonne of William Adams of Bringhurst in the
Count}^ of I^eicester and Mary Harrison of Eockingham in
the County of Northampton Spinster Avere married in
Covent Garden Church by M' Pinchbecke March 9
John Hilton*t and Lucy Wood| were Maried by M"" Pinchbecke
on the 15"' day of March 1657§ March' 15">
* Publication also given.— Ed. f Misplaced in Register.— Ed.
t " Lords " in publication. — Ed.
§ This entry is repeated after the entry for March 25, 1658, as follows : " John Hilton of this
parishe Mariner and Luoe Woods of the same Singlewoman were married in Covent Garden
Church March 15." — Ed.
Dec 28, 1657
January 19, 1657
Robert Clarke* and Katherine Gregory "were Married by Francis
Blake Esqr one of the Justics of the peace of the County
of Midd and liberty of Westm"" : in the presence of
John Pococke
Eichard Wain
March 17, 1657
Robert Selby of this pish gent and M" Elizabeth Caldwall of
the same Singlewoman were Married in Covent garden
Church by M'' Mantou Eector being first Published
March 25*, 1658
Marriages 1658
"William Bayleyt and Frances Burnby were married in CoA-ent
garden Chuch*' on the first of June 1658 by Thomas
Clithero Clerke
Robert DickersoniJ; and Millicente Marshall were married in
Covent Garden Church by M"" Pinchbecke on
June 15'»', 1658
Marriages 1658
Francis Archer;|: of this pai'ishe gent and Ann Collingwood of
the parishe of Saint Margaretts Westm"" widd were married
in Covent Garden Church Bv M"^ Piuchbacke
August 19
Marriages 1658
Gilbert Christmas and Mary Stephens widdow were married in
Covent Garden Church By M' Pinchbecke Decern 26
Henry ChacetJ of the parishe of S' Dunstans in the West
Gent and Duglas Love of this parishe spinster were
Married in Covent Garden Church Bv M"" Pinchbecke Decern 28
Marriages 1659
Eichard Eeeve and Alicia Groves were married in Covent
Garden Church
Marriages 1659
Thomas Allden and Katherine Bellgrave were Married in
Covent Garden Church By M'' Clitheroe
Mathew Firebanket+ of the pish of Saint Martins in the FeildsH
and M^'^ Jane Constable of this pishe were Married in
Covent Garden Church By M"^ Eoe
Thomas Constable:!: sonn of M"^ Thomas Constable and M"
Jane Sizes were married in Couent garden Church By
M' Manton
William Grinnawayt and Ann Parr Mar November 15"^, 1659
John Hall and Jane Colling were Married in Covent Garden
June 21
Julv 30
August 17
Sept 29'^ 1659
Dec 26
* This entr}' occurs between those for June and July 1657. — Ed.
t Misjjlaced in Register. — Ed. " t Publication also given. — Ed.
§ Two pages headed " Marriages IfioS " without entries, except for the publication of Thomas
Hooker and Elizabeth Veres, entered by mistake among the marriages. See p. 25. — Ed.
II An erasure. — Ed. f Sic.
VOL. in. &
Mariages in Decemb : 1659
John Dible and Jane Collins were maried in the Church the 26*^
Paule Crosse and Sarah Boulton were Maried in the Church the Dec: 28
John Phillyson and Pariiell Barnsely were maried in the Church on the 28
Mariages in January 1659
Charles Herbert and Mary Herbert were maried in the Church on the 10"'
Christopher Hunt and Hanna Rayner were maried in the Church on the 10"'
John Marklv and Rebecca Taylor were maried in the Church on y*^ 24'^
30*''. Richard Christophilus Duke of Nagrepont* 30"'
feb: 59. Josias Cowell & Anna Acton mar. 14"'
In March none:
Mariages in Aprill 1660
Simon Xorcott and Sarah Case weref in the Church on the 22"'
In May none
Mariages in June 1660:
John Castell and Mary Beale were maried in the Church on y'^ 18"*
Robert Adcocke and Bridgett Bevin were maried in the Church on the 20"'
Thomas Lewis and Grace .Jackson wei'e maried in the Church on the 27"'
Mariages in July 1660 :
Jamperson Sanpaine and Dorothy Vanderdike maried in the Church on the 5'
Thomas Simons and Margarite Marshall were maried in the Church on the 8"'
Thomas Lovesey and Ann Fox were maried in the Church on y^ 8"'
Henry Sellars and Elizabeth Godwin maried in the Church on 9"^
Thomas Morton and Elizabeth Godfry maried iu the Church July 12"', 1660
Mariages in August 1660
Henry Thris Crosse and Jane Balduck Maried in the Church on the 20"'
David Purfoy and Mary Morgan maried in the Church on the 20
Thomas Byrch & Elizabeth Wighton maried in the Church o)i the 27"'
Andrew Surety & Elizabeth Samm Maried in the Church on the 28"'
Mariages in Sept: 1660
Alexand"" FifFe and Isabel 1 Read were maried in Covent Garden Church on the 1 1"'
Mathew Brewer and Adria Booth maried in Covent garden Chuchf 11"'
Israeli Butcher+ & Eliz Cuthell Sept. 20
Mariages in October 1660
Charles Emmery and Sarah Okely maried in the Church on the 0"'
Thomas Bulmer and Martha Browne maried in the Church on the 8"'
Thomas Lambly and Martha Slicer were maried in the Cluirch on the SO*"*
Mar: in Nouemb: none
Maried in Decemb : none 1660 :
* Probably entered here by mistake. Exactly the same entry (excepting " Negrepont "
instead of " Nagrepont") occurs among the Christenings on January 1659. — Ed.
t Sic. I Misplaced in Register. — Ed.
Maried in Jan : 1660
William Biey and Ann Locke were maried iu tlie Church 1"
Isaac Ayme & Susanna Aively Marry ed 2
John Ueane and Mary Baldwick Maried iu the Church 13^''
Kobert .Moredocke aud Mary Peild maried iu the Church: 16"'
Maried in Feb : & March : none
Maried in Aprill 1661
Simon JN'orcott and Sarah Case marie* in the Church Ap'' 14*^'
Mariages in May 1661
John Millington and Ann Nevell maried in the Church y"*
Edward Bridewell and Elizabeth Palmer maried 30'^
Maried in June 1661 :
Godfrey Brewer and Mary Jones marid* June 2°
In July August Sept none
Maried in October 1661
William Bray & Margarite A^alentine maried Octob 3'*
Maried in Novemb : none
Maried in Decemb 1661
Edward Billingsly and Lettice Sharp maried Decemb 10"' 1661
Maried in Jan : none
Maried in February 1661
M"^ Francis Blake aud M''^ Elizabeth Carre married the 13*^'
by Doe: Manton
Maried in March 1661 & 1662 :
William Scares and Frances and Frances* Little maried by baues maried*
by Banes, by M'' Pinchbecke ^ 11"'
Maried iu Aprill 1662
Edward Hutchinson aud Sussanna Man maried by Licence, by M"" Pinchbecke 'S'^
Kobert Newson and Dorothy CoUingwood widd maried by Licence, bv
M'' Pinchbeck ' 7^^
EdAvard Southes and Anne Lambe maried by Banes, by Doctor Manton 9'^
Mariages in May 1662
20*^ Thomas Burridge aud Mary Lister maried by Docter Tho: Manton May 20"^
Mariage in June uoue
* Sic.
Manages in July 1662
8 John Savory and Elizabeth Gape maried July the 8*'' by M'' Pincbecke*
14*'' Robert Morley and Hester Purrocke maried July the li'^* 1662 by Doctor
Tho: Manton
Edmond Vsher and Constance Sparke maried July 31"' 1662 by M' Pinchbecke.
Manages in August 1662
14'^ John Freeman and Dorothy Gentleman maried August the 1-1''' 1662 by
M'" Mayo
18*'' George Hagmaster and Anne HaiTiou maried August the 18*'' 1662 by Banes:
by M'' Pinchbaeke
28"' francis Thorne and Anne Shalmer maried August 28 1662 by Lycence by
M"^ Pinchbecke
Manages in Septemb: 1662:
11*^ George Fairfax & Dorothy Falconer maried by Licence Sept 11*'' 1662 by
M' Pinchbeck
Manages in October: 1662
gtii gr Thomas Ogle K* and y« Lady Anne Kingmill maried by Licence October
the 9^^ 1662 by M*- Pinchbecke
Manages in Nouemb 1662
M»' Alexander Dobbins and M""* Eridgett Pla: maried by Lycence November
the 26*11 1662 By M"" Patrick Rector
Marriage in Decemb none
Maried in January 1662
22 John Ayre and Sarah Cooke Maried January 22 1662 by Lycence
Maried in Feb: 1662
2 Richard Colly and Mary Coop maried February the 2^^ 1662 haueing byn
3 times Published
22"" Richard Dowse and Jane Russell maried by Lycence on the 22*'' of Feb 1662
Mariages in March none
Manages in Aprill 1663 :
21 John Forgie & Mary Murry: Maried by Banes
Mariages in May 1663:
28 Hugh Chamberliu M. & Dorothy Brett daughter of Collonell John Brett,
Maried by licens the 28*^'' of May
Mariages in June 1663
9 Eusebius Moore & Sarah Brickland by Banes
14 Thomas Floyd & Jane Larke Maried by licens
18 Thomas Say ward & Mary Gould Maried by licens. y« IS*** of June 1663
Noe Mariages in July nor in August 1663 :
* Sic.
Sept 1663 Edward Noyse and Elizabeth Chartworth Maried by Banes the 24«i' of
September 1663:
John PJumb & Ann Gabrill ware* Maried by Banns y'' 22: Aprilt 1664
William Mills & Elizebeth Brittan Married by Banns 24: Aprilt 1664
George Faucott: & Katherin Harrison Married by Banns 28 October 1664
Christopher Clerk & Elizebeth Busby Married by Lycence y«= 8 of Noiiemb
William Spiar & Joyce Floyd Married by Lycence the 3 of January 1664
Mariges In January 1664
Charles Hachett & Mary Osburne Maried by Lycence 5. of January 1664
Eichard Holford & Mary Ci-evv Married By Lycence January 17"': 1664
Peter xlplesden & Elinor Wilson were Married by Lycence 26: of Janary
Mariges In February 1664
Hatton Wisdom & Mary Holniau were Married by Banns: 2: Fe'b: 1664
24* Nicholas Lichere & Mary Eoesseau Married By Lycence 28 Feb: 1664
13 May 1665: Thomas Dauis & Sarah Collins Mar
25 Junet 1665: Francis Cornwallis & Elizab. Jones
14 Dececember* 1665 Maried by lycence Robert Winter of S* Sepulers* &
14* Elizabeth Griffin
16 December John Bultiell & Martha Coates Married By Lycence L665
Marriges In January : 1665
30th ]y[r John Harding & M""* Susana Bullworth were Maryed by Lycence
Marriges In February 1665
27 Thomas Sowsby & Mary Jozer: Married by Lycence
27 Marriages In March 1666
26§ Richard Buttler & Elizab Weld Mar. Lye.
May 10: 1666 Rot Frampton & Mary Canning Mar Lyii
19 Charles Dronfield & Mary Hill by lycence
23 Mr Richard Dobbins & M''^ Elizab : Crosiar by Lycence
Marriges In June 1666
5 Frances Alkens & Ann Brown Maried by Lycence
12 Thomas Tayler & Tabitha Sharpe Married by Lycence
14 John Lane & Helleu Parr by Lycence Married
18 Edmond Hicks*§ A Prist of y^ Church of Endland
3 Edward Grey & Jane White: Married by Lycence
10 Ambrose SaiTison & Beutris Pattei'son married by Lycence
17 Thomas Good & Elizabeth Paulett married by Lycence
26|| John Godfride Esq'': & M''^ Priscilla Thorowgood Maried by Lycence
Marriages In Uctobr 1666
4 John Rayner & Judeth Walworth Mar Lycenc
20 Nicholas Collins & Elinor Collins Mar Lye
* Sic. f ilisplaced in Register and written over an erasure. — El).
X " Marriage in March 1666" erased. — Ed. § This entry is written over an erasure. — Ed.
II Misplaced in Register. — Ed.
Marriages In February 1G66
14 Francis Dellarew & Anne Worttlesly
Marriages In May 1667
10 Witt Hawes & Rose Eltick Mar Lycenc
25 June AVm: Penckney & Eliza'b: .Sanders: Marr
6 Nouemb 1G67 Lenard Dawliiig & Mary Newland
16 January Thomas Prettiman & Mary Norris Mar Lye
4 Feb: 67: John Cox & Robina French Mar Lye by the Bishop of Rochester
20: Feb: 67:* Thomas Grace & Elizab Cox by Lye
5 March 1667 James Egelsfield & Priscilla Domuill Lyf
Marriages In March 1668
26 Joseph Siluister & Elizabeth Kent by Lycenc
Marriages In Aprill 1668
15 Phillip Maydwell & Elizabeth Keene: Lycen
23 Charles Eldridge & Bridgett Hawkes by Lycen
28 Thomas Chappell & Elizabeth Michell by Lye
30 Nicholas Dearing & Elizabeth Scott mar
Marriages In May 1668 May
2 Robart Exall & Elizabeth Felts by Lycence
14 Richard Parker & Tabitha Poope: Lye
30 John Eles & Elizabeth Coxedd Lye
Marriages In June 1668
2 James Buck & Susana Stratton Lye
4 John Magus & Barbara Bond Lye
8 Thomas Allam & Ann Daniell: by Lye
Marriges In June 1668
27 Edward Crane & Anne Horsingdou Lye
Marriges In July 1668
9 John Forder & Jane Peirson By Bans^
10 July W'" Ball Esq'': & Marv Hussey: by Lye
30 Thomas Wilbert <fc Grace Hall : by Lye
Marriages In October 1668
1 John Dauis & Susana Ginman, w*'' Lycence
* Misplaced in Register. — Ed.
+ This entry has been partly re-writteu after March 27 and erased. — Ed.
X Blank in Register. — Ed. § An entry erased. — Ed.
II "25 William Penckney & Eliz. Sanders married " erased, see May 1667-8. — Ed.
% This entry is written over an erasure. — Ed.
Marriages In January 1668
21 John Hager & Elizabeth Tillyard w*^» Lycence
Marriages February 166S
14 Eichard Singer & Anna Hambrooke w*^* Lycence
23 Eadulfoe Eogers & Mary Bristoe w"' Lycence
23 John Lloyd & Jane Gresham w"' Lycence
Marriages In Aprill 1669
12 "William Sparks & Jane Stennett w''' Lycence
13 Thomas Munn gent & Mary Carter w*'' Lycence
13 Eichard Wiseman gent. & Mary Fitch w*'- Lycence
19 A''ander Aucker & Mary Wheeler w*'' Lycence
22 John Eeade & Mary Fell w*'' Lycence
Marriages In May 1669
2 Beniamen Blackham & Elinor Preston w"' Lycen
18 Thomas Delamare & Mary Trippier \v"' Lycence
27 Henry Carter & Frances Mosse w''' Lycence
Marriages In June 1669
1 Daniell Child & Hauna Willing w"' Lycence
29 Francis Bayly & Jone Poyner w*'' Lycence
Marrages In July 1669
22 Anthony psons & Dorathy Fuller: w*'' Lycence by D"^ Patrick
22 William Cart^NTight gent. & A^'rsula Fairfax by Lycenc
22 Thomas Berrie & Elizabeth Workman \v*'' Lycence by M'" Pears
Manages In August 1669 Marriages
3 James Eead & Jone Bradbury w"' Lycence by M"^ Pearse
Marriages In September 1669
*Jobn Eine & Elizabeth Booth w'^'^ Lycence
14 Cot: Clarinata gent. & Blardin Thacker: w''' Lycence by D'' Patrick
30 Nouember John Gainsford & Anne Gape married w*^ Lycence, by D*' Pat.
Marriages In December 1669
16 John Butler & Elizabeth Capell w*"' Lycence
26 Edward Hale & Elizabeth Pheasant av*'' Lycence by D"" Hifcert
Marriages In January 1669
J 3 Thomas Eush & Elinor Cross w"** Lycence
Marriages In Aprill 1670: 1670
10 Samuell Jackson & Elizabeth Wick : by Banns
18t Henry Claris & Abigail ElTtt w«'' Lycence by D"* Patrick
21 John Canterill & Elizabeth Powell w*'^ Licence
21 Joseph Faringham & Anne Fouks by Licence
* No date. — En. -f Misplaced in Register. — Ed.
MaiTiages In June 1670
2 John Sumersale & Susana Eickroyd w**" Lycence
8 Eobert Basset & Elizabeth Tt-ats w"^ Lycence
16 William Hawkins & Edith JollifEe Priest, by D'' Burton Lye
Marriages In September 1670
13 George Blanchett & Margaret Berrie w*'' Lycence
22 Eichard Cumberland & x\nn Quitip w'^' Licence
A Eegister of All Marriages Solemnized, in the parish of S' Paul Couent Grarden
beginning at the Feast of S* Michaell the Arch Angell
Marriages In October 1670 Marriages
17 Henry Medlecottf & Anne Andrews w*'^ Licince by D'' Patrick
Marriages In Nouember 1670 Marriags
17 Eichard Staples & Elizabeth gates w'^' Licence by M'' Pearse
30 Eichard Martin & Marie Home Marled w*^* Licence
Marriges In June 1671 Marriag June 1671
;}:Thomas King & Mary Dalison w*'' Licence
Marriag In August 1671 Marriag August 1671
31 Beniamen Smart gent. & Susan Nodes w*'' Licence by D'' "Worthy
Marriags In Nouember Marriags Nouember 1671
16 Samuell Smith & Elizbeth Cook w*^'§ Licence by M^' pearse
20 Andrew Stewart & Prances Heiron w*'' Licence by D"" Patrick
24 Eobert Miles & Mary Debnam w^'' Licence by M^' pearse
27 Edward Glynne & Elizabeth Deligne w*^ Licence by M'' Pearse
28 Eobert Barne & Mary Niuell w"' Licence
30 Thomas Moodey & Elizabeth Parker w*'' Licence by D' Patrick
Marriages In December 1671
5 John Lloyd & Elizabeth Paulett w*^'' Licence
7 Henrie Heron & Dorathy Long w*'' Licience by the Bpp of S' Dauids
Marriages In January 1671
30 Eobert Ouitt|| & Elizabeth Prince w"' Licence by D-" Hibert.
Marriages In February 1671
18 AVilliam Leach & Elizabeth Scortreth
22^ Walter Sauei'v & Honnor Barron w^'' Licence
27 John Bradford & Eebecca Barinan w*'' Licence by D"" Patrck**
Marriagesft Marriages March 1672
25 Charles Faringdon gent & Mary Taylor by D' Patrick
26 Henry Kem & Mary Sprey w"' Licence by D' Patrick
* The Baptismal entrj' of Anne Wiseman (23 Nov. 1668) is given here in the Register. — Ed.
t Altered from " Mellecott." — Ed. X No date. — Ed. § An erasure. — Ed.
II "Ouid" crossed out.— Ed. IT Misplaced in Register. — Ed.
** Sic. tt " In " erased. — Ed.
Marriages In Aprill 1672 Marriages Aprft 72
15 John Meade & Jane Warder w''' Licence by D'" Outraliam
18 James Trimbell & Elizabeth Stainoe, w"' Liceuce by M'' Pearse
25 John Hankins & Mary Thornborough w*'' Licence by M'" Pearse
Marriages In May 1672 Marriages
1 John Bridge & Martha Allin by D'' Patrick w^'' Licence
Marriages In June 1672
5 Joseph Barnes & Jane Peusey w*'' Licence by D'" Patrick
Marriages In July 1672 Marriages
10 Thomas Broughton & Roada Amcotts his wife
Marriages In August 1672 Marriages
Marriages In September 1672
3 Robert Rohades & Elizabeth Clifford w"^ Licence
Marriages In October 1672
20 John Verest & Mary Dauis w'^^ Licence
Marriages In Nouember 1672
14 Percie Freake gent, & Elizabeth Ereake Marred* w'^' Lycience
16 AVilliam Cage & Anna Wharton w*^'' Lycence by D'' Patrick
29 William Scott, & Katheriu Luther : w'*^ Lycence by D'' Patrick
*Noe Marriages In Nouemberf y* year
Noe Marriages In December 1672 Non
Marriages In January 1672
30 Moses Watson & Elizabeth Page w'^^ Lycence by D' Parick*
Marrages In February 1672
14 Anthony Bowyer Esq^ & Dame Katherin S' John w"' Lyeen by D'" Patrick
Marriages In Aprill 1673
1 Joseph Smart gent & Anne Hodgkins w*'' Lycence by D"" Smart
1 Edward Grodward & Elizabeth Dyer
Marriages May 1673
91 Thomas KuachbuU gent : & Mary Dering both of the Countie of Kent : w"'
Licence by D'" Patrick
Marriages In June 1673
26 Robert Comport & Susan Steuiuson w*'' Liceuce
Marriage In July 1673
25 William Vickary & Brigett Bassett w"' Licence
* Sic. t An erasure.— Ed.
X This entry, dated 10 May 1673, is again given between entries for October and November,
but as follows : " Thomas Snatchbull of the County of Kent gent and Mary Dering of the same
County were then Married by D' Patrick w"" Licence." — Ed.
Marriages In August 1673
14 John Cosens & Margarit Ynderwood w*'' Licence by M'' Johnson
Marriage In September 1673
Marriages In October 1673
9 Eichard Vsher & Elizbeth Greene w*'' Licence by M"" Johnson
19 "William Floyd D.D. & Anne Adams w*^ Licence
21 Eichard Olbarawe gent & M'^ Hanna Kerk w^'' Licence by m'' Johnson
28 Gabrill Martin & Jane Godhand \v"' Lycence
Marriags In Nouember 1673
11 Eichard Way & Mary Graue w'** Lycence
Marrags In December 1673
Marriayesf In January 1673
13 William Adams & Mary Maning av"' Lycence by D'' Patrick
Marriags In February 1673
8 James Eichardson & Sarah Wheately w*'' Lycence by D'' Patrick
Marriages In March 1673 & 1674
Marriags In Aprill 1674
:J:Eobert CaUi8§ & Martha Thacher w*^ Lycence by M'" Doue
Marriages In May 1674
13 John Eatie & Susaiia Elliott w^'' Lycence by D"^ Patrick
28 Thomas Jones & Elizabeth Greene w*'' Lycences by D>' Patrick
31 Eobert Maning & Anne Griggs w*^' Lycence by D*" Patrick
Marriages In June 1674
2 Thomas Longe & Elizabeth Ingram w*'' Lycence by D'' Patrick
Marriages In July 1674
JFrancis James & Bridgett Warde w*'' Licence by D*' Patrick
Marriages In August 1674
4 Henry Ball & Dorothy || Harrison w^*" Licence by M'' Johnson
20 Barrill Langrish & Judeth Burton \v*'' Licence by D"" Patrick
Marriages In Septememberf 1674
4 John Blow & Elizabeth Bradock w**" Licence by M*" Johnson
Marriages In October 1674
8 John Tomson & Elizabeth Snow w*'' Licence by D"" Patrick
8 Francis Fox A Minister & Mary "Warrin w"' J^icince by D"" Patrick
27 John Tyler & Jone Tucker w"' Licince by D"" Patrick
* Here is inserted an entry for May 10, 1673. See p. 49. — Ed. t '^'f'-
; No date,— Ed. § Callis altered from " Tallis."— Ed. || Written over an erasure. — Ed.
Marriages In Nouember 1674
12 William Norris & Bridgett Strughill by M' Miles Barnes*
Marriages January 1674
31 William Dauis & Sarah Wright w^'' Bans by M' Johnson
Marriag In February 1674
4 Thomas Tanner & Grace Cooper w'^ Licence by D"^ Patrick
Marriages In March 1674 and 1675 None
Marriages In Aprill 1675
6 John Dauson & Anne Mandy w*^ Licence by D"" Patrick
Marriages! Marriages In May 1675
23 Mathew Nichols & Katherin Eooke w*'' Licence by M"" Johnson
27 Andrew Beech & Martha Dixon were Marred J w'*^ Licence by M'' Johnson
Marriages In August 1675
§ George Beare & Grace Owens w*^ Licince by M' Gary
Marriages In September 1675
28 ThamasiJ: Wjirriu : gent & Anne Clement w'^^ Licince
Marriages In October none
Marriages In Nouember 1675
2 Prancis|| Bradly & Jane Jennings w'^ Licience
20 Marmaduke Daughter to Judglf Jenkins
Marriages In December 1675
3 Eoger Senby & Elizabeth Cooper w*'^ Banns
23 Richard ColJiar & Issabella Gamble w''' Banns : by M' Johnson
Marriages In March 1676
27 Henry Peart & Elizabeth Carr : w''' Licence by D^' Patrick
Noe Marriages In Aprill nor May 1676
Marriages In June 1676
12 Henry Apsly Esq^ & Cordelia Boys: w^'' Licence by M'' Jackson ||
29 Charles Turner gent & Margarit Cholmenley w"* Licence by D"" Gierke
Marriages In July 1676
20 John** Priggott A Minister & Elizabeth Elton by A surrogate
Marriages In Nouember 1676
7 : John Hippisley and Prissilla Glaziour with licence by M"" Castle
* ? Meant for Bannes. — Ed. t An erasure.— Ed. J Sic.
§ No dale. — Ed. || Written over an erasure. — Ed.
IT iSic : Possibly meant for a baptismal entry. There is a blank in the Christenings for the
date Nov. 25, 1676.— Ed. ** " John " erased.— Ed.
Marriages In December 1676
18* a Cuple Marrid by y* Deane of Canterberry Curate
21t George Wilks and Elizabeth Hiuson with Licence by M"^ Castle
Noe Marriages In January 1676
Marriags In February 1676
27 Isarill Harrison & Sarah Fites Married w'^' Lycence : by M>' Castell
Noe Marrage In March
Marriages In April 1677
10 John Barker & Mary Workman av*'' Licence by M"" Castell
24 of Aprill 1677
Greorge Emit & Lucie Parker w*^'' Licince
Manages In June 1677
24 Jonathan Apleyard & Mawd Godwad w^'' Lycence by M'' Castell
Marriags In July 1677
15 John Rye & Caralina Norwood Lycince by M'' Cassell
Noe Marriages In August 1677
Marriages In September 1677
23 Robert Morgan & Margarit Barwell w"' Licince by D'' Patrick
28 Roger Barton & Anna Drew w"> LiciueJ by M'' Cassell
Noe Marriages October Nouember December 1677
Marrages In January 1677
1 Thomas Fowles & Mary Welby w^^^ Licince by M'" Cassell
Noe Marriages February & March 1677
Marriges In Aprill 1678
1 Anthony Bromston Esq'' & Katherin Nutt 1678
• Noe Marriages In May 1678
Marriages June 1678
§John North & Elizabeth Judson by Bannes by M'" Cassell
Marriages In July 1678
2 Jasper Cloett & Anne Robinson by M"" Cassell
2 Thomas Lee & Sarah Scott w"^*" Licience by M'' Cassell
11 Thomas Cox gent & Mary Peachell w"' LicineJ by M'' Peachell
Marriages In August 1678
12 M'' Robert Egleton & Sarah Atkinson w"' Licine.J by D"^ Patrick
20 M'' Robert AVillianison & M'" Jane Dobson w"' Licince by Docter Patrick
* Blank in Register. — Ed. f Misjilaced in Register. — Eu. J Sic. § No date. — Ed.
Noe Marriages : September 1678
Noe Marriages In October 1678
Marriages In Nouember 1678
30 M>' Francis Lloyd & Anne Hackett
Marriges In February 1678
6 Edmond Hungerford gent. & Elizabeth Stratford w"' Licince
Marriages In May 1679
13 Charles Baldwin & Elizabeth Acton w*'* Licine* by the B''i' of S' Dauids.
Marriages In June 1679
5 John Siuill & Saince Barton w^'' Licince by M"^ Cassell
24 Richard Sill & Elizabeth Peirce wid w"' Licince by M"" Cassell
Marriages In July 1679
22 Thomas Groodwin & Mary Weedon w^'' Licince by M"" Cassell
Marriges In September 1679
4t Edward Clopton & Martha Combe w"* Licience by M' Castell ►
4 Henry Nuthall & Elizabeth Kneebou w"' Licence by M'' Apleford
September 29 James Jackson & Ann Warwick w'*" Licence by M"" Vickars
30 Thomas Aspley & Elizabeth Colbey
Marriages In December 1679
4 Thomas Lyford & Hanna Neale w*^' Licince by M'' Vicars
23 Mathew Hickman & Joane Brooke w"^ Licince
Marriag In January 1679
29 James Wilson & Annah Whitney by M'' Castell
Marriags In February
5 James Nesbitt & Mary Hay w'^' Licence By D'' Patrick
Noe Marriges In March 1679 & 1680 Nor In April May & June 1680
Marriages July 1680
24 Nicholas Baxter & Ann Feudall w'^ Licence, by M"" Hopkins
Marriages In August 1680
12 Thomas Blechle & Elizabeth Hanlock By M'' Hopkins
Noe Marriages In September 1680
Marriages In Nouember 1680
1 Randolph Berkenhead & Susana Burt w"' Licence by M'' Bickerton
12 John Brow & Elizabeth Sendrev w*'' Lvcence by M' Pyke
25 Henry West & Elizabeth Fellows w''' Licence by M'' Pyke
* Sic. t This entry is giveu twice, without auy variation. — Ed.
Noe Marriages December 1680
Marriages In Januay* 1680
20 John Lewis Esq'' & Elizabeth Lewis w*** Licince by D'' Harrison
Noe Marriages In February 1680
Marriages In March 1681
31 Thomas More & Mary Parmer w**" Licence by M'" Pyke
Noe Marriages In Aprill Nor May 1681
Marriages In June 1681
gth William FleuEllen & Judeth Aspley vv'h Licence by M'" Pyke
Marriages In July 1681
14 Edward Snocksell & Mary Crew w*'' Licence by M'' Pyke
19 Koger Eddowes & Mary Hodgkins w*'' Licence by M'' Stacey
Noe Marriages In August 1681
^ Noe Marriags September 1681
tMarriages In October 1681
20 M"- John Pyke Curate of S^ Paul Couent Garden & M''^ Anne Euington w'^
Lycince By Synion Patrick D.D. Deane of Peterborough
Marriages In Nouember 1681
Marriages December 1681
8 Humphrey Heteriugton & Judeth Holcomb w"' Licence by D'" Eward* Still-
ingfleet Deane of S* Pauls
Marriages In January 1681
Marriages In February 1681
5 William Harrison & Elizabeth Keitly
Marriages In March 1682
30"* George Turney <& Sarah Ratclife w*** Lycince by M'' Williams
Marriages Aprill 1682
27 George Light & Elizabeth Keeue w"* Lycince : by M^ Stacey
Marriages In May 1682
Marriages In June 1682
1 Thomas Gregory gent. & M'^ Katherine Taylor w*^'' Lycince By M'' John
Pyke Curate of S' Paul Couent Garden
1 Thomas Perrey & Penelope Eueington w"' Licince by M' Pyke
1 M' Benjanien Warrin & M" Mary Denew : by M"" Pyke By Banns
* Sic. t " Noe " erased. — Ed.
Marriges In July 1682
31 Benjamen Lodington & Triphose Clarke by M'^ Pyte
Marriages In August 1682
7 Orlando Gee gent. & M'^ Ann Chilcott w"> Licence by D"" Home
No Marriages In September 1682
Marriages In October 1682
*William Keepe & Elinor Smalbrook w*'' Licience by M"" Pyke
28 Nicholas Bacon Esq' Son of S'' Nicholas Baconf of Shrubland In y^ County
of Suffolk K^ of the Bath : & the Lady Katharine Montague Daughter
to the Earle of Sandwich ; Married by the Ld Bishop of Durham
Noe Marriages In Nouember 1682
Marriages In Decemberf 1682 December
*Eobert Sumpton & Elizabeth Bridgfoot w"' Banus by M"" Pyke
Noe Marriages In January 1682
Marriages In February 1682
8 Thomas Phillips & Jane Wingfield w*!' Licence by M"^ Pyke
20 John Pettid & Sarah Sumner by M'" Pyke.w"' Licence
Marriage In March 1682
4 Charles Comyerland & Mary Snapes w*'' Licence by M"" Hopkinsf
Marriages In Aprill
9 Joseph S* Leeuers & Mary Combs w"' Licence by M"" Pyke
12 Eobert Hutchens & Ann Hitch w'^ Licence by M"^ Hai*dy
Marrages In May 1683
1 "William Griffith & Mary Morison by the Dean of Peterbough with Licence
Marriages In June 1683
Marriages In July 1683
3 Thomas Teomans & Sarah Wilson Married w*'^ Licence by M"" Stacey
17 Charles Hawkins & Margaritt Fisher w*^' Licence by M'' Pyke
Marriages In AaugstJ 1683
15 Henry Dawson & Sarah Canham w"' Licence by the Deane of Peterbourgh
Marriages In September 1683
27 Eobert Taylor & Bridgett Pidgieon w*'' Licence by M'' Stacey
Marriages In October 1683
14 John Fawlkner & Jone Eobins w"' Licence By D'' Patrick Eector of S' Paul
Couent Garden.
18 M'" Eobert Middilton A Minister & M" Mary Patrick Married w*'' Licence
by D^ Patrick
* No date. — Ed. f "Written over an erasure. — Ed. J Sic.
Noe Marriages Xouember 1683
Marriages December 1683
15 Kobert Dormer & Elizabeth Blake av^'' Licence By the Ld Bishop of Durham
Marriages In January 1083
15 Thomas Gooding & Mary Yanhack Married w*'' Licence by M'' Stacey
29 Francis Lund & Susana" Wadlow Married w^'' Licence : by M'" Stacy Curat
Noe Marriages In February 1683
Mariages In March 1684:
March the 30^'' 1684 Thomas Shout & Ann Smith Married w"' Licence by M^
Thomas Stacey
Marriages .Tune 1684
5 Eobert Tash & Elizabeth Lestrang Married by M^ Stacey
8 Samuell Presser & Margaritt Mason Married w^^ Banns By M' Thomas
Marriage In July 1684
Marriages In* August 1684
24 Edward Hunt & Margarit Aysh By D'" Patrick Kector
Marriags In Nouember 1684
6 John JoUife gent. & Dame iVnna Crew Marredf w*'' Licence by the Ld
Bishop of Durham
Marriages In A prill 1685
23 Gerrett Southall & Elizabeth Francklin married w*^* Licence by M'' Stacey
Marriges In May 1685
28 Thomas & Susana Knewstubb : w*'' Liciuce by M'" Stacey
Marriages In June 1685
25 "Walter Prosser & Eebecca More w*'' Licence : by M"" Hopkins
Marriags In July 1685
6 Edward Massey & Elizabeth Lisie w"' Licence
Noe Marriags In August 1685
Marriages In September 1685
24 Tymothy Cartwright & Elizabeth Pengry w"' Licence By M*" Stacey
Marriages in October 1685
9 Charles Burgess and Ailce Huddleston with Licence by M"" Stacy
Marriages in November 1685
1 Thomas Stacy and Katherine Thorn with License by M"" Stacy
10 Thomas Shaw and Sarah Workman w*** License by M"" Stacy
* An erasure. — Ed. t ^^<^-
Marriages in February 1685
9 Eichard Blackmore & Mary Adams by M"' Hopkins with License
11 Dan vers Washington & Elizabetli Street with License by a French Minister
11 Eobert Jolly & Eleanor Field with License by M'" Bird
Marriages in Aprill 1686
18 David "Waldron & Sibylla Cadwell with License by D'' Patrick
May. Marriages in May. 1686
27 Jonathan Dodswell and Margaret Stokes with License by M'' Stacy
Marriages in June 1686
2 Elms Spinckes & Jane Smith Avith License by M"" Nathaniel! Spinckes
12 Thomas Coole and Sense Smith w*'' License by M"" Stacy
Symon Patrick Eector
Ja : C uningham 1
Edward Bickerstaffe > Churchwardens
Tho: Moody J
Marriages in September 1686
7 James Bradshaw and Jane Eaudolph with License b)^ D"" Patrick
16 Joseph Darby Minister & Ester Hollingsworth with License by M'' Stacy
29 John Bertraud a Fi'euch Minister & Charlotte Jolly with License by
D'- Patrick
Marriages in October 1686
14 Thomas Marriot & Bridget Palmer wnth License by M"" Stacy
28 Daniell Baxter & Lydia Ashfeild with License by M"" Stacy
Marriages in December 1686
15 John Layden and Sussana Eaftin with License by M"" Stacy
Marriages in January 1686
27 David Gilbert & Sarah Smith, w"' Bands by M"^ Stacy
Marriages in February 1686
8 Eichard Binder & Martha Hancock with Bands* by D'" Patrick
Marriages in March 1687
27 Thomas Fry & Elizabeth Mugford w*** license by M"" Stacy
29 Andrew Saddon & Judith Chapman, with license by D"" Patrick
Marriages in Aprill 1687
11 John Page & Sarah Ben, mth license by M'' Stacy
16 Bernard Doucet & Mary Cocker, w"' license by M'" Stacy
24 Henry Hurt & Johanna Eudly w"' license by M' Stacy
Marriages in May 1687
12 Jacob Hayes & Elizabeth Hopkins w'*" license by M"^ Stacy
14 Leonard Feereby & Katherine Bristow w*'' license by M"" Stacy
22 John Thomas & Eebekkah Scot w"' license by M'' Stacy
30 Eichard Mitton & Susanna Earl w'^^ license by M^ Bird
* Altered from Licence. — Ed.
in July 1687
10 John Passwater & Mary Palmer w^^ license by M"- Stacy
in August 1687
11 Solomon Parker & Jane Baldwin w^^ license by M' Stacy
Stmon Pateick Rector
Ja: Cuningham ^
Tho: Moody > Churchwardens
Anto: CracherodeJ
Marriages in September 1687
15 Henry Sauyer & Mary Gumbleton by D^ Patrick w'^' license
19 John Cooper & Sarah Worth by M'' Stacy with license
in October 1687
8 Paul Eiall & Martha Abbot by M'' Stacy with banes asked
in December 1687
22 Henry Smith & Barbara Bartlet by M'' Stacy w*'' license
in January 1687
26 Edward Dobson and Frances Braithwait by D'' Patrick w"^ license
in February 1687
2 Edward Nicholls and Martha Grentleman by M' Stacy w"' License
5 Eobert Williams and Ann Jordan by M' Stacy w"' License
12 John Simpson & Elizabeth Hall by M'' William Burd w"» License
24 Arthur Beecher and Martha Needham by M'' Stacy w*^'' lacense
in May 1688
3 Benjamin Lane & Susanna Cox by M'' Stacy with License
17 Christopher Crook and Ann Hall by M'' Stacy w"' License
24 Walter Scott & Eebekkah Hull hy'M'' Stacy with License
in August 1688
16 Charls Blithe & Mary Wilson by M' Hopkins w*'' license
30 John Dazy and Elizabeth Snell by M' Sam: Francis w*'' License
in October 1688
28 William Johnson & Elizabeth Elnor by M'' Tho. Stacy with License
in November 1688
26 Thomas Giles & Marv llyall by M' Stacy with License
28 Charls Waterman & Martha Read by M"" Wilt Saul with bands asked
in December 1688
25 Richard Hawker and Susanna Brown by M'' * Stacy with bands asked
* " Ned" erased. — Ed.
in January 1688
29 John Tucker & Sarah Munday by M'' Stacy with bands asked
in February 1688
6 John Holder & Elizabeth Vrwin by D' Patrick with License
10 David Meredith & Mary Cooper by M'' Stacy with License
12 John Dawson & Edith Hinde by D"" Patrick w"' License
Stmon Patrick Rector
Tho: Moody
Anto. Cracherode
Rich: Sill
in March 1688
1 Georg Sherly & Mary Deheniieii by M'' Stacy with License
19 Thomas Chapman & Margaret Gough by D'' Patrick w'^ License
in Aprill 1689
4 John Green & Mary Cutler by M'' Stacy with License
11 Nicholas Shepherd & Susanna German by M'" Stacy w'^ License
18 Thomas Southam & Ann Yerwood by M'' Stacy with License
in May 1689
7 Thomas Welstead and Elizabeth Be vis by M' Rob. Beverley with License
in June 1689
27 William Tedstell and Lettice Grey by M'' Stacy Avith License
in July 1689
31 Ralph Acton & Joan Wattis by M*' Tho. Stacy with License
in September 1689
5 Michael Bennet & Hanah Saywer by M'' Stacy w'^ License
in October 1689
8 Charls Wood & Sarah Webb by M'' Hopkins w^'' License
In Decemb 1689
12 Wm Dixon & Grace Cooke by M'' Stacy with License
19 Walter Hungerford & Elizabeth Cutlove by M'' Hopkins w4th License
In Jan: 1689.
21 Charls Russel & Sarah Monington Avith License.
In Febr. 1689
13 Peter Watts & Isabella Satcy with License.
In March. 4.*
4 William London & Mary Humphryes with banes,
* Sic.
In April. 1690.
22 Eobt Bellinghani & Prauces Eagdel with Licence by M"" Stacy
22 John Day & Grace Slaughter with Licence by D' Freeman.
29 Eobt Long & Frances Boteler with Licence by M'' Stacy.
In June. 1690.
12 John Eussel & Sarah Cartwright with Licence by D' Freeman
In Octob. 1690.
23 W"" Goddard And Katharine Penny, Licence by M' Stacy.
27 Henery Ayre and Elizabeth Dane with Licence by D'' Freeman.
In Novemb. 1690
17 William Cox & Mary Laurence by D'' Freeman. License
In Jan: 1690.
15 Delington Ayres & Katharine Watts, by M'' Stacy License
Sa: Feeeman Eect>"
Eich: Sill 1 ,.1. 1, ,
Edw: Stevenson / <-l^"rchwai-dens
In Febr.
8 Samuel Eeeves & Essex Coling.* by M'' Eich. Physon. Liceuse
11 John Banner & Susannah Craddock by M"" Burdet. License.
12 Samuel Fan* & Mary Turner by M' Thomas Stacy. Licence
22 Mundeford Spilman Est[. & M''* Ann Walpole by D'' Freeman Licence
24 John Powel Esq, & M'"^ Ann Bridges by M'' Stacy Licence
26 J onathau Blagden & Elizabeth Tate by Di' Freeman Licence
5 George Bing & Margaret Masters by D'' Freeman. Licence.
19 John Burringham & Martha Barton by f Licence
April 1691
14 Thomas Worlock & Ann Kirby by D' Freeman Licence
14 John Warner & Mary Greenwood by D'' Freeman Licence
27 Charls Huggins & Joane Gilbert by D'' Freeman with banns
25 Bryan Procter & Eleanor Winn. By D'' Freeman, License
16 Arthur Osburn & Mary Crow by D'' Freeman. License
16 Arthur BeardJ & Ann Sneade by M' Stacy License
^5 Edward Lock & Sarah Eussel by D'^' Freeman License
* Altered from " Colling."— Ed. f Blauk iu Ref<ister.— Ed. J " Bird " erased.— Ed.
17 William Jenuiugs & Mary Eutt by M^ Stausfield Licence.
19 John BuUivaui & Elizabeth Sibly by M' Stacy Licence
30 Christopher Wilkinson & Alice J^'ield by M'' Stacy, with Banns.
9 Samuel Cudwoith & Sar.ih Gregory, by M'' Richard Bird. License
19 Christopher Towes & Jane Brown by iVr Hopkins License
9 John Spence & Elizabeth Cunningham by D^' Ereeman License
Sa: Eeeemajs" Eect'
Edw: Stevenson ^ churchwardens.
John: Ansell J
Marriages. 1692.
30 John Eedgway & Mary Gentle marryed by M' Stacy. License
6 John Walker & Sicil Henrage was marryed by D' Paget. License.
9 M-- John Wake Minister & Philippa Hobert by D' Freeman. License
22 Richard Wood & Joau Spencer by D' Ereeman. License.
9 George Daniel & Martha Higgs by D'' Ereeman. License.
22 Peter Cheshire & Theodosia Tendal by M-^ Baaks Crook. License
22 Sam: Eox & Ann Holmes by M^ Hopkins. License.
26 John Griffin & Ann Hiude by M' Stacy License
8 Samuel Wills & Priscilla Rumbal by M'' Stacy License.
15 William Gill and Timothea Barlow by M'' Stacy License
June 15 W™ Areskan & Mary Atkins by M'' Stacy with License
July 4 Nicholas Ryal & Ann Smith by M^ Stacy with License
Aug. 10 John Bond & Winifred Buggins by M^ Provost with License
7ber. 12 Jonathan Robinson & Elizabeth Portress by M"- Hopkins License
7ber. 28 Thomas Bolton & Bridget Nutting by M' Wharton w"' License
Novem. 16 Henery Rose & Frances Maringon by M'" Stacy with License.
Jan. 23 Matthew Clark & Mary Eryar by D'' Ereeman with License
Feb. 5 Thomas Davison & Ursilla Jay by D'" Freeman with License
Feb. 26 Eichard* Freeman Esq. & M" Eliz: Keck by D' Freeman w'^
Feb. 26 Edward Newton & Susanuali Mairmoine by D*' Freeman with
March 19 Henery Amy & Susannah L'nderwood by D^ Freeman. Licence
Sa: Feeemajt Rect*'
Ralph Leeke 1 rtu v i
XT ■ 1 1 c! II > Churchwardens
JS icholas opalden j
Marriages 1694
28 Thomas Cutler of Kingsland in y*^ Couuty of Hereford & Fransis Pierpoint
of Luston in y*^ same County: Marry ed by M'' Wharton with Licence.
29 Isaac Guerard of Stepney & Martha Hawkins by M"" Stacy Avith Licence
30 Phillip Morgas & Toynon Lombard marryed by M"" Stacy with Licence
2 Edward Owen & Catharine Pagitt marryed by M'' Stacy with Licence.
19 Moses Barton & Mary "Walker marryed by M' Hopkins with Licence.
17 Beavis Gough of S* James Westmr: & Martha Hicks of y^ same marryed
with Lie:
26 M"^ Gabriel Glover & M""* Bridgit Elson marryed with Licence by M"^ Stacy.
9 Christopher Dalston Esq. of Carlisle & M" Dorothy Lowther. Licence.
24 M'' W"' SkinnerJ in S^ Martins in y"^ Fields & M""^ Oakley of this Parish with
License by D"" Freeman.
May 1695.
28 John Shank of S' Dunstans in y^ East & Mary Eussel of y« same Parish.
30 William Fletcher Gent of Low-Layton in Essex & Elizabeth Sadler ot
S* Martins in y« Fields by Licence.
2 Robert Tipping of S* Paul Covent-Garden & Eliz: Sutton of S' Martins in
y*= Fields by Licence. M"" Stacy.
7 Arthxir Cutler of S' Peter Poore London & Elizabeth Hunt of y« same,
p Licence & M*^ Hopkins
14 Thoraas+ Allen of S^ Paul Coveut Garden & Isabella Carter of y^ same
p Licence.
29 Joseph Miller of Biugfield in Bucks & Mary Smith of S^ Augustins London
p Licence
30 John Auburn Gentlman of Wabridge in Surrey & Ann With of y<= same
p Licence.
* Written over au erasure,— Eu. t 1695 erased.— Ed. t An erasure.— Ed.
11 Eichard Nipping of S* Paul Covent garden & Francis Webb of y« same
p Banns.*
20 TT'" Colinge of S^ Pauls Covent garden et Kuth Chase of S* James Clarkenwel
p Licence. M^ Knott.
21 W" Leach Gent of S^ Dunstans in y^ "West & Mary Knight of S' Pauls.
Licence. D"" F.
5 W'" Tayler of S' P. Coventgarden & Martha Winn of y*" same. Banns. B^ F.
5 Adrian Tounsend of S' Stephen Colemau-Street & Dorothy Hill of Woolver-
Hampton Staffordshire, p Licence Dv. F.
Sa : Fbeemax Eecf,
Nicholas Spalden 1
Edw de Chair j
Marriages 1696
14 Nathaniel Wood of S* Martin Orgar Lond. x\nn Saunders of S' Mary
Abchurch. by Licence M"' Stacy.
14 W™ Stephens of S* Hellens & Eliz: Kent of S* Edmund le King by Licence
M'" Stacy.
26 Charls Thetford of S' Giles, in y'' Fields & Ann Hill of S' Paul Covent-garden
by Licence M"" Stacy
28 Henery Walter of S* Martin & Eliz: Palmer of S' James Westminster by
Licence D'' Freeman.
12 John Edwards of S* Augustin & Eliz : Mason of Bridwell precinct by Licence
M"- Stacy.
17 Gervas Rhodes of S' Paul Covent-garden & Ann Mason of y^ same, by Banns
D"" Freeman
4 W"" Inglefield of S' James Westm : & Ann Pugh of S* Mary Savoy by Licence
Jy Freeman.
20 Thomas Baxter of S* Paul Covent garden & Ann Cunningham of y« same by
Licence D'' Freeman
24 Eobert Baden of S' Michael le Quern & Ann Wenman of S' Andrews
Holburn by Licence M' Hopkins.
March. 19.
19 John Powell of S' Giless in y*^ Fields & Eliz : Graves of y^ same by Licence
16 John Cooper of S* Paul Covent-garden & Eliz : Duke of y* same Parish by
Banns D' Fr.
19 John Peyto of Albery in y^ County of Surrey & Jane Symes of Gilford of y^
s'^ County, by Lycence. Dr Freeman.
28 George Smith of S' Mic-hael Wood street & Margaret Eeresby of S^ Anns
Westminster, by Licence D"" Freeman.
* Altered from Licence. — Ed.
0 Charls Smith of S' Michael Wood street & Hannah Nunns of Eushton in y^
County of Northton. Licence Dr Freeman
23 George Godfry of Farnham S* Martins in Suffolf* & Sarah Habor of
S' Martins in y« fields Middsx: with Licence Dr Freeman.
Sa: Freemais-, Eecf^
Nicholas Spalden 1 r,! i j
Edw : De Chair / Churchwardens
Marriages 1696
4 Anthony Wells of S' Mich: Wood street & Mary Stone of Shipperton Midsx
by M'' Harris with Licence.
7 William Day of S^ Clement Dane's & Eebekah Mather of y^ same by Licence
D'" Freeman.
19 Nathaniel Stephens Gent of S' Clement-Dane's & M''^ Eliz: Pemberton of
S' Dunstans by D^ Freeman. Licence.
lot William Seaveren of S' John Wapping & Katharine Howlet of S* Pauls
Covent garden with Licence by D'' Freeman.
1 Thomas Peachel Jun. of Greys-Inn & Mary Tate of St. P. Coventg. by
Licence D'" Freeman
6 John Holland of y-^ Inner-Temple & Susan Edwards of Christ-Church with
Licence bv M'' Holloway.
20 AV"' Street of'y^ Citty of Bath & Eliz: Eeade of Swanzwick in y^ County of
Somerset with Licence by Dr Freeman.
25 John Cornelius of Trinity Minors & Jane Mills of y« same with Licence by
M-- Hopkins.
25 John Fuller of S* Martins in y^ Fields & Mary Whitely of S' Pauls Covent
garden with Banns by D'" Freeman.
31 Christopher Pulsford & "Eliz. Bennet both of S' Pauls Covent garden with
Banns by D' Freeman.
16 Gabfride Lloyd of S^ Margarets Westminster & Barbara Price of y« same
with Licence by D"" Freeman.
13 John-AV"'Te,shmaker of St Stephens Walbrook & Esther-Barbara Merry of
S' Michael Crooked-Lane, by Licence D'' Freeman
14 Francis Gardiner & Katharine Thomas both of S' Paul Covent-garden by
Banns. D"" Freeman.
March 1697
25 Charls Charter of S' IMargarets Westminster & Hannah Partington of
S^ Clement Danes, by Licence D'' Freeman
* Sic. t Query " 18."— Ed.
8 AYilliam Tayler of S' Mary Aljchurcli & Mabell Gain of S* Martins in t«
Fields. Licence, D' Freeman.
Sa : Freemax Eect^
Nichola Spaldea 1 churchwardenB
Edw: De Chan- j
Marriages 1697 April
8 W" Brunsden of S* ISFartins in ,\'' Fields & Joyce John of S* Paul Covent-
garden. by Banns D"" Freeman.
20 Frederick Clutterbuck of S' Mary Magdalen Bermundsey & Eliz: Ford of
S* Leonard Brumley by Licence. D^' Freeman.
27 Sa: Wells & Abra Webb both of S' Pauls Covent-gardeu. Banns.
29 Elias Trapaud of All Hollows London-Wall & Grace Harward of 8* Paul
Covent garden Banns M'' Hollowey.
25 Andrew Milligan of Xew-shoram in Sussex & Sarah Planere of Lewiston
Sussex by M'' Harris, Licence.
6 Thomas Bird of 8' Mary le Bow London & Mary Maynward of Christ-Church
London by D"" Bird Licence.
17 Eobert Brown" & Martha Kirbie both of 8^ P. Covent garden by M'' HoUowey
22 John Peel of S' Olave Southwark & Mary Mallet of 8' Paul Covent-garden
by M"" Harris Banns.
8 Phillip Wiseman of Guilford in Surrey & Eliz: Dorgood of S^ Andrews Hol-
burn by M'' Harris Licence.
10 Walter Archer & Katharin Drift both of this Parish by M'" Hollowey
17 Edmund LLoyd & Martha Barow both of this Parish by D'' Fr. Licence
19 John Webb of 8' Margarets AVestminster & Margaret Truhitt of y*^ same by
M'" Holloway Licence.
26 John-James Eeinold of 8' Andre\\' Holburn & Mary-Magdalen Marlhett of
St P. Covent-garden by Dr Fr: Licence
9 Edward Mist of Savoy-Parish & Eliz: Smith of y* same by Dr Fr: Licence.
17 Thomas Owen & Ann Poole both of 8* James Clarkenwell by Dr Fr. Licence
23 Thomas Roberts of 8' Gregory London & Ann Casebrook of St P. Covent-
garden by D' Fr. Licence
7 Edward Eldridge of Cirencester & Mary Barber of S' Martins in y« fields by
D"^ Freeman Licence.
Sa: Fbeeman Eecf
Nicholas Spalden")
Tho: Gratwick > Churchwardens
Edw: De Chair J
Marriages. Octob. 1697
12 W™ Hopper of Enfield Midlesx & Eliz: Hopper o£ y« same by M' Darby-
18 Abel King of S' Martins in y* fields & Mary Spencely of y« same by
M"" Holloway Licence
26 Sam: Stone of S' Margarets Westminster & Sarah Hillraan of y'= same by
D'' Fr. Licence
26 Henery Green of Wykan* in Warwicshire & Margaret Craven of this Parish
by D' Freeman. Licence.
2 John French of S* Sepulc: & Eose Hammond of this Parish by D' Freeman
by Banns.
28 Edlin Tristram of Hitchin in County of Harford & Ann Hill of S* Paul
AValden in y^ same county. By D'" Freeman with Licence.
2 Eichard Jones of S' Botolp Bishopsgate & Judith Norton of S* Mary Magda-
len Bedmansea. By M"" Harris with Licence.
14 Francis Okely of this Parish & Mary Chawner of y*^ same, by D^ Freeman
19 W"' Burridge & Martha AVood both of this Parish by M'' Harris Licence
27 John Yen & Sarah Lyons both of this Parish, by M' Holloway Licence
28 Phillip Box of S* Martin.s in y*^ fields & Francis Eose of y*^ same by D' Free-
man, with Licence.
30 James Tayler of S' John AVapping & Mary Peacock of y^ same by M'" Harris
with Licence,
Febr. 97
3 Thomas Handcock of S* James Clarkenwell & Eebekah Buckly of this Parish
marryed. Licence by D' Freeman.
lo Eob' Worthington of 8' Clement Dane & Joanna Bucklaud of S* Andrews
Holburn, with Licence, by M'' Harris.
17 Thomas AVormal of S* James AVestm. & Martha Bates of y^ same by
D'' Freeman with Licence.
2-i AV"' Massey of y^ Inner Temple & Sarah Jones of Putney By D' Freeman
with Licence
Sa: Fbeemax. Eecf
Nicholas Spalden 1 m. t. j
AVill. Francklyn j Churchwardens
Marriages. Feb. 97
26 Adam Buttet of S' Martins & Susan' de Longfreyf of this Parish by
M"^ Abram de S' Denis p banns.
27 The Eight Hon. John Earle of CassilJ & M"-^ Mary Fox of S' Giless in y"
Fields by D'' Freeman with Licence.
2 Simon Cowells & Mary Belton both of 8^ Clements D' Freeman with Licence.
6 John Owen of S' James AVestm. & Ann Harris of this Parish by M'' Harris
by Banns.
6 Eobt Akerman & Alice Smith both of S' James': AVest. by M"" Harris with
8 John Eogers of S' Martins & Eliz. Hooker of 8* Anns AVestm. by D"" Freeman
with Licence.
17 S^ Thomas Tipping of AVhitfield in Oxfordshire Bar" & M'« Ann Cheek of
this Parish. By D' Burnet Bp of Sarum with Licence.
* Altered from " Wikan."— Ed. f Query. J Altered from " Casthil."— Ep.
Marriages. 67
24 Israel Hopper & Sarah Holt both of this Parish by D" Freeman with Licence.
25 Kobt Wilkinson of S* Martins & Margaret Hatchet of this Parish by
D' Freeman, p Banns
25 Grerrard AVhite & Katharin James both of S' James Westm, by Dr Freeman
with Licence.
28 W" Strafford & Dorothy Ball both of this Parish by M"" Harris with Banns.
2 James Gaddes & Margaret Jackson both of this Parish by Banns by
M>- Halloway
12 James Hopkins of Stanton-Dean in y'^ County of Sommerset & Eliz : Zouch
of S*' Martins in y*^ fields by D'' Freeman with Licence
19 John Ferby of Enstone Oxoii & Ann Jones of y*^ same by D*^ Freeman with
1 Bichard Griffith of S* Anns Westm. & Margaret Milbouru of y^ same by
Dr Freeman with Licence
2 Thomas Edwards of S' Clement Danes & Mary Breaspeare of y'= same by
D'^ Freeman with Licence.
Sa: Fkeeeman Eeef
Nicholas Spalden \ ^i. i, j
* f Churchwardens.
Marriages 1698
5 Theophilus Stibing of St Marg. Westm. & Mary Clark of this Parish by
M' Harris with Licence.
16 Wm Bridges & Mary Curtis both of this Parish by M'' Harris with Banns.
17 James Woodford & Mary Webb both of this Parish by M'' Harris vrith.
20 John Adison of S' Martins in y^ fields & Martha Johnson of this Parish by
M"" Holloway with Licence.
30 Thomas Gardner & Jane Lighting both of this Parish by M' Harris with
16 W'" Cloaket & Ann Parret both of Conington in y^ County of Cambridge by
M'" Holloway with Licence.
25 John Fileul of S' Giles in y^ Fields & Eliz: Holland of S' Anns AYestm. by
M'' Holloway with Licence.
28 Joseph Eomain of S^ Magnus Martyrs & Eliz: Joyner of y*^ same by
M^' Holloway with Licence.
1,1 John Emmot of S' Clement Dane & Mary Armstone of y<= same by M'' Harris
with Licence.
1 Anthony Mowrie+ of Cas-horton in Surrey & Eliz: Wilson of y<^ same by
M'' Harris with Licence.
5 W"^ Ordway of Twitnam in Midlesx & Mary Cornes of S' Martins in y«
Fields by D*' Freeman with Licence
8 Nicholas Weel of y'' Inner Temple Esq. & Ann Bret of Putney in Surrey by
M"^ Eichardson Min : of Putney with Licence
* Blank in Register.— Ed. + ? Cloater.— Ed. J P Mouris.— Ed.
13 Edward Deere of All-Hallows-Barkin & Eliz: Watts o£ S^ INrartins in y"
Fields by Dr Freeman with Licence.
13 Thomas LLoyd of Putney in Surrey & Eliz : Fowles of S' Matthew-Fryday-
Street by D'' Freeman with Licence
24 John liandale of Welling in Hartfordshire & Eliz: Wells of Waltam-Stou in
Essx by Dr Freeman with Licence
Sa: Freeman. Reef.
Nicholas Spalden 1 ^i i j
iiT» 17 1 1 ? Churchwardens.
Avm irancklyn J
Marriages 169f
* October
27 ^m Tayler of S' Giles in y^ Fields & Kathariu Osfield of y« same by
M'' Halloway with Licence.
2 Robert Hodgson & Mary Moore both of this Parish by D'' Freeman by
3 W™ Board of S' Giles^ & Ann Chalkwell of y^ same by M'- Holloway with
10 Ealp Smithson of S' Martins & Eliz : Barker of S^ Giles by M"' Holwey with
17 W'" Alderton of 8* Mai^aret Westminster & ."^nn Eldred of y'^ same by
M'' Holwey mth Licence.
24 Robert Presgrave of S' Margaret Westm & Hester Griffith of S' P. Covent
garden by D'' Freeman with Licence
— 30 Richard Gad bury f of S' Clement Dane & Sarah Deane of y*^ same by M'' Hol-
wey with Licence
7 W'" Ball of S*^ Peters Cornwall & Jane Lorraine of S' James Westm by
M"' Harris with Licence.
10 James Reade of S* Margaret Westm. & Ann Goodall of S* James Westm. by
D'" Freeman with Licence
23 Kichard James & Eleanor Evans both of this Parish by M'' Holwey with
24 Stephen Creagh of S' Stephen Coleman-street & Eliz: Fitz-Gerald of
S' Sepulchers by D' Bird with Licence:
31 William Finch of S' James Westminster & Eliz: Granger of y*^ same with
Licence by D'' Bird.
2 John Orchard of S' James Westm. & Ann Blackwell of y" same by M'' Hollo-
way with Licence.
2 John Mills & Isabella Norc both of this Parish with Licence by M"" Hollo-
2 Thomas Kingdome & Joan King both of this Parish by D*" Freeman with
7 J William Eaton & Grace Jones both of S'- James Westm. by M'' Holloway
with Licence.
Sa: Fbeeman Reef
Nicholas Spalden "1 /^i i .,
John:Martyn ) Churchwardens
* " January " emsed.— Ed. t Altered from " Galbury."— Eo. J Altered from " 4." — Ed.
Marriages 1698
20 John Phillip Charls of Stepney & Susan' Fanjoy of S' Anns AVestin. by
M'' Peter Pashcr with Licence.
21 Wm Cork of 8' Olaves Soutliwark & Alice Steere of ^tliis Parish by B' Free-
man with Licence.
12 W^ Pedworth of S' Giles in y« Fields & Eliz: Croley of this Parish by
D'" Freeman with Licence.
23 Ebenezer Helliar of S' Giles in y'' Fields & Mary Py of S' James Westm. by
Dr Freeman with Licence.
April 1699
11 Edward LLoyd of Cambr. & Grace Crowder of y'' same by D»' Freeman with
16 Eobt Barnes & Mary Baker both of this Parish by xM' Harris with Banns.
17 Samuel Hunt of S'^ Giles in y'^ Fields & Kathariu ClufE of this Parish by
M^ Harris with Banns.
.20 W"" Nants of S' Martins in y*^ I'ields & Sarah Warner of y« same by M"' Harris
with Licence.
4 Seamore Kingham of Stepney & Eliz: Wilson of S' Albans Woodstreet by
Dr Freeman with Licence.
l^ Thomas Williamson of S* Ann Blackfryers & Mary Arinder* of this Parish
by Banns by M'" HoUoway
1 John Bentley & Susan' Grange both of this Parish by M'' Hallovvay with
Sa: Freemax Reef
Nicholas Spalden 1 r,i i i
John:Martyn j Churchwardens
Marriages 1699
6 Rowland Richardson of S' Michael Woodstreet & Eliz. Lee of S* Martins in
y'^ Field by M'' Holloway with Licence
16 John Carpenter & Eliz : Williams both of this Parish with bauus by
M"" Harris
20 Richard H olden of y*^ midle Temple & Katliarin Maurice of this Parish by
M'' Richardson with Licence.
1 Thomas Williams & Eleanor Stokes both of this ^^rish by D'' Freeman with
17 Stephen Chamberlaue & Eleanor Cook both of S*^ Martins by M"^ Harris with
■ Licence.
24 John Linwood of S* Dunstans in y'^ West & Christabella Launce of S* James
Westm. by M'" Harris with Licence.
2 Matthew Arnold of S' Giles Chriplegate & Ann Treves of S"^ James Westm.
by M' Harris with Licence.
* ? Aviuder.— Ed. t Altered from "July."— Ed.
5 John Aldridge of S' Martins & Mary Lee of this Parish by M'' Harris with
5 Eobert Sherriff of S' Bridgets & Ann Sheffield of this Parish by M^ Harris
with Banns.
19 John AVilkins of Eiehniund in Surrey & Katharin Winch of Laurence Walt-
ham Biick.s by D"" Freeman with Licence
26 Henery Mollineux of y^ Savoy & Thomazin Fauster of this Parish. By
D"" Freeman with Banns.
9 W"> Pitman & Martha Mills both of this Parish by M'' HoUoway with Banns
23 Eobert Pool of this Parish & Sarah Williams of S' Giles in y« Fields by
Dr Freeman with Licence.
9 David Graham & Mary How both of S' Martins in y'^ Fields by Dr Freeman
with Licence.
14 Edward Cleghorne of S* Martins in y« Fields & Eliz: Pell of this Parish by
D'' Freeman with Banns.
24: Leeder AVild & Dorothea Linch both of this Parish by M' Harris with
27 James Cowles & Mary Tayler both of this Parish by M' Harris, Banns.
Sa: Freeman Eect'
John : Martyn
Marriages 1699
V Churchwardens
9 Eichard Wilkinson & Isabella Leppington both of S* Anns Westminster by
M*^ Halloway with Licence.
14 John Horton of S' Martins in y'= Fields & Mary Thornbury of y« same by
M' Harris with Licence
14 George Harrison of S* Bridgets London & Saxey Bowers of S' Giles's in y^
Fields by M' Hai-ris with Licence
14 John Atterbury of S^ Bartholomew Exchange & Mary Simmons of S* Martins
in y'' Fields by M'^ Harris with Licence
16 John Pilkington of S^ Martins in y*-' Fields & Dulcebella Thurmau of this
Parish by M'' Halloway with Licence
26 Peter Segar and Susan' Savage both of S' James Westm. by D'' Freeman
with Licence.
29 AV°' Bristo of Brumly in Kent & Susan' Barnes of this Parish by M"^ Harris
with Licence.
3 Eob* Woodroff of Poyl in Surrey & Esther Duncomb of Albury in y'^ same
County by D"" Freeman with Licence
o Edward Porter of S*^ James AVestm. & Mary Saunderson of this Parish by
D"" Freeman with Banns.
7 Garret- John Nye & Ann Eenge both of Kensington Midleeex by D"" Freeman
with Licence
13 Charls Xash of S' Michael in y* Citty of Worcester & Mary Watts of
S* Dunstan's in y'^ West by M' Halloway with Licence.
* Blank in Register. — Ed.
13 G-eorge Ellis iu S^ Martins in y« Fields & Eliz: Gilbert of S* James Westin.
by D'" Freeman with Licence
29 Thomas Key & Jane Martin both of this Parish by D"" Freeman with Licence
5 John Walker & Katharin Seaton both of this Parish by M'' Harris with
31 Eobert Ardis & Eleanor Cockril both of this Parish, by M"" Harris with
April 1700
1 Nicholas Eiishby of S' Gregory & Mary Baldy of S^ M. Savoy by M^" Harris,
21 John Carnaby & Margaret Morris both of this Parish by ivl"" Harris with
Sa: Freeman Eect*"
Peter Lavigne 1 m. i ^
> L hurchwardens.
Charles Hooper
Marriages 1700
14 Joseph Fielding of S' James's Westminster & Eliz: Heathwood of y^ same
Parish by M'' HoUoway by Licence
19 Michael Comins & Abigal Fowler both of S' James^ Westminster by
M"" Harris with Licence.
14 David Williams & Mary Gard'ner both of this Parish by M'' Harris with
26 Edward Eastman of S* Margarets AVestm. & Eliz : Deritt of S' Martins iu y^
Fields by M"" Harris with Licence.
30 Meshach Alderson of S' Katharin's Tower & Katharine Nugen of S*^ Anns
Westm. by M^ Harris with Licence.
2 Thomas G-ibbs of S' Botolphs Aldergate & Eliz : Martial of Barnet Midlesex
by M"" Holwey* with Licence.
13 John Cole & Frances Atwel both of S^ Margaret Westm. by M"" Harris with
14 Henery Meoles & Mary Peters both of S' Martins in y^ Filds* by M' Harris
with Licence.
21 Archibald English of Blackfryers & Margaret Burges of this Parish by M""
Harris withf Banns.
28 George Bowers & Sarah Moore both of S' Giles' in y'= Fields by M"" Harris
with Licence.
28 Peter Miller & Mary Heme both of this Parish by M'" Harris with Bannes.
11 John Fletcher & Mary Reeve both of this Parish by M"" Harris with Licence.
14 Thomas Siggins & Eliz: Fisher both of Molsey in Surrey by M'' Hallowav
with Licence.
31 W"> Staples^ of S' Martins in y<^ Fields & Ann Feborn of this Parish by M''
Harris with Banns.
* Sic. t An erasure. — Ed. J Altered from " Stables." — Ed.
2 Rieliard King & Clare Ledbury both of this Parish by M'' Halloway with
•i John Mulder* & Ann A\'ardle both of Chelsey Midlesex by D"" Freeman with
24 Janle^< Blanchbill of S' Martins in y Fields & Eliz : Reeves of S' Clements
Dane by D"" Fi'eeman with Licence.
Sa : FfiEEMAX Eecf
Peter Lavigne 1 riu u j
r^-L ^ -IT r Churchwardens
Charles Hooper J
Marriages 1700
4 Henery Cook & Ann Lichfield both of S' James' Westm : by M'' Halloway
with Licence
20 .Joseph Potts of S' Gregory' Loudon & Mary Bradbury of S' Martins in y^
Fields by D*' Freeman witli Licence.
13 William Hawks & Mary Butterix both of Hitchin in Hartfordshire by M*"
Harris with Licence.
14 AVilliam Barber & Eleanor Cole both of S' Mary le Savoy by M"" Holloway
with Licence
23 Eichard Patsoii of Shadwell & Eliz: Lentoa of S' James Westm. by M'" Hollo-
way with Licence
17 .John .Jepson of S* Martins in y^ Fields & Eebekah Cunningham of this
Parish by D' Freeman with Licence
18 .John A Id worth of Staulake in y*^ County of Berks & Mary Tyrril of Okely in
3<= County of Bucks by D' Paget with Licence
24 George Guise of Greenwich in y*^ County of Kent & Katharin How of
S' Giles in y*^ Fields by D'" Freeman with Licence
26 .John Moon of S' Dunstand & Dorothy Burnet of S' James Westm. by
D' Freeman with Licence
2G Thomas Legh of T/ime Cheshire & Henrietta Maria Fleetwood of S* Andrew
Holborn by M"" Tizzard with Licence
31 Thomas West & Sarah Carter both of this Parish by M'' Batcheler with Banns.
11 Andrew 13rade of S' James Westm. & Mary Barns of y'^ same Parish by
M'' Batchelour with Licence
11 Maurice Clancy of S' Anns AVestm. & Mary Carey of Windsor by M'' Harris
with Licence.
13 .John Penigo & Sai-ah Crowder both of Thisleworth Midlesex by D'' Freeman
with Licence
14 Solomon Naquin & Ann Girauda both of S' Anns AV^estm. by M'' Batchelor
with Licence
19 Abraham Fonholl & Sarah Massey both of S' James AVestm. by M'' Batchelor
with Licence.
28 Eichard AVebb of S' Giles Criplegat^ & Mary Jackson of S' Michael AVood-
street by M"" Harris with Licence.
* Altered from " Madder,"— Ed.
5 John Chapman & Sarah Eoe both of this Parish by M'' Harris with banns.
Sa: Pseeman Eecf
Marriages 1701
16 Eobert Lawrence of S* INJary Savoy & Eliz Brockway of S* Andrews Holborn
by D'' Freeman with Licence.
22 James Price of S* Paul Covent-garden & Undly Hindar of S* Giles in y^
Pields by D'' Preeman with Licence.
May. 1701
5 Thomas Hodgson & Martha Bishop both of S* Anns "Westm. by M' Batchelor
with Licence.
11 Edward Parkes of S' Giles in y^ Fields & Eliz: Canting of this Parish by
M'' Batchelor with Banns.
18 W™ Becriff & Mary Mulliner both of this Parish by C Freeman ^^•ith Licence.
18 John Harris of S' Giles in y*^ Fields & Deborah Gwithea of y<= same by
M'' Lorrain with Licence.
9 Daniel Beeckman of S« Brides & Eliz: Eyton* of this Parish by M"^ Harris
with Licence.
9 John Cook & Lydia Long both of S' Margarets Westm. by M' Harris mth
12 George Dyer & Ann Bowyer both of S^ Clement-Danes by M'' Harris with
19 John Bridgins of this Parish & Eachel Cordwel of S* Martins in y^ Fields by
M"" Batchelor with Licence
19t Peter LaAvi-ence & Ann Painter both of S* Andrews Holborn by M"" Batchelor
with Licence
22 Thomas Johnson of Alhollows Barkin & Katharin Burton of S' Michael
Bassishaw by M"' Harris with Licence
6 Thomas Haddock of S* Martins in y« Fields & Dorothy Yates of this Parish
by M"" Harris with Banns.
22 John Cairnes & Sarah Usher both of this Parish by M"^ Harris with Banns.
24 W"" Billinghurst of S^ Andrew Holborn & Eliz: Bates of this Parish by
M'' Harris with Banns.
27 John Hudson of S' Clements Dane & Sarah Bawden of y« same by M"" Harris
with Licence
30 Edward Austin Esq. of S' Andrew Holborn & Susan' Strickson of S* Ann
"Westm. by M"" Harris with Licence
5 W' Warren of S' Leonard Shoreditch & Dorothy Nobs of Ludgat Hill with
Licence by M"" Harris
12 Benjamin Drury of Lad lane London & Mary Edward of Bridwel London by
M"^ Harris with Licence
* Altered from " Eaton."— Ed. t ? 17,— Ed.
TOL. Ill, ^
21 W"" Parker & Mary Buckley both of S' James TVestm. by M' Harris with
Sa: Feeeman. Kecf
Peter Lavigne"]
Cha*. Hooper > Churchwardens
Phift Mist J
Marriages 1701
15 Giles Phillips & Margaret Kingston both of this Parish, by M"" Batchelor,
with Banns
18 Eobt .Jackson of S* Dunstan in y^ West & Mary Bell of S* Clements Dane by
D' Freeman with Licence.
2.3 Henery Magewick & Judith Gratwick both of S* Mary-Cray in Kent by
M'' Dunstar with Licence
28 Leonard Johnson of S' Clement Dane & Eliz: Thornton of this Parish by
D"" Freeman with Licence.
October. 17it
2 James Wilson & Mary Owen both of this Parish by D' Freeman with Licence
9 Thomas Hartly & Sarah King both of Maiden-head Barkshire by D'" Freeman
with Licence.
20 Walter Longhurst of Horsham in Sussex & Martha Andrews of Petersfield
in County of Southampton by M'" Batchelor with Licence
30 Humphry Jaackson & Mary Darby both of this Parish by D"" Freeman with
3 James Warren & Eliz: Noon both of this Parish by M'' Harris with Licence
11 Edward Gibbs of S' Giles in y* fields & Mary Chambers of S' James'
Westminster by M^ Harris -n-ith Licence
18 W"* Hopkins & Frances Frank both of Fullam in Midlesex by D' Freeman
with Licence
27 Henery Mills of S' Martins in y^ Fields & Eleanor Mills of this Parish by
M^ Harris with Banns.
1 Michael Pike of S* Martins in y« Fields & Ann Golding of S* Clement-Dane's
by M"" Tubman with Licence
3 Christopher Thornton of S' George Southwork & Deborah Savage of this
Sa: Freeman Eecf
Peter Lavigne "|
Charles Hooper > Churchwardens
Phift Mist J
Marriages 1701J
February §
5 W"" Filler of Barking in Essex & Eliz: Turner of S' Giles in y« Fields by
M'' Harris with Licence
16 Henery Glover of Aldenham in Harttford & Judith Hurst of Watford in y^
same by D' Freeman with Licence:
* "August" erased.— Ed. t Sic.
X Altered from " 1702."— Ed, f Altered from " May."— Ed,
17 John Gliss & Mary Alcock both of S' Anns Westm. by M"" Batchelor with
17 Christopher Smith of S' Martins in y« fields & Margaret Hains of S* Clements
Dane by M'^ Harris with Licence
April 1702
7 "William Kipling & Prances Eogerson both of S' Martins in y^ Fields by
M' Batchelour with Licence
9 Thomas Rogers & Katharin Orwell both of S' James Westm by M' Batchelour
with Licence
9 Thomas Lee of S* Margarets "Westm & Eebecca White of Kensington by
M'' Freeman with Licence
12 W™ Hewit of S^ Giles & Martha Godfry of S' Brides by M' Harris with
13 Stephen Kenward & Joanna Purse both of S^ Margarets Westm by D"* Free-
man with Licence
19 Thomas Pluin & Martha Moody both of S' James Westm by M' Harris with
23 Joseph Brown of S* Ann AVestm & Ann Laugbridge of 8*^ Giles in y^ fields
by M"" Freeman with Licence.
3 'Thomas Smeaton & Joan Hilditch both of S' Margarets Westm: by D*" Free-
man with Licence.
14 Richard Streetly & Eliz: Gardiner both of this Parish by Dr Freeman with
16 Henery* Aswood of S' Giles in y^ fields & Joan Brent of this Parish by
D"" Freeman with Licence
16 Daniel Jones & Eliz: AVord both of S*^ Giles ui y« Fields by D"" Freeman with
June 1702
4 John Goostray of S* Margaret Westm: & Sarah Tracy of this Parish by
M"" Harris with Banns.
5 Edward Daniel of S' Clement Danes & Eliz: Aprice of this Parish by
M"" Harris with Licence.
24 William Fudge & Margaret Kemp both of this Parish by M"" Batchelor with
Sa: Freeman Reef
Peter Lavigne \ ni. t. j
PhiftMist ) Churchwardens
Marriages 1702
15 Thomas Rowberry & Mary Hart both of this Parish by M'' Harris with
16 George Harris of thiy Parish & Eliz: Phillips of S* Clements Dane by
M' Harris with Licence
17 John Mawgridge & Barbara Mason both of S*^ Margaret Westm : by M"" Harris
with Licence
25 Alan Wilson of S* Clement Dane & Merial Street of this Parish by M' Harris
with Licence.
• An erasure.— Ed.
Sepf 1702
10 Thomas Staples of S' Magdaline Bermonsey & Eliz: Vausou of S' Martins in
the Fields, — by M'' Obourne with Licence.
15 John Marshall & Margaret Aberuathe both of this Parish, by D' Freeman — by
Octo"" 1702
21 John Walker of the Middle Temple Esq"" and Eliz: Braines of S* Buttolph
Aldgate, by M"^ Benj : Hoadly, with Licence.
25 Henry Seymer'and Christian Bellis, both of S^ Giles in the Fields by D'' Free-
man— with Licence.
In Is ov*". «fc Decem'" : None
January 1702
9 Philip Berreuger & Eliz : Touchar both of this Parish, by M' Paul Batcheller
■with Banns.
10 Peter Lock of S* Giles in the Fields & Mary Richardson of this Parish by
M'' John Harris — by Banns.
10 William Eosier & Mary Hall, both of S* Mary La Savoy, by M"^ John Harris —
with Lycence.
14 Benjamin Littleton of S' James AVestm'. & Diana Eawlings of S* Giles's in
the Fields. — by M"" Paul Batcheller — with Licence.
23 Arthur Pope of S* Olave Southwark, and Jane Quelch of S' Saviors South-
wark, by D'' Freeman with Licence.
Peter La-vngne 1 Church
Nic : Stroubridge j Wardens.
In Febr. & Mar :
Marriages in April 1703
1 Stephen Harvey and Jane Glouf, both of this Parish, by D'' Freeman, with
5 John Scott of S' Martins in the Fields, & Eliz : Stevens of S' Clement Danes,
by M"^ Paul Batchiller, with Lycence.
15 Charles Pratt of S* Andrew Holborn, & Margaret Heber of S' James Garlick-
hithe by D"" Freeman — with Lycence.
22 Lewis Evans of S' Giles in the Fields, & Mary Cumerford of the same Parish,
by M"" Paul Batchiller — with Lycence.
29 Thomas Woodward & Dorothy Shuttle worth, both of S' Martins in y^ Fields
by D"" Freeman, with Lycence.
Marriages in May 1703
2 John Newsholme of S* Alban Woodstreet, & Amey Westbeere of S' Paul
Cov* Garden, by D' Freeman, with Lycence.
G Charles Fines of Wing in the County of Bucks, & Susanna Hardy of S' Clem^
Danes: by D' Freeman, with Lycence.
18 Giles Harding & Mary Judge, by M*" Paul Batcheller, by Banns.
Marriages in June 1703.
8 Charles Franehomnie & Margaret Morine, both of S' Giles's in y* Fields by
M'' Paul Batcheller, with Lycence.
15 Archibald Murrey & Neomy Hamilton, both of S' Martins in y"^ Fields, by
M"" Obourne. with Lycence.
20 John Hickson & Margaret Anderson, both of S^ Paul Gov*' Garden, by
M"^ Paul Batcheller, by Banns.
Marriages. 77
July 1703
4 Charles Bishop of S* Clement Danes, & Eliz: Warner of S' Griles^ in the
Fields — by M"" Torkington, with Lyceuce.
10 Thomas Medes & Mary Blundell, both of Eetcham in y" County of Surrey —
by M"" John Harris, with Lycence.
Sa: Peeeman Rect"^
Phiit Mist 1
Nic: Troubridge > Churchwardens
Ben Baylies J
No Marriages in Aug*: — and Sep'' begins in a new book.
Septemr. 1703
5'»» Piercy Pigott & Diana Cherett both of S* Pauls Cov* Garden. By D"" Free-
man w*^^ Lycence
12 Joseph Powell of S* Martins in y« Pields & Mary Dearlove of S* Clement's
Danes by D'' Freeman, w''^ Lycence
16 Thomas Lea & Elizabeth Savory, both of Deptford in y" County of Kent. By
D"^ Freeman w*^* Lycence
October 1703
6*^ Daniel Snages & Martha Monck both of Wooburne in Bedfordshire By
D'' Freeman, w*'' Lyceuce
7 John Cudde & Sarah Newland, both of S' Mary White-Chappell By D'' Free-
man, w'** Lyceuce
17 Thomas Perry of S* G-iles's in y" Fields, & Eliz: Hackworth of S* Martin's in
y« Fields. By D^' Freeman, w*^'' Lycence
21 Allen Weaver of S* G-iles's in y« Fields, & Elizabeth Challoner of S*^ Clements
Danes. By M"" Torkington, w*^ Lycence.
November 1703
2*^ James Mazell of S' Olave old Jewry, & Jane Angalling of S' Martin's in y^
Fields. By M"" Torkington, w*'> Lycence
20*^^ Samuel Deely, & Mary Edwards, both of S^ Ann's Westminster By M"" Harris,
^rth Lycence
December 1703
30"' Edward Harris of S*^ Clements Danes, & Mary Fulgeu of S' Martin's in y'=
Fields, by M'' Charles Freeman, w"' Lyceuce
January 1703
27 Samuel Spencer of S* Olave Hart-street London. & Ann Pain of of*
S* Catherine-Cree-Church London. By M*' Harris, w*'' Lycence
John Harris Curate-Assistant
Phill Mist ^
Nic: Stroubridge > Church-Wardens
Ben Baylies J
February 1703
l^t James Blanchvill & Alice Crampton both of S' Martins in the fields. By
M'' Harris. With Lycence
5*'' Samuel Price & Mary Johnson both of S' Giles's in y* Fields By D"" Freemau.
w"' Lycence
* Sie.
13 Nicholas Ecob & Elizabeth Thompson, both of this parish. By M'' Harris,
w*^ Banus.
20 Thomas Dawson of Windsor in Berk's Clerk & Elizabeth Mathews of S* Ann's
Westminster By M"" Freeman, w^*'' Lyeence.
24 Joseph Eoberts & Elizabeth Sanger both of S* James's Westminster By
M'' Harris w*'' Lyceuce.
27 Samuel Gascoyne of S' Mary White-Chappell & Mary Cornwell of this Parish.
By D' Ereeman w'^ Banns
Aprill 1704
17"' W"" Kirkby of S* Martin's in y'' Fields & Ann Woodcock of this Parish. By
M'" Harris w^^ Banus
17 John-Philip du Euel & Elianor Mayers both of this Parish, by D'" Freeman,
w^** Lyeence
20 John Cooper of S^ Bartholomew Exchange & Ann Henson of this Parish.
Bv jNl"" Harris, w^'* Lyeence
23 Nicholas Netterwait & Ann Cittell both of this Parish. By M"^ Torkington
By Banns
May 1704
14 John Owens of Silvinton in y« County of Salop, & Mary Jones of S^ Martins
Ludgate London. By M"" Torkington, w"' Lyeence.
14 Henry Haydock of S' Martins in y^ fields, & Mary Hill of this parish. By
M"" Torkington, w'^* Lyeence.
June 1704
4 John Yalden & Ann Hall both of S* Edmond Lombard Street London By
M"' Harris, w"' Lyeence
JoHX Haeris Curate-Assistant
Nic: Stroubridgelp;, . ^ ,
Edw : Herris / ^^^^^b- w ardens
June 1704
6*'' Charles Floyd & Eliz: Lamb both of this parish. By M"" Harris, w*^ Banns
10 Francis Cole & Joanna Trotter, both of Bromley in Kent, By M'' Harris, w"*
22 George Hodgkin & Eliz: Bonnick both of S* James's in Westminster By
M"" Torkington, w*'' Lyeence.
24 John Vanderplank & Dorothy Hawkins, both of S' Bennet Paul's Wharf.
By M"" Harris w"" Lyeence
26 Thomas Smith & Mary Godfrey, both of S* Margarets Westminster By
M"" Harris, w^^ Lyeence
September 1704
21 Thomas Wormell & Eliz: Leake, both of S* James's Westm^ By D' Free-
man, w**" Lyeence.
24 George Matthews & Eliz : Sewer both of Ebisham in y^ County of Surry.*
By M"" Harris, w"' Lyeence.
October 1704
7^'' Isaac Le Jay & Susanna Collett both of S* Martins in y« Fields. By D"" Free-
man, w^^ Lyeence
11 John Frederick Hoope of S' Margarets Lothbury & Ann Dunbarr of S' James
Westm''. By D"" Freeman, w"* Lyeence
* Sic.
11 Joseph Denny & Margarett Adams, both of S* Clements Danes By D' Free-
man, w*'' Lycence
26 Thomas Eaker of Horsham in Sussex, & Eiz: Sells of S^ Giles in y"^ feilds.
By D"" Freeman, w*'' Lycence
November 1704
9*'' Peter Lesure of S* Martins in y*^ feilds, & Catherine Jerrard of S' Andrew's
Holburn. By M"" Harris, w*^ Lycence
John Harris Curate-Assistant
Nic: Stroubridgel p,, , ..^^^
Ben Baylies j
December 1704
14''> Christopher English of this Parish & Faith Tracy of S* Dunstan in y^ West.
By M' Freeman, av'^' Lycence
26 Samuel Symonds & Lydia Breedon both of this parish By D"" Freeman, w***
January 1704
18 John Clark of Ipswich in y^ County of Suffolk & Mary Baldwin of S* Anne's
Westminster. By D'^ Freeman w"' Lycence
27 Valentine Hilder of S* Mary Le Strand & Mai-y Kent of Battersea in Surrey,
By D^' Freeman, w*'' Lycence
February 1704
10 Jacob Curtis of S* James Westminster & Mary Drakes of S* Clements Danes.
by M"" Freeman w*'' Lycence
18 John Mansfield of Eothwell in y« County of North-hampton & Elizabeth
Eogers of Disborough in y^ Same County. By M'" Harris, w*-'' Lycence
20 Eichard Oulton of S* Clement Danes & Mary Hampton of S* Griles's in y*^
Fields, by M"" Harris, w*'' Lycence
March 1704
3^ John Posten & Mary Crosse both of this parish. By M"" Torkington w^''
John Harris Curate-Assistant
Nic : btroubndge 1 ^i i, -nr i
-D 13 1- / Church- Wardens
Ben Baylies J
AprUl 1705
IS*'* Eobert Dudley & Mary Wright both of this parish by D'" Freeman w"'
23 John Clark & Eebecca Palmer both of this parish by M' Freeman w''* Banus
May 1705
6 John Brown of S* James's Westminster & Sarah Simonds of this parish By
D' Freeman w*'' banns
6 Eobert Withers of S' Giles's in y« fields & Catherine Ball of S' Martins in y'=
fields By D*" Freeman w"' Lycence
22 Benedict Ithell of S*^ Martins in y*^ fields & Anne Moody of this parish. By
D' Freeman. W^'^ Lycence
June 1705
3'' James Melvell & Maiy Coed both of S' Martins in y" fields. By D' Preeman.
w"' Lycence
21 Eichard Syer & Jane Okes both of S' Giles's in y* fields by M"' Harris, w'^
26 James Walker of S* Sepulchers & Eliz: Woodworth of S* Mary Islington By
M"" Torkington. w**' Lycence
July 1705
1*^ Edward Grindall of S' Andrew's Holborn & Eebecca Anderton of of* S*
.Tames Westminster by M' Harris, w*'' Lycence
John Harris Curate-Assistant
August 1705
9*^* Eichard Lane & Eebecca Legg both of Twickenham in Middlesex, by
M' Hari'is. w"' Lycence
23'! John Butler & Mary Duncalf botli of this parish. By M"" Harris, w"' Banns
26 John Esgate of S' Giles's in y'' fields & Jane Williams of this parish, by
M'' Batchellor, by banns
30 Francisco Yalliant of S' Clements Danes & Catherine Pearson of this Parish.
By D'' Freeman w*^'* Lycence
September 1705
4th "William Horsley of S* Clement's Danes & Eliz : Sheffeild of S* Lawrence Jury.
By D' Freeman, w*'' Lycence
October 1705
7'^' John Stephens «fe Hannah Anns both of S' Margaretts Westminster by
D'' Freeman w''' Lycence
18 Nathaniel Wewell of S*. James's Westminster & Isabella Cooke of S' Martins
in y* fields, by D' Freeman, w*'' Lycence
November 1705
4''' Henry Franklyn of S* James's Westminster & Hannah Measure of S^ Martins
in y^ fields. By D"^ Freeman, w"' Lycence
13"' Marmaduke Eaper of S^ Clement Danes & Sarah Shepard of S* Dunstans in
y^ West by I)"" Freeman, w"' Lycence
13 William Hatch of 8' Buttolph Aldersgate & Eliz: Cole of S* Martins in y^
fields, by D' Freeman w*" Lycence
21 William Walsham of y* Isle of Ely & Susanna Waterwood of S* Giles's in y''
fields, by D'" Freeman, w"' Lycence
20 John Pretty of Eadley in y'' County of Berks & Mary Ely of Abingdon in y''
Same County by D"" Freeman w*^'' Lycence
27 John Eotheram of S* Margarett's Westminster & Elianor Whitton of
S' James Westminster, by D' Freeman w"' Lycence
December 1705
4th "William Sewell of this Parish & Margarett Eoberts of S* Giles's in y'' fields
by M"" Torkington. w"' Lycence
6 Charles Alger & Susanna Younger both of S^ Margarett's Westminster by
M'' John Booth, w"' Lycence
* Sic. t Blank in Register.
> Church-Wardens
January 1705
13'h Eob*: Eosse & Catherine Goodwin both of S'. Giles's in y« Fields. By
Mr Torkington, w*'' Lycence
31 Henry Cottrell of Peterson in Surry &■ Isabella Lyne of this parish, By
D'' Freeman, w'^ Lycence
February 1705
2'' Bob*. .Tolland & Eliz : Ball both of S* James's "Westminster. By D' Freeman,
w*'' Lycence
5 Jeremy Staiiklift of S' Clements Danes & Ann Lindsey of S^ Giles's in y*
Fields, by D'' Freeman w*'' Lycence
March 1706
26ti> Joseph Smith & Eliz: Hunt both of this Parish, By M"" Bradshaw, w'i» Banns
Aprill 1706
5*'' Richard Lof tus & Eliz : Tayler both of Sunning-hill in Berks. By D"" Freeman
w*'' Lycence
J. Haeeis Curate- Assistant
Eobert Petre
May 1706
19''' William Brown & Ann Harrison both of this Parish. By M^ Bradshaw. w''*
21 Ednard Morris of y^ Inner Temple & Mary Edwards of S*. Giles's in y« Fields.
By D' Freeman, w''* Lycence
June 1706
IQth "William Lovejoy & Mary Savory both of S* Andrews. Holborn. by M"" Brad-
shaw, w*'^ Lycence
18 .John Kellsall of S' Giles's in y« Fields & Eliz: Garret of S' Martins in y^
Fields by M"" Bradshaw, w^"^ Lycence
23 John Furs & Susanna Davies both of this Parish, by M"" Bradshaw, w'^^ Banns
26 Eichard Greenwood & Mary Marsh both of S* Martins in y« Fields. By
M'' Bradshaw. w*^ Lycence
29 Adam Bromley of S* Martin's in y« Fields & Martha Fruin of S' Clement's
Danes, by M'' Bradshaw, w'^ Lycence
July 1706
8*^ John Stubbings & Mary Smith both of this Parish, by M"" Bradshaw, w"'
28 Sam'': Cunn & Ann Downes both of this Parish, by M' Harris, w*'* banns
August 1706
gth William Pollett of S* Martins in y^ Fields & Eliz: Cook of S' Clement's
Danes, by M"^ Harris, w"' Lycence
25 Eoger England & Martha Heasco"^te both of this Parish, by M"" Harris w*'' Banns
September 1706
3*^ Nathan Hibgon of S*. Martin's in y« Fields & Alice Stowers of this Parish,
by M'' Harris, w'** Banns
12 Sam'': Webb of S' Clement's Danes & Mary Allen of S* Bartholomew y«
Great, by D' Freeman, w*'' Lycence
* Blank in Register.
16 Simon Du Bois of this Parish & Sarah Atkins of S* Margaret Westminster.
by D' Freeman, w'^' Lycence
29 "William Best & Susan Smith both of S' Ann's Westminster, by M"" Harris,
^4h Lycence
October 1706
10*^ Thomas Herbert of S* Bartholomew y« Great & Ann Gregg of S' Clement's
Danes, by D^ Freeman, w'^ Lycence
17 Anthony Child & Ann Massar both of this parish, by M'' Harris, w'^' Banns
November 1706
7''> John Macknell & Grace Jones both of this Parish, by Mr Harris, by Banns
December 1706
5t^ Francis Eogers of S* Martin's in y« Fields & Eliz: Swaine of new-Brentford.
By M"^ Harris, w*'^ Lycence
15 Christopher Dallemagne of this Parish & Catherine Jones of S* James's
Westminster. By D"" Freeman, w^^ Lycence
24 John Lindsey & Christian Selcreck both of S' Margaret Westminster. By
M' Harris, w*'' Lycence
26 Edward Wootton & Martha Gregory both of this Parish, by M"- Harris, w^h
31 Reuben Melmoth of S' Sepulcher's & Mary Thompson of this Parish. By
D'' Freeman, w'^ Lycence
January 1706
2'' Thomas Bullbeck of Gillingham in Kent & Catherine Swaile of S* James's
AVestminster. by D'" Freeman, w*** Lycence
2 Anthony Jonah & Aletta Smith both of this parish. By M"^ Caesar w'*'
14 Thomas Roe of S' Andrew's Holbome & Mary Clark of y« Same Parish by
M'^ Harris, w*^' Lycence
John Harris Curate-Assistant
Robert Petre > Church- Wardens
February 1706
16 George Compere & Mary Oliver both of S' Martins in y^ Fields by M"- Harris,
w"' Lycence
18 Joseph Thorpe of Kingston in Surrey & Mary Carpenter of S' Andrews
Holburn. by M' Harris, w*'' Lycence
25 Benjamin Burch of New-Inn in Middx: & Ann Bettesworth of S' Giles's in
ye Fields, by D"" Freeman, w"' Lycence
25 Phillip Williams of S' Ann Black-fryars & Alice Cobb of this parish, by
M"" Harris. w"» Lycence
May 1707
4 William Dowdall & Deborah Hasleham both of S* Martins in y* Fields, by
D"^ Freeman w*'' Lycence
4 George Rocko & Mary Jones both of this Parish, by D-" Freeman w""
15 William Slann of S* Giles's Cripplegate & Eliz Maddox of S* Helen London
by D'' Freeman w"" Lycence
June 1707
19 John Knight of Burton upon Trent & Mary Pitchet of S* Margaret West-
minster by M"" Harris, w**" Lycence
July 1707
1 Henry Curry of this parish & Eliz: Browne of S*_ James's "Westminster, by
M'' Harris, w'"* Lycence
August 1707
28 Charles James & Susannah Marshall both of this Parish by D' Freeman, by
John Haebis Curate-Assistant
Eo?t n'Xon } Church-Wardens
September 1707
3 Thomas Ware of Great Stedmore in Middx: & Jane Charrell of y^ Same by
D'' Freeman w*^ Lycence
11 Henry Harding of S^ Martins in y^ Fields & Mary Hartley of Hammersmith
by D'" Freeman, w^'' Lycence
18 James Miller of S* Mary Savoy & Ann Martin of Christ's Church in Surry
by D"" Freeman, w*^ Lycence
October 1707
23 James Passwater & Eliz: Lawson both of this parish, by M*" Torkington. w'^
November 1707
4*'> Henry Elliott of S' Margaret Westminster & Eliz Crosby of this Parish by
M'' Harris, w"' Lycence
25 John Newton & Frances Virgin both of S* James's Westminster, by M' Harris.
w*'' Lycence
27 Thomas Rumball of S* Ann Westminster & Eliz: Tow of Kentish town, by
M'' Harris w*^ Lycence.
December 1707
9*'' Thomas Jefferson of S* Giles's in y® Fields & Sarah Lawrence of this parish
by M'' Harris, w"' Lycence
11 Patrick Stewert & Ann Fennel both of S* Clements Danes, by M'' Harris, w***
21 Phillip Phillips of this parish & Sarah Simmons of S' Giles's in y« Fields By
M"^ Harris w"^'' Lycence
22 John Mandley & Catherine Maggison both of this Parish, by M'' Harris, w***
January 1707
1 William Feilding of S' Margaretts Westminster & Martha Treherue of
S' Anns AVestminster. by M"^ Harris, w*i' Lycence
4 Sam'': Bostock & Mary Grigson both of S' Giles's in y'^ Fields, by M'' Harris,
w*'^ Lycence
6 John Harris & Sarah Ehodes both of S' Martins in y« Fields, by M' Harris,
w''' Lycence
6 William Graham of S' James's Westminster «fc Martha Wallis of this parish
by M"^ Harris, w"^ Lycence
30 Paul Bourdo of S' Ann's Westminster & Eliz: Minchin of this parish by
M"^ Torkington, w'^ Banns
Pebruary 1707
lO**" John Kelsey of S' Giles in y^ Fields & Bridgett Tipping of Chelsea, by
M^ Harris, w^^ Lycence
12 John Swaunack & Catherine Symons both of S' Martins in y"^ Fields, by
M"" Torkington, w*"* Lvcence
12 Thomas Burges of S' Martins in y'= Fields & Lucy Curssell of this parish, by
M'' Torkington, w*'> Lycence
JouN Harris Curate Assistant
A Harrison > Church-Wardens
February 1707
17*^ Joseph Collier of S* Giles's in y« Fields & Mary Dent of this Parish by
M' Harris, w*^ Banns
Aprill 1708
4*^* Gabriel Lewis & Sarah Newland both of this Parish, by M^ Torkington, w*i»
4 Thomas Tindall & Ann -Jackson both of S' James Westminster, by M'' Harris,
"w*^ Lycence
8 Abraham Meure of S^ Ann's AVestminster & Eliz: Newdigate of S^ Margaret
Westm'' By M"" Torkington, av*'' Lycence
21 John Brown of S' Brides London & Margaret Tooly of S' Mary Le Savoy By
M"" Torkington, Lycence
May 1708
25*'' Thomas Wooer of S' Giles's Cripplegate & Sarah Clark of S* Clements Danes
By M"^ Harris, w*'' Lycence
June 1708
3 Peter Williams & Sarah Thompson both of S* Botolph Aldersgate, By
M' Harris, w*** Lycence
25 Mathew Thomas of S' Austell in y*^ County of Cornwall & Grace Bunuey of
S* Margaret Westminster, by M"" Harris, w"' Lycence
August 1708
5 Thomas Essington of S' Olave old Jewry London & Eliz : Dove of S* Law-
rence Poultrey London, by M*' Torkington, w*'' Lycence
10 John Smalley of S* Olave Southwark & Margaret Allkin of S' Giles in y^
Fields by M'' Torkington, w"' Lycence
24 James Eussell & Margarett Brooks both of this parish, by M'^ Torkington, w"'
September 1708
19th "W^illiam Whitfield of S* James's Westminster & Elianor Crisp of this Parish.
by M"" Harris, w"' Lycence
26 Eichard Tayler & Mary Elliott both of S* Giles's in y'= Fields. By M"- Tork-
ington w'** Lycence
John Hasbis Curate-Assistant
October 1708
In Octo' None
* Altered from " Lycesce." — Ed. t Blank in Register.— En.
Novem>- 1708
6 John Brocker, o£ S* Martins in the Fields, & Sarah Hamlen of this parish, —
by M'^ L. Torkington. — by Banns.
18 George Small & Eliz: Marshall both of Popham in Southampton, by
Si"" Torkington. w^'' Lycence
28 Bartholomew Groldsmith & Alice Rice both of Cheam in Surry, by M"" Harris.
w*** Lycence
December 1708
4 Thomas Bradley of S* Dunstan's in y<^ West & Eliz: Scott of S* Giles's in y«
Fields, by M'' Torkington. w*^ Lycence
5 John Smith of S* Martins in y^ Fields & Mary Prawne of this Parish by
M"" Harris, w'^ Lycence
25 Eobert Dowling of y^ middle Temple & Elisabeth Colman of S* Edmonds
Bury in Suffolk by John Harris, w^^ Lycence
January 170|
1 Peter Connoissant of S^ Giles's in y^ Fields & Susanna Gray of this Parish,
by M"" Harris, v/^^ Banns.
1 Thomas Willey & Martha Harris both of S' James's Westminster by
M'' Harris, w*^' Lycence
2 William Beddar & Sarah Gibbs both of S' James's Westminster by M' Harris,
■w*^ Lycence
6 Isaac Clegg of S* Andrew's Holborn & Rose Whitney of Soho Square, by
M'' Harris, w*'* Lycence.
23 Enoch Sterne of S* Margarett's Westminster & Elleuor Baker of S' Clement's
Danes, by M^' Harris. W'^ Lycence.
27 W™ Bealy of 'Finchly in y^ County of Midx & Mary Beunet of Whetstone
in y^ Same, by M' Torkington. w**^ Lycence
JoHJf Haeris Curate-Assistant
February 170f
6 John Dipple & Catherine Smith both of S' Martins in y'^ Fields by M"" Harris.
w'*^ Lycence
10 Nicholas Courtois of S' James's Westminster & Martha Alport of S' Clements
Danes, by M'' Harris w"* Lycence
19 James Ediugton & Ann Harrison both of S* Margaret's Westm"". by M'' Harris.
w"' Lycence "
March 170|
3*^ Nicholas West & Ann Stevens both of S* James's Westminster by M"" Harris.
w''^ Lycence
6 John Clarke of S* Clements Danes & Isabella Fettyplace of S' Giles's in y"
Fields, by M'" Harris, w^'' Lycence
7 John Scrivener of S* Martin's in y^ Fields & Ann De'Laguett of Stoke in
Surry by M"" Torkington. w"* Lycence
8 George Ranisford & Diana Bassett both of S* Giles's in y*^ Fields by
M^ Torkington. w'^ Lycence
April 1709
24 William Horton & Frances Cjrrett both of S' Giles's in y*^ Feilds. By
M' Torkington. w'^ Lycence
* Blank in Register. — Ed.
25 John Prescott of Thody in Essex & Eliz: Silverlock of this parish, by
M' LLoyd. w*'': Lycence.
25 Francis Jeffrys & Catherine Jeffrys both of S^ Martins in y* Pields, by
M'' Harris. \v*'' Lycence
May 1709
5 AVilliam Hnggins & Margarett Clai'ke both of S' Ann's "Westminster by
M"" Harris, w"' Lycence
5 James Simms of S*^ Martins in y'= Fields & Mary Mason of this parish. By
M'' Harris w^'' Lycence
John Harris Curate- Assistant
May 1709
10*'' Whitby Isham of S*^ Andrew's Holborn & Ann Skrimshire of y* Same By
M"" Burscough. w''' Lycence
19 Daniel Estwick of S* Brigett's London & Catherine Marshall of Harisham
in Kent. By M'' Harris, w*'' Lycence
28 William Borrow of S* Martins in y^ Fields & Mary Easoem of South Yar-
mouth in y^ Isle of Wight. By M'' Harrison. w'*> Lycence
June 1709
8 Thomas Bergum & Ann Higgens both of S* James's Westminster By
M"" Worden. w*^'' Lycence
16 Thomas Northup of S' Bottolp Bishopsgate & Isabella Hawes of Kensingten.
by M"" Harris, w*'' Lycence
September 1709
2^* Henry Parker & Sarah Hughes both of Dotckett in Bucks By M'" Harris.
wth Lycence
8 .lames Dermer of Grays Inn & Eliz: Cotton of S* Andrew's Holborn By
M'' Harris, w''' Lycence
October 1709
4 Eobert Haines & Ann Bates both of this parish by M'' Harris w'^'^ Banns
28 Francis Tredgold of S* Margaret's Westm'': & Margaret Hall of this Parish
By M"" Harris, av*'' Banns
27 Matthew Barras & Margaret Kobson both of Edmonton in Midx By M'' Harris.
w"' Lycence
28 Daniel Lambert & 'Abigail Winn both of S* Clements Danes By M'' Harris.
w*'' Ijycence
30 Richard Henson & Frances Zouch both of S* Peters Cheap By M"" Worden :
w"' Lycence
John Harris Curate-Assistant
Aw'sSon'''^*'''' } Church- Wardens
November 1709
16'^ John Topott of S* Mildred Breadstreet & Mary Tayler of S' G-iles's in y«=
Fields. By M"" Harris, w'" Lycence
27 Benjamin Bandowin & Mary Hammond both of S» Martins in y'' Fields. By
M"" Worden. w*'' Lycence
* Blank in Register. — Ed.
December 1709
#'' John Jones of S* Ann's Westm'": & Joan Collard of this Parish By M'^'Worden
^rth Lycence
January 1709
3"* Eichard Semer & Barbara Miller both of Petersham in Surry By M' Harris,
w*^ Lycence
10 Edward Brent of S' OLave Southwark & Eliz : Hurst of S* Mary le Savoy By
M"" Harris, w"' Lycence
24 Edward Adams & Ann Benson both of S' Martins in y^ Fields By M"" Harris.
w*** Lycence
February 1709
5 Henry Richardson of S*^ Michael Bassishaw & Hannah Hall of this parish.
By M"" Harris, w"' Lycence
12 Thomas James & Margaret White both of S' Anns Westminster By
M^' Worden. w*** Lycence
March 1709
8 Thomas Monk & Gainer Kuowles both of S* Andrews Holburn. By
M^ Worden. W*'' Lycence
Aprill 1710
17 Henry Sutton & Mary Gurry both of S^ James Westminster By M' Worden.
•\\th Lycence
20 Charles Holt of S' James's Westminster & Margaret Williams of this Parish.
By M^' Harris, w'^' Lycence
JoHK Haebis Curate-Assistant
Ja Worthington 1 ^i u nr j
Alex'- Straton / Church- Wardens
Marriages * 1710
May 1710
1 Abraham Gascoigne & Margaret Chowin both of this Parish By M"^ Harris.
w^^ Banns
7 Thomas Watkins of S"^ Martins in y^ Fields & Mary Scaise of this parish By
M' Worden w"» Banns
11 Henry Burnell & Mary Fletcher both of S* Giles's in y« Fields By M^" Burs-
cough, w*** Lycence
14 John Griffis & Jane Stapeley both of S' James's Westminster By M*" Worden.
w*'' Lycence
15 Thomas Dart & Alice Smidham both of this Parish By Mr Worden. w"»
29 Daniel Lovell of Childerditch in Essex & Mary Johnson of Orsett in Essex
By M'' Harris, w*'' Lycence
June 1710
4 James Pew of Rotherhith in Surry & Martha Bailey of S' Martins in y^
Fields. By M'' Worden. w*'' Lycence
July 1710
23 Robert Hobart & Jane Key both of S' Andre w.s Holburn By M' Worden.
w"' Lycence
24 Thomas Bridge of S' Clement Danes & Alice Dumby of S' James's West-
minster. By M'' Harris, w*^ Lycence
* 1709 written here and crossecl out.— Ep.
27 Peter Jentzsch of S* Ann's Aldersgate & Dorothy Grace of this parish By
M'' Harris, w"' Lycence
27 Jason Finder of Castleford in Yorkshire & .Jane Henshaw of S' Clem*: Danes
By M^ Harris, w*^ Lycence.
August 1710
22 Benjamin Eager of Haveningham in the County of Suffolk, and .Jane Whet-
man of Ealing in the Count)^ of Middx. by M"" Villa, with Licence.
24 John Mailers, aud Mary Tewksbury, both of 8' Clement Danes, by
M' John Worden, l)y Licence.
24 John Ttmpleman of 8' Peter Cornhill London, and Catherine Bralley of this
parish, by M'' Torkington. with Licence.
John Harris Curate-Assis*.
Ja Worthington 1 church-Wardens
Alex' btraton j
Sepf. 1710
14 John AVignell of 8* Swithin London, and Mary Coleman of Lambeth in the
County of 8iirrey. by M' Francis .Jefferys with Licence.
19 John Randall of 8' Giles's in y" fields & Henrietta King of 8* Martins in y«
fields, by M"" Harris, w^'' Lycence
28 Jacob Pope & Eliz: Rhodes both of this parish, by M^ Harris, w*'' Banns
October 1710
1 David Turpie of 8* Martins in y* fields & 8arah Richards of this parish, by
M"" Worden. w**' Banns
8 Stephen Lebear of Lambeth in Surry & Ann Cooly of Christs Church London.
by M"" Worden. w'** Lycence
15 Henry Pratt of this parish & Anna-Leiuda Babb of 8' Clements Danes, by
M*" Worden. w*'' Lycence
November 1710
7 Henry Crosswell & Mary Fussell both of S' Martins in y« fields, by M"" Worden.
w"' Lycence
19 Joseph Dickenson & Mary Matthews both of S' Giles in y« fields, by M"" Harris,
w'*' Lycence
23 William How of Maidenhead in BerKs & Frances Stevens of Yeiling in Midx.
by M'' Harris, w*'' Lycence
December 1710
9 William Bagnall & Susanna Walton both of this Parish By M^ Villa, w^h
26 John Dixon of 8* Clements Danes & Mary Hutson of 8*^ Giles's in y^ Fields,
by M'' Harris, w"' Lycence
January 1710
24 Timothy Troy of S' James's Westm"- & Magdalene Dodd of S* Margaretts
Westm"". by M"" Harris, w^'' Lycence
28 Stephen Copeland & Amey Tayler both of S* Clement's Danes By M' Torking-
ton. w"' Lycence
John Harris Curate- Assistant
Alex"" Straton
* Blank in Register. — Ed,
> Church- Wardens
February 1710
1»' James Allen of S* Lawrence Jewry & Eliz : Shelley of this Parish by M' Harris.
w*'' Lycence
3** John Wise of S' LaAvrence Jewry & Mary Bouquet of Christ's Church By
M' Harris, w*'' Lycence
7 Ealph Broffe & Mary'Simister both of S* Andrew's Holbom By M"" Harris.
wtii Lycence
9 William Warren of Iver alt Ever in Bucks & Sarah Parkes of S* James's
Westm''. by M' Harris, w*^^' Lycence
March 1710-11
5 Thomas Bird of S' Saviour Southwark & Sarah Hill of S* Brides By M-- Harris.
^rth Lycence
5 Francis Brimble .& Sarah Bird both of S^ Clement's Danes By M' Harris, w^^
7 Nicholas Bacon Esq*" of Barham in Suffolk & Dorothy Temple of S* James
Westminster by M'' Gardeman. w*^ Lycence
9 John Jones & Eliz: Ellery both of S^ Martins in y^ Fields By M*" Torkington.
w*'' Lycence
20 WilHam Beach & Frances Little both of S' Giles's in y« Fields by M>^ Harris.
w*^' Lycence
21 John Cramp of S' Martins in y^ Fields & Ann Hygate of S"^ Sepulchers by
M*" Harris, w*'* Lycence
29 John Newberry & Ann Hunton both of S* James's Wesminster by
M'' Harris, w*** Lycence
April! 1711
3 Eobert Holden & Ann Saunderson both of this parish by M"" Harris w^i*
10 Tobias Phillips of S* James's Westminster & Mary Humberstone of S* Mar-
tins in y^ Fields by M"" Harris, w"* Lycence
19 John Gil-Patrick of S* Andrews Holburn & Mary Dodd of S* Ann's West-
minster by M>" Harris, w'^' Lycence
19 Arthur Elbro of S* Anns Westminster & Eliz: Blandford of this Parish by
M'' Harris * by Banns
29 Thomas Swyer of S* Clements Danes & Eliz: Simms of S* Ann's Westminster
by M"" Harris, w*'' Lycence
John Haeeis Curate-Assistant
Alex GoodaU j church- Wardens
Eobert Glover J
May 1711
14*'' David Eowland of S* Clements Danes & Mary Milward of S* Giles's in y«
Fields By M"" Harris, w^^ Lycence
June 1711
16"' Eowland Shaw & Mary Stiles both of S' Giles's in y* Fields, by M^ Torkington
w*'' Lycence
18 George Wooldrige & Kebecca Curtis both of this parish, by M"" Harris. By
* " With Lycence " deleted.— Ep.
TOL. in. W
July 1711
1*' John Scott of S' Botolphs Alsdersgate & Eliz; Trevor of S* Clements Danes
by M'' Harris, w''' Lycence
12 John Pursell of Cbffords Inn & Mary Hawes of Kensington By M' Harris
Av"' Lycence
18 Charles Mai'tyn & Eliz: Baber both of this parish By M"" LLoyd. w^^ Lycence
24 Eobert Levett of S' Andrews Holbom & Margaret Harding of S* James
Clerkenwell. By M'' Harris, w*^ Lycence
26 John Frauklyn of Edgworth & Mary Brice of Harrow in Midx By M'' Harris.
w^'' Lycence
August ITll
11 "W"^ Calloway of S* Martins in y« Fields & Jane Jacob of this parish. By
M"" Harris, by Banns
November 1711
3d ^m Bispham of y^ Precinct of Purpole in Midx & Mary Green of this parish.
By M'' John Harris, w*^' Lycence
25 Andrew Melvell & Euth Lunn both of this Parish by M"" Torkington. w*''
January 1711
17 Joseph Bates of S' Sepulchers London & Margaret Wilcocks of S* Martins in
y^ Fields. By M'' Harris, w*'' Lycence
John Hakets Curate -As sist' :
r» v~ i- i-« 1 ~ f Church- Wardens
Kobert Glover J
February 1711
5'^' Thomas Baddam of S* James's Westminster & Sarah Foster of S' Leonard
Shoreditch. By M"" Sibbalds. w"' Lycence
7 John Pollen of S^ Ann's Westminster & Mary Maning of this parish, by
M"^ Torkington. w*'' Banns.
11 Edward Heaselly & Sarah Manbey both of this Parish, by M'" Stockton, w""
24 Samuel Cherry of Cookham Berlcs & Eliz: Croshow of Mansfield in Noting-
hamshire. by M"" Harris, w*^ Lycence
28 Nicholas Gosell & Mary White both of S' Martins in y« Fields, by M"" Harris,
w*^ Lycence
March 1711
16'^* John Kearsey & Frances Chappell both of Kingston in Surry, by M*" Harris
w*^ Lycence
Aprill 1712
20 Daniel Fenton of North Yarmouth in Norfolk & Martha Turner of S* Andrews
Holbourn. by M"" Harris, w*'' Lycence
20 Edward Watts of S*^ James's Westminster & Sarah Dudley of S' Andrews
Holbourn. by M'' Harris, w"' Lycence
20 Robert Crosfield of S* Andrews Holbourn & Eliz: Aspery of S* Clement's
Danes, by M"" Harris, w*'' Lycence
29 Abraham Andrews & Mary Boberts both of this Parish, by M"" Harris, w"'
29 John Eawthmell of S' Andrews Holbom & Ann Hudson of this Parish by
M"" Harris, w*^ Lycence
Marriages. &1
May 1712
13 John Wiggiu & Winefred Groldiug both of Burnham iu BucKs By M"" Harris
w"' Lyeence
28 Eobert Terry & Christian Hornsby both of S' G-iles in y« Fields By M' Harris.
w"' Lyeence
29 diaries Lechmere of y" Inner Temple & Eliz: Sands of Letherhead in Surry
By M'' Torkington. w*'' Lyeence
John Harris Curate- Assist*
Tho: Barlow T
John West > Church- Wardens
Joseph Mundy J
June 1712
3 Kobert Martyn & Eliz : Gosse both of S': Martins in y^ Fields by M""* Harris.
w'^ Lyeence
10 Grodfrey Smith of this parish & Susanna Marshall of S* Saviours Southwark
by M"" Harris, w*'' Lyeence
29 John Boddymead of Watford & Ann Small of Busehy in y^ County of Hert-
ford By M"^ Harris, w*^ Lyeence
July 1712
1 Richard Hulls of this parish & Eliz : Grodfrey of S* Martins in y^ Fields by
M'' Wordeu. w''* Lyeence
3 William Coleman of S' Andrews Holborn & Rebecca Rathband of S* Giles in
y"^ fields By M'" Worden. w*'' Lyeence
13 William heather & Mary Singfield both of this parish, by M' Worden. w*'' Banns
August 1712
8 John Cusack & Mary Dukes both of this parish, by M' Elliotson. w'^* Banns
September 1712
7 Shadrach Rhodes & Catherine Lambert both of this parish, by M"^ Harris, w^^
21 James Wilkenson & Martha Webb both of this parish, by W Harris, w*''
27 John Ranee & Hannah Booth both of this parish, by M' Thomson, w'^ Banns
October 1712
1 Bartholomew Price & Ann Perris both of this parish, by M'' Pindar, w*''
7 John Barker & Jane Chilcott both of this parish, by M'" Harris, w*'' Banns
12 John Bagnall of S' James's Westminster & Sarah Bolton of S* Giles in y°
Fields by M'" Harris, w'^' Lyeence
November 1712
20*'' John Cox of this parish & Mary Stiles of S' Giles's iu y« Fields, By M'' Tork-
iugton, w"' Lyeence
December 1712
C' George Gutter of S' Ann's Westminster & Mary Robinson of this parish.
By M"^ Harris, w'^ Lyeence
16 Thomas Smith of S' Giles's Cripplegate & Deborah Toms of this parish. By
M'' Harris, w'^' Lyeence
&2 Registers of st. iPAUL, covent gaUueN.
26 Thomas Massey & Ann Moor both of S' Martins in y^ Fields. By M' Pindar,
yfth Lycence
29 George Smith & Eliz : Downing both of S* Giles's in y" Fields. By M' Harris,
w*'' Xycence
John Hakris Curate- Assistant
Tho: Barlow 1
John "West > Church- Wardens
Joseph Mundy J
January 1712
l^t Daniel Davis & Ann Smith both of S' James's Westminster. By M'" Pindar,
w*^ Lycence
3 John Stroud of y« parish Eden in Wilts & Sarah Morgan of this Parish By
. M"" Harris w"' Lycence
15 Giles Harding of S' Martins in y<> Fields & Margaret Wapshot of this Parish
By M"" Harris, w*'' Banns
22 William Jennings & Katherine Barker both of Richmond in y'= County of
Surrey By &■■ Torkington, w*'' Lycence
February 1712
5'^ John Hawkins & Eliz: Jones both of this Parish. By M'" Torkington, w"'
15 W"^ Thompson & Eliz : Thracker both of this Parish by M"" Harris, w'^> Banns
15 Edward Rove of S' Peter's Cornhil & Eliz: Leman of S' James's Westminster
By M'" Harris, w*^'' Lycence
16 John Niblet of S'- Sepulchre's London & Eliz : Fisher of Grey's Inn. By
M' Harris, w*'' Lycence
17 Edward Scoles & Jane* Crow both of this Parish, by M^' Harris, w"-'' Lycence
March 28 1713 Robert Kidwell of S^ Margaret's Westminster & Sarah Shepheard
of S' Michael's Cornhil. By M"" LLoyd, w^^ Lycence
Aprill 1713
5 David Thompson of S* Martins in y^ Fields & Ann Cragg of this Parish By
M' Harris, w*'' Lycence
7 John Smith & Eliz: Johnson both of S* James Westminster By M"" Harris,
w*'' Lycence
7 William Tucker of S^ Sepulchres & Ann Jones of this Parish. By M'" Harris,
w"' Banns
8 William Bradford & Mary-Ann Leigh both of this Parish. By M'" Harris.
w'l' Banns
9 James Carr & Isabella Yeaman both of this Parish. By M"" Harris, w*"" Banns
16 Robert Lake of S*^ Catherine Coleman Street London & Frances Wilkins of
S* Buttolph's Aldgate. By M"" Harris, w"' Lycence
27 William Lester & Hannah Hicks both of this Parish by M'' Harris w"' Banns
June 1713
17 Jeremiah Link of Ruslip in y« County of Middlesex & Rebecca Bebeeft of
S' Giles's in y<^ Fields By M"" Pindar, w^'' Lycence
30 John Curtis & Eliz : Paine both of this Parish by M'" Harris, w*^'' Lycence
John Harris Curate-Assis*:
John West 1 Church-Wardens
Joseph Mundy J
* Altered from " Ann."— Ed. t Altered from " Bellee."— Ed.
X " both " has been written and crossed out. — Ed.
July 1713
8 Nathaniel Skirton & Lydia Hams both of this Parish, by M"^ Harris, w*'*
19 Jeremiah Grayling of Epping in Essex & Ann Cockshott of S* Martins in y^
Fields by M' Harris, w'^' Lycence
30 George Walker & Eliz: Monk both of S*^ Sepulchres Loudon, by M"" Harris.
w*^** Lycence
August 1713
9 John Hale & Elizabeth Bennett both of this parish by Banns by M"". John
14 Richard Ashby of S'. Anne's Aldersgate & Mary King of S^ Giles's Cripple-
gate, by M'' John Harris, w''^. Lycence.
20 George Finlo & Amile S'. Clair both of Woolwich in y" County of Kent, by
M*". John Harris, with Lycence
September 1713
20 Thomas Grimes of Lambeth in y^ County of Surry & Barbara Row of this
parish, by M'' John Harris, w*''. Lycence
27 John Hoylland & Mary Jackson both of S' Giles's Cripplegate London, by
M"" John Harris, w*^ Lycence
October 1713
12 William Bunts & Elizabeth Atwood both of Agmondisbam in y^ County of
Bucks, by M'" Lawrence Torkington. w^'' Lycence
13 James Jordan & Mary Hayley both of Agmondisham in y^ County of Bucks.
by M'" Lawrence Torkington. w"' Lycence.
26 Henry Tasker of S'. Andrew Holbourn & Loruhammah Smallbone of S* Giles's
in y*^ fields, by M'' John Harris, w'** Lycence.
28 Matthew Dixon & Mary Wendey both of S'. Mary White Chappel, by M' John
Harris w'^'' Lycence.
November 1713
12 John Squire & Anne Dunning both of y^ parish of S' Andrew Holbourn in
y*^ County of Middlesex, by M'' Lawrence Torkington
John Harris Curate-Assistant
Tho: Barlow ]
John West > Church Wardens
Joseph MundyJ
December 1713
29*^^ Edmund Stevenson of S^ Martins in y'' Fields & Anne Smith of this parish.
by M"" John Harris, by Banns.
30 Thomas Miller of y^ parish of Christ Church in y^ County of Surry & Alice
Austin of y^ parish of S''. James's Westm*": by M"" John Harris, w'''
January 1713
B^ John Turner of S^ Martins in y^ fields & Sarah Combs of this parish, by
M"" John Harris, by Banns.
7 Lancelott Tolson of S^ Botolph Bishopgate & Sarah Smith of S*. Botolph
Aldersgate. by M"* Charles Freeman w^''. Lycence.
21 William Hall & Elizabeth Millward both of this parish, by M"" John Harris by
26 James Sempill of S'. Martins in y^ Fields & Elizabeth Tidmarsh of S* Dun-
stan's in y'= West, by M'' Simon Pindar, w"' Lyceuce
February 1713
7 Edward Medwell of S'. James's Westm''. & Anne Stone of this parish by
M' John Harris, by Banns.
9 John AYilliams & Mary G-oddard both of S' Griles's in y'^ Fields, by M"^ John
Harris, w^'' Lycence
27 Edward Weaver of this parish & Elizabeth Eay of S'. Andrew Holbourn, by
M*" John Harris, w*''. Lycence
March 17if
6^^ Bartholomew Gaulier of this parish & Jane-Mary Faure of S*^ James's
Westm"". by M"" John Harris w"' Lycence
12 Joseph Jennings & Mary Curtis both of this parish, by M'^ John Harris w***
John Haeeis Curate-Assistant
Tho: Barlow 1
John West > Church-Wardens
Joseph MundyJ
Aprill 1714
2"^ Thomas Mason of S*^ Martins in y« Fields & Elizabeth Lyne of this parish by
Banns by M'' John Harris.
24 Benjamin Chandler & Elizabeth Long both of S'. Giles's in y"^ Fields by
M"" John Harris, w'*" Lycence
May 1714
5 James Edgerton & Mary Quator both of this parish by M' John Harris w**":
9 John Trounsell of S^ Mary Magdalen Bermondsey in the County of Surry &
Mary Bull of this Parish, by M^' John Corey, av"': Banns.
20 Thomas Tilbury of S' Mary at Hill & Elizabeth Newman of S* Martins in the
Fields, by M' Samuel Freeman, w*''. Lycence
22 William Parker <fe Mary Cottam both of this Parish, by M' John Harris, by
June 1714
1**^ John Fradgley & Anne Sheyler both of S*. Marg*: Westm'': by M"" John Harris.
with Lyceuce
15 William Dawson of S'. Catherine Creed Church & Anne Searl of Farnham in
the County of Sui'ry. by M"" Hen: Topping, w'^' Lycence
2U John Wright of S* Martins in the Fields & Alice Carter of S'. James's Westm"":
by M"' John Harris w"" Lycence
July 1714
4 Robert Spencer & Mary Edwards both of S'. Mary Le Bone by M' John
Harris, w*'' Lycence
8 Edward Goldsmith of Cheam in y*' County of Surry & Dorothy Nicholson of
this parish, by M"" John Harris, av*'' Lycence
24 Henry Quintry of S'. Dunstan's in y^ West & G-race Kemmington of S' James's
Westm*": by M"" John Harris with Lycence
August 1714
September 1714
October 1714
Sows Harhis Curate- Assistant
John AVest ]
Josepb Mundy > Church- Wardens
Geo: Shute J
November 1714
18'^ William Green of S*. James's Westing & Mary Wright of S'. Martins in the
Fields, by M*" John Harris, Avith Lycence
23 John Cook of S' James's Westiii'': & Sarah Hansey of S*. Ann's AVesm'': by
M^ John Harris, witli Lycence
30 William Bellis & Priscilla Brigham both of Edmonton in y^. County of Middlx.
by M^ John Harris, with Lycence
December 1714
9*'' John Wheeler of S*. Giles's in y*-' Fields in y^ County of Middx: & Anne
Hamdeu of S' Martins in y^ Fields in y®. County x\foresaid. by M"" John
Harris, with Lycence
11 Emanuel Borne & Elizabeth Margas both of S' Allhallows y^. Great Loudon:
by M"" John Harris, with Lycence
12 John King & Jane Webb both of this Parish: by M'^ John Harris, by Banns
25 Thomas Hulston & Eleanor Acton both of S*. Margaret's AVestm'": by
M'" John Harris, w''': Lycence
January 1714
12"' Thomas Otway & Honor Philipps both of Kensington in y^ County of Middx.
by M"^ Samuel Freeman, with Lycence.
16 John Eogers & Hester Stoell both of this parish, by M"" Jolm Harris, by
24 Daniel Shepard of S' Mary Lambeth & Elizabeth Ellison of this Parish, by
M"^ John Harris, by Banns.
25 Michael Cordell & Mary Bentley both of this Parish, by M"^ John Harris, by
February 1714
14 Henry Philips of S*. Mary Lambeth & Catherine Duke of S^ Mary Savoy:
by M'' John Harris with Lycence
24 William Stacey & Catherine Tipping both of this Parish, by M'" Simon Pindar
with Lycence
24 Thomas Williams & Patience Dell both of S^ Martins in the Fields, by
M'' John Harris with Lycence
March 1714 & 15
1** James Thompson of S'. Giles's in the Fields & Lucretia Sparks of this parish,
by M' Simon Pindar, w"': Lycence
Jonx Harris Curate-Assistant
John West "j
Joseph Mundy > Church -wardens
Geo: Shute J
April 1715
17th "vyilliam Ware & Mary Smith both of this Parish, by M^ John Harris, by
21 John Winn of S'. Martins in the Fields & Mary Cook of this Parish, by
M'' John Harris, by Banns
23 Thomas Hutchen & Catherine Goodall both of this Parish, by M"^ John
Harris by Banns
27 Henry Tasker of S* Andrew Holbourn & Eachael Tanner of S'. Clements
Dane, by M"" John Villa with Lycence.
27 James Miles of this Parish & Mary Trueman of S^ Martins in the Fields, by
M' John Harris, with Lycence
May 1715
2*^ Thomas Tyers of S'. Thomas in Southwark in the County of Surry & Mary
Oney of S'. George y*=. Martyr in Southwark, in y*^ County of Surry, by
M"" John Harris, with Lycence.
2 Hugh Thomas & Martha Washbarn both of this Parish, by M"" John Harris,
by Banns.
5 Thomas Sayer of Richmond in the County of Surry & Eleanor Mead of
S*. Ann's Westm'': by M^ John Harris, with Lycence
19 Thomas Humphries of this parish & Sarah Sparry of S*. James's Westm'": by
M"" John Harris, w*'' Lycence
26 John Mulford of S'. Andrew Holbourn & Sarah Halsted of S* James's Westm"",
by M*" John Harris, with Lycence
June 1715
6'^ William Otway & Deborah Buckleman both of this Parish, by M*" John
Harris, by Banns
7 Joseph Mason of Little Maplestead in the County of Essex, & Anne Manning
of little S'. Mary's in Cambridge: by M"" John Han-is, with Lycence.
9. George Gibson of Tenbury in the County of Worcester & Elizabeth Simpson
of y^ City of York, by M"" Samuel Freeman, with Lycence
12 William Dikes & Elizabeth Cannon both of this Parish: by M"" John Harris,
by Banns.
12 John Knight & Mary Clark both of this Parish: by M'' John Harris, by
16 Edward Gosling of S'. Leonard Shoreditch, & Anne Fox of this parish: by
John Harris with Lycence
25 George Ingoldsby of S'. Olive Southwark & Abigail Bridger of this parish ;
by M' John Harris, with Lycence
JoH:y Haeeis Curate-Assistant
John West 1
Joseph Mundy > Church- Wardens
Geo: Shute J
July 1715
2** John Lawson of S'. Martins in the Fields & Elizabeth Walker of S^ James's
AVestminster by M"" John Harris, ^^^th Lycence.
G^^ Thomas Harper of Medlej' in the County of Hereford & Elizabeth Wilkin of
Ealing in the County of Middlesex: by M*" John Harris, with Lycence
7*'' David Davis of S'. Magnis's London Bridge & Mary Tayler of Bow, in the
County of Middlesex : by M' John Harris, with Lycence.
7 Samuel Gill of S'. Ann's Westminster & Hester Cooper of S^ James's West-
minster: by M'" John Harris, with Lycenee
18 Eichard Mills of S* Botolph's without Algate & Anne Bryan of this Parish :
by M' John Harris, by Banns.
August 1715
1st 'VViiliam Watson & Frances Todd both of this Parish : by M"" John Harris, by
11"' Matthew AVinch of S*. James's Westminster & Jane Eance of Hampton in
the County of Middlesex: by M'^ John Villa, with Lycenee
11 Cornelious Clarke & Margarett Curtis, both of Horsham in the County of
Sussex, by M^' John Villa, ^nth Lycenee
September 1715
13 Benjamin Knight of S'. Anne within Aldersgate & Elizabeth Wareham of
S*. Giles's in the Fields: by M'' John Harris, with Lycenee
15 Edward Ebsworth & Mary Phillips both of S*. Giles's in the Fields, by
M"" John Harris, with Lycenee
15 Matthew Cartar & Mary HaU both of Isleworth in the County of Middlesex:
by M'" John Harris, with Lycenee.
17 Michael Haddon & Mary Martin both of S*. Giles's in the Fields: by M'" John
Harris, with Lycenee
18 Thomas Grantham & Elizabeth Higelin, both of S*. Mary Staining London:
by M'' John Harris with Lycenee
22 Joseph Fortescue of S'. Mary Savoy. & Joanna Gay of S*. Margarett West-
minster, by M'' John Harris with Lycenee
John Hareis Curate- Assistant
John West 1
Joseph Mundy > Church Wardens
Geo: Shute J
October 1715
2'' Henry Bunco of S*. Giles's in the Fields & Elizabeth Northwood of this parish.
by M'' John Harris, by Banns.
3"! John-James Imbard of S'. James's Westminster & Catherine Mills of this
parish: by M"' John Harris, with Lycenee.
2S^^ James Needham of S'. Margarett Westm'. & Mary Atkins of this parish, by
M^ John Harris with Lycenee.
23 John Karrer of S*. Magnis, "by London Bridge & Mary Ballard of this parish
by M'' John Harris, with Lycenee.
29 Matthew Draper & Elizabeth Lawrence both of S*. Margarett Westfn'": by
M'' John Pary. with Lycenee.
November 1715
17"' Eobert Kelly of S^ Clements Dane & Margarett Gibson of this parish, by
M"". John Harris, with Lycenee
17 John Sparke & Mary Thwaits both of this parish, by M' John Harris, by
24 Daniel EUenberger & Aletta Jona, both of this parish, by M'. John Harris
with Lycenee.
26 John Price of S'. Martins in the Fields & Susanna Bravill of S* James's
Westm'': by M"" John Harris, with Lycenee.
30 George Manly of S*. Bridgett's alias S'. Brides London & Leticia Webster of
this parish : by M'" John Harris, with Lycenee.
VOL. m. Q
December 1715
2^ James "Weelky & Martha Blackman both of S'. Martins in the Fields, by
M''. John Harris, with Lyeence.
5 Isaac Eigoullet & Judith Punie both of Stepney in y''. County of Middlesex.
by M^ John Harris, with Lyeence.
6 Henry Crow & Sarah Scarf both of this parish, by M'" John Harris, by Banns
20 William Wicherley Geii*: of this parish & Elizabeth Jackson of S^ James's
Westm'': married at M'' Wicherley's Lodgings in Bow Street: by M^ John
Harris, with Especial Lyeence
John Haeeis Curate-Assis*:
John West l
Joseph Mundy > Church Wardens
Geo: Shute J
January 1715
S'** Thomas Welch & Elizabeth Warrington both of S*. Giles's in the Fields, by
M'' William Wilson with Lyeence
14 Eobert Povey & Joanna Chamberling both of this Parish, by M'" John Harris,
by Banns.
19 William Kirke of S*. Martins in the Fields & Mary Whishall of this Parish.
by M'' John Harris w*'': Lyeence
February 1715
7*'' Benjamin Smith of S*. Botolph Bishops-gate & Mary Baitson of S^ Martins
in the Fields, by M'' John Harris, with Lyeence.
9 John Gibbons of S^ Margaret's Westm'": & Alice Griffiths of S'. James's
Westm"": by M"". John Harris — with Lyeence
9 Ralph Acton & Hester Morgan both of Kensington in the County of Middle-
sex: by M^ John Harris — with Lyeence
12 John Hazell of S^ Giles's Cripplegate & Mary Lovegrove of S*. Martins in
the Fields: by M'" John Harris, with Lyeence
March 1715/6
15'^ Joseph White of S^ Giles's in the Fields & Dianah Waller of this Parish: by
M"". John Harris, with Lyeence
1716. 25 Henry Briscoe & Margarett Shepard both of S^ Ann's Westfh'": by
M*" John Harris, with Lyeence
April 1716
l«t Hugh Harris of S'. Martins in the Fields & Mary Mills of this Parish, by
M"" John Harris — by Banns.
5 Samuel Teasdail & Martha Coachman both of S*. Ann's Westm'": by M*". William
Wilson, with Lyeence
7 Arthur Francis & Rebecca Allein both of S*. Margaret's Westm"": by M*". John
Harris, with Lyeence
12 Thomas Buntin of Chelsea in the County of Middlesex & Elizabeth Burton
of S*. Andrew Holbourn by M"" John Harris, with Lvcence.
12 Edward Okey & Elizabeth Ball' both of S'. Giles's in the"Fields : by M"" John
Harris, with Lyeence
14 Edward Stone of this Parish & Mary Young of S*. Martins in the Fields: by
M"" John Harris, with Lyeence
John Haeeis Curate-Assistant
John West "l
Joseph Mundy > Church- Wardens
Geo : Shute J
May 1716
W^ Samuel Goldsmith of S*. Martins in the Fields & Frances Northall of
S*. Clements Dane: by M"^ John Harris, with Lycence
16 William Marlow & Mary Jones both of S*. James's Westm"": by M"" John
Harris, with Lycence
19 "William Phillips & Mary Willson both of this Parish : by M' John Harris, by
25 Hugh Neall & Hester Gillpin both of this Parish: by M"" John Harris, with
27 Francis Bradly of SK Martins in the Fields & Barbara Nixon of this Parish:
by M"". John Harris — by Banns
June 1716
29^1' Peter Paul of S^ Olave's Southwark & Eleanor Thompson of this Parish: by
M' Eobert S*. Clare with Lycence
July 1716
5^^ John Page & Eleanor Rippon both of Hinden iny^. County of Middlesex: by
M'. Eobert S^ Clare, with Lycence.
17 Thomas Coles of Alhallows Barkin & Jane Stevenson of S*. Martins in the
Fields by M'" John Harris; with Lycence.
August 1716
7 Joseph Shove «fe Elizabeth Whitton both of this Parish by M' William Wilson,
with Lycence
26 Matthew Thomlinson & Lcetitice Mellish both of S*. Anne's Westm'": by
My William Wilson — with Lycence
September 1716
1^' James Baiifield Gen*: of S'. Dunstan's in the West & Amey Payne of
S*. Michael Bassishaw London by M'' William Wilson, with Lycence.
10 James Waklen of S*. Leonard's East-Cheap London & Mary Pyke of
S*. James's Westin'': by M'' William Wilson, with Lycence.
22 Henry Barker of Pinchbeck in the County of Lincoln & Margarett Grantham
of S*. James's Westm'": by M'" Lawrence Torkington, with Lycence.
John Haebis Curate-Assis*:
John West ~|
Joseph Mundy > Church-Wardens
Geo: Shute J
October 1716
gth William Peal & Elizabeth Finall both of Bushey in the County of Hartford:
by M'. John Harris, with Lycence
11 John Luke & Elizabeth Blackburne both of S*. James's Westm'^: by M>" John
Harris with Lycence
11 James Garden of S*. Martins in the Fields & Mary Frame of S*. James's
Westm"": by M'". John Harris with Lycence
21 Isaac Eoberts & Mary Paul both of this Parish : by M'" John Harris, by Banns.
November 1716
6 Thomas Dee of Iver in the County of Bucks & Anne Fisher of Langley in
the Said County by M'" John Harris, with Lycence.
10 Peter Hughes of S*. Andrew's Holbourn & Elizabeth Jarvis of S^ Botolph'e
Alderagate London by M'' John Harris, with Lycence.
11 John Lewis of S*. James's Westiii'': & Jane Poole of Twicldiiham in the
County of Middlesex: by M'' John Harris, with Lycence.
15 John Lattimer of S'. Nodes in the County of Huntington & Winifred Hall of
this Parish: by M'' John Harris, with Lycence.
December 1716
4''^ Michael Jennings & Martha Taylor both of Chelsea in the County of Middx:
by M"" AVilliam Wilson, with Lycence.
6 Joseph Shaw & Mary Kirby both of S*. James's Westm"": by M"" John Harris,
with Lycence.
6 John Mathews of S'. Botolph's Aldgate London & Mary Noyes of S'. Mary's
White- Chappell in the County of Midd:x: by M'' John Harris, with
9 William Harris of S^ James's Westm'': & Sarah Tooley of S*. Clements Dane:
by M'' John Harris, with Lycence.
20 Edmund Speire of S*. Dunstan's in the West London & Sarah Ruffe of
S*. G-iles's in the Fields in the County of Middx : by M"" John Harris,
with Lycence.
John Harris Curate- Assistant
John West 1
Joseph Mundy > Church -Wardens
Geo: Shute J
December 1716
2S^^ Thomas Steel of S*. Giles's in the Fields in the County of Middx: & Marga-
rett Bane of S^ Martins in the Fields by M''. John Harris, with Lycence
27 John Roberts of S^ Clements Dane & Catherine Casson of S*. Andrew's
Holbourn: by M'' John Harris, with Lycence.
January 1716
2«* William Miller of Stepney in the County of Middx: & Sarah Aungier of this
Parish: by M"" John Harris, with Lycence.
gth Abraham Robinson & Mary Potter both of this Parish: by M'". John Harris,
by Banns.
13 Thomas Street & Mary Belloson both of this Parish: by M"" John Harris, by
17 Richard Grigson & Margarett Higgs both of this Parish: by the Rev'': &
Hono''^^: Robert Lumley LLoyd, with Lycence.
20 Thomas Cracroft & Mary Lacey both of S*. Andrew's Holbourn: by M"". John
Worden, with Lycence
22 Thomas Till & Anne Jones both of this Parish: by M' John Harris, with
24 William Lowfield & Anne Hill both of S*. Giles's in the Fields: by M"^. Robert
Keith, with Lycence.
31 Jose])h Sparling of S'. Giles's in the Fields & Jane Ryall of this Parish: by
M''. William Wilson, with Lycence
February 1716
4*^ Abell Deacon & Sarah Deacon both of SK Mary's Somersett London: by
M"" John Harris, with Lycence
4 William Scott of S^ Martins in the Fields & Sarah Russell of this Parish: by
M'' John Harris, by Banns.
21 Richard Bundy-Franklyn & Anne Hawkins both of S*. Mary's le Savoy in the
County of Middx : by M"" William Wilson, with Lycence.
March 1716 & 17
3"^ William Preistman o£ S^ Bartholomew's the Great London & Susanna
Assbridge of this Parish by M"^ Eobert Keith, with Lyceuee.
5 Edward Seamur & Elizabeth Carrwood both of S'. Martins in the Fields : by
M*". John Harris, with Lyceuee
John Haeeis Curate- Assistant
John West ^
Joseph Mundy > Church- Wardens
Geo: Shute J
April 1717
23*'' John Humston of S^ James's Westm"": & iVlice Fowler of S'. Ann's Westm'':
by M'' Simon Pindar with Lycence
May 1717
3^ John Smith of this Parish & Elizabeth Marshall of S^ Sepulchre's London: by
M"" Lawrence Torkington with Lycence
23 Henry Dounes of S'. Giles's Cripplegate & Anne Jones of this parish: by
M"" John Harris, by Banns.
28 John Parry & Jane Palmer both of S^ James's Westm'': by M"^ Simon Pindar,
with Lycence.
June 1717
1^' Henshaw Halsey of Great Gadesden in the County of Hertford Esq'': & Jane
Waite of S' Andrew's Holborne in the County of Middx: by M'. Law-
rence Torkington, \\'ith Lycence.
9 Anthony Kinton & Jane Withrington both of this Parish: by M'^ John Harris,
by Banns.
10 Nicholas Bell & Alice Selby both of S^ Margarett's Westm'': by M"" William
Wilson, with Lycence.
10 Charles Griffith & Mary Smith both of S*. James's Westiri'": by M"" Samuel
Freeman, with Lycence
15 Eobert Whittingham & Mary Fanshaw both of S^ James's Westm'": by
M'" Lawrence Torkington, with Lycence.
20 William Cooke of S'. James's Westm'^: & Anne Atkinson of this Parish : by
M''. John Harris, wath Lycence
23 Eobert Hill of North-Fleet in the County of Kent & Elizabeth Dobson of
S*. Giles's in the Fields in the County of Middx : by M'' John Harris,
with Lycence.
July 1717
2'^ Peter Wynne of S^ Brides London & Gertrude Starkee of S*. Martins in the
Fields : by M^ William Wilson — with Lycence.
4 John Eudd & Jane Blackshaw both of S'. Martins in the Fields : by M"^. Simon
Pindar, with Lycence
9 Elijah Turner & Elizabeth Clark both of S'. James's WestiTi"": by M"^ John
Harris, with Lycence.
10 John Clarke of the Inner-Temple London & Millicent Cressett of S*. Mar-
garett's Westm'': by M''. John Harris, with Lycence
27 Henry Allen of this Parish & Elizabeth Salter of S*. Dunstau's in the West
London: by M"" John Harris with Lycence
John Haheis Curate-Assistant
John West 1
Joseph Mundy > Church- Wardens
Geo: Shute J
August 1717
4"' Francis Goode of Eaton in the County of Bucks & Jane Clarke of S*. Martins
in the Fields, in the County of Middx: by M^ Richard Sleech, with
11 Michael Frances & Mary Swift both of S'. Martins in the Fields : by M''. John
Harris, with Lyeence.
11 William Ely of S*. Clement's Dane & Mary Webb of this Parish by M''. John
Harris, with Lyeence.
13 James Council of S'. Clement's Dane & Martha Pritchard of S'. James's
Westm'': by M''. William Wilson, with Lyeence
20 Thomas Wittingslow & Sarah Carter both of S'. Mary's Lambeth: by
M"". Francis Jefferys, with Lyeence.
29 William Orts of S*. Clemeuts Dane & Lucy Rigby of S^ Margarett's Westin':
by M"'. John Harris, with Lyeence
29 James Hodgkin of S^ James's Westm'': & Frances Harrison of S^ Andrew's
Holborn: by M"" John Harris, Avith Lyeence
September 1717
11 Thomas Barnes & Susanna Chandler both of S*. Andrew's Holborn: by
M^ William Wilson, with Lyeence.
12 James Nelson of S'. Giles's Cripplegate in the County of Middx: & Frances
Crosier of great Heddington in the Said County: by M"^ John Harris,
with Lyeence.
15 William Dyke of S'. Alban's Woodstreet & Anne Pew of S*. Helen's the great
London: by M"" John Harris with Lyeence
October 1717
3** Samuel Radeford & Anne Morgan both of S^ Ann's Westm"": by M' John
Harris, with Lyeence.
6 Thomas Phillipson of S'. Ann's Westm>": & Jane Raienscroft of S*. Giles's in
the Fields: by M"" John Hai*ris, with Lyeence
13 Philip Thomas & Frances Howard both of S*. Mary's Le Savoy: by M*" John
Harris, with Lyeence.
15 Richard Smith & Anne Awberey both of S*. Lawrence Reading in the County
of Berks: by M'' John Harris, Avith Lyeence.
24 Thomas Eagle & Rose AVattis both of S'. Giles's in the Fields: by M' William
Wilson, with Lyeence.
27 Robert Davis of S^ Clements Daue & Elizabeth GriflBth of S*. Giles's in the
Fields: by M"" John Harris with Lyeence.
28 Edward Chambres of S'. Magnis London & Anne Coleman of S'. Michael's
Crooked Lane London, by M'. John Harris, with Lyeence
November 1717
19 Price Kelley & Elizabeth Maiden both of this Parish: by M'" John Harris, by
John Haheis Curate-Assistant
John West 1
Joseph Mundy > Church- Wardens
Geo: Shute J
December 1717
5^^ Hugh Kelly & Mary Cauuon both of S^ Clements Daue : by M' John Harris,
with Lyeence.
8 Thomas Eeader o£ S'. Martins in the Fields & Martha Atkinson of S*. Giles's
in the Fields : by M''. William Wilson, with Lycence.
12 William Dobson of S'. Giles's in the Fields & Sarah Dobson of S*. Sepulchre's
London: by M"" William Wilson, with Lycence.
19 William Hunt & Elizabeth Mausargh both of S^ Clements Dane: by M"" John
Harris, with Lycence.
28 William Adams of S*. Ann's Black-Fryars London, & Elizabeth Evans of
S*. Andrew's Wardrobe London by M'' William Wilson, with Lycence
January 1717
2** John Naden & Anne Barber both of S*. Mary's Ab-Church London, by
M^ William Wilson, with Lycence
15 Thomas Fleming & Frances Solmon both of S*. Margaret's Westm'": by
M^ William Wilson, with Lycence.
20 Stephen Jamets & Hester De Eidder both of this Parish: by M"" John Harris,
by Banns.
30 Walter Haggitt & Joanna Campion both of S'. Giles's in the Fields: by
M'' John Harris, with Lycence.
February 1717
8*^ Eoger Manley of S*. Clements Dane & Nelly Wright of this Parish: by
M"" John Harris, with Lycence.
20 William Simon of Low Lay ton in the County of Essex & Mary Wellings of
this Parish: by M"" William Wilson — with. Lycence.
22 Eichard Speakeman & Mary Watkis both of S'. Sepulchre's London: by
M"^. William Wilson, with Lycence
23 Eichard Earl & Margaret Somerfield both of this Parish : by M^ John Harris,
with Lycence.
23 John Legg & Margaret Taylor both of this Parish: by M''. John Harris, By
March 1717 & 18. None
April 1718
4*'' Edmund Knightson & Catherine Sindrone both of S*. Margaret's Westffi'': by
M>'. John Harris, with Lycence.
17 Jonathan Fairweather of S'. Margaret's Westm'': & Anne Sly of this Parish :
by M''. John Harris, by Banns.
20 Eichard Peacock of S'. Michael's Crooked Lane London & Elizabeth Gordon
of S'. Clements Dane in the County Middx: by M^' William Wilson; with
20 Eobert Davies of Chelsea in the County of Middx: & Mary Peircy of
S*. Andrew's Holbourn: by M'' William Wilson, with Lycence.
21 Thomas Eobinson & Margaret Gray both of this Parish: by M'' John Harris,
by Banns.
24 Eichard Marston & Susanna Collis both of S*. Margaret's Westm"": by M"" John
Harris, with Lycence
28 Hewer Edgley alias Hewer Esq'': of Clapham in the County of Surry &
Elizabeth Stuart, Eldest Daughter of S"". Simeon Stuart of Harteley in
the County of Southampton Baronet: by M'". Eichard Bundy-FrankHn
with Lycence.
JoHx Harris, Curate-Assistant
John West 1
Joseph Mundy > Church- Wardens
Geo: Shute J
May 1718
1** Nicholas Hart & Martha Chaatham both of this Parish: by M"" John Harris,
by Banns.
25 John Fox of S*. Martins in the Fields & Elizabeth White of S*. Ann's Westm':
by M"^ John Harris, with I^ycence
June 1718
1*' Eichard Burcher & Hannah Cox both of this Parish: by M'^. John Harris, by
5 John Eobiusou of Harrow on the Hill in the County of Middx: & Mary
Dunton of Rvsllip in the Said County: by M'' John Harris, with
20 "William LLoyd of S'. Giles's Cripplegate London & Susanna Harwood of
S*. Clements Dane: by M^ John Harris, with Lycence.
22 Edmund Osborn & Mary \ViIdman both of S'. James's Westm"": by M' John
Harris, with Lycence.
26 Francis Jermau of S*. James's A\^estm'': & Anne Campbell of S*. Ann's
Westm"": by M^ William Wilson, with Lycence.
27 John Gollonach of S*. Martins in the Fields & Mary Cassey of this parish:
by M''. John Harris, w*'': Lycence
29 Samuel Graham of Lincoln's Inn & Margaret Goldsmith of S*. Margaret's
Westfn'": by M''. John Harris, with Lycence.
30 Nicholas Smith of S*. Clements Dane & Mary Baily of S^ Andrew's Holboum:
by M"". John Harris — with Lycence.
July 1718
.S*" Eichard Eeed of S*. Mary's Le Bone in the County of Middx : & Eleanor
Topping of S'. James's Westfn'': by M"" John Harris, with Lycence.
16 Patrick Eoche & Mary Hicks both of S'. Martins in the Fields:' by M"^ John
Harris, with Lycence.
17 John Barker & Margaret Watkins both of this parish: by M'. John Harris,
with Lycence.
27 John Stables & Frances Carrington both of S^ Ann's Westm': by M'" William
Wilson, with Lycence.
August 1718
14 William Cogsdill & Mary Justice both of S^ Martins in the Fields: by
M"" John Harris, with Lycence.
24 John Barlow & Margarett Salt both of S^ Clements Dane: by M"" WiUiam
Wilson, with Lycence.
24 John AVest & Iripheua Patrickson both of this Parish : by M"" William Wil-
son, with Lycence.
26 John Cuff of S^ Michael's Cornhill London & Mary Lynn of this Parish: by
M'' John Harris, with Lycence.
John Haeeis Curate-Assistant
John West 1
Joseph Mundy > Church- Wardens
Geo: Shute J
September 1718
2'' Abraham Eice of S*. Sepukhre's London & Maiy Browne of S*. Giles's
Cripplegate in the Coxuity of Middx: by M"' John Worden, with Lycence
October 1718
16"^ John Hodson & Mary Shute both of this Parish: by M' John Harris, with
22 William Burres of S*. Martins in the Fields & Elizabeth Cooper of S'. Mary's
"VVhite-Chappel : by M"^ William Wilson with Lycence.
22 George Biggins & Elizabeth Voysay both of this parish : by M'. William Wil-
son, by Banns.
23 Lodowick Leard & Margaret Hill both of S^ Giles's in the Fields: by
M'" William Wilson, with Lycence
30 William Jones & Anne Pidgeon both of S^ Margaret's Westm"": by M' John
Harris, with Lycence.
November 1718
G John Cradock of S'. Ann's Westmi-. & Frances Phillipson of S*. Botolph's
Aldersgate: by M''. William Wilson, with Lycence.
11 Michael Blanc of S^. Martins in the Fields & Elizabeth Wormell of S^ James's
WestnV: by M"" William Wilson, with Lycence.
IS John Browne of S'. Clements Dane & Sarah Dance of this Parish: by
M^ Eiehard Bundy-Franklin, with Lycence
27 Eiehard Bromley of S*. Giles's in the Fields in the County of MidSx: &
Mary Spicer of this parish: by M"" John Harris — with Lycence.
27 John palmer & Elizabeth palmer, both of Cray ton in the County of North-
ampton: by M''. John Harris, with Lycence.
December 1718
S*! Leonard Fowler of S*. Giles's in the Fields & Elizabeth Rennard of this
Parish: by M''. William Wilson, with Lycence.
4 Cuthbert Lockson of S*. Margaret's Westm'": & Mercy Bland of S*. Giles's in
the Fields : by the Rev'': & Hono^i^: Robert Lumley LLoyd, with Lycence
21 Thomas Newbury & Mary porter both of S*. Martins in the Fields: by
M"". William Wilson, with Lycence.
26 Alexander Andrew & Ajine Tapling both of this parish : by M"^ John Worden,
by Banns.
30 Abraham Crosby of this parish & Sarah Holt of S*. Margaret's Westm': by
M^ William Wilson, by Banns.
30 James Pye & Mary price both of this parish : by M', William Wilson, by
John Haeeis Curate-Assistant
John West 1
Joseph Mundy > Church Wardens
Geo : Shute J
January 1718
gth WTilliam Chapman & Mary Winpenny both of this Parish: by M"" Theodore
Wells, By Banns.
20 Nicholas Read of Islington in the County of Middx: & Catherine Collins of
S'. Clements Dane : by M'' William Wilson, with Lycence.
February 1718
5 John Irons & Mary Beesley both of this Parish: by M' John Harris, with
7 John Zimmerman & Susanna Collier both of this Parish: by M"^ William
Wilson, by Banns.
8 William Cooper & Elizabeth Lambath both of S^ James's Westm'": by
M' William Wilson, with Lycence.
10 Vincent Chabannes & Amy Gregg both of Hammersmith in the County of
Middx : by M'' William Wilson, with Lycence.
10 John Garrett of S*. Bottolph's Aldgate & Jane Floyd of this Parish : by
M'" William Wilson, by Banns.
March 1719
29 Henry Kirk-patrick of S*. Martins in the Fields & Mary Beecher of this
Parish: by M"' John Harris, by Banns
29 William Jones of S*. Alhallows Barkin London & Barbara Joyner of
S'. Martins in the Fields: by M'". John Harris, with Lycence
April 1719
10'»> John Gattley & Sarah Wingfield both of S*. Giles's in the Fields: by M'' John
Harris, with Lycence.
11 John-Christopher Artzberger of S^ Martins in the Fields, & Sarah Taylor of
this parish : by M"". John Harris, by Banns.
12 Thomas Tomalin of Edmonton in the County of MidSx: & Jane Yates of
S*. Martins in the Fields: by M"". Lawrence Torkington, with Lycence.
13 Eicliard Barber & Elizabeth Pick both of Wansworth in the County of Surry :
by M^ John Harris, with Lycence.
14 John Tobin & Barbara Wall both of this Parish by M"^ William Wilson, with
27 Moses Murrey & Mary Goodson both of this Parish : by M^' John Harris, wath
May 1719
3 William Snibson & Anne Micklethwait both of this parish : by M"' John Harris,
by Banns.
18 William Garrett & Anne Williams both of this parish: by M'" John Harris,
by Banns.
19 John Clapham of S'. Giles's in the Fields in the County of MidS'x: & Sarah
Humeridge of S*. Saviour's Southwark in the County of Surry: by
M''. John Harris, with Lycence.
24 Alexander Hay of S'. Giles's in the Fields in the County of Middx: & Jane
Shelton of this parish: by M''. John Harris, with Lycence
26 William Welder of S'. Bridgett's alias S*^. Brides London & Elizabeth King
of this parish: by M'' Samuel Freeman, with Lycence
John Haeeis Curate- Assistant
G^J! sTute } ^^^^^^ Wardens
June 1719
25"' Jacob Rollos of S*. Martins in the Fields & Mary Allen of this parish: by
M"" William Wilson, with Lycence
27 John Boyce & Israel Griffith both of this parish: by M'' John Harris, by
July 1719
19"' John Ixem & Sarah Lucas both of S*. Giles's in the Fields: by M'' John Harris,
with Lycence
30 Thomas Ryves of S'. Giles's in the Fields in the County of Midetx: & Eliza-
beth Kyffin of S^ Mary's White-Chappell in the Said County: by
M'' John Harris, with Lycence,
Marhiages. 107
August 1719
13'^' John Plomer of Barnes in the County of Surry & Elizabeth Tomlinson of
East-Cheyne in the parish of Mortlock in the County aforesaid: by
M'" William Wilson, with Lycence.
24 William Nash of S'. Martins in the Fields & Mary Jar vis of this Parish: by
M"" John Harris, by Banns.
September 1719
3^ Thomas Ekersley of S*. Andrew's Holborn in the County of Middx: & Mary
Shemeld of Ouborne in the County of Bedford: by M"" William Wilson,
with Lycence.
5 Mark Weekes & Catherine Shaw both of S*. Martins in the Fields: by
M'. John Harris, with Lycence.
15 John Bowers & Alice Wells both of this Parish: by M"" John Harris, by Banns.
19 William Beech of S^ Leonard's Shorediteh & Elizabeth Funnell of this Parish :
by M''. William Wilson, by Banns.
29 Slaswick Carr of SK Ann's Westm"": in the County of MidSx: & Sarah Finch
of Thorney in the Liberty of the Parish of Tver in the County of Bucks:
by M^ John Harris, with Lycence.
October 1719
11"* William AVilkey & Susanna Wildman both of this Parish: by M^' John Harris,
by Banns
15 William Vernon of S'. James's Westm'': & Elianor Hulstone of S'. Margarett's
Westm"^: by M''. John Harris, with Lycence
Norember 1719
3^ Edward Earle & Elizabeth Dent both of S^. Clements Dane : by M'' William
AVilson, with Lycence
16 Robert Littlewood of S*. James's Westm'". & Sarah Blakeway of S*. Martins in
the Fields : by M*". William Wilson, with Lycence.
22 John Euston & Jane Chapman both of S*. Martins in the Fields : by
M' George Rawlins, vriih Lycence.
24 The Right Rev'*: Father in God John, Lord Bishop of Loudon & Emma
Cornwallis of this Parish: by the Rev'': & Hono''''^: Henry Bridges D.D.
with Lycence.
26 Thomas Lamborne & Anne Shorter both of S^ Ann's Westm'": by M"" John
Harris, with Lycence.
John Hakeis Curate-Assistant
John West 1 ^i i. -nr j
December 1719
2'' Jacob Simpson & Aune Hasted both of S*. James's Westm*": by M' William
AVilson, with Lycence
13 Alexander De Cubillos & Elizabeth Darme both of S^ Margarett's Westm'":
by M' William Wilson, with Lycence
23 Robert Chandler & Elizabeth Boorman both of this Parish, by M'" William
Wilson, with Lycence.
25 James Blakley & Mary Stevenson both of this Parish: by M'" John Harris,
by Banns.
25 Joseph Estwick & Mary Innocent both of this Parish : by M"" John Harris,
with Lycence.
25 Edmond Bro^^^le & Jane Cornewall both of S'. Olave's Southwark in the
County of Surry : by M'" John Harris, with Lyceuce
27 John Noel of S^ Andrew's Holbome & Elizabeth Hatton of S^ Giles's in the
Fields : by M^ William Wilson, with Lycence.
31 Henry Williams & Grace Lambeth both of S*^. Martins in the Fields: by
M^ John Harris, with Lycence.
.January 1719
5 John Klenee of S'. Clements Dane & Judith Fryes of this Parish : by
M"" John Harris, with Lycence
13 Arend-Christopher Audasen & Ellen Houson both of S^ James's Westm"^:
by M"" AVilliam Wilson, with Lycence.
23 John Miller & Elizabeth Carey both of S*. Ann's Westrnf; by M"" William
Wilson, with Lycence.
31 John Coe of 8'. Clements Dane & Hannah AVelah of this Parish : by M"". Wil-
liam Wilson, with Lycence.
February 1719
Z'^ Eichard Amos & Jane Hammond both of this Parish : by M' William Wilson,
by Banns.
6 Samuel Sjners of S^ Andrew's Holborn in the County of MidSx : & Margaret
Pike of Kingston upon Thames in the County of Surry : by M"" William
Wilson, with Lycence.
11 John Miers & Sarah Walker both of S'. James's Westm'': by M-" William
Wilson, with Lycence
22 Joseph Barleggs & Jane Brisenden both of SK Martins in the Fields: by
M"" William Wilson, with Lycence
29 John- Jacob Lange & Hannah Barber both of this Parish : by M"" William
Wilson, by Banns.
March 1719 & 20
!•* Thomas Leavens & Mary Pye both of this Parish : by M' William Wilson,
by Banns
19 William Boawre of S'. Gregory's London Clerk, & Martha Kirby of this
Parish, by M"" William Wilson, with Lycence
1720. 29 John Barber & Anne Taylor both of this Parish: by M"" William,
with Lycence
John Hareis Curate-Assistant
Geo -^Sh^tT"^^ } ^^^^"^^ Wardens
April 1720
17*^^ Thomas Burton of S*. Margaret's Westm^: & Elizabeth Pratt of S'. Michael's
Cornhill London: by M"" William Wilson, with Lycence.
17 William Lambert of S*. Ann's Westm"": & Susanna Eussell of SK Giles's in
the Fields : by M"" William Wilson, with Lycence.
19 James Burkett & Frances Fountain both of S'. Andrew's Holborn : by
M' William Wilson, with Lycence.
19 Peter Motteux of S'. Mary's Woolnoth London & Mary Collett of S'. Michael's
Crooked Lane London : by M"". William Wilson, with Lycence.
22 James Sanxay of Penzance in the County of Cornwall & Charlott-Mary
Gaches of S^ Martins in the Fields by M"" Daniel Sanxay, with Lycence.
30 John Tompkins of Eislip in the County of Middx: & Mary Ewer of Eick-
mansworth in the County of Hertford: by M"" Samuel Freeman, with
May 1720
14 Gabriel Pink & Jane Frasier both of S* Martins in the Fields : by M' Wil-
liam Wilson, with Lycence.
18 John Watts of Wattford iu Hertfordshire & Esther Twin of this Parish : by
M'' John Harris, by Banns.
26 Eichard Baskervile of S'. Giles's in the Pields & Anne Harvey of this Parish :
by M"" "William Wilson, with Lycence.
28 Henry Harding of S^ Martins in the Fields & Sarah Collier of S^ Margaret's
Westm'": by M' Samuel Freeman, with Lycence.
June 1720
2 Michael Klooster Myer of SK James's Westm'': & Mary G-illicoe of S'. Giles's
in the Fields : by M'' William Wilson, with Lycence.
11 William Woodhouse of Newport in the County of Salop & Mary Currer of
St. Andrew's Holborne in the County of Middx: by M'". John Harris,
with Lycence.
17 John Hooker of S*. Andrew's Holbom & Mary Smith of S'. Clements Dane :
by M'' William Wilson, with Lycence.
30 John Leigh & Mary Charaock both of S*. Martins in the Fields : by M'' Wil-
liam Wilson, with Lycence.
July 1720
2'* Thomas Lightwood & Elizabeth Starkey both of Paddington in the County of
Middi : by M"" William Wilson, with Lycence
5 John Wise & Abigail Goodall both of this Parish : by M'' John Harris, by
10 John Theobald of the Middle Temple London Esq'': & Martha Byker of
S*. Andrew's Holborne : by M''. William Wilson, with Lycence
John Harris Curate-Assistant
Francis Maskuin
Philip Wilkin > Church Wardens
Josiah Norman J
July 1720
W^ Henry Brockwell of S^ Martins in the Fields & Eleanor Dillon of S*. Giles's
iu the Fields : by M'' John Pidding, with Lycence.
17 Charles Mason of S'. Pancras iu the Fields in the County of Middx: & Anne
Beaver of S'. Giles's in the Fields: by M"" William Wilson, with
24 Francis Eyma of S*. Martins in the Fields & Mary-Jane Perot of S'. Giles's
in the Fields : by M'' John Pidding, with Lycence.
24 William Vanwyke & Anne Skyem both of S^ Ann's Westin'': by M'" John
Pidding, with Lycence.
25 Henry Lewis & Carolina Jones both of S'. Giles's iu the Fields : by M'' Wil-
liam Wilson, with Lycence.
August 1720
2* John Humphreys & Phillis Philpot both of this Parish: by M'' William
Wilson, by Banns.
2 Joseph Brown of S'. Botolph Aldgate Loudon & Elizabeth Francis of S^ Mary
White-Chapel in the County of Middx: by M>' John Bidding, with
14 Henry Hutchins & Cary Eoyer both of S*. James's AVestiiV : by M'' William
Wilson, with Lycence.
23 William Moodey of Cowley in the County of Mid^x: & Mary Davis of
Hillington in the Said County : by M'" John Pidding, with Lycence.
25 William Pusey of S'. Bridgett ahas S*. Brides London & Elizabeth Buck of
this Parish : by M"". John Harris, with Lycence
September 1720
4''' Johu Cutler & Aime Grimsdall both of Iver in the County of Bucks : by
M'' John Pidding, with Lyeence
8 Charles Sweeting of S'. Botolpli Bishop's-Gate London & Sarah Barker of
S'. James's Westm'': by M'". Stephen Grigman, with Lyeence
8 John Allen of Ueptford in the County of Kent & Mary Thompson of
S'. Dunstan's in the West London : by M'' Stephen Grigman, with
15 Henry Ware & Mary Browne both of Kensington in the County of MidSx:
by M'. William AVilson, with Lyeence.
23 John Smith & Lucy Staples both of S*. James's Westfn'': by M' William
Wilson, with Lyeence.
October 1720
2'' Edward Crowther of S^ Duiistan's in the West London & Anne Carter of
this Parish : by M'' William Wilson, with Lyeence.
4 John Allen & Mary Sharp both of S*. James's Westm'': by M'' William
Wilson, With Lyeence.
8 Arthur Onslow Esq'': of Merrow in the County of Surry & Anne Bridges of
Thames Ditton in the Said County : by M'' Edward Vernon, with
13 John Dauby of the Inner Temple London & Winifred Kebell of S'. Andrew
Holborne : by M' John Harris, with Lyeence.
23 William Raven of S'. Botolph Bishojjsgate London & Anne Waller of this
parish : by M'' John Pidding, with Lyeence
John Haeeis Curate-Assistant
Eranciss MaskulH
Philip Wilkin > Church Wardens
Josiah Norman J
November 1720
gth "William Mountmongomery of S^ Botolph Aldgate London & Anne Carter of
S'. Martins in the Fields : by M'' John Harris, with Lyeence.
17 Edward Thompson of S^ Martins in the Fields & Mary Lane of Chelsea in
the County of Middx : by M'' John Harris, with Lyeence.
27 Edward Stacy of S^ Martins in the Fields & Elizabeth Emery of S'. Clements
Dane : by M"^ William Wilson, with Lyeence.
29 Thomas Blakeway & Elizabeth Bailey both of S^ Giles's in the F'ields : by
M"" John Harris, with Lyeence.
December 1720
IQiii Henry Hayes & Martha Barrer both of S'. Ann's Westm'': by M'' William
Wilson, with Lyeence.
24 William llidsdale & Mary Twisleton both of this Parish: by M' William
Wil.son, with Lyeence.
25 James Ayrey & Sarah Thompson both of S*. Clements Daue : by M*" Johu
Pidding, with Lyeence.
January 1720
1^1 William Parker & Mary Martin both of S'. Andrew Holborne by M*" William
Wilson, with Lyeence.
5 Charles Wiseman of S^ Mary at Hill Loudon & Hester Wright of tiK Mar-
garet Westiii'': by M' William Wilson, with Lyeence.
5 Thomas Slovens of S'. Martins in the Fields & Ursula Davison of Brentford
in the County of Middx : by M'' William Wilson, with Lyeence.
19 John Edmunds of S'. Ann's Westm'': & Philadelphia Delatour of S*. Martins
in the Fields : by M'" John Harris, with Lycence.
24 Thomas Hawthorne of S'. Margaret Westrn'' : & Mary Webb of S^ James's
Westm'': by M'' William Wilson, with Lycence
26 John Probert of S*. Clements Dane & Elizabeth Dockin of S^ Martins in the
Fields: by M' William Wilson, with Lycence.
29 John Guy of S^ Martins in the Fields & Mary Capp of this Parish : by
M'' William Wilson, with Lycence.
31 Abraham Dun & Jane Bamett both of this Parish : by M'' John Harris, by
February 1720
S^ Benjamin Walker & Elizabeth Sedgwick both of S'. Griles's Criplegate
Loudon, by M*" John Bidding, with Lycence
6 William AVaddington of S'. Ann's Blackfryers & Elizabeth Hopkins of this
Parish : by M^' William Wilson, bv Banns.
12 Charles Beak & Elizabeth Oliver both of this Parish : by M'' William Wilson,
by Banns.
IG Eobert English & Elizabeth Barr both of S'. Giles's in the Fields: by
M"" John Harris, with Lycence
17 Benjamin Eomaine of this Parish & Susanna Helot of S'. James's Westfn'':
by M'' William Wilson, with Lycence.
21 John Spooner & Elizabeth Lilly both of Thisleworth in the County of MidSx:
by M»' William Wilson, with Lycence
21 Peter Bell of Fullham in the County of MidSx: & Martha Harden of this
Parish : by M'' John Pidding, Avith Lycence
March 1720 & 21
JoHK Haeris Curate-Assistant
Franciss MaskulH
Philip Wilkin > Church Wardens
Josiah Norman J
April 1721
3"^ John Maguaie & Mary Conttes both of S*. Ann's Westm^ by M>" William
Wilson, with Lycence
10 Eobert Jones of S*. Martins in the Fields & Ursula Newbury of this Parish :
by M"" William Wilson, by Banns.
13 Wellfare Ford & Euth Lawrence both of S*. Margaret's Westm'': by
M"" William Wilson, with Lycence
May 1721
4''' James Ragg of S'. James's Westfn^: & Mary Elliot of S^ Giles's in the
Fields in the County of Middx: by M"" AVilliam Wilson, with Lycence.
4 John Halsey & Anne Blemmony both of S*. James's Clerkenwell in the
County of Middx: by M*" William Wilson, with Lycence.
4 Ralph Cave of Wansworth in the County of Surry & Anne Osgood of
Chelsea in the County of Middx : by M'' William Wilson, with
7 Henry Michon of S*. Ann's Westiii' : & Frances Vaughram of S^ Martins in
the Fields : by M'' William Wilson, with Lycence.
7 John Yarndell of S'. Antholin London & Anne ISicholls of S'. Gregory's
London: by M"^. William Wilson, with Lycence.
20 John Overou & Mary Bouffitt both of this Parish : by M'' William* 'Wilson,
by Banns.
21 Robert Jackson & Mary Winston both of this Parish : by M'' John Harris,
by Banns.
25 John Langlauds & Mary Toshea both of this Parish : by M'^' William Wilson,
by Banns.
25 David Thomas & Dorothy Deveille both of S*. Martins in the Pields: by
M'' William Wilson, with Lycence
June 1721
1"' Edward Austin & Eleanor Hall both of S*. James's Westfn'' : by M'. John
Pidding, with Lycence.
5 Richard Cowdrey & Anne Young both of Welton in the County of Wilts :
by M''. William AVilson, w'^'. Lycence
8 Richard Skinner of S'. Peter Cheap London & Hannah Morris of S'. Andrew
Holborne : by the Rev'': Doctor Robert Mosse Dean of Ely, with
18 James Beard of this Parish & Anne Turner of S^ Mary Le Savoy : by
M''. John Pidding, with Lycence.
19 Robert Jackson of S*. Martins in the Fields & Frances Truman of this
Parish : by M' John* Pidding, by Banns.
20 Richard Harris of S'. Brides London & Mary Chapman of Chelsea in the
County of Middx : by M'' John Pidding, with Lycence
22 James LLoyd of S'. James's Clerkenwell & Anne Harris of S^ Giles's in the
Fields: by M''. John Pidding, with Lycence.
29 Benjamin Hall of S'. Ann's Westm'": & Mary Stanbrooke of Stains in
the County of Middx : by M'". William Wilson, with Lycence
John Haeris Curate- Assistant
Francis Maskull "]
Philip Wilkin > Church Wardens
Josiah Norman J
July 1721
14th Thomas Mompesson Esq'": of Sundridge in the County of Kent & Alice
Aynsworth of this Parish : by M'' William Wilson, with Lycence.
August 1721
6^^ Timothy Hattersley & Mary Reynolds both of S*. Mary Le Savoy : by
M^ William Wilson, with Lycence.
8 Thomas Edwards & Christian Goode both of S*. Clements Dane : by M"" Wil-
liam Wilson, with Lycence.
13 John Hayes of this Parish & Helena Barry of S*^. Clements Dane: by
M''. William Wilson, with Lycence.
21 Joseph Roger & Judith Spitt both of S*. Anne Westm'': by M'' William
Wilson, with Lycence
24 John Turner of S^ James's Westm'': & Elizabeth Johnson of S^ Andrew
Holborne : by M'' William Wilson, with Lycence
24 Henry Gibbons & Hannah Holt both of S*. Clements Dane : by M"" William
Wilson, with Lycence.
31 John Smyth of S*. Anne Westm'': & Elizabeth Rookes of this Parish: by
M'' William Wilson, with Lycence.
* Written over an erasure, — Ed.
September 1721
3*^ John Procter of S*. James's Westm'': & Arrne Scriven of S'. Michael Cornhill
London : by M^ William Wilson, with Lycence.
13 William Dallaway & Dorothy Campion both of this Parish : by M'' WilUam
Wilson, by Banns.
23 Rice Parry & Margarett Bulkeley botli of S^ Mary Le Savoy: by M' William
Wilson, with Lycence.
27 Thomas Sprigg & Anne Harcourt both of S'. Lawrence Old Jury London: by
M'' William Wilson, with Lycence
October 1721
2^ Philip Crown & Mary Harvey both of S*. Margaret Westm'": by M'' William
Wilson, Avith Lycence.
5 William Stables of S*. Mary Le Savoy & Isabella Thompson of S^ Margaret
AVestfn'': by M'' William Wilson, with Lycence.
11 Thomas Paddeson of Lingsted in the County of Kent & Elizabeth Henman
of Lennour in the Said County: by M"". William Wilson, with Lycence.
19 Charles Capon & Sarah Yates both of this Parish: by M'' William Wilson,
by Banns.
19 John Peacock & Mary Chandler both of S'. Clements Dane: by M"^ William
Wilson, with Lycence.
22 Lawrence Randall of S^ Margaret Westin^ : & Martha Tarwood of S*. Martins
in the Pields: by M^'. John Harris with Lycence
29 John Jones of S'. Botolph Aldgate & Mary Blanford of S*. Martin's in the
Field: by M''. William Wilson, with Lycence
JoHx Habkis Curate-Assistant
Pranciss Maskull "]
Philip Wilkin > Church- Wardens
Josiah Norman J
November 1721
2^ James Taylor of this Parish & Martha Scale of S'. James's Westm': by
M'. William Wilson, wath Lycence.
4 John Billindge & Elizabeth Burton both of S'. James's Westm'": by M' Wil-
liam Wilson, with Lycence.
4 Thomas Dixon of S'. Mary Le Strand & Frances Trotter of S^ Margarett
Westm'": by M^ William Wilson, with Lycence.
8 Daniel Doniger of Gosport in the County of Southampton & Frances Harmon
of S'. Aine Black-Fryers London: by M"" John Pidding, with Lycence.
19 John Wilson of S^ Giles's Cripplegate &'Martha Gamman of S^ Martins in
the Fields : by M*". William Wilson, with Lycence.
26 Thomas Smith & Mary Pepper both of this Parish: by M'". William Wilson,
by Banns.
26 Gerard Elrington & Mary Green both of S'. Martins in the Fields : by
M'. William Wilson, with Lycence.
30 Henry Heyrick of Exton in the County of Rutland & Anne Reeve of
S'. James's Westm'": by M'". William Wilson, with Lycence.
30 John Turner of Ealing in the County of Middx : & Thomasin Highums of this
Parish: by M'". William Wilson, by Banns.
December 1721
8 Robert Skenn of S'. Leonard Shoreditch & Elizabeth Arthur of S'. Giles's in
the Fields: by M"". William Wilson, with Lycence.
8 John Gregory & Elizabeth Bowers both of S*. James's "Westm^: by M^ Wil-
liam "Wilson, with Lycence.
15 Edward Fletcher & Mary Palmer both of Hampstead in the County of
Middx : bv M^ Edward Norton with Lycence.
17 John Low &'Mary Key both of this Parish: by M^ "William Wilson, by
January 1721
l»t Paul Cole & Susanna Grover both of this Parish: by M"" "William Wilson, by
6 Edmund Lord of S*. Mary White-Chappel & Elizabeth Cooks of this Parish:
bv M"" John Bidding, by Banns
7 John Wood & Jane Johnson both of this Parish : by M"" William Wilson, by
14 Thomas Williams & Mary Askew both of S«. Clements Dane : by M^ William
Wilson, with Lycence.
20 John Kelsey & Margaret Byfield both of S*. Giles's in the Fields: by M^ John
Bidding, with Lycence
25 George Gardner & Jane Drewsha both of Twittenham in the County of
MidSx: by M"". John Pidding with Lycence
.SO Thomas Woolley & Mary Kitchin both of 'this Parish : by M'" William Wilson,
by Banns.
JoHX Haeeis Curate-Assistant
ST' w^l^'^"^^ ] Church-Wardens
Philip Wilkm J
February 1721
2'' Thomas Eoke of Cheam in the County of Surry & Anne Blake of this Parish:
by M'. William Wilson, with Lycence.
March 1721 & 22
S-i Joshua Walker of S'. Giles's in the Fields in the County of Mid^x : & Eliza-
beth Shaw of S'. James's Westm'": by M' John Pidding, with Lycence.
21 Samuel Showell of this Parish & Elizabeth White of Kingthorp in the County
of Northampton: by M"" William AVilson, with Lycence
1722. 26 John Brewer & Christian Igbey both of Putney in the County of
Surry: by M"" John Pidding, with Lycence
April 1722
2 James Columba & Sarah Nep both of this Parish: by M^ William Wilson,
with Lycence
8 Lawrence Lord of S*. Michael Bassishaw London & Mary Fry of Alhallows
Bread Street London; by M'' William Wilson, with Lycence.
10 John Wright of S*. Giles's in the Fields in the County of MidSx: & Catherine
King of S*. James's Westm'": by M'' William Wilson, with Lycence.
21 Thomas Webb of Hurst in the County of Berks & Mary Seagrey of S*. Anne
Westm'': by M'' William Wilson, with Lycence.
May 1722
S^ James Boyson of Dover in the County of Kent & Anne Courley of Clapham
in the County of Surry by M^ John Harris, with Lycence.
9 Anthony Withrington & Sarah Stratton both of this Parish: by M'' John
Harris, with Lycence.
14 Joseph Green of Hampstead in the County of Middx: & Mary Owens of this
Parish: by M''. William Wilson, by Banns.
19 Samuel Toriu of S'. Stephen Walbrook London, & Elizabeth Borne of
S'. Mary Islington in the County of Middx: by M"" William Wilson, with
21 William Clowes & Mary Brookes both of this Parish: by M'' William Wilson,
by Banns.
28 William Evans of S'. Mary White Chappel in the County of Mid^x: & Eliza-
beth Cannon of S' Mary Eotherhith in the County of Surry: by M"" Wil-
liam Wilson, with Lycence.
John Haeris Curate-Assistant
Peter Q-uerin 1
Tho Gamlyu > Church -Wardens
Tho: Edmunds J
June 1722
5'i> Humphrey Morice of S'. Dunstan in the East London & Catherine Hale of
Kings AValden in the County of Hertford: by M''. Charles Cecil, with
6 Francis Apsley & Mary Philips both of SK Anne Westm'": by M'" William
Wilson, with Lycence.
10 John Hayes & Mary Sharp both of S*. Gabriel Eenchurch London: by
M"" William Wilson, with Lycence.
14 Eichard Lee & Sarah Hall both of this Parish: by M'" William Wilson, by
19 Christopher Pulsf ord & Mary Wilson both of this Parish : by M''. John Harris,
by Banns.
26 George Reader of Hertford Town in the County of Hertford & Mary Foster
of S'. Matthew Friday Street London: by M"^^ William Wilson, with
July 1722
12ti> William Pollard of S^ Botolph Aldgate in the County of MidSx : & Elianor*
Bence of S'. Martins in the Fields : by M"" John Harris, with Lycence
12 Samuel Johnson of S'. Anne Westm"': & Elizabeth Dalley of S'. Giles's in
the Fields, in the County of Middx : by M'' John Harris, with Lycence
18 Eobert Ekins & Mary Scondrat both of S'. James's Westm'': by M'' William
Wilson, with Lycence.
23 George Wyatt & Hannah Wood both of S*. Margaret Westm"": by M"' John
Harris, with Lycence.
August 1722
7 Eobert Paige of S'. Clements Dane & Susanna Luptou of this Parish: by
M'' William Wilson, by Banns.
September 1722
October 1722
22'' John Fothergill & Eebecca Azlock both of this Parish: by M"' John Harris,
with Lycence
23 John Grafton of Suubury in the County of Middx: & Catherine Eussell of
Wimbleton in the County of Surry by M"" John Harris, with Lycence
* ? Altered from " Eleanor."— Ed.
27 John Lestwick & Elizabeth Shaw both o£ S*. Martins in the Fields: by
M"". William "Wilson, with Lycence.
28 Nicholas Champion of S*. Anne Westm'' : & Eleanor Eussell of S*. Clements
Dane: by Si"". William Wilson, with Lycence.
JoH>' Harris Curate-Assistant
Peter Guerin ^
Tho Gamlyn > Church- Wardens
Tho Edmunds J
November 1722
3'' Jobn David Wedemayer of S'. Martins in the Fields & Anne Catherine
Kupper of this Parish: by M'' William AVilson, by Bauus.
8 Thomas Davis & Mary Wallton both of this Parish: by M"" William Wilson,
by Banns.
12 Thomas Hoggins & Mary Vincent both of Twitnam in the County of Middx:
bv M^ AVilliam Wilson, with Lvcence.
21 William Evans & Elizabeth Norton both of S*. Anne Westm'': by M^' Wil-
liam Wilson, with Lycence.
24 William Eastman of S'. Christopher Le Stocks London & Sarah Boot of
S'. Bennet Fink London: by M''. William Wilson, with Lycence
December 1722
14*'' John Lawes & Mary Stokes both of S'. Andrew Holboum: by M"". William
Wilson, with Lycence.
.January 1722
1^* Joseph Fashion Esq'": of Hammersmith in the County of MidSx: & Sidney
Lee of S^ Margaret Westm'": by M'' AVilliam AVilson, with Lycence.
7 Charles Dalyson of Chatham in the County of Kent & Margaret Hardesty of
S'. James's Westm'': by M''. William Wilson, with Lycence.
29 John Bull & Jane Katesmarke both of this Parish: by M''. John Harris, with
February 1722
6'^' William Eoberts & Anne May both of S*. Margaret Westm-": by M-" John
Harris, with Lycence.
7 Thomas Mascall & Martha Hewett both of S'. Bridgett alias Brides London :
by M"". John Harris, with Lycence.
13 Timothy Bowyer of S^ Botolph Bishopgate London & Anne-Mary l^nderwood
of S'. Bartholomew the Great Londun: by M"" Bichard Bundy-Franklyn,
with Lycence.
17 William Batters & Mary Graham both of S*. James's AVestm'": by M^ William
Wilson, with Lycence.
23 Christopher Hunter & Mary Jarvis both of S'. James's Westm'': by M' Wil-
liam Wilson, with Lycence.
24 John Hutcheson & Martha Gilbert both of S^ Margaret Westm'': by
M"". John Harris, with Lycence.
25 James Pool & Jane PuUin both of this Parish: by M"" William Wilson, by
26 Becjamin Lewis & Jane Eoberts both of this Parish: by M^ William Wilson,
by Banns.
John Haeris Curate- Assistant
Peter Guerin "j
Tho Gamlyn > Church-Wardens
Tho Edmunds J
April 1723
15"' Matthew Angell & Mary Glanvild both of this Parish: by M''. AVilliam Wil-
son, by Banns.
30 Edward Trinn of S^ Margaret "Westin'": & Anne Franklin of this Parish: by
M'' John Harris, by l^aiius.
May 1723
7"> G-eorge Paulfry of S'. Martin in the Fields & Elizabeth Eandall of S^. Mar-
garet WestiTi'': by M'' John Harris, with Lycence.
12 Griffautius Phillips of S^ Mary le Savoy & Elizabeth AYard of this Parish :
by M'. William Wilson, by Banns.
21 Thomas Hollier of Warfield in the County of Berks & Hester Stamp of
Wantage in the County aforesaid : by M'" William AVilson, with Lycence.
28 John Wilson of S^ Margaret Westm' : & Sarah Makan of this Parish: by
M"". William Wilson, with Lycence.
31 Robert Smith & Jane Smith both of S». Martin in the Fields: by M^ John
Harris, with Lycence.
June 1723
1st jo}^ji MitcheJl of S'. Martin in the Fields & Elizabeth Watts of Isleworth in
the County of Midd:x: by M'". William Wilson, with Lycence
6 Thomas Telly & Anne Clark both of this Parish: by M"^ AVilliam Wilson, by
17 Joseph Parker & Sarah Harwood both of S^ Anne Westm"" : by M>'. William
Wilson, with Lycence.
22 George-Saunders of S*. Giles's Cripplegate London, & Elizabeth Hews of
S*. Andrew Holbourue in the County of Middix : by M"' William Wilson,
with Lycence.
JoHX Harkis Curate-Assistant
Francis Oakely^l
Jn" Temple > Church- Wardens
Jn« Cobcroft J
July 1723
4"' John Morrison & Margaret Greening both of White-Fryers London by
M"" John Harris with Lycence
23 Abraham Croft of S^ Martin in the Fields & Barbara Bull of this Parish: by
M^ William Wilson with Lycence.
August 1723
22<i John Jackson & Hannah Allen both of S'. Martin in the Fields : by M''. A\''il-
liam Wilson with Lycence.
25 William Smith of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County of MidSx : & Chris-
tian Bateson of Clipston in the County of Northampton : by M^ AVilliam
Wilson, with Lycence.
29 William Blick & Barbara Turner both of S'. Giles's in the Fields in the
County of MidSx: by M^ William Wilson, with Lycence
September 1723
B'l Thomas Makepeace of S'. Martin in the Fields & Sarah Studert of this Parish :
by M"" William Wilson by Banns.
* The following uote is here written in the Register :— " Turn to the further end of the book
for Marriages. Folio 394."— Ed.
5 Richard Barnard & Sarah Browne both of S'. Dunstan in the West London :
by M'. John Harris, with Lycence.
22 James Desremneaux & Mary Vassay both of S*. Giles's in the Fields in the
County of Middx: by M''. Williain Wilson, with Lycence.
29 Williain Burgess & Mary Thacker both of S^ Martin in the Fields: by
M''. William Wilson, with Lycence.
October 1723
20"' Edward Holland & Elizabeth Norman both of this Parish: by M^ William
Wilson, by Banns.
29 Edward Smith of Chersey in the County of Surry & Alitia Richards of this
Parish: by M''. John Harris by Bauns.
November 1723
5"' Henry Middleton & Mary Stevens both of this Parish: by M"" William Wilson,
by Banns.
11 John Batson & Lucy Carter both of S'. Andrew Holbourn in the County of
Middx : by M''. .John Harris, with Lycence.
12 John Clifford of S^. Anne Black-Friers London, & Mary Williams of
S''. Martin in the Fields : by M''. John Harris with Lycence
John Harris Curate-Assistant
Francis Oakelyl
Jn" Temple > Church- Wardens
Jn° Cobcroft J
December 1723
5tii William Richards of S'. Giles's in the Fields & Dorothy Atkinson of this
Parish: by M''. Williaiii Wilson, by Banns.
23 Richard Willard of S'. Sepulchre Loudon & Mary Brittridge of Wilsden in
the County of MidSx : by M'" William Wilson, with Lycence
28 Jeremiah Herford & Elizabeth Lampley both of S*. James's Westm"": by
M"" William AVilson, with Lycence.
31 John Nichoils of Hampstead in the County of Midd:x : & Mary Tamman of
S*. Giles's in the Fields in the County aforesaid: by M^ John Harris,
with Lycence.
31 William Usher & Anne Porter both of S^ James's Westfn*': by M>" John
Harris, with Lycence.
January 1723
2'^ William Portal, Rector of Clown in the County of Derby Clerk & Mary.
Magdalen Findlater of S*. Anne Westm'': by M'' William Wilson, with
17 Bickley Morris & Rachel Newton both of this Parish: by M"" William Wilson,
with Lycence.
February 1723
6'^'' Henry Shaw & Alice Villiers both of Kentish Town in the County of Middx:
by M"". John Harris with Lycence.
9 Edward Stone & Anne Edmonds both of this Parish : by M'". William Wilson,
with Lycence.
March 1723 & 24 None
April 1724
6"' Thomas Barnfield & Sarah Spratley both of S'. Clements Dane : by M"". Wil-
liam Wilson, with Lycence.
8 John Brewer of Eton in the County of Bucks & Sarah Barnsby of this
Parish: by M^ William "Wilson, with Lycenee.
14 Thomas Pearce & Isabella Moore both of this Parish: by M'' William Wilson,
with Lycenee.
16 Thomas Churchell & Mary Stackhouse both of S*. Giles's in the Pields: by
M"". William AV^ilson, with Lycenee.
25 Eichard Townsend & Anne Frineh both of All-Freston in the County of
Sussex: by M''. William Wilson, with Lycenee
JoH>' Haeeis Curate-Assistant
Francis Oakely "|
Jn° Temple > Church-Wardens
Jn° Coberoft J
May 1724
5*'' Arthur Barker & Prances Bateman both of S*. Dunstan in the West London:
by M"^ William Wilson, Avith Lycenee
7 William Curson of S*. Martin in the Pields in the County of Middx: &
Penelope Jones of S'. Giles's in the Pields in the County Aforesaid: by
M'^' William Wilson, with Lycenee.
10 John Thompson of Windsor in the County of Berks & Mary AVard of
S*. James Westm'': in the County of Middx: by M^ William Wilson,
with Lycenee,
June 1724
IQth Thomas Hai*ris & Mary Taylor both of Hornsey in the County of Middx: by
M'^'. William Wilson, AAith Lycenee.
18 William Pennard of AVherwell m the County of Southampton & Hannah
Thorp of S'. Anne Westin>": in the County of MidSx: by M^ William
Wilson, -^dth Lycenee
23 John Lea & Mary Eawbone both of S*. James Westfn'': by M'' William
Wilson, with Lycenee
29 Coen Hauerkam & Elizabeth Hall both of Westham in the County of Essex:
by M"'. William Wilson, with Lycenee.
July 1724
2^ William Gibbs & Eebecca Parr both of S*. Andrew Holbourn by M*". John
Harris, with Lycenee.
2 James White of Pinner in the County of Middx : & Elizabeth Bishop of this
Parish: by M''. John Harris, by Banns
7 Peter Knopp of S'. Edmund the King London, & Mary Wilson of Brentford
in the County of Middx: by M''. William Wilson, with Lycenee
10 Hugh Patricks & Eachel Sayles both of S'. Margaret AVestm'': by M' Wil-
liam Wilson, with Lycenee
14 William Jones of S'. Mary Le Bone in the County of Middx: & Susanna
Bunn of S'. James Westm'': by M''. William Wilson, with Lycenee.
14 Eobert Jackson & Elizabeth Miles, both of S'. James Westm'': by M"". William
Wilson, with Lycenee.
20 William Heather & Susanna Lee both of this Parish: by M' AVilliam AVilson,
by Banns.
August 1724
25*'' Eobert Hopperton & Elizabeth Frampton both of Chelsea in the County of
Middx: by M^ William Wilson, with Lycenee.
September 1724
18^'' Thomas Lovell & Mary Silvester both of this Parish, by M"". "William "Wilson,
by Banns.
15 John rouug of Hemelhemstead in the County of Hertford & Hannah Pepper
of this Parish: by M''. William Wilson, with Lycence.
29 .John Hebden of the Parish of S'. Botolph Aldgate London, & Mary Eider of
this Parish: by M"". William Wilson, by Banns.
Jonx Haeeis Curate- Assistant
Francis Oakely"]
Jn" Temple > Church- Wardens
Jn" Cobcroft J
October 1724
l"* Joseph Dutton of S'. Martin in the Fields & Eebecca Gregory of Allhallows
Barkin London by M'' John Harris, with Lycence.
13 Arthur Barnes of S'. Botolph Aldersgate London & Anne Territt of this
Parish: by M'' William Wilson, with Lycence.
18 John Gill of "Twittenham in the County "of Middx: & Anne Wintell of
S*. Andrew Holborn in the said County : by M"" William "Wilson, with
November 1724
1^* .John Beaton of S^ James's Westm^: & Lucy Scott of S'. Andrew Holborn:
by M"". William "Wilson, with Lycence.
8 William Williams of S^ Clements Dane & Anne Kent of S*. Andrew Hol-
born : by M^ William AVilson, wath Lycence.
19 .John Symonds & Susanna England both of S^ Andrew Holborn: by M'' John
Harris, with Lycence
21 William Widdrington of S*. Martin * the Fields & Elizabeth Ashton of
S'. Clements Dane: by M''. William Wilson, with Lycence.
22 Kivers Bury & Martha Harper both of this Parish: by M"". John Pidding,
with Lycence.
26 Thomas Swinton & Mary Dolacray both of this Parish: by M''. John Pidding,
with Lycence
December 1724
6 Martin Vulcart & Prudence Eogers both of S'. Martin in the Fields: by
M'. .John Pidding with Lycence
7 John Judge & Anne Carr, both of this Parish: by M'' John Pidding, by
12 Michael Sigmund of S*. Giles's in the Fields & Mary Slickes, of S^ .James's
Westm'': by M"". AVilliam Wilson, with Lycence.
18 Thomas Batenian & Eebecca Green, both of this Parish: by M'' John Pidding,
with Lycence
20 Benjamin Kidge of S^ Anne Westm'": & Mary Eaton of Stafford Tovni in the
County of Stafford : by M'' William AVilson, with Lycence.
29 George Miller of S^ Giles's in the Fields & Christian Handerson of this
Parish : by M'' William Wilson by Banns.
31 John Smart &" Elizabeth Crane both of S'. James Westm'': by M^ John Pid-
ding, with liycence
* Sic,
31 Christopher Deyes of S^ Bridget alias S^ Brides London, & Judith Marshall
of this Parish : by M'" William Wilson, by Banns.
John Harris Curate-Assistant
Francis Oakelyl
Jn° Temple > Church-Wardens
Jn" Cobcroft J
January 1724
1** John Swift of S'. AndreAv Holborne & Sarah Deacigney of this Parish: by
M"". John Bidding with Lycence
10 Samuel Shaw & Charity Eyres both of S'. Martin in the Fields: by M'". John
Pidding, with Lycence.
18 John Milbourne & Anne Twiss both of S'. Dunstan in the West London: by
M"". John Pidding, with Lycence.
24 James GriiSs of S'. Martin in the Fields & Susanna Gittins of this Parish:
by M'', John Pidding, by Banns.
28 Matthew Miles of S*. Margaret Westm'": & Hannah Watts of this Parish: by
M"": John Harris, by Banns.
28 Richard Nichols & Jane Barrett both of S*. Giles's in the Fields: by M^ John
Harris, with Lycence.
February 1724
6*'' Thomas Clark of Ware in the County of Hertford & Susanna Medcalfe of
the Town of Hertford in in* the County aforesaid: by M*' John Harris,
with Lycence.
9 John Hunt of S*. Mary Abehurch London & Anne Witherington of this
Parish: by M''. John Harris, with Lycence.
18 William Stane Jun'": of High Ongar in the County of Essex & Elizabeth Colt
of S'. Giles's in the Fields in the County of MidSx: by M"" John Harris,
with Lycence.
20 Francis Cockin of S'. Giles's in the Fields & Elizabeth Newberry of this
Parish: by M"". William Wilson, with Lycence
March 1724 & 25
3'' George Dennis of S'. Giles's in the Fields in the County of Middx: & Anne
King of Highgate in the County Aforesaid : by M"^. William Wilson,
with Lycence.
1725. 28^'' John Welch of S*. Giles's in the Fields in the County of Middx : &
Mary Jackson of S*. Clements Dane, in the County aforesaid: by M''. Wil-
liam Wilson, with Lycence.
28 Nicholas Holmes & Anne Eeet both of this Parish : by M'' William Wilson,
by Banns
John Harris Curate- Assistant
Francis Oakelyl
Jn" Temple > Church Wardens
Jn" Cobcroft J
April 1725
l^t Edward Smith of Lalam in the County of Middx: & Sarah Christmas of
Battersea in the County of Surry: by M"" William Wilson, with
* Sic.
yoL. Ill, »
4 John Prior of S*. George the Martyr in tlie County of Middx: & Mary
Holmes of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County aforesaid: by M' Wil-
liam "Wilson, with Lyeence.
11 Ealph Williamson of Christ-Church Loudon, & Anne Pittani of S^ Giles's
in the Fields in the County of Middx: by M"". AVilliam Wilson, with
17 Edward Holmes of this Parish & Sarah Tomson of S*^. Mary Le Strand : by
M''. AVilliam AYilson, with Lyeence.
18 Edward Tolladay of S*. Clements Dane & Anne Bently of this Parish: by
M'". William Wilson by Banns.
29 Eichard Prise & Elinor Sanders both of S'. Andrew Holborn in the County
of Middx: by INI'' John Pidding, with Lyeence.
29 Samuel Boyden of S'. Mary Le Savoy & Joan Drake of S'. Martin in the
Fields: by M'' AVilliam Wilson, with Lyeence.
May 1725
8 Joseph King of S*. Mary Aldermanbury Loudon, & Susanna Conen of this
Parish: by M'' William AVilson, with Lyeence.
12 John Nicholls of S'. Gregory London & Mary Mason of S'. Martin in the
Fields in the County of Middx: by M'' William Wilson, with Lyeence.
20 Thomas Webb & Mary Bird, both of S*. Martin Ludgate London: by
M' William Wilson, with Lyeence.
June 1725
12"" John Young & Anne Burchett both of this Parish: by M' William Wilson,
by Banns.
13 Thomas Baker & Mary Eldred both of S*. Margaret AVestm': by M"- William
Wilson, with Lyeence.
15 S^ James Chamberlayne of Dunstew in the County of Oxon Baronet, &
Betty-Clerke Walker of little London in the Liberty of the parish of
Hillingdon, in the County of Middx: by M"" John Pidding, with
27 Samuel Adams & Elizabeth Hellerd both of this Parish: by M"". William
Wilson, by Banns.
John Haeris Curate-Assistant
Tho^ Baker 1
John Salt > Church -Wardens
Edw: HewetsonJ
July 1725
7'** James Fell of Brigstock in the County of Northampton & Elizabeth Garfoot
of S'. Andrew Holborne in the County of Middx: by M'' Thomas Knipe,
with Lyeence.
7 Thomas Greenhill of S'. Mary Bothaw London, & Sarah Norton of Whatford
in the County of Hertford: by M'' Thomas Knipe, with Lyeence.
17 Thomas Knipe Eector of Fawkham in the County of Kent & Catherine
Greenhill of this Parish: by M'' William AVilson, Avith Lyeence.
29 Joshua Bladon & Eachel Speakman both of this Parish: by M"" John Pidding,
with Lyeence.
29 John Botthomly & Margaret Gough, both of S*. Bridget Alias S*. Brides
London: by M'. William Wilson, with Lyeence.
August 1725
l»t William Trowell & Sarah Jones both of this Parish: by M'. William Wilson,
by Banns.
15 William Dawney & Aune Davis both of S' Michael Bassishaw London: by
M''. AVilliam Wilson, w"': Lyceuce.
10 Ezra Hartley of this Parish & Frances Battin of S'. Andrew Holborue by
M''. William Wilson, with Lycence.
September 1725
1*^ Peter Long & Eebecca Beddard both of S^ G-iles's in the Fields in the County
of Middx: by M^ John Piddiug, with Lycence.
7 Charles Jenkiuson Esq'' & Amarantha Cornwall both of S*. Greorge Hanover
Square : by M"". John Pidding with Lycence.
16 James Tooly of S'. Dunstan Stepney & Alice Deane of this Parish: by
M''. AVilliam Wilson, by Banns.
23 Cornelious Abell & Elizabeth Nickin both of Westram in the County of
Kent: by M'' William Wilson with Lycence.
25 John Ely & Sarah Thomas both of S^. Martin in the Fields in the County
of Midax: by M'". John Pidding ^^^th Lycence.
October 1725
T*** Leopold Bunt of S^ Anne Westm'': & Mary Churchman of Fulham in the
County of Middx: by M' William Wilson, with Lycence.
John Harris Curate-Assis':
Tho^ Baker 1
John Salt > Church- Wardens
Edw: HewetsouJ
November 1725
6'^' John Milncs of S^ Anne Westm'': & Elizabeth Leycett of S'. G-eorgc Hanover
Square by M"". John Harris, with Lycence.
14 Harmaiius Yaugheyn & Mary Callcutt both of Kensington in the County of
Middx: by M'". William Wilson, with Lycence.
18 Diouis Launge ats Leuge & Grrace Crabti-ee both of S^ Margaret AVestm"":
by M'". William Wilson with Lyceuce.
25 Nicholas Knapp & Sarah Wood both of this Parish: by M''. AVilliam Wilson,
Avith Lycence.
December 1725
2'^ Thomas Pawley of S*. Giles's in the Fields in the County of Middx: &
Thomasin Marryott of S'. Greorge the Martyr in the County aforesaid :
by M'' John Harris, with Lycence.
5 Charles Browne of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County of Middx: &
Susanna Wallis of S'. Anne Westin'': in the County aforesaid: by
M^ John Pidding, with Lycence.
7 Kichard Lockwood of S^ George Hanover Square in the County of Middx:
& Mary Croxford of of* Great Marlow in the County of Bucks:
by t with Lycence.
12 Archibald M'^.Dounald & Jane Kirkwood both of S'. Martin in the Fields in
the County of Middx: by M'". AVilliam AVilson, with Lycence.
23 Thomas Randall of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County of Middx : & Eliza-
beth Oldner of y'=. Same parish & County aforesaid: by M'' William
AVilson, with Lycence.
23 Lancelot Dowbiggin of S^ Andrew Holborne in the County of Middx: &
Mary Howesdeii of S^ Margaret AVestm"': in the County aforesaid: by
M'' AVilliam AVilson, with Lycence.
* Sic. t Blank in Kegister. — Ed.
27 Michael Davis of S'. George Hanover Square in the County of Middx: &
Mary Grutter of S^ Andrew Holborne in the County aforesaid: by
M^ William Wilson, with Lycence.
January 1725
31"' Samuel Boyce Jufi'': & Anue AshlifE both of this Parish: by M^ William
Wilson by Banns.
John Ha.rbis Curate-Assistant
Tho». Baker ~j
John Salt > Church- Wardens
Edw: Hewetsonj
February 1725
4^'» Owen Eichards of S^ James Westm'': in the County of Middx: & Sarah
Hamlett of this Parish: by M"" William Wilson, with Lycence
4 Thomas Martin & Elizabeth Cooper both of Sherborne in the County of
Dorsett: by M''. John Harris, with Lycence.
10 Joseph Alexander of S'. Martin in the Pields in the County of Middx: &
Mary Allen of S^ Giles's in the Fields, in the County aforesaid: by
M"". William Wilson, with Lycence.
10 William Hunt of S'. Clements Dane in the County of Middx : & Mary Smith
of S'. Mary Le-Strand in the County aforesaid: by M^ John Harris,
with Lycence.
20 William Yates of S^ George Hanover Square in the County of MidSx: &
Eachel Westland of S*. James Westm'': in the County aforesaid : by
M'' William Wilson, with Lycence.
22 William Parker of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County of Middx: & Mary
Haynes of S*. Andrew Holborne in the County aforesaid: by M''. William
Wilson, with Lycence.
March 1725 & 26
4th William Marchant of S^ George Hanover Square in the County of Middx :
& Mary Owen of y^ Same Parish: by M''. Thomas Vaughan, with
5 Charles Potter of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County of Middx: &
Catherine White of S'. Margaret Westm'": in the County aforesaid: by
M"" William Wilson, with Lycence.
April 1726
10"' James Street & Mary Capel both of this Parish : by M"". William Wilson, by
May 1726
!»* Edward Gowin of SK Giles's in the Fields in the County of Middx: & Jane
Jackson of S'. James Westm'" : in the County aforesaid: by M^ William
Wilson, with Lycence.
4 William Scovell of Barnesly in the County of Gloucester & Susanna King,
of the Same Parish: by M"" William Wilson, with Lycence.
29 Samuel Nurss of S^ George the Martyr in the County of Middx: & Jane
Cartwright of SK Anne Westm'': in the County aforesaid : by M^ William
Wilson, with Lycence.
30 Edward Smith & .Taue Perfect both of this Parish : by M''. William Wilson
by Banns.
John Harris Curate- Assistant
Tho^ Baker]
John James > Church-AVardeus
John Salt J
June 1726
2^ Andrew-Gideon Dusauzet of S^ James Westm': in the County of Middx:
& Elizabeth Miller of the Same Parish: by M'' William Wilson, with
2 John Redhead of S'. Clements Dane in the County of Middx : & Sarah Haynes
of this Parish: by M'' William Wilson, with Lycence.
2 Erancis Wright of Yealing alias Zealing iu the County of Middx: & Margaret
Hodges of the Same Parish: by M''. AVilliam Wilson, with Lycence.
12 John Ward of S'. Andrew Holborue in the County of Middx: & Margaret
Burgh of the Same Parish, by M'' William AVilsou, with Lycence.
25 Nicholas Gardner of S'. Martin in the Eields in the County of Middx: &
Hannah Gough of S'. James Westfh^': iu the County aforesaid: by
M'". William Wilson, with Lycence.
July 1726
7*^' George Haunam of S'. James Westm'': in the County of Middx: & Mary
Ellis of S*. James or S^ John Clerkenwell in the County aforesaid: by
M''. William Wilson, with Lycence.
14! The Eev'': Bartholomew Hughes of S*. Margaret Westin'': in the County of
Middx: & Mary Gosfright of this Paiish in the County aforesaid: by
M''. AVilliam Wilson, with Lycence
August 1726
25tii William Nugent of S^ James Westm»": in the County of Middx: & Mary
Smithson of the Same parish: by M*" William Wilson, with Lycence
September 1726
lU'i' Richard Dale of the Parish of S^ Andrew Holborue in the County of Middx :
& Anne Martin of the Same Parish: by M"^ William AVilsou, with
RoB^ LuMLEY LLoTD Rcctor
Tho». Baker]
John Salt > Church- AVardens
John James J
October 1726
18'*' William Black & Christian Apprise both of S'. Martin in the Eields in the
County of Middx: by M'' William AVilson, with Lycence.
23 Henry Mell & Catherine Eeltman both of this Parish : by M'". William AVilson,
by Banns.
24 John Neal & Elizabeth Eaden both of this Parish: by M'' AVilliam AVilson, by
24 John Taylor of S^ James Clerkenwell & Mary Huddlestone of this Parish ;
by M"" William Wilson, by Banns.
November 1726
8^ Jar\ is Cox of the Parish of S'. George the Martyr in the County of Middx :
& Amy Nolbrough of the Same Parish : by M*^ William Wilson, with
6 John Sumersby of Shipton in the County of Oxon & Mary Hall of S'. Clements
Dane in the County of Middx: by M''. William Wilson, with Licence.
11 James Barrisford of Chelsea in the County of MidSx: & Rose Smart of the
Same: by M"" William Wilson, with Licence
December 1726
2^ Philip Xorris of Chadwell in the County of Essex & Mary Lovell of the Same
Parish: by M^ AVilliam Wilson, with Licence.
15 John James & Amy Andrews both of this Parish: by M''. William Wilson,
with Licence.
19 Kichard Beech of S*. James Westm"": iii the County of Middx: & Anne
Phillips of this Parish: by M"" AVilliam Wilson, with Licence
29 Coriielious Jesson of S'. Botolph Aldersgate London & Christabella Smith of
the same Parish: by M"" Thomas Moore, Avith Licence.
January 1726
8^^ Eichard Elbro of S'. Anne Newport Market London & Hannah Blanford of
the Same Parish: by M'' William Wilson, with Licence.
IJ; Charles Bayntan of S'. Dunstan in the West London & Elizabeth Grigg of
the Same Parish: by M'. William Wilson, with Licence.
15 Pati-ick Crosby & Elizabeth Evans both of this Parish : by M"" William Wilson,
by Banns.
17 AVilliam Burnell of Stretham in the County of Surry & Mary Edwards of the
Same Parish : by M"". AVilliam AVilson, with Licence.
24 The Rev*^: George Ken wrick of Shotley in the County of Suffolk & Elizabeth
Ford of S*. Peter in the Baily in the County of Oxon : by M''. William
AVilson, with Licence.
RoB'^ LuMLEi LLoTD Rector
Tho^ Baker 1
John Salt > Church- Wardens
John James j
Memorandum, no Marriages in February, & March 1726
April 1727
11"' John Brown of S'. Clement's Dane in the County of Midd'x: & Elizabeth
Mackendoe of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County aforesaid : by
M'' John Bidding with Licence.
11 Thomas A'acher of Stepney in the Count}' of Middx: & Frances Lock
of Milton in the County of Kent: by M"" AVilliam AVilson, with
16 Thomas Hamor & Mary Baker both of this Parish : by M"" William AVilson,
by Banns.
20 James Gairden of S'. James AVestm' : in the County of Middx: & Mary
Alchorne of the Same Parish: by M"" William AVilson, with Licence.
22 Robert Rawson of S'. Margaret AVestm >■ : in the County of Middx : & Elizabeth
Temple of S^ James Westm'": in the County aforesaid : by M"" William
AVilson, with Licence.
24 Jolm Hackett of this Parish & Eleanor Wilson of S*. Margaret Westm'': by
M^. William AVilson, with Licence
May 1727
4"' John Pulforcl of S'. Giles's in tlie Fields in the County of Middx: & Anne
Jenkins of S'. Andrew Holbourne in the County aforesaid : by M"" Wil-
liam Wilson, with Licence.
22 Thomas Wiblen of S'. Mary White-Chapel in the County of Middx: & Eliza-
beth Godfrey of this Parish : by M'' William Wilson, by Banns.
June 1727
2'' Michael Contenson of S*. James WestiTV: in the County of Middx: & Frances
Tongue of the Same Parish: by M'' William Wilson, with Licence.
15 Thomas Dennis of S'. Clements Dane in the County of MidSx: & Anne
Haslum of the Same Parish & County aforesaid: by M'' John Harris
Jun'': Avith Licence.
18 George Dowley of SK Lancelot in the Isle of Thanet in the County of Kent
& Mary Newman of the Same Parish in the Isle of llianet & County
aforesaid: by M''. William Wilson, with Licence
AV™: Jephson ~|
Thomas Johnson > Church- Wardens
Edw**. Hamsted J
July 1727
G'^ Samuel Nickols of S^ Clements Dane in the County of MidS-v : & Elizabeth
Matthews of Fullham in the County aforesaid : by M''. William Wilson,
with Licence.
7 John Papavoine of S'. James Westm'': in the County of Middx: & Elizabeth
Tyler of S^ Martin in the Fields, in the County aforesaid : by M''. John
Harris Juii'': with Licence.
16 William Barber of S^ James Westm'": in the County of Middx: & Ruth
Birks of S*. Stephen Coleman-Street London: by M'' William Wilson,
with Licence.
29 John Stevens of S^ Margaret Westm'': in the County of Middx: & Dorothy
Martin of S'. Martin in the Fields, in the County aforesaid : by M'' Wil-
liam Wilson, with Licence.
29 Charles Baldwyn of the Society of Liucolns Inn in the County of Middx :
Esq"": & the Lady Elizabeth Strachan of this Parish in the County
aforesaid : by M''. Alexander Chalmers, with Licence.
30 Peter Charron of S'. Margaret AV^estm'': in the County of Midd:x: & Elizabeth
Lane of the Same Parish : by M'' William AV^ilsou, with Licence.
30 Thomas Priest of S^ Laurence Jewry London & Elizabeth Clipsom of the
Same Parish : by M''. William Wilson, with Licence
August 1727
8^^ David ]\Iedley of S^ George Botolph Lane London & Anne Harrison of
S^ Martin in the Fields in the County of MidSx : by M'' John Harris
Juii'': with Licence.
15 John Gardiner of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of Middx: & Eliza-
beth Hall of this Parish in the County aforesaid : by M"" William
Wilson, with Licence.
No Marriages in September 1727
October 1727
]Oth John Carroll of S*. Giles's in the Fields in the County of Midclx: & Bridgett
Finnigan of the Same Parish : by M"". William Wilson, with Licence.
11 Paul GriflBn of 8*. Anne Westny: in the County of Middx: & Elizabeth
Hewtson of the Same Parish : by M^ WiJliam Wilson, with Licence
15 Thomas James of IS'. Martin in the Fields in the County of Middx: &
Catherine Mullin of S'. Mary Le Strand in the County aforesaid : by
M'". William Wilson, with Licence.
31 John Buck of Twickenham in the County of Middx: & Martha Martyr of
the Same Parish : by M*". John Harris Jun'", with Licence.
RoB'^ LuMLET LLoTD Ecctor
VV"": Jephson 1
Thomas Johnson > Church-Wardens
Edw'^. Hamsted J
November 1727
2'' Eichard Wood of S*. Andrew Holborn in the County of Middx: & Anne
Oglesby of the Parish &■ County aforesaid : by M'. William Wilson, with
December 1727
2** John Scotman of the Parish of S^ Catherine Colman London, & Joanna
Lane of Hampstead in the County of MidSx: by M'. William Wilson,
with Licence.
10 AVilliam Dunkley of the Parish of S'. Clement's Dane in the County of
Middx: & Elizabeth Dudridge of the Same Parish : by M'' John Pidding,
Avith Licence.
19 Thomas Davies of the Parish of S*. James Westm'': in the County of Middx:
& Anne Gambul of the Parish of Hunsdon in the County of Hertford :
by M'". John Harris Juii'': with Licence.
21 S"" Swinnerton Dyer of Newton Hall in the County of Essex Baronet & Mary
Kemp of Spains Hall in the County aforesaid : by M''. George Paske,
Vicar of Einchingfield in y"^ County of Essex, with Licence.
January 1727
l^t Ambrose Elliot of S*. John Wapping in the County of Middx: & Mary Field
of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County aforesaid : by M'' John Harris
Jun'': with Licence.
1 Edward Jones of S'. Michael Cornhill London & Mary Betts of S'. Clements
Dane in the County of Middx: by M'' Thomas Kynaston, with Licence.
17 Eichard Fielder of Portsmouth in the County of Southampton and Mary
Shallatt of the Parish of S^ Bridgett, alias S*. Brides London: by
M^ John-Peter Stainiard, with Licence.
28 James Bristoe of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Mary Berry of the Same Parish and County af :)resaid : by
M'' John Harris Jun'': with Licence.
30 Thomas Colson of the Parish of SK Giles's in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Elizabeth Boston of the Same Parish, in the County aforesaid:
by M'' John Evans, with Licence.
February 1727
28*'' Joseph Henshaw of S'. Clements Dane in the County of Middx: & Hannah
Long of S'. James Westm"": in the County of Middx: by M''. AVilliam
Wilson, with Licence.
EoB''' LuMLEY LLoYD Eector
AV"': Jephson "1
Thomas Johnson > Church- Wardens.
Edw''. Hamsted J
March 1727 & 28
4t'> Kodolph Hobbes of S^. Clements Dane in the County of Middx: & Martha
Hill of S'. George the Martyr in the County aforesaid: by M'^. John
Harris Jun"": with Licence.
5 John Gibson of S'. James Westin'': in the County of Middx: & Frances
Molyneux of S*. Mary Le Sti-and in the County of Middx: by M' John
Pidding, with Licence.
1728. 29"' Samuel Tilsley of Hampstead in the County of Middx : & Anne More-
cock of the Same Parish: by M"" William Wilson, with Licence.
April 1728
13'^ James Merest of the Parish of S'. Margaret Westm'': in the County of Middx:
Esq"": & Jane Battely of the Same, by M"' William Wilson, Avith Licence.
21 William Bourgin & Elizabeth Parker both of this Parish: by M"" William
Wilson, by Banns.
23 John Green of the Parish of S^ Giles's in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Anne Grundy of y«. Same parish: by M'. William Wilson,
with Licence.
27 Jolui Slatford of the Parish of S^ Andrew Holborn in the County of Middx:
& Sarah Lovett of the Same Parish: by M>". William Wilson, with
EoB'f Ltjmlet LLotd Eector
W"': Jephson 1
Thomas Johnson > Church- Wardens
Edw'*. Hamsted J
May 1728
26*'^ Rice Jones of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of Middx :
& Sarah Smith of the Parish of S'. Anne Black-Fryers London: by
M'" William Wilson, with Licence.
29 Thomas Brodrick Esq"": of the Parish of S\ Margaret Westm'": & Mary
Robins of the Same Parish : by M^' William Wilson, with Licence
Rob'' Lumlet LLotd Rector
Edw^ Hamsted ~|
Dan': Austin > Church- Wardens
Jn°. Hodson J
June 1728
2'* Richard Giness & Anne Gilks both of this Parish: by M"". William Wilson,
by Banns
5 George Newton of the Parish of Butsbury in the County of Essex, & Sarah
Head of this Parish : by M*" John Harris Juii': with Licence.
18 Benjamin Robins Jun"": of the Parish of S'. Margaret Westiii'': in the County
of Middx: & Catherine Brodrick of the Same Parish: by M^ William
Wilson, with Licence.
30 Benjamin Lewis of the Parish of *S* Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Elizabeth Young of the Same Parish & County aforesaid: by
M"". William Wilson, with Licence.
* Written over an erasure. — Ep.
July 1728
2^ George Hicks of the Parish of S^ Anne Westm'': in the County of Middx: &
Margaret Smith of the Same Parish: by M'' William "Wilson, with
2 Henry Grant of S*. Clements Dane in the County of Middx: & Mary Wool-
rich of the Same Parish: by M'' William Wilson, Avith Licence.
3 Solomon Jayne of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County of Middx: & Jane
Perbelin of the Parish of S*. Anne Westm'": in the County aforesaid: by
M'' AVilliam AVilson, with Licence.
7 Thomas Spencer of the Parish of S*. George Hanover Square in the County
of Middx: & Elizabeth Yarnton of the Same parish: by M'". William
Wilson, with Licence.
11 John Bishop of the Parish of Willesdon in the County of Middx: & Mary
Hunt of the Parish of Hampsted in the County aforesaid: by M''. William
Wilson, w'ith Licence.
18 *Eichard Bacon of Colchester in the County of Essex Esq'". & Lucy Gardiner
of Kelvedon in the County of Essex: by M'' John Harris Juii': with
20 John Hill of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County of Middx:
& Susanna Turner of the Parish of S*. Mary Le Bone in ihe County of
Middx: by M''. William Wilson, Avith Licence.
27 Thomas Budd of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx: & Mary Bernard of the Same Parish: by M' William AVilson,
with Licence.
28 John Newsome of the Parish of S*. James Westm'": in the County of Middx:
& Catherine Warwick of the Parish of S'. Paul CoA^ent Garden in the
County of Middx: by M"" William Wilson, Avith Licence.
Bob'' Lumley LLotd Eector
Edw*! Hamsted 1
Dan': Austin > Church-Wardens.
Jn**: Hodson J
August 1728
11'*' Walter Bevan of Hamersmith in the Parish of Fulham in the County of
Middx: & Jane Taylor of Hamersmith aforesaid: by M}. William Wilson,
with Licence.
* The following letter, written on a sheet of double quarto, concerning this entry is kept in
the Register. — Ed,
Red Lion Sq"
May 2, 1843.
Rev* Sir,
We trust 3'ou succeeded in getting sworn to-day — we shall be glad to know if this
is so.
The Evidence you have to give is to prove the marriage of Sir Richard & Lucy Bacon, which
took place on the 18"' July 1728.
Also to state that you have searched for Entries of Baptisms of Children of the said Richard
& Lucy Bacon from tlie year 1728 to 1765 inclusive — i.e., from the marriage to the death of the
mother (as are shewn elsewhere).
We are sorry to trouble you so often, but we are extremely anxious to prevent any possibility
of confusion or of any of our Witnesses not being prepared.
We are, Rev". Sir,
Your faithful & obliged
Beidges & Mason.
Rev"". G. H. Bowers,
7 Henrietta S', Covent Garden,
MARRtAGteS. 131
13 Francis Eomley of the Parish of S*. James Westm'': iu the County of Middx:
& Jane Matthews of the Same Parish: by M'' William Wilson, with
September 1728
4'^» Henry Brumwell of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Sarah Edwards of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in
the County aforesaid: by M^ William Wilson, with Licence.
22'' John Addison of the Parish of S*. James Westm': iu the County of Middx:
& Anne Parfitt of the Same Parish: and County aforesaid: by M"" Wil-
liam Wilson, with Licence.
October 1728
2"* Joseph Daintre of the Parish of S*. Clements Dane in the County of Middx :
& Anne Crouch of the Same Parish: by M'' John Wilkinson, with
15 Joseph Crabtree of the Parish of S*^. Botolph Aldersgate London & Helen
Bradley of the Parish of S*^. James Westm': in the County of Middx:
by M'. William Wilson, with Licence.
November 1728
9^^ John Lock & Margaret Grollidge both of this Parish: by M'' William Wilson,
by Banns.
28 William Haffenden of the Parish of Milton near Gravesend in the County of
Kent, & Mary Delight of the Parish of S'. Martin Orgars London ; by
M' John Pidding, with Licence.
December 1728
29'^ John Thomas of S'. Mary Somerset London, & Catherine Hughes of this
Parish: by M'. William Wilson, by Banns.
29 John Tallant of the Parish of S' Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Alice Dear of the Same Parish: by M''. AVilliam AVilson, with
Rob' Lumlet LLotd Rector
Edw'i Hamsted ]
Dan': Austin > Church- Wardens.
Jn°: Hodson J
February 1728
11"' Joshua Jarvis of the Parish of Pinner in the County of Middx: & Mary
Ewer of the same Parish : by M''. William Wilson, with Licence
18 Francis Stratford of Merevale in the County of Warwick, & Anne Pack of
the Parish of S*. Giles's in the Fields in the County of Middx: by
M' John Harris Jufi'': with Licence.
March 1729
25*'' Robert Bakewell of the Parish of S'. Giles's in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Mary Meriott of the Same Parish: by M'. William Wilson,
with Licence.
April 1729
15"' Andrew Wright of the Parish of S*. James Westm'": in the County of Middx:
& Anne Cook of the Same Parish: by M'' William AVilson, with
May 1729
4^^' Thomas Glutton of the Parish of S*. Duustau in the West London & Phila-
delphia Harper of the Parish of S'. Anne Westm'': in the County of
Middx: by M^ AVilliam Wilson, with Licence.
22 William Parker of the Parish of S^ .James Westm'': in the County of Middx:
& Joanna IMunday of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County
aforesaid: l)y M"". William AVilsoji, with Licence.
24 James Weaver of the Parish of Cheshunt in the County of Hertford &
Frances Bland of the Parish of S*. Andrew Holborn London: by
M"". William Wilson, with Licence.
27 John Bedser of the Parish of S*. George Hanover Square in the County of
Middx: & Elizabeth Turner of the Same: by M'. Thomas Kyuastou, with
June 1729
16^'' Edward Hosier of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden'in the County of
Middx: & Elizabeth Panshaw of the Parish of St. George the Martyr in
the County aforesaid: by M^ William Wilson, with Licence.
17 Benjamin Wheeler of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Margaret Pool of this Parish: in the County aforesaid: by
M-" William Wilson, by Banns.
17 Henry Harris of the Parish of S'. George Hanover Square in the County of
Middx: & Mary Heeler of the Same: by M'' William Wilson, with
RoB^. LuMLEi' LLoYn Eector
Dan': Austin '^
Sam^^: Down ton > Church -Wardens
Peter Pellon J
July 1729
7^^ Eichard Young of the Parish of S'. Andrew Holborue in the County of
Middx: & Anne Horton of the Same Parish: by M'' William Wilson,
with Licence.
10 Isaac Young of the Parish of S'. Giles's in the Fields in the County of Middx:
& Susanna-Mary Bodker of the Parish of S'. James Clerkenwell in the
County aforesaid: by M^ AVilliam AVilsou, with Licence.
August 1729
10"' Charles Heyes of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Elizabeth Izard of the Parish of S^ Michael Queen-Hith
Londo-n: by M''. William Wilson, with Licence.
17 Robert Rickard of the of Winkfield in the County of Berks & Hannah
Tupper of the Parish of S'. James Westm'': in the County of Middx: by
M^ William Wilson, with Licence.
24 Thomas Coging of the Parish of S*. Giles's in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Eleanor Samber of the Same Parish: by M^ William Wilson,
with Licence.
31 William Hudson of the Parish of S', Bridgett alias S^ Brides London, &
Sarah Meadows of the Same Parish: by M'. William Wilson, with
September 1729
gth "William Layton of the Parish of Sunbury in the County of Middx: & Jane
Griffis of the same Parish: by M^ William Wilson, with Licence.
11 John Eead of the Parish of S'. Giles's in the Fields in the County of Middx:
& Mary Gibson of the same Parish: by M"" William Wilson, with
11 Samuel Boyce of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx: & Martha Savage of the same Parish: by M'". William Wilsou,
with Licence.
18 James Miles of the Pai-ish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx: & Mary Allen of the Parish of S'. Giles's in the Fields in the
County aforesaid: by M^ William Wilson, with Licence.
EoB^ LtJMLET LLoTi) Kcctor
Dan': Austin "]
Sam'' Downton > Church- Wardens
Peter Pellon J
October 1729
19''' Charles-Henry Bewley of the Parish of S*. Vedast Foster Lane London, &
Mary Skinuer of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx: by M'". William Wilson, with Licence.
21 William Knight of the Parish of S'. Catherine Cree-Church London, &
Elizabeth Blackwell of the Parish of Stepney in the County of Middx:
by M^ John Evans, with Licence.
30 William Whitmore of the Parish of S'. Giles's in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Elizabeth Gibb of the same Parish: by M''. William Wilson,
with Licence
November 1729
QtU William Taylor of the Parish of S'. James Westm''. in the County of Middx:
& Elizabeth Weight of Chippenham in the County of Cambridge: by
M'". William Wilson, with Licence.
29 Benjamin Andrews L.L.D. Eector of Ockham in the County of Surry &
Susanna Greenhill of the Same Parish: by M"" Joseph Greenhill, with
December 1729
29'" Thomas Croft of the Parish of S'. James Westm': in the County of Middx:
& Catherine Cockton of the Same Parish : by M'' AVilliam Wilson, with
January 1729
6*'' Carsten Homemaster of the Parish of S^ Pancras in the County of Middx:
& Sarah Eows of the same Parish: by M^ William AVilson, with
13 Dauiel Taber & Hannah Kellet both of this Parish: by M'". William Wilson,
by Banns.
19 William Scullard of the Parish of S'. Dunstan in the East London, &
Devereux Squire of the Parish of S'. James Westiu'": in the County of
Middx: by M'". William Wilson, with Licence
26 Thomas Horler of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Elizabeth Scarfe of Deptford in the County of Kent: by
M^ William Wilsou, with Licence.
February 1729
7*'^ Andrew Griffith of the Parish of S'. Dunstan Stepney in the County of
Middx: & Anue-Caiherine Galand of the Parish of S'. James Westm'": in
the County aforesaid : by M''. William Wilsou, with Licence
9 John Russell of the Parish of SI Martin Ludgate London, & Dorothy How-
gill of the Parish of S'. George the Martyr in the County of Middx:
by M' Thomas Kynaston, with Licence.
10 John Jones of the Parish of S'. Sepulchre London, & Elizabeth Price of
S^ Paul Covent Garden in the County of Middx: by M'". William Wilson,
with Licence
10 Andrew Sockett of the Parish of S*. Mary Le-Bone in the County of Middx:,
& Anne Herbert of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County
of Middx: by M''. Thomas Kynaston, with Licence.
RoB^ LuMLET LLoYD Rector
Dan^: Austin I
Sam^i Downton > Church -Wardens
Peter Pellon J
March 1730
30*'' John Blake of the parish of Twickenham in the County of Middx: & Mary
Brittain of the Same parish by M'" John Evans, Math Licence.
Rob'' Lumlet LLotd Rector
Dan^: Austin "]
Sam^' Downton > Church-Wardens
Peter Pellon J
April 1730
2'' Mungo Barnes of the Parish of S^ Bartholomew the Great London, & Eliza-
beth Bushby of this Parish: by M^' Thomas Kynaston, by Banns.
16 John Bumbee of the Parish of Cadington in the County of Hertford, &
Martha Hobbs of the Same Parish: by M'". William Wilson, with
19 John Lewis of the Parish of S^ Dunstan in the West London, & Elizabeth
Hubbard of the Parish of S^ Bridgett London: by M"". William Wilson,
with Licence.
22 John Bartliolomew of the Parish of Cheame in the County of Surry, & Anne
AVeller of the same Parish: by M'' John Evans, Avith Licence
23 Richard Tro of the Parish of Streatham in the County of Surry & Jane Moss
of the same Parish : by M''. John Evans, with Licence.
27 Benjamin Skepper of the Parish of Stepney in the County of Middx: &
Elizabeth Peake of the same Parish: by M"". William Wilson, with
Robert Lumley LLoyd Rector
W"^ Taylor l
Tho Humphreys > Church- Wardens
Ed: Jancey J
May 1730
1*' Daniel Pressor of the Parish of Weybridge in the County of Surry, &
Susanna Webb of the Same Parish: by M''. William Wilson, with
8 Thomas Gwyn of the Parish of S'. George Hanover Square in the County of
Middx: & Mary Stockdale of the same Parish: by M*". William Wilson,
with Licence.
8 Thomas Collier & Eleanor LaAvson both of this Parish : by M"". William "Wil-
son, by Banns.
8 David Richards of the Parish of S*^. George Hanover Square in the County of
Middx: & Elianor Harris of the Parish of S*. James Westm"": in the
County aforesaid: by M''. Willinm Wilson, Avith Licence.
9 Matthew Lively of the Parish of S'. James Westfn'' : in the County of Middx:
& Sarah Curtis of the Parish of S'. Giles's in the Fields in the County of
Middx : by M^'. William Wilson, with Licence
June 1730
gQth Moses Macy of the Parish of S*. James Westm'': in the County of Middx: &
Susanna Twyne of the same Parish: by M"". John Pidding, with Licence.
July 1730
5^^ Samuel Hasard of the Parish of S*. James Westm'' : in the County of Middx :
& Elizabeth Williams of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the
County of Middx: by M». William Wilson, with Licence.
12"' Henry Constable & Anne Baszare both of this Parish: by M''. William Wil-
son, by Banns.
August 1730
5^^ John Thompson of the Parish of S^. Giles's in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Susanna Carter of the Parish of Baruett in the County of
Hertford: by M''. William Wilson, with Licence.
15 Eice Prickett of the Parish of S*. Dunstan in the West Loudon, & Mary
Wynn of the same Parish: by M''. William Wilson, with Licence.
26 John Williames of the Parish of S*. Andrew Holboni London, & Elizabeth
Thatcher of the Parish of S'. George the Martyr in the County of Middx:
by M' John Pidding, with Licence.
EoB^ LuMLET LLoTD Eector
W"^ Taylor 1
Ed: Jancey > Church- Wardens.
Tho^: Humphreys J
September 1730
3^ Joseph Watts of the Parish of S*. Gabriel Fenchurch London & Lydia Wild
of the Parish of S*. John the Evangelist in the County of Middx: by
M'". Thomas Kynaston, with Licence.
9 John Williams of the Parish of S'. Giles's in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Margaret Saunders of the Same Parish: by M"". John Pidding,
with Licence.
23 John LaSalle of the Parish of S'. Anne Westm'': in the County of Middx:
«fc Anne FenouUiet of the Same Parish: by M''. William Wilson, with
27 John Newberry of the Parish of S'. Michael Queenhith London, & Anne
Collins of the Parish of S'. Mary Aldermanbury London: by M^ William
Wilson, with Licence.
27 Jonas Tovey of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx & Flora Shaler of the Same Parish: by M^ William Wilson.
29 Thomas Granger & Elizabeth LLoyd both of this Parish: by M^ William
Wilson, by Banns.
October 1730
17*'' John Sleene of the Parish of S'. Clements Dane in the County of Middx: &
Mary Stubbs of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County
aforesaid: by M^ John Pidding, with Licence.
23 John Richards of the Parish of Whitley in the County of Surry & Catherine
Cross of the Parish of S'. Andrew Holbourn in the County of Middx:
by M^ William Wilson, with Licence.
25 Thomas Corbett & Mary Badger both of this Parish: by M''. William Wilson,
by Banns.
29 AndrcAv Porbes & Anne Willson both of this Parish : by M'". William Wilson,
by Banns.
November 1730
1^* Thomas Hodgson & INTary Beresford both of this Parish : by M'' William
Wilson, by Banns.
December 1730
12*1' Eobert Stanbey & Sarah Whitten both of this Parish by M^ M'* Thomas
Kvnaston, by Banns.
14 William Agate of the Parish of S*. Botolph Aldgate in the County of Middx:
& Sarah Newland of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County
aforesaid: by M"" Thomas Kynaston, with Licence.
31 John Claus of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of Middx:
& Anne Glessell of the Same Parish: by M''. AVilliam Wilson, with
Chaeles Tough Eecf
W\ Taylor ')
Ed Jancey > Church-Wardens
The* Humphreys J
January 1730
12'*' Erichard Emberton of Barnes in the County of Surry & Rebecca Eggby of
Putney in the County aforesaid: by M"" William Wilson, with Licence.
31 Thomas Lunnis of the Parish of S^ Clements Dane in the County of Mid3x:
& Susanna Clarke of the Parish of S* Martin in the Fields in the
County aforesaid by M'. William Wilson, with Licence.
February 1730
22'* Francis Guy & Magdalen Adams both of this Parish : by M^. William Wilson
by Banns.
28 Stephen Clarke of the Parish of S''. James Westm'': in the County of Middx:
& Hannah Southall of the Parish of S*. Giles in the Fields in the
County of MidSx: by M''. William Wilson, with Licence.
March 1731
27th William May of the Parish of S'. Margaret Westm': in the County of MidSx:
& JNlary Arkes of the same Parish: by M"" Thomas Kynaston, with
April 1731
22** Ealph Hewit of the Parish of S'. George Hanover Square in the County of
Midd'x: & Anne Careless of the Same: by M^ William Wilson, with
* Sic.
22 Edward LLoyd of the Parish of S*. Giles in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Sarah Munn of the Parish of S'. George Hanover Square in
the County aforesaid: by M''. Samuel Kossell, with Licence.
25 John Wriglay & Mary Drew both of this Parish : by M'. William Wilson,
by Banns.
May 1731
4*''. Samuel Bigland of the Parish of Edmonton in the County of Midd'x: &
Catherine Hanwell of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Eields in the
County aforesaid: by JNl''. William Wilson, with Licence
26 William Whittney of the Parish of S^ Giles in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Grace Annable of the Same Parish: by M"". William Wilson,
with Licence.
No Marriages in June 1731.
Charles Tough Eecf.
Willi™ Glenisterl
S Bever > Church-Wardens
Hen: Gunter J
July 1731
18*^ Eichard Wilson of the Parish of 8K Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Anne Sandford of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in
the County aforesaid: by M'". William Wilson, with Licence
22 Jarvis Owbridge of Fulhani in the County of Middx: & Eleanor Pearse-
house of the Parish of S^ Margaret Westm'': in the County aforesaid : by
M'". William Wilson, with Licence.
29 Michael Connell of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx: & the Honourable Philippge Pratt of the Parish of S*. George
Hanover Square in the County aforesaid: by M'". William Wilson, \dih
August 1731
20"' John Lowrey of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Jane Straford of the Parish of S*. Benedict Grace-Church
Street London: by M'". William Wilson, mth Licence.
22 John Penigo of the Parish of S*. George Bloomsburyin the County of Middx:
& Mary Melvil of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County
aforesaid: by M"". William Wilson, with Licence.
September 1731. No Marriages
October 1731
S'^. John Pearcy of the Parish of S'. Giles in the Fields in the County of Midd'x :
& Sarah Beezar of the same Parish : by M'. William Wilson, with
10 Simon Physick of the Parish of S*. Clements Dane, in the County of Middx :
& Mary Eicketts of the Same Parish : by M"^ William Wilson, with
24 Thomas Norris of the Parish of S'. Clements Dane in the County of Middx:
& Christian Mantle of the Same Parish: by M"^ William Wilson, with
24 George Lee of the Parish of S*. Sepulchre in the County of Middx: &
Hannah Spratley of Ewbourne in the County of Bucks: by M'". William
Wilson, with Licence.
31 Thomas Marchant of the Parish of S*. Giles Cripplegate London, & Martha
Walclron of the Same Parish: by M'. Thomas Kynaston, with Licence.
Charles Tough Eeef
Willi™ Genister
S Bever /> Church-Wardens
Hen: Gunter
November 1731
11*'' John Lake of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of Middx:
& Sarah Matthews of the Parish of S*. Anne Westm'': in the County
aforesaid: by M''. Thomas Kynaston, with Licence.
21 William Robinson of the Parish of S*. Clements Dane in the County of
Middx: & Elizabeth Embrey of the Same Parish: by M"". William Wilson,
with Licence.
30 James Garnett of the Parish of S*. Margaret Westm'' : in the County of
Middx: & Sarah Green of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in the
County of Middx: aforesaid: by M"'. William Wilson, with Licence.
December 1731
25*'* Thomas Stephens & Prudence- Joan Smith, both of this Parish: by M''. Wil-
liam Wilson, by Banns
January 1731
l»t John Allday of the Parish of S'. Margaret Westm'": in the County of Middx:
& Sarah Thorn of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx: by M'. AVilliam AVilson, with Licence.
9 James Christmas of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Mary AVootton of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the
County aforesaid: by M''. William Wilson, with Licence.
13 William Horton of the Parish of S^ George Hanover Square in the County
of Middx: & Jane Bond of the Same Parish: by M"". William Wilson,
with Licence.
18 Henry Pfahler of the Parish of S', Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx: & Mary Nipping of the Same Parish: by M'' William Wilson,
with Licence.
24 Laurence Buck of the Parish of S^ James Westm'': in the County of Middx :
& Lydia Johnson of the Same Parish : by M"" William Wilson, with
February 1731
3'' Roullstone Coles of the Parish of S*^. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx : & Arrabella Toung of the Same Parish : by M"". William Wilson,
with Licence.
9 James-Bartholomew Burdcell & Mary Draper both of this Parish : by
M"* William Wilson, by Banns.
Charles Tough Reef,
Willi'" Glenisterl
S Bever > Church-Wardens
Hen: Gunter J
February 1731
9*1' William Moore of East Barnet in the County of Middx : & Mary Tanner of
the Same : by M"" Thomas Kynaston, with Licence
13 Josepli Walker of the Parish of S^ Clements Dane in the County of Middx :
& Elizabeth Crabb of the Same Parish : by M*". William Wilson, with
17 Jeffry Preudergast of the Parish of S*. James Westm'": in the County of
Middx : & Sarah Warren of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields, in the
County aforesaid : by M"". William Wilson, with Licence.
21 John White of the Parish of S^ James Westiii'': in the County of Middx:
& Dorothy James of the Same Parish : by M^' William Wilson, with
22 William Tor of the Parish of S'. Clements Dane in the County of Middx :
& Mary Kerry of the Same Parish : by M"^ William Wilson, with
No Marriages in March 1731 & 1732
April 1732
9*^ Thomas Warrinton of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County
of Middx : & Dorothy Layton of this Parish : by M*'. William Wilson, by
16 John Machin of the Parish of S^ Anne Westm"': in the County of Middx : &
Elizabeth Phillips of the Parish of S*. Griles in the Fields in the County
aforesaid : by M'' AVilliam Wilson, with Licence
16 William Naylor of the Parish of S'. James Westm'': in the County of Middx:
& Margaret Hardy of the Same Parish : by M"' William AVilson, with
17 John Osbourn of Hornsey in the County of Middx : & Eose Cox of this
Parish : by M''. Thomas Kynaston, by Banns.
23 James Dempcy & Sarah Marston both of this Parish : by M'. William Wil-
son, by Banns*
24 Richard Hoare of the Parish of S'. Dunstan in the West London, & Sarah
Tully of the Parish of S*. Botolph Aldersgate London : by M^' Thomas
Moore, with Licence.
24 Abraham Claggett & Martha Hodges both of this Parish: by M"". William
Wilson, by Banns.
Charles Totjgh Eec'^
S Bever 1
Willi'" Glenister > Church- Wardens
Hen: Griinter J
May 1732
2* Arthur Palmer & Mary Morley both of this Parish : by M"". William Wilson,
by Banns.
4 John Newberry of the Parish of Abbotts Langley in the County of Hertford,
& Anne Harding of the Same Parish: by M"". William Wilson, with
19 John Langley of the Parish of S^ Paul Coveut Garden in the County of
Middx : & Mary Goldsmith of the Same Parish : by M^ William Wilson,
with Licence.
June 1732
26''' Joseph Leathley of the Parish of S'. Michael Bassishaw London: & Grace
Pawson of the Parish of S'. George Hanover Square in the County of
Middx: by M^ John Pidding, with Licence.
* Written over an erasure. — En.
29 Henry Clarke of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Elizabeth Jarvis of the Parish of S'. George Hanover Square
in the County aforesaid: by M''. John Pidding, with Licence.
July 1732
9*'* John Jaques of the Parish of S*. James Westm'': in the Countv of Middx: &
Anne Eichardson of the Same Parish: by M^'. John Pidding, with
12 Josiah Slader of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx: & Mary-Lear of the Same Parish: by M'' John Pidding, with
13 Brian Benson of the Parish of S'. George Hanover Square in the County of
Middx: & Mary Blewett of the Parish of Thistleworth in the County
aforesaid: by M"" Henry Bache, with Licence.
August 1732 None
September 1732
21'^' John Hemiugs of the Parish of S*. James Clerkenwell in the County of
Middx: & Mary Gammon of the Same Parish: by M''. WilHam Wilson,
with Licence.
Chaeles Tough Eecf.
S Bever 1
"Willi"' Glenister > Church-Wardens
Hen: Gunter J
October 1732
5'^ John Lowe of Walthamstow in the County of Essex & Elizabeth Watkins of
Watford in the County of Hertford: by M''. William Wilson, with
11 Richard Geneway of Thames Ditton in the County of Surry & Catherine
Tanner of the Same: by M^ AVilliam Wilson, with Licence.
18 Charles Margas of the Parish of Alhallows the Great London, & Jane La
Eoques of the Parish of S'. Anne Westm'' : in the County of Middx : by
M"" William Wilson, with Licence.
19 William Williams of the Parish of S*. James Westm'': in the County of
Middx: & EUzabeth Smith of the Same Parish: by M^ William Wilson,
mth Licence.
November 1732
2'' George Cheldrey of the Parish of S^ Dunstan Stepney in the County of
Middx: & Agnes Westcomb of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in
the County aforesaid : by M'' Thomas Kynaston, with Licence
21 William Eicks of the Parish of S^ James Westm'': in the County of Middx:
& Jane Eowing of the Same Parish : by M'' William Wilson, with Licence
30 Samuel Parrot of the Parish of Stauwell in the County of Middx : & Sarah
Woodman of the Parish of Hampton in the County aforesaid: by
M"". Thomas Kynaston, with Licence.
December 1732
3^ Charles Lang & Eachel Jones both of this Parish : by M'. William Wilson,
by Banns
18 George-AVilliam Monquibert of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the
County of MidSx : «fe Susanna Bayley of the Parish of S*. Mary in the
City of Colchester: by M'' William Wilson with Licence.
Marriages. 141
19 Daniel-Christian Brietzche of the Parish of S*. George Hanover Square in
the County of Middx: & Elizabeth Deane of the Same Parish: by
M"". John Harris Jun"": wth Licence.
21 John Morgan of the Parish of S'. Giles in the Fields in the County of Middx:
& Elizabeth Keepe of S'. Giles Crij)plegate in the County of Middx : by
M'' William Wilson, with Licence.
23 William Watts & Eli/alKth Gocharou both of this Parish: by M''. William
AVilson, by Banns.
24* John Chamberlayn of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of
MidSx : & Jane Leach of the Same Parish : by M''. William Wilson, with
Charles Tough Eect'.
S. Bever "]
Willi"" Glenister > Church- Wardens
Hen: Gunter J
January 1732
Q^^ Thomas LLoyd of the Parish of S^ Giles in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Frances Jones of the Same Parish: by M''. William Wilson,
with Licence.
7 Eobert Barrow of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx : & Anne Langf ord of the Parish of S*. James Westm'' : in the
County aforesaid : by M''. William Wilson, A^th Licence.
8 William White of East Barnett in the County of Hertford, & Elizabeth
Flood of the Parish of S'. George Bloomsbury in the County of Middx:
by M'' Thomas Kynaston, with Licence.
27 John Smith & Anne Hill both of this Parish, by M-^ William Wilson, by
31 William Sharpin of Grantham in the County of Lincoln & Elizabeth Warbur-
ton of the Parish of S*. Giles in the Fields in the County of Middx: by
M"^ Thomas Kynaston, with Licence.
February 1732
1** Daniel DaSylua of the Parish of S*^. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx: & Anne Coppard of Brumpton in the Couuty aforesaid: by
M"". William Wilson, with Licence.
2 Joseph Bamfield of the Parish of S'. Giles Cripplegate London, & Jane Ken-
ney of this Parish: by M'' William Wilson, by Banns.
3 Arthur Lynch of the Parish of S'. Bartholomew the Great London, and
Priscilla Whyte of the Parish of S^ John Clerkenwell in the County of
Middx : by M"^ Thomas Moore, (Minister of S^ Botolph Aldersgate) with
March 1733
25*'' Thomas Moreland of the Parish of S*. James Clerkenwell in the County of
Middx: & Mary Hornby of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the
County aforesaid: by M''. William Wilson, with Licence.
27 Thomas Price of the Parish of S^ Anne Westm'": in the County of Middx : &
Mary Eeles of the Parish of S'. James Westm'^': in the County aforesaid:
by M"'. William Wilson, with Licence.
Charles Tough Eecf.
S Berer I
Willi™ Glenister > Church- Wardens
Hen: Gunter J
April 1733
4''* Eobert Brigstock of Croydou in tlie County of Surry & Sarah Day of the
Same Place by M''. William Wilson, with Licence
21 Thomas Pawson of the Parish of S'. Stephen Coleman Street Loudon, & Ann
Stallard of the Parish of S*. James Westm'': in the County of Middx: by
M"" William Wilson, with Licence.
26 Edward Powers & Anne Guteridge both of this Parish : by M'" William Wil-
son, by Banns.
27 Edmund Chapman of the Parish of S'. Andrew Holborn in the County of
Middx : & Mary Banks of the Parish of S^ George in the Fields in the
same County: by M'. William Wilson, with Licence
May 1733
B*^ Peter La Tuffier & Julian Millet both of this Parish: by M'. William Wilson,
by Banns.
10 Thomas Ostliff of the Parish of S^. James Westm'': in the County of Middx:
& Prances Burbery of the Parish of Wimbleton in the County of Surry:
by M''. William Wilson, with Licence
22 James Blackmore of the Parish of S^ George Hanover Square in the County
of Middx: and Mary Hammond of the same Parish: by M'. William Wil-
son, with Licence
June 1733. No Marriages at all
July 1733
1^* Eobert Skii)per of the Parish of S'. Paul Corent Garden in the County of
Middx: and Susan Taylor of the Same Parish: by M^'. William Wilson,
with Licence.
3 Peter Hai-ding of the Parish of S*. Clements Dane in the County of Middx :
and Elizabeth Brookes of the Parish of S*. James Westm'": in the County
aforesaid: by M'' William Wilson, with Licence.
4 John Hill of the Parish of S'. Paul Shad well in the County of Middx: and
Jane Bland of the Parish of S*. Dunstan Stepney in the County afore-
said: by M'' William Wilson, with Licence
14 John Stern of the Parish of S'. Mary Somerset London, and Catherine Jones
of the Parish of S^ Giles in the Fields in the County of Middx: by
M''. William Wilson, with Licence.
Chaeles Tough Kect»'
Jos: Thorpe 1
S Bever > Churck- Wardens
Hen: Gunter J
August 1733
5*^'' Peter Aerinhous of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx: and Fi-ances Nippens of the same Parish: by M"" William Wil-
son, with Licence.
20 Joseph Butler and Mary Hardman both of this Parish : by M'' James
Ozanne, by Banns.
28 Thomas Machin of the Parish of S^ Stephen Walbrooke London, and Eliza-
beth Stockar of the same Parish by M'' William Wilson, with Licence.
September 1733
No Marriages
October 1733
7'^ James-Lewis Toriii of the Parish of S^ Bartholomew near the Eoyall
Exchange London, and Jane Laronviere of the Parish of S', Anne
"Westm'": in the County of Middx : by M' William "Wilson, with Licence
8 John LLoyd of the Parish of S^ Sepulchre London, and Catherine Steer of
the same Parish: by M'' William Wilson, with Licence
22 Jeconiah Ashley of the Parish of S*-. Mary Le Strand in the County of
Middx : and Arabella Puller of the same Parish : by M*' John Pidding
with Licence.
November 1733
12^'-' John Oklee of Town Mailing in the County of Kent, and Elizabeth Bleck-
man of the Same Place : by M'' William Wilson, with Licence.
December 1733
4*1' Eichard Marshall and Elizabeth Marks both of this Parish : by M>' William
Wilson, by Banns.
10 William Harper of the Parish of S*. Greorge Hanover Square in the County
of Middx : and Anne Moore of the Same Parish : by M'' William Wilson
with Licence.
20'^ Thomas Ellce of the Parish of Clements Dane in the County of Middx : and
Mary Sowthey of the Parish of S*. Mary Le Bone in the County afore-
said by M'' Thomas Kynaston, with Licence.
27*^^ John Glessell of the Parish of S'. Paul Coveut Garden in the County of
Middx : and Anne Fury of the same Parish : by M^". William Wilson,
with Licence.
27 Eobert Caldwall and Anne Pulpitt both of this Parish : by M''. William Wil-
son, by Banns.
Charles Tough Eect^'
Jos: Thorpe 1
S Bever > Church- Wardens
Hen: GrunterJ
January 1733
l^t Jeremiah Glass and Alice Sands both of this Parish : by M'' William Wilson
by Banns
3 Alexander Harford of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County
of Middx : and Sarah Warren of the Said Parish : by M' William Wil-
son, with Licence
10. Nicholas Collin of the Parish of S'. Mary Le Strand in the County of Middx:
and Susanna Leeson of the Parish of S^ Clement Dane in the County of
Middx : by M^' John Pidding Avith Licence
27 John Bache of S'. James Westm'': in the County of Middx : And Anne Miller
of Lambeth in the County of Surry : by M*". John Harris Juii'': w ith
February 1733
24*'' Charles Carpenter of the Parish of S'. Margaret Westm'': in the County of
Middx : and Eebecca Cox of the Same Parish : by M'". William Wilson,
with Licence.
28 John Bell of the Parish of Twickenham in the County of Middx : and Eliza-
beth Harrison of the Same Parish : by M'' Thomas Kynaston, with
March 1733 & 1734
No Marriages.
April 1734
25*'' Eobert Janks & Mary Bennet both of this Parish : by M'' William Wilson by
27 Thomas Eead of the Parish of Thistleworth in the County of Middlesex and
Elizabeth Honywell of the same Parish : by M"". Anthony Chester, with
May 1734
2'' Anthony Hartley of the Parish of S'. James Westm"": in the County of
Middlesex and Mary Clarke of the Parish of S'. Anne Westm'': in the
Said County: by M'' William Wilson, with Licence.
5 John Scrimsour of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx: and Hannah Anderson of the same Parish: by M^ William
Wilson, with Licence
7 William Sweet of the Parish of S^ John the Evangelist at Westm'": in the
County of Middx : and Mary Savage of the Parish of S'. Andrew Hol-
borne in the County aforesaid : by M"^ Thomas Church, with Licence
Chaeles Tough Eec^"'.
S Bever "]
Hen: Grunter > Church- Wardens
James Gordon J
June 1734
G"' Henrich-Christian Tichlen of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields in the
County of Middx : and Mary Quern of the same Parish : by M'\ William
AVilson, with Licence.
9 Eichard Ley of the Parish of S*. Margaret Westm'': in the County of Middx:
and Elizabeth Gitto of the same Parish: by M"". William Wilson, with
17 Joseph Bolton of the Parish of Chelsea in the County of Middx : and Eliza-
beth Perry of the Parish of Twickenham in the said County: by M^'. John
Evans, ^^-ith Licence.
24 William Neal of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex : and Elizabeth Eandal of the Parish of Saint Sepulchre Lon-
don: by M"^ William Wilson, with Licence.
27 William Eailton of Windsor in the County of Berks and Mary Tanner of the
same Place by M'' John Evans, with Licence
July 1734
7"' John Eobins of Newington in the County of Surry and Anne Blisard of the
Parish of S'. .Lames Westin'": in the County of Middx: by M'". John
Evans, with Licence.
11 Thomas Clapham of S'. Margaret Westm'': in the County of Middx: and
Elizabeth Jones of S'. John Westm"': in the County of Middx : by
M'" .John Evans, with Licence.
25 John Barrow and Elizabeth Elliston both of this Parish : by M'' John Evans,
by Banns.
28 Matthias Lock of the Parish of S'. Giles in the Fields in the County of
Middx: and Mary Lee of the Same Parish: by M''. John Evans, with
August 1734
11*^' James Brooker of the Parish of S^ Brides London and Elizabeth Batley of
the Parish of S'. Margaret Westm'': in the County of Middx: by
M^ William Wilson, with Licence.
September 1734
22"^ Charles Oaker of the Parish of S^ Martiu in the Fields in the County of
Middx : and Susanna Stevens of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in
tlie County aforesaid : by M''. John Evans with Licence.
25 Robert Jones of the Parish of S'. Giles Cripplegate Loudon and Esther Pryce
of the Same Parish by M'' John Evans, with Licence
Chaeles Tough Eect'
S Bever ]
Hen: Gunter > Church-Wardens
James Gordon J
October 1734
IG"' James Simmons of AVoodstock in the County of Oxford and Jane Hathwood
of the Parish of S'. Margaret Westm'': in the County of Middx: by
M"". John Evans, with Licence.
November 1734
2'' James AVeston of the Parish of S*. Christopher London, and Jane Oates of
the Parish of S*. Margaret Westminster in the County of Middx : by
M'' John Evans, with Licence.
December 1734
gth W'illiam Crow of the Parish of S'. Mary Le Strand in the County of Middx :
and Elizabeth Shora of the Parish of S*. Giles in the Fields in the
County aforesaid : by M"' John Evans, with Licence
8 John Randall of the Parish of S'. Sepulchres in the County of Middlesex :
and Frances Sorrell of Ingatstone in the County of Essex : by M"^ John
Evans, with Licence.
11 Francis Yauvert of the Parish of S^ Andrew Holborn in the County of
Middx : and Katherine Taylor of the Same Parish by W. John Evans
with Licence.
January 1734
6"* Isaac Blanchard of the Parish of S*^. Anne Westm"": in the County of Middx :
and Hagar Folchier of Islington in the County aforesaid : by M"^ John
Evans, with Licence.
10 Thomas Conway of the Parish of S*. Gregory London, and Elizabeth Louch
of the Parish of S*^. James Westm"": in the County of Middx : by
M*" John Harris, with Licence.
11 Joseph Seacole of the Parish of S'. Margaret Westm'": in the County of
Middx: and Mary Taylor of lower Moulsey in the County of Surry: by
M"". John Evans, with Licence.
16 Isaac Leyton of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes in the County of Middx :
and Mary Tock of the Same Parish: by M>" John Evans, with Licence.
19 Henry Goldwin of the Parish of S'. Giles in the Fields in the County of
Middx : and Diana Knight of the same Parish : by M' John Evans, with
30 Thomas Sanderson of the Parish of S'. Giles in the Fields in the County of
Middx: and Phoebe Player of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in
the County aforesaid: by M''. John Evans with Licence.
Charles Tough Eecf
S Bever "1
Hen: Gunter > Church-Wardens
James Gordon J
February 1734
3*^ John Beard of the Parish of S*. Giles in the Fields in the County of Middx :
and Susanna Kinuesley of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the
County aforesaid: by M*" John Evans, with Licence
6 Peter Bromfield of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes in the County of Middx:
and Eleanor Orrell of the Same Parish : by M'' John Evans, with
9 Eichard Allen of the Parish of S*. James Westrn^': in the County of Middx:
and Elizabeth Gribbs of the Same Parish: by M'' John Evans, with
11 William Walker of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx : and Mary Lawrence of the same Parish : by M'' John Evans,
with Licence.
14 William Bomford of the Parish of S^ James Westm"': in the County of
Middx : and Mary Green of the Same Parish : by M'' John Evans, with
17 Samuel Ashby of the Parish of S'. George Hanover Square in the County of
Middx : and Anne Jarvis of the Same Parish : by M^' John Evans, with
18 John Broad and Joan Phillips both of this Parish : by M'" John Evans, by
18 Eichard Baynham of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx : and Jane Griffith of the Parish of S*^. Clement Danes in the
County aforesaid: by M'" John Evans, with Licence
March 1734 & 1735
9"' Henry Bull of the Pariah of S'. Bartholomew the Great London: and Martha
Wakefield of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx : by M'' John Evans, with Licence
24 Samuel Caslon of the Parish of S'. Luke in the County of Middx: and Eliza-
beth Higinson of the Parish of S*. James Westm'': in the County
aforesaid: by M"" John Evans, with Licence.
1735 31 John Wortou of little Hampton in the County of Sussex and Sarah
Hart of the Parish of S^ Anne Wesim"': in the County of Middx: by
M'' John Evans, with Licence,
Chaeles Tough Eecf
S Bever ]
Hen: Gunter > Church- Wardens
• James Gordon J
April 1735
Gth David Thomas and Mary Pittman both of this Parish : by M'. John Evans, by
8 Charles Fraiswell and Sarah Sanders both of this Parish : by M'" John Evans
by Banns.
9 Eichard Eobinson of the Parish of S*. Mary's in the Town of Colchester in
the County of Essex: and Bachel Forkis of the same place: by M''. John
Evans, with Licence.
17 James Forster of the Parish of S*. Anne Westm'': in the County of Middx:
and Mary Brattell of the same Parish : by M'". John Evans, with Licence.
May 1735
15*'' Edward Jones of the Parish of S'. James Westm': in the County of Middx:
and Mary Smith of the Same Parish : by M'\ John Evans, with Licence.
28 Ealph Holland of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Pields in the County of
MidSx: and Dorothy Harrison of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden
in the County aforesaid: by M"". John Evans, with Licence
June 1735
19*'' Joseph Newton of Clapham in the County of Surry and Jane "Weight of the
same Place: by M^ John Evans, with Licence.
July 1735
7*'' Thomas Poster of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden iu the County of
MidSx: and Hannah Moody of the Same Parish: by M'". John Evans,
mth Licence.
31 Daniel Pickance of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Pields in the County of
Middx: and Mary Smith of the Parish of S^ James Westm'': in the
County aforesaid: by M"". John Evans, with Licence
August 1735
16*^ Richard "Witherston Esq'': of the Inner Temple Loudon, and Dorothy Somer-
sett of Queen's Square Westminster in the County of MidSx: by M^ John
Pidding, with Licence.
21 Joshua Price of the Parish of S^ Brides London, and Sarah Lipscombe of the
Parish of S*. James Westm'": in the County of Middx: by M"". Rice Wil-
liams, with Licence
September 1735
9th William Jarvis of the Parish of S'. Andrew's Holborn in the County of
Middx: and Elizabeth Ingram of the Parish of S'. Martin's in the Fields
in the same County: by M'' John Evans, with Licence.
17 William Goldby of Armoudsworth iu the County of Middx: and Hannah
Thotnpson of Hertford : by M''. John Evans, with Licence.
18 Richard Beates of the Parish of S'. James Westm'': in the County of Middx:
and Anne Lowrye of the Parish of S*. Giles in the Pields in the County
aforesaid: by M^' John Evans, with Licence.
Charles Tough Rec""
James Gordon "1
Ger: Leverland > Church- Wardens
Hen: Kirby J
October 1735
23** Ralph Pitkin and Deborah Guruey both of this Parish : by M^'. John Evans
by Banns
November 1735
4*'' John Ennis and Mary Rice both of this Parish : by M'" John Evans, by Banns
12 James Cappell of the Parish of S*. Anne Westminster iu the County of
Middx : and Elizabeth Grant of the same Parish : by M'' John Evans,
with Licence.
13 George De la Roache of the Parish of S^ George Hanover Square in the
County of Middx : and Elizabeth Lemery of the Same Parish : by
M"^. John Evans, Avith Licence
16 Pasey Stearns of the Parish of S^ Michael Cornhill Loudon and Catherine
Jackson of the same Parish: by M'' John Evaus, with Licence.
16 Benjamin Tomson and Mary Wingate both of this Parish: by M^ John Evans,
by Bauns.
19 John Lovejoy of the Parish of Pulham in the County of Middx: and Honour
Good of the Parish of S'. Griles in the Fields in the Same County by
M''. John Evans, with Licence.
December 1735
No Marriages
January 1735
1** Henry "Wickstead of the Parish of S*. Clement Danes and Mary Johnson of
this Parish : by M^ John Evans, by Banns.
7 Walter Hide of Windsor in the County of Berks and Elizabeth James of the
Parish of S'. Mary Le Bone in the County of MidSx: by M"'. John Evans,
with Licence.
12 Thomas Warner of the Parish of S^ James Westm'": in the County of MidSx :
and Sarah Simmonds of the Parish of S''. Clement Danes in the Same
County, by M"^. John Evans, with Licence.
12 Walter Hickman of the Parish of S'. George Hanover Square in the County
of Middx : and Susanna Johnson of the same Parish : by M"'. John Evans,
with Licence.
25 AVilliam Kirkwood of the Parish of S^ Anne Westminster in the County of
MidSx : and Mary Johnson of the Same Parish : by M''. John Evans,
with Licence.
February 1785
No Marriages
Chaeles Tough Eecf
James Gordon ) ^ti, i, nr j
f^ T 1 w Church- Wardens.
Ger : Leverland J
March 1735
IS' John Astell of the Parish of S^ Andrew Holborn in the County of Midd:x :
and Anne Poole of the Same Parish : by M''. John Evans, with Licence.
4 Thomas Rhodes of the Parish of S'. Pancras in the Field in the County of
Middx : and Mary Clark of the Same Parish : by My. John Evans, with
7 John Atwicks of Chiswdck in the County of MidSx : and Rachael Miller of the
Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County aforesaid: by M'" John
Evans, with Licence.
7 John Fleming of the Parish of S'. Bridgett otherwise Brides London and
Hannah Miller of the Parish of S*. James Westminster in the County of
Middx: by M'' John Evans, with Licence.
8 Thomas Cardo of the Parish of Christ Church in the County of Surry, and
Martha Scott of the Pai'ish of S^ Anne Westminster in the County of
Middx: by M''. Anthony Chester, with Licence.
April 1736
11"> James Tilly of the Parish of S*. Andrew Holborn in the County of Middx :
and Elizabeth Livett of S'. Edmund's Bury in the County of Suffolk : by
M'' John Evans, with Licence.
May 1736
1*' Robert Mitchell of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes in the County of Middx :
and Sarah Rotheram of the Same Parish: by M*" John Evans, with
Marriages. 149
15 Joseph Geary of the Parish o£ S^ George Hanover Square iu the County of
Middx : aud Elizabeth Button of the Same Pa^-ish : by M'. John Evans,
with Licence.
16 John Hayter of the Liberty of the Tower of London, and Frances Newman
of the Same Place: by M"^. John Evans, with Licence.
21 James "Williamson of the Parish of S*. James Westm^: in the County of
Middx: and Mary Hooper of the same Parish: by M''. John Evans, with
21 Edmund Denman of the Parish of S*'. Dunstan in the "West London, and
Elizabeth Voutron of S'. Mary Le Bone in the County of Middx: by
M^ John Evans, with Licence.
June 1736
24th Ernest-Christian Croull and Anne Acock both of this Parish: by M*". John
Evans, by Banns.
Charles Touan Eect'"
Ger: Leverland"]
James Gordon >Church-AVardens
Jn°: Fitsall J
July 1736
26*1' William Willson of the Parish of S'. Clement Dane in the County of INIiddx:
and Martha Kilby of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County
aforesaid : by M'". John Evans, with Licence.
August 1736
18*^ "William Stacey of the Parish of S*. Paul Coveut Garden in the County of
Middx : and Margaret Bromley of the same Parish: by M"". AVilliam "Wil-
son, with Licence.
19 Daniel Robinson of the Parish of S^ Clement Danes in the County of
Middx: and Sarah Harris of the same Parish: by M'' John Harris, with
September 1736
15"' John Small of Swanscomb in the County of Kent and Margaret Wheeler of
Northfleet in the Said County: by M''. John Evans, with Licence
23 Samuel A'ander Sanden of the Parish of Westham iu the Coimty of Essex
and Aime Southron of the Same Parish: by M'" John Evans, with
October 1736
5"' Richard Hill of the Parish of S*. Mary Rotherhith in the County of Surry
and Jane Bushell of the Parish of Chelsea in the County of Middx : by
M'^ John Evans, with Licence.
7 John Dove of the Parish of S'. James Westm"": in the County of Middx : and
Catherine Duncan of the same Parish : by M"^. John Evans, with
20 John Brooks of the Parish of S^ Clement Danes in the County of Middx :
and Elizabeth Tomlinson of the same Parish : by M"^ John Evans, with
28 Morgan Dove of Dunhead S*. Andrew in the County of Wilts and Hannah
Filer of S'. Margaret Westm'': iu the County of Middx : by M"^ John
Evans with Licence.
November 1736
2'' Philip HoUiuguorth the Younger of the Parish of S^ Mary Wooluoth Lon-
don, and Mary Hope of the Parish of Christ-Church Spittle Fields in
the County of Middx: by M.'^ John Evans, with Licence
14 "Williaui Ortou of the Parish of S^ Mary Le Strand in the County of Middx :
and Mary Eyell of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in the County
aforesaid: by M^ William Wilson, with Licence.
Chakles Tough Eecf.
Ger: Leverlandn
James Gordon > Church- Wardens
Jn°: Fitsall J
November 1736
18"' Charles Pridmore of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx: and Mary Davies of the same Parish: by M"". John Evans, with
28 William Cowley of the Parish of S*. Giles in the Fields in the County of
Middx : and Mary Coates of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in
the County aforesaid: by M''. John Evans, with Licence.
December 1736
5'^ Thomas Skinner of the Parish of S*. Ann Aldersgate London, and Sarah Scott
of the Same Parish : by M"" John Evans, with Licence.
7 Christian Kontze of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx : and Elizabeth Vere of the same Parish : by M'". John Evans, with
January 1736
11"' Jacob Westbrook of the Parish of S^ Anne Westm'": in the County of
Middx : and Elizabeth Windham of the Same Parish: by M'' John Evans,
with Licence.
13 William Rhodes of the Parish of S^ Pancras in the County of Middx : and
Anne Carter of the Parish of S*. Andrew Holborn in the same County:
by M'' John Evans, with Licence.
13 Samuel Hancock of the Parish of S*. James Westm'": in the County of
Middx: and Elizabeth Kendall of the Parish of S'. George Hanover
Square in the County aforesaid : by M"" John Evans, with Licence
16 Thomas Mould of the Parish of S'. AndreAv Holborn in the County of Middx:
and Elizabeth Latimore ©f the same Parish : by M'" John Evans, with
24 William Offild of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx : and Sarah Sindry of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the
County aforesaid : by M"". John Evans, with Licence.
27 Thomas Blackmore of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx : Esq^ and Sarah Blackmore of the Parish of Tenderdeu in the
County of Kent: by M^ Charles Tough, With Licence.
27 George Stagg of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx : and Sarah Eawlins of the Same Parish : by M"". John Evans,
with Licence.
Chakles Tough Rect'
Ger: Leverlandl
James Gordon > Church- Wardens
Jn": Fitsall J
February 1736
3'' Eichard Cosly of the Parish of Allliallows the Great London, and Lydia
Morris of the Same Parish: by M»" John EA^ans, with Licence.
IQth 'William Horobine of the Parish of S'. Botolph without Bishopsgate London
and Susanna Gainsborough of the Parish of S*. Clement Daues in the
County of Midd:x : by M'' John Evans with Licence.
13 Evan Davis of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Eields in the County of
Middx : and Elizabeth Blizard of the same Parish: by M'' John Evans,
with Licence.
17 Henry Pliipps of Eickmansworth in the County of Hertford and Grace
Additor of the same Place by M''. John Evans, with Licence.
21 Joshua Jones of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx : and IMary Alcot of the Parish of 8'. Laurance by Guildhall
London : by M''. John Evans, with Licence.
March 1736
1'* Chanc Harmood of the Parish of S*. Clement Danes in the County of Middx:
and Mary Daws of the Parish of Hornsey in the Said County: by
M'' John Evans, with Licence.
March 1737. 31"i' Eobert Chace of the Parish of S'. Bridget otherwise Brides
London, and Elizabeth Allstone of the Parish of S*. Paul Coveut Garden
in the County of Middx: by M'' Charles Tough, with Licence.
April 1737
11^1' Daniel Martin of the Parish of S'. John "Wapping in the County of Middic :
and Anne Kempthorne of the same Parish : by M'". Charles Tough, with
11 Thomas Eobertson and Elizabeth Sedgwick both of this Parish: by M"" John
Evans, by Banns.
11 Elias Walter of Avesham in the County of Bucks and Ann Ewan of the
Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in the County of Mid3x: by M'' John
Evans, with Licence.
May 1737
10"' Peter Delight of the Parish of S'. Martin Orgars London and Mary Gollon of
the Same Parish : by M''. Anthony Chester, with Licence.
29 Thomas Pinckmon of the Parish of S^ Giles in the Pields in the County of
Middx : and Frances Shaw of the Same Parish : by M^ John Evans, with
Chaeles Tough Eect»"
Ger: Leverland"!
James Gordon > Church-Wardens
Tho« Paulin J
June 1737
2*^ Thomas Grimwood of Dedham in the County of Essex and Elizabeth-Carolina
Lechmere of S'. Svvithin London : by M'". Charles Tough, with Licence.
12 George Winn of the Parish of S'. Botolph Bishopsgate London and Susanna
Timms of the Parish of S'. James Westm'': in the County of Middx : by
M'" John Evans, with Licence.
16 Thomas Freeman of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes in the County of Middx:
and Anne Ei*Avin of the Parish of S'. Anne Westm'': in the County of
Middx : by M''. John Evans, with Licence
30 Thomas Holt of Greys Imi in the County of Micldx : Esq"": and Dorothy Eead
of the Parish of S^ Bridget otherwise Brides London : by M>' John Beane
of S'. James Duke's Place, with Licence
July 1737
9*'' Joseph Wheatley of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx : and Sarah Davis of the Same Parish : by M*" John Evans, with
12 George Moss of the Parish of S'. Dunstan in the West London, and Hen-
rietta-Maria Eeed of the Same parish by M'' Emanuel Potter, with
13 John Priest of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in the County of Middx:
and Elizabeth Wats of the Parish of Lambeth in the County of Surry :
by M' John Evans, with Licence.
21 William Masters of the Parish of S^ James Westm'': in the County of Middx:
and Hannah Rotherham of the same Parish : by M"". John Evans, with
24 Isaac Casson of the Parish of S*. George Bloomsbury in the County of
Middx : and Anne Huxley of the same Parish : by M^'. John Evans, with
25 William Lansdell of the Parish of S*. Margaret Westm'": in the County of
Middx : and Anne Keynolds of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Eields
in the same County: by M'' .John Evans, with Licence
27 Theojjhilus Blechynden of the Parish of S'. John the Evangelist Westm*': in
the County of Middx : and Sarah Bull of the Same Parish : by M'' John
Evans, with Licence.
August 1737
28* Thomas Allmond of the Parish of S'. Anne Westm'': in the County of Middx :
and Elizabeth Humphreys of the Same Parish : by M"^ Emanuel Potter,
with Licence.
27 Benjamin Spicer of the Parish of S*^. Clement Danes in the County of Middx :
and Susanna Jackson of the Parish aforesaid : by M'' Emanuel Potter,
with Licence.
28 George-Magnus Hach of the Parish of S'. George Hanover Square in the
County of Middx : and Mary Meales of the same Parish : by M''.
Emanuel Potter, with Licence.
Charles Tougk Reef.
Ger: Leverlandl
James Gordon > Church- Wardens
Tho' Paulin J
September 1737
IP'' Thomas Hartland of the Parish of S^ Mary Le Bone in the County of
Middx : and Elizabeth Harwood of the Parish of S'. James AVestm"": in
the County aforesaid: by M'' John Evans, with Licence.
12 Mnason Cornish and Elizabeth Kirkham both of this Parish: by M''. John
Evans, by Banns.
22 William Hosier of the Parish of Fulham in the County of Middx: and Mary
Higgins of the Same Parish : by M''. William Wilson, with Licence.
October 1737
IG^'' Joseph Shaw of the Parish of S^ George Hanover Square in the County of
Middx: and Hannah How of the same Place by M'' John Evans, with
23 Jonathan AVainwriglit of Melton Mowbray in the County of Leicester and
Elizabeth "Watkins of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the
County of Middx : by M"". Anthony Chester, with Licence
30 Eichard Osgodby of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes in the County of
Middx: and'Katherina Day of the same Parish: by M"^ John Erans, with
November 1737
l«t John Hurst of Penshurst in the County of Kent and Dorothy Eagleton of
the same Place by M' John Evans, with Licence.
5 John Armiger of Wisbech in the Isle of Ely and County of Cambridge and
Anne Andrews of the Parish of S^ G-iles in the Eields in the County of
Middx : by M>' John Evans, with Licence.
27 John Morgan of the Parish of S*. Margaret 'Westfn'": in the County of
Middlesex and Elizabeth Martin of the same place by M'". John Chauvet,
with Licence
December 1787
15"* Walter Eeynolds of Cranham in the County of Essex and Jane Cheshire of
the same Place : by M'". John Chauvet, with Licence.
January 1737
9*^ Thomas Eastmead of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx : and Margaret Hutchins of the same Parish : by M'". John Evans,
with Licence.
17 James Greavenner of S*. Clement Danes in the County of Middlesex and
Eebecca Burnston of the same Parish : by M'. John Evans, with Licence.
24 John Baud of the Parish of Kensington in the County of Middlesex and
Mary Cherrington of the same Parish : by M"" John Evans, with
31 Samuel Davis of the Parish of S*. George Bloomsbury in the County of
Middx: and Jane Fenoulhat of the Parish of S*. James WestnV: in the
Said County: by M^ Charles Tough, with Licence.
Charles Tough Eecf
Ger: Leverlandl
James Gordon > Church- Wardens
Tho« Paulin J
February 1737
4*1' Thomas Parkinson of Broxbourn in the County of Hertford and Anne Tay-
lor of the same Place by M'" John Evans, with Licence.
5 George Mann of the Parish of S^ George Bloomsbury in the County of
Middlesex and Anne Horsey of the Parish of S*. Giles in the Fields in
the said County by M*' John Evans, with Licence.
6 Walter Stuart of the Parish of S*. Giles in the Fields in the County of Middx:
and Susanna Hardy of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields in the said
County : by M'' John Evans, with Licence.
10 Ephraim Love of the Parish of Emell Hampstead in the County of Hertford
and Elizabeth Sparrow of the same Parish: by M"^ John Evans, with
11 Brian Jeffreies of Kensington in the County of Middlesex and Blanch
Trevilian of the same: by M*" John Evans, with Licence.
12 Thomas Feilder of Hampstead in the County of Middx : and Margaret Clark
of the same : by M' John Evans, with Licence.
VOL. Ill, X
14 Eobert Eickman of S^ Margaret TVestm'': in the County of Middx: and
Mary Firth of S'. Clement Danes in the County of MidSx : by M"" John
Evans, with Licence.
Ho Marriages in March 1737
Chaeles Tough Eect'
Ger: Leverland"!
James G-ordon > Church-Wardens
Tho8 Paulin J
April 1738
15'^ Howell Evans of the Parish of S*. Clement Danes in the County of Middlesex
and Mary Evans of the same Parish : by M'' Thomas Kyuaston, with
May 1738
7'^ Thomas Todd of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of
MidSx : and Jane Evans of the Parish of S^ xlndrew Holborn in the said
County: by M'" John Pidding, with Licence.
24^^ John French and Anne Warren both of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden:
by M' John Evans, by Banns.
June 1738
29*^ Robert Kettlewell of East Ham in the County of Essex and Anne Claridge
of East Ham aforesaid : by M"^ John Evans, with Licence
July 1738
6'^ James Pearce of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes in the County of Middx :
and Mary Camphin of the Parish of S'. Mary Woolnoth London: by
M"" John Evans, with Licence.
13 William Moyes of the Parish of Ewell in the County of Surry and Jane
Mower of the same Parish : by M^ John Evans, with Licence
August 1738
gth 'William Couling of the Parish of S*. John the Evangelist in the City of
Westfn'': and County of Middlesex and Katharine Hewer of the same
Parish: by M'' John Hughes, with Licence.
September 1738
ll*** John Page of the Parish of S'. Faith London and Mary Redmayne of the
same Parish: by M"". Anthony Chester, with Licence.
19*^ William Wilson of Hammersmith in the Parish of Fulham in the County of
Middx: and Frances Busher of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in
the County of Middx: by M'. Thomas Kynaston, with Licence.
21 John-George Dollfuss of the Parish of S^ James Westm'': in the County of
Middlesex and Anne Debaufre of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields
in the said County: by M''. Anthony Chester, with Licence.
Chables Tough Eecf
Theo: Ward ~|
John Bladwell > Church- Wardens
JohnJOakelej J
October 1738
13*^ Thomas Goodyear of the Parish of S'. John in the County of Hertford and
Sarah Attwood of the Parish of Claims in the County of "Worcester: by
M''. Anthony Chester, with Licence.
15 Charles Lewis of the Parish of S'. Brides London, and Mary Applegarth of
the Parish of S^ Clement Danes in the County of Middlesex: by
M'' Anthony Chester, with Licence.
26 John Cook of the Parish of S*. Andrew Holborn in the County of Middlesex
and Eachael Wallis of S'. Peter Poor London: by M'^. Anthony Chester,
with Licence.
28 John Griffes of the Parish of S'. Andrew Holborn in the County of Middlesex
and Margaret Lawson of the same Parish: by M^' John Hughes, with
28 John Leaper of the Parish of S*. Margaret "Westm"' : in the County of Middle-
sex and Eleanor Pack of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in the
said County: by M'" Anthony Chester, with Licence
November 1738
P' Samuel Trew of the Parish of Maldon in the County of Essex and Ann Scott
of the same Parish: by M''. Anthony Chester, Avith Licence
5 Robert Jegon of the Parish of Kelvedon in the County of Essex and Susanna
Aspiu of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of Middx:
by M'' Edward Darell, with Licence.
16 Edward Grolnian of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx: and Ann Tomlinson of the Parish of S'. Andrew Holbourn in the
County of Middx : by M'" Anthony Chester with Licence.
December 1738
IS*'' Edward Pincke of the Parish of S'. Bridget otherwise Brides London, and
Elizabeth Alchorne of the Parish of Kensington in the County of Middx:
by M''. Charles Tough, with Licence.
30 Bartholomew Keen of the Parish of S^. Olave Southwark in the County of
Surry, and Elizabeth Warner of the Parish of S'. Giles in the Eields in
the County of Middx: by M"" John Evans, with Licence.
January 1738
1^*^ John Wheeler of the Parish of S^ James Westm'' : in the County of Middx :
and Elizabeth Woodcock of the Parish of S^ Margaret Westm"^: in the
County aforesaid : by M'' John Hughes, with Licence.
1 Cotton Dent of the Parish of S^ George Hanover Square in the County of
Middx : and Catherine Bowerbauk of Portsmouth in the County of
Southampton: by M'' John Evans, with Licence.
10 AVilliam Siree of Ley ton in Bedfordshire and Judith Bland of the same Place :
by M"" John Evans, with Licence.
CuAKLEs Tough Rect"^'
Theo : Ward 1
John Bladwell > Church- Wardens
John Oakeley J
January 1738
25'^ John Coleman of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex and Elizabeth Bailey of the same : by M*" John Evans, with
27 Francis Allia of the Parish of S^ James "Westminster in the County of Middx :
and Elizabeth Moore of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in the
County of MidSx : by M"". John Evans, with Licence.
February 1738
4*^ Joseph Elliot of the Parish of S'. Giles in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex and Mary Allison of the same Parish : by M"". John Evans,
with Licence.
14 Samuel Cookson of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Grarden in the County of
Middlesex and Ann Ward of the same Parish : by M"". John Evans, with
20 Joshua Woffindin of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent G-arden in the County of
Middlesex and Mary Eliment of Prescott Street in the Parish of
S^ Mary White Chapel in the Said County: by M''. John Evans, with
March 1738
6'^'' Robert Eaudall of Hendon in the County of Middlesex aud Susanna
Bannister of the Same Parish : by M'' John Evans, A^dth Licence
April 1739
22^ James Glanfield of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
MidSx : and Catherine Gosheroone of the Same Parish : by M'. John
Evans, by Banns.
22 E-ichard Osterfield of the Parish of S^ James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex, aud Jane Hewitson of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden
in the County of Middlesex : by M''. John Evans, with Licence.
28 WilHam-James Chambers of Fulham in the County of Middlesex and
Catherine Cext of the Same Place : by M' John Evans, with Licence
29 John Apostle of the Parish of Wellingborough in the C\)unty of jS^orthamptou
and Susannah Fowle of the Parish of S^ George Bloomsbury in the
County of Middlesex : by M' John Evans, with Licence
Charles Tough Eecf
Theo: Ward ~|
John Bladwell > Church- Wardens
John Oakeley J
May 1739
6"' Bentley French of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex and Catharine Collier of the same Parish : by M^ John
Hughes, with Licence.
10 Charles Dawkins of the Parish of S*. Mary Le Bone in the County of
Middlesex and Margaret Daes of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields
in the County aforesaid : by M'' John Hughes, mth Licence.
22 James-Henry Kent of the Inner Temple London, and Susanna Orlebar of the
Parish of S'. Dunstan in the West London : by M"^ John Evans, with
June 1739
17*^ Benjamin Willis of the Parish of S^ Bride's London and Anne Guding of
the Parish of S^ Giles in the Fields in the County of Middx: by
M' John Evans, with Licence.
21 James Newport of the Town of Manchester in the County of Lancaster and
Ann Morgan of S'. Botolph Aldgate in the County of Middlesex : by
M' Jolin Evans, with Licence.
MAURlAGteS. 157
22 Dederich Lautwar of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex and Aun Wilson of the Parish of S'. James Westminster in
the said County : by M"^ John Evans, with Licence
July 1739
4*'' John Dale of Bromsgrove in the County of Worcester and Mary Sympson
of the Parish of iS'. I'aul Covent Garden in the County of Middlesex : by
M*" John Evans, with Licence.
7 Thomas Erlem of the Parish of S'. George Bloomsbury in the County of
Middlesex, and Sarah Darlington of the same Parish: by M'". John
Evans, with Licence.
Marriages in August 1739 begin in a new Book.
Charles Toitoh Kecf^
John Bladwell ~|
Nich": Fryes > Church- Wardens
Denis MourgueJ
August 1739
12"^ George Lee of the Parish of S^ Sepulchre in the County of Middx: and
Mary Adams of S^ Mary Magdalen Milk Street Loudon: by the iiev'^:
Peter Platel, with Licence.
14 John Sage of the Parish of S'. Leonard Forster Lane London and Elizabeth
Berrisford of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex : by the Eev'': Peter Platel, with Licence
14 George Thompson of the Parish of Stockton upon Tees in the Bishoprick of
Durham, and Sarah Humj)hreys of the Parish of S*. Mary le Bone in the
County of Middx : by the Eev'^ : Peter Platel, with Licence
26 Robert Salmon of the Parish of S''. James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Anne Grimes of the same Parish, by the Rev''. Peter
Platel, with Licence
September 1739
2* Samuel Gunn of the Parish of S'. Anne Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Elizabeth Simchers of the Parish of S*. James Westmin-
ster in the County aforesaid : by the Rev''. John Evans, with Licence.
7 William Perry of the Parish of S'. James Westminster in the County of
Middx : and Mary Richmond of the Parish of S'. John the Evangelist in
the County of Middx : by the Rev'*: John Evans-, with Licence.
9 Edward Prout of the Parish of S*^. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx : and Elizabeth Cunningham of the Parish of Chelsea in the afore-
said County: by the Rev'': James Niud, with Licence.
11 William Canady of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex, and Sarah Savage of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in
the said County : by the Rev"* : Charles Thomas, with Licence
October 1739
No Marriages
November 1739
4*'> John Bristow of the Parish of S*. James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Dorothy Maun of the Parish of S'. George the Martyr in
the County aforesaid : by the Rev"* : John Evans with Licence.
4'^'' John Armiger of the Parish of S*. Griles in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex and Jane Baker of the Parish of S*. Austin London : by the
Rev'': John Evans with Licence.
5"' Lewis Castanet of the Parish of S^ Ann Westminster in the County of
Middlesex, and Mary Neweuden of the Parish of S^ Andrew Holborn
Loudon, by the Rev"!; John Evans, with Licence.
11 "William Harris of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex, and Ruth Thomas of the same Parish: by the Rev^: John
Evans, Avith Licence.
22 Francis Parker of the Parish of S^ Ann Westminster in the County of
Middlesex, and Elizabeth Huggins of the same Parish : by the Rev"^ : John
Evans, with Licence.
Charles Tough Rectf
John Bladwell ')
Nich°: Fryes > Church- Wardens
Denis MourgueJ
December 1739
3*^ Thomas Newsome of the Parish of S*. Dunstan in the West London, and
Abigail Grriggs of Chelsea in the County of Middlesex : by the Rev'': John
Evans, with Licence.
23 Jonathan Beck of the Parish of S*. Margaret Westminster in the County of
Middlesex, and Anne Hyde of the Parish of S^ John Westminster : by
the Rev'': John Evans, with Licence.
31 Henry Scott of the Parish of Upton-Pine in the County of Devon, and
Dorothy Millman of the same Parish by the Rev**: John Pidding, with
January 1739
6''' Daniel Owen of the Parish of S^ Mary Magdalen Bermondsey in the County
of Surry and Alice Evans of the Parish of S*. Mary Le Strand in the
County of Middlesex: by the Rev"^: John Evans, with Licence
17 Thomas Bennet of Cambridge and Charlotte May of the Parish of S^ George
Hanover Square in the County of Middlesex: by the Rev'': Charles
Thomas, with Licence.
2G John Arnold of the Parish of S*^. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex and Rebeccah Lownds of the same Parish: by the Rev'':
Chai'les Tough, with Licence.
February 1739
(jtii William Gardiner of Richmond in the County of Surry Esquire and Ann
Noakes of Brightling in the County of Sussex : by the Rev'' : Josei)h
Sims, with Licence.
14 Henry Gaywood of the Parish of S^ Luke in the County of Middlesex and
Pattee Burr of S*-. Peter Lepoor London, by the Rev'': John Hughes,
with Licence
14 James Lawrell of the Parish of Christ Church in the County of Middx : and
Mary Wixley of the same Parish: by the Rev"^: John Hughes, with
March 1740
27"' John Williams of the Parish of S'. Andrew Holbourne in the County of
Middx: and Thomazin Bancroft of the same Parish : by the Rev'': tfohn
Evans, with Licence
28 John Boden o£ the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of Middx :
and Jane Haraman of the Parish of S^ George Hanover Square in the
County aforesaid : by the Rev^ : John Hughes, with Licence
Charles Tough Reef.
JohnBladwell "1
Nich°, Pryes > Church-Wardens
Denis MourgueJ
April 1740
&^ Thomas Bullock of the Parish of S*. Botolph Aldgate London and Anne
"Wynne of the Parish of S^ Dunstan in the West London : by the
Rev*! : John Evans, with Licence.
6 Robert Gibson of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx : and Elizabeth Delbridge of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John
Evans, by Banns.
8 John Reynolds of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex and Jane Morson of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John
Evans, with Licence.
9 Godfrey Dawnay of the Parish of Snaith in the County of York Clerk, and
Elizabeth D'Aeth of Greenwich in the County of Kent: by the Rev'':
John Evans, Avith Licence
10 Thomas Townshend of the Parish of Saint James Westminster in the County
of Middlesex and Jane xliskew of the Parish of S^ John the EA'angelist
Westminster in the said County: by the Rev'': John Hughes, with
13 Charles Gresham of the Parish of S*^. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx: and Prances Parr of the same Parish: by the Rev'': Charles
Thomas, with Licence
22 Humphry Perry of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex and Elizabeth Jenks of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields
in the County aforesaid : by the Rev'' : John Hughes, with Licence.
25 William Reynolds of the Parish of S'. James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Elizabeth Clement of the Parish of S^. Martin in the
Fields, in the aforesaid County, by the Rev'': John Hughes, with
May 1740
IQth The Reverend William Gery of Witton in the County of Huntingdon and
Susanna Barnes of the Parish of S'. Brides London : by the Rev'': Richard
Trevor Curate of Christ-Church, with Licence.
11 Benjamin Dossett of the Parish of S^ Anne Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Catherine Townsend of the same Parish : by the Rev''.
John Evans with Licence
June 1740
28''' John Davis of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes in the County of Middx : and
Elizabeth Parker of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John Evans, with
July 1740
13"' John Tyrrell of the Parish of S'. Giles in the Fields in the County of Middle-
sex, and Jane Kirbey of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John Evans, with
20 Henry Sher-ftdn of the Parish of S'. Thomas Southwarke in the County of
Surry, and Mary Winepress of the same Parish: by the Rev'': John
Hughes, with Licence
24 William Brinkley of the Parisli of S*. Sepulchre London, and Mary Paine of
the same Parish : by the liev'^: John Hughes, with Licence.
Charles Tough Eect'.
Nich". Fryes "1
Denis Mourgue > Church- Wardens
And''. Thomson J
July 1740
29'^' Eoger Buckmaster of Chaffont S^ Giles in the County of Bucks and Jane
Andrews of the Parish of S^ Clement Danes in the County of Middlesex:
by the Eev'': John Hughes, with Licence.
August 1740
7'^ John Jones of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of Middx :
and Sarah Smith of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John Hughes, by
September 1740
3'^ Kathaniel Neal of the Parish of S*. Clemeut East Cheap London and Eliza-
beth Matthew of Carey Street near Lincoln's Inn Eields in the County
of Middx : by the Eev'^: William Wallis, with Licence.
G Edward Cookes of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex and Ann-Frances Le Hunt of the City of Canterbury: by the
Eev'^: John Hughes, with Licence.
15 Eichard Gardner of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx : and Elizabeth Goldhawke of the same Parish : by the Eev'^: Ed-
ward Darell, by Banns.
23"^ Martin Barker of the Parish of S* James Westminster in the County of
Middx : and Elizabeth Henley of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John
Evans, with Licence
23 Joshua Mirfield of the Parish of S*^. Mary Islington in the County of Middle-
sex, and Hester Voke of of* S^. James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex: by the Eev'^: John Hughes with Licence
28 Henry Weltden of the Parish of Christ-Church London and Margaret-
Henrietta Bolslow of the Parish of S*. Anne Westminster in the County
of Middlesex : by the Eev*^: John Evans, with Licence
30 Samuel Harris of the Parish of S*'. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex, and Ann Sandby of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John
Hughes, with Licence.
October 1740
5"' Thomas Anderton of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex, and Susanna Boyes of the same Parish : by the Eev^: John
Evans, with Licence
14 Thomas Hollier of the Parish of Saint Mary Le Strand in the County of
Middlesex, and Mercyt Evans of the Parish of Saint James Westminster
in the said County: by the Eev'': John Pidding with Licence.
23 John Hutchins of the Parish of Hendon in the County of Middx : and Mary
Banister of the same Place: by the Eev''. John Evans, with Licence.
Charles Tough Eecf
Nich*": Fryes 1
Denis Mourgue > Church-Wardens
And''. Thomson J
* Sic. .t An erasure.— Ed.
November 1740
2^ Marmaduke Scott of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx : and Sarah Bennett of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in
the County aforesaid : by the Eev*': John Evans, by Banns.
24 AVilliam Threlkeld of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx : aud Mary Eoode of the Parish of S'. Margaret in Lothbury
London : by the Eev'': John Hughes, with Licence.
December 1740
20'^ Fredirick-Atherton Hendley of the Parish of S*. Clement Danes in the County
of Middx : and Louise Cext of the Parish of S^ Andrew Holborn in the
County of Middx: by the Eev'': John Evans, with Licence
21 Francis Sandys Doctor of Physick of the Parish of Saint Ann "Westminster
in the County of Middlesex, and Mary Scott of the Parish of Much
Hadham in the County of Hertford: by the Eev'': Jiremy Pemberton,
with Licence
January 1740
8"^ Eichard Cox of the Parish of S^ John the Evangelist in the County of Middle-
sex and Catherine Sharman of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in
the County aforesaid: by the Eev''. Charles Tough, with Licence
29 Eichard Adams of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx : and Anne Wych of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John Evans,
by Banns
February 1740.
2'' Peter Dez. Maizeaux of the Parish of S*. Mary Le Bone in the County of
Middlesex and Ann Brown of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John Evans,
vrith Licence.
3 John Mite of the Parish of Narford in the County of Norfolk and Jane Trigg
of the Parish of S'. Andrew Holbourn in the County of Middlesex : by
the Eev'': John Evans, with Licence.
3 Henry Coffin of the Parish of S'. Giles in the Fields in the County of Middle-
sex ; and Anne Harper of the Pai'ish of Ealing in the County aforesaid :
by the Eev'': John Evans, with Licence.
March 1740
12"' Edmund Pelham of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx : and Martha Cheesman of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden
in the County of Middx: by the Eev**: John Evans, with Licence
16 James Peacock of the Parish of S*. James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Anne Wall of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John Evans,
with Licence.
Chaeles Tough Eecf.
Nich''. Fryes "I
And'^. Thomson > Church -Wardens
Denis MourgueJ
April 1741.
4"' John Day of the Inner Temple London and Eebeceah Orlebar of the Parish
of Saint Dunstan in the West London by the Eev^: John Hughes, with
12 Benjamin Maybury of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County
of Middx : and Susanna Jeffris of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John
Evans by Banns
May 1741
28*'' Ambrose Nunn of the Parish of S*. Alban "Woodstreet London and Eebecca
Thacker of the Parish of S*. Clement Danes in the County of Middlesex
by the Eev^: John Evans, with Licence.
June 1741
1^' Henry "Williams of the Parish of S^ Swithin London and Martha Loveday of
Chelsea in the Count}' of Middlesex : by the Eev'': John Hughes with
9 George Wilson of the Parish of S^ George Hanover Square in the County of
Middlesex, and Mary Kendall of Eaton in the County of Bucks : by tke
Eev"^: John Evans, with Licence.
July 1741
S'^ Edward Horner of the Parish of S*. Mary Le Strand in the County of Middx:
and Elizabeth Wakeling of of* the Parish of Hampstead in the aforesaid
County: by the Eev'^: John Hughes, with Licence.
August 1741
1^* James Evans of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx : and Phillis Burkett of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John
Hughes, by Banns.
2 Charles Nedrow of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx : and Mary Pridmore of the same Parish : by the Eev'^: John
Hughes, by Banns.
6 John Fort of the Parish of S'. Leonard Foster Lane London and Diana White
of the Parish of Christ-Church London, by the Eev*^: John Hughes, with
11 William Yonge Esq"^: of the Parish of S*. James Westminster in the County
of Middx : and Frances Cooke of Uxbridge in the County aforesaid : by
the Eev*": John Hughes, with Licence
29 John Becking of the Parish of Saint Brides London and Elizabeth Arskin of
the same Parish : by the E-ev**: John Hughes, with Licence.
30 Thomas Parker of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx : and Mary Settle of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John Hughes,
by Banns.
30 Nicholas Thornley of the Parish of S'. Andrew Holborn in the County of
Middlesex and Anne Stacey of the Parish of S^ Clement Danes in the
County aforesaid : by the Eev*^. John Hughes, with Licence.
Chaeles Tough Eecf.
]Srich°: Fryes 1
And"". Thomson > Church Wardens.
Eobt. Hyde J
September 1741
3*^ George Eaper of the Parish of Saint Clement Danes in the County of
Middlesex, and Jane Hedly of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in
the said County: by the Eev*'. John Hughes, with Licence
October 1741
17th Noah Cousins of the Parish of S'. George Hanover Square in the County of
Middlesex and Elizabeth West of the same Parish : by the Eev*': John
Evans, with Licence.
* Sic.
26 Charles Wheatley of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx : and Sarah Shorter of the same Parish : by the Kev'^. John
Hughes, by Banns.
29 Jonathan Knevett of the Parish of Ealing in the County of Middx : and
Mary Jones of the same Parish: by the Eev'': John Evans, with
November 1741
8*^ Edmund Bryan of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx : and Anne Williams of the same Parish : by the Kev'': John
Evans, by Banns.
10 Philip Lantley of the Parish of S^ Dunstan in the "West London, and Mary
Canner of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John Hughes, with Licence.
10 John Bolton of Preston in the County of Lancaster and Margaret Hodgson of
the Parish of 8K Giles in the Fields in the County of Middlesex : by the
Rev'': Charles Thomas, with Licence.
29 Griffith LLoyd of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex, and Anne Rastall of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John
Evans, with Licence.
December 1741
1*^ Samuel Horder of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx : and Mary Davis of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John Hughes,
by Banns.
29 Matthew Cook of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx : and Judith Beasing of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John
Evans, by Banns.
29 Thomas Capslack of the Parish of S*^. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex, and Anne Cliff of the Parish of S'. Peter Le Poor London :
by the Rev'': John Evans, with Licence
Chaeles Tough Reef.
Nich": Fryes "l
And'". Thomson > Church Wardens
Rob*. Hyde J
January 1741
IS*** John Phillipson of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex and Mary Clayter of the Parish of S*. George Bloomsbury in
the said County : by the Rev'': Charles Tough with Licence.
16 Edward Fishwick of the Parish of S*. Peter Le Poor London and Ann Pelin
of the same Parish by the Rev'': Anthony Chester, with Licence.
February 1741
4*^ Francis Chandler of the Parish of S^ James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Mary Ward of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John
Evans, with Licence.
17 John Foord of the Parish of S'. Margaret Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Anne Webb of the same Parish: by the Rev^: John Pid-
ding, with Licence.
21 Henry Clark of the Parish of Weston Uuderhill in the County of Gloucester
and Elizabeth Johnson of the Parish of Alhallows Staining London : by
the Rev'': John Evans, with Licence.
23 Robert Woolf of the Parish of S'. Dunstan in the West London and Mary
Salmon of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Gardeu in the County of
Middlesex : by the Rev'': John Hughes, with Licence.
23 John Bunyan of the Parish o£ S'. Clement Danes in the County of Middlesex
and Elizabeth Cripps of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John Hughes,
with Licence.
March 1741
2^ William Woodman of the Parish of S'. Giles in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex and Mary Downing of the Parish of S'. George at Queens
Square in the Said County : by the Eev*^: John Evans with Licence
March 1742
26 Joseph Godin of the Parish of S', George Bloomsbury in the County of
Middlesex, and Isabella Green of Wooburn in the County of Bedford :
by the Rev**: Charles Tough with Licence
April 1742
18*^ John Pryor of the Parish of Hornsey in the County of Middlesex and Sarah
Ward of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in the said County : by
the Eev^: John Evans with Licence
Charles TorGH Eect"^.
Nich": Fryes "1
And"". Thomson > Church-Wardens
Robt. Hyde J
No Marriages in May & June 1742.
July 1742
4^*^ Francis Holt of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx : and Anne Tennery of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John
Evans, by Banns.
4 Joseph Cole of the Parish of S'. Dunstan in the West, and Elizabeth Chalk-
hill of the Parish aforesaid : by the Rev'': John Evans, ^rith Licence.
10 Thomas Hill of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes in the County of Middlesex
and Mary Barton of the same Parish : by the Rev**: John Evans, with
16 Lewis Lange of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex, and Mary Beckinsale of the Parish of S'. James Westminster
in the same County : by the Rev'': John Evans, with Licence.
31 John Scott of the Precinct of the Savoy in the County of Middlesex, and
Elizabeth Moore of the same Place : by the Rev^: John Hughes, with
August 1742
2'' William Warwick of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx: and Copeland Adfield of the same Parish: by the Rev**: John
Evans, by Banns.
September 1742
5^^ Thomas Woolley of the Parish of S'. Margaret Westminster in the County
of Middlesex, and Hannah Davis of the Parish of S'. Anne Black-Fryers
London : by the Rev*": John Hughes, with Licence.
14 Robert Han-is of the Parish of S*. James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Elizabeth Bray of the same Pifrish : by the Rev**: John
Evans, with Licence
16 John ElJis of the Parish of Saint James Westminster in the County of Mid-
dlesex and Elizabeth Lucas of the Parish of Saint George Hanover
Square in the same County: by the Rev'': John Evans with Licence.
Marriages. 165
16 Thomas Williamsou of the Parish of Fryeu Barnet iu the County of Middle-
sex aud Anne Lowfield of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John Evans,
with Licence.
19 Peter Chassereau of the Parish of Saint James "Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Mary Ellis of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John Evans
with Licence
Chaeles Tough Rect^
Rich'': Hodges 1
Rob*. Hyde > Church- Wardens
John Swift J
October 1742
1^' Vincent- Loa- Giles Cromp of the Parish of Watford in the County of Hart-
ford and Margaret Woodcock of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John
Evans, with Licence.
12 Edward Tilley of the Parish of S'. Saviour Southwark in the County of Surry,
and Mary Reed of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John Evans, with
November 1742
27th Thomas Baker of the Parish of Saint Peter le Poor London and Elizabeth
Savage of the Parish of Saint Paul Covent G-arden iu the County of
Middlesex by the Rev'': John Evans, with Licence.
December 1742
21''^ Isaac Fear of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes in the County of Middlesex,
and Anna-Maria Raven of the Parish of S'. Giles in the Fields in the
same County: by the Rev'': John Evans, with Licence.
January 1742
27"» Edward Allen of the Parish of S*. Peter in the East in the City of Oxford
and Margaret Willmot of the Parish of S'. Alldates alias S'. Toles in the
said City of Oxford : by the Rev'': John Evans, with Licence.
February 1742
13"^ John Gresham of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex aud Anne Fanner of the same Parish aforesaid : by the
Rev'': John Evans, Avith Licence
15. Andrew Ford of the Parish of S^ James AVestmiuster in the County of Mid-
dlesex and Hannah Deckhard of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John
Evans, with Licence.
March 1742
20"* Edward Harris of the Parish of Saint Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex and Eleanor Stacey of the same Parish by the Rev'': Charles
Tough, with Liceuce
C1L4.KLES Tough Reef.
Rich'': Hodges'!
Robt. Hyde > Church-Wardens
John Swift J
April 1743
21** Kichard Truman of the Parisli of S'. James "Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Henrietta Meredith of the Parish of S'. Martin in the
Fields in the said County by the Eev*^. John Evans, with Licence
K^o Marriages in May 1743
June 1743
5''' John Hodson of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex and Martha Barber of the same Parish : by the Eev"^.- John
Evans, with Licence.
19 David Lane of Saint Dunstan in the West London and Mary Neal of Hamp-
stead in the County of Middlesex : by the Rev^: Thomas Rayne, with
23 Thomas Ehodes of the Parish of S*. Pancras in the County of Middlesex and
Deborah Rawlinson of the same Parish : by the Eev*^: John Evans, with
July 1743
IS*** Henry Hemsley of the Parish of S'. James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Ann Eorsard of the same Parish : by the Eev**: John
Evans, with Licence.
18 William Constable of the Parish of S^ James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Ann Warren of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John
Evans, with Licence
21 Benjamin Godin of the Parish of S^ James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Elizabeth Boatson of the same Parish : by the Eev^: John
Evans, with Licence.
August 1743
13'^ Eichard Jackson of the Parish of Saint Paul Covent Garden in the County
of Middlesex and Jane Shaw of the Parish of Saint Martin in the
Fields in the County aforesaid : by the Eev'': John Howess, with Licence.
September 1743
11^*1 John Johnston of the Parish of Saint Dunstan in the West London and Mar-
garet Prichard of the Parish of Saint Paul Covent Garden in the County
of Middlesex : by the Eev*^: John Hughes, with Licence
22 Zachariah Eomaine of the Parish of S*. Mary Eotherhith in the County of
Surry and Catherine Greenstreet of Canterbury in the County of Kent:
by the Eev'^: John Evans, with Licence.
25 John Yenn of the Parish of S^ Lawrence Jewry London and Elizabeth
Smallman of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex : by the Eev*^: John Evans, with Licence
Chables Tough Eect^
'Rich^: Hodges ]
Gabriel Fouace > Church- Wardens
Jn°: HumphrysJ
October 1743
14,th 'William Stanfield of the Parish of S*. Andrew Holbourn in the County of
Middlesex and Mary Collier of the same Parish : by the Eev**: John
Evans, with Licence.
20 John Willson of the Parish of Saint James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Elizabeth Moseley of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John
Evans, with Licence.
November 1743
17"' Samuel Clapham of S^ George in the County of Middlesex and Hester Per-
cival of S^ George in Southwark in the County of Surry by the
Eev'': John Piddiug with Licence.
17 George Armstrong of the Tower of London and Isabella Lucas of the Parish
of All-hallows Barking Loudon : by the Eev*^: John Pidding, with
December 1743
4^*^ David Hunt of the Parish of S*. Clement Danes in the County of Middlesex
and Elizabeth, Sutton of the Parish of S*^. Giles in the Fields in the said
County : by the Eev**: John Evans, with Licence
January 1743
No Marriages
Eebruary 1743
3'^ James Miles of the Parish of Saint Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex and Jane Place of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John Evans,
with Licence.
4 The Eev'': William Kay of the Parish of Eipley in the County of York and
Sarah Darley of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John Evans, with
5 Charles Barrow of Windsor in the County of Berks and Ann Todd of the
same Place by the Eev'^: John Evans, with Licence.
18 Eobert Bakewell of the Parish of S^ Pancras in the County of Middlesex and
Sarah Ware of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes in the said County of
Middlesex : by the Eev'': John Evans, with Licence.
Chaeles Tough Eecf.
Eich"!: Hodges T
Gabriel Pouace > Church- Wardens
Jn": HumphrysJ
March 1744
28^'*' Jeffery Eejnolds of S^ George Bloomsbury in Middlesex and Elizabeth
Wright of Lambeth in Surry : by M'' John Pidding, with Licence.
29 William Dyer of the Parish of Saint James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Elizabeth HinchlifEe of the Parish of S^ John Southwark
in the County of Surry : by the Eev'': John Hughes with Licence.
April 1744
2^ Daniel Lee of the Parish of Saint James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex, and Martha Gwynn of the same Parish : by the Eev**: John
Hughes, with Licence.
8 John Cock of the Parish of S'. Margaret Westminster in the County of
Middlesex, and Mary York of the same Parish : by the Eev'^: John Evans,
with Licence.
May 1744
S** Simon Bradstreet of the Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields in the County
of Middlesex and Anna-Elizabetha Bealing of the Parish of Saint Anne
Westminster in the same County: by the Eev'': John Evans, with
19 Charles Ehodes of the Parish of Isleworth in the County of Middlesex, and
Susannah-Antoinette Mariette of the Parish of S'. James Westminster
in the said County: by the Eev'': John Evans, Avith Licence.
20 Alexander Anderson of the Parish of S'. Ann Westminster in the County of
Middlesex, and Esther Eay of the same Parish: by the Eev'': John
Hughes, with Licence
June 1744
6*i» Bichard Luffman of the Parish of S*. Clement Danes in the County of
Middlesex, and Margaret Biggs of the same Parish : by the Eev'': Grifl5th
Williams, with Licence
10 Thomas Greening of the Parish of S^ Anne Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Anne Heath of the same Parish : by the Eev''. John
Evans, with Licence.
13 James Law of the Parish of S*. Giles in the Pields in the County of Middle-
sex, and Mary Devaux of the same Parish : by the Eev**. John Evans,
with Licence
17 Eobert Townsend of the Parish of Saint John the Evangelist Westminster in
the County of Middlesex, and Prances Merriman of the Parish of Saint
James Westminster in the same County : by the Eev*': John Evans, with
Charles Tough Eecf.
Eich'': Hodges ")
Gabriel Fouace > Church- Wardens
Will'": Harris J
July 1744
7"' Thomas Plowman of the Parish of Saint Margaret Westminster in the County
of Middlesex and Sarah Watkins of the same Parish and County ; by the
Eev**: John Hughes with Licence
12 Samuel Eowlands of the Parish of S*. Giles in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex and Elizabeth Eichardson of the same Parish : by the Eev'':
John Evans, with Licence.
26 Eobert Hutchinson of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes in the County of
Middlesex and Elizabeth Marr of the same Parish : by the Eev": John
Hughes, with Licence
29 John Edns of the Parish of S^. James Westminster in the County of Middlesex
and Margaret Colebatch of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the
County aforesaid : by the Eev'': John Evans, with Licence.
August 1744
23t'> Peter Ferry of the Parish of S'. Mary Le Strand in the County of Middlesex
and Philippa Leeson of the same Parish : by the Eev**: John Butler Curate
of S'. Mary Le Strand, with Licence
September 1744
2** John Bainton of the Parish of S'. Margaret Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Edith Clibbon of the same Parish : by the Eev**: John
Hughes, with Licence.
3 Matthew Jones of the Parish of new Brentford in the County of Middlesex
and Elizabeth Hall of the Parish of S'. Andrew Holborn in the County
of Middlesex : by the Eev'': John Hughes, with Licence.
25 "William Garrett of Enfield in the County of Middlesex and INJaria Harris of
Enfield aforesaid : by the Eev"^.- John Howees, with Licence.
October 1744
9^'' John-Francis Guichard of the Parish of Saint Ann Westminster in the
County of Middlesex and Jane Fornet of the same Parish : by the Eev^:
John Evans, with Licence
25 John Grainger of the Parish of Saint James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Eebeccah Morris of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John
Hughes, with Licence.
Charles Totjgh Eeef,
Eich'i: Hodges "I
Gabriel Fouace > Church-Wardens
Will": Harris J
N'ovember 1744
25'^' Jonathan Buckley of the Parish of S^ Giles in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex, and Elizabeth Mazine of the same Parish: by the Eev'':
Charles Thomas, with Licence
25 John Eich of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of Middle-
sex, and Priscilla AVilford of the same Parish : by the Eev'': Charles
Thomas, with Licence.
December 1744
13'^ Thomas Brown of the Parish of S'. Saviour's Southwark in the County of
Surry and Sarah Brown of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in the
County of Middlesex by the Eev'^: John Pidding with Licence.
26 John Eobinson the Younger of CransUy in the County of Northampton and
Dorothea Chester of the Parish of S^ Clement Danes in the County of
Middlesex : by the Eev*": Anthony Chester, with Licence.
January 1744
10^^ Francis Barlow of Middlethorpe in the County of the City of York Esquire
and Elizabeth Carter of the Parish of ADhallows in the County of
Cumberland : by the Eev^: Anthony Chester, with Licence.
February 1744
14^^ Charles Lucas of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County of Middlesex, and
Elizabeth Hubbard of the same Parish : by the Eev"^: Charles Tough, with
17 Thomas Endley of the Parish of S*. James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Mary Jarvis of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John Evans,
with Licence.
21 William Bellas of Edmonton in the County of Middlesex and Mary Selbee of
the same Place : by the Eev'': .John Evans, with Licence.
26 Anthony Wigley of the Parish of S*. Anne Black-Fryers London, and
Elizabeth Leech of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County
of Middlesex : by the Eev*": John Evans, with Licence.
March 1744
7'!' Eobert Wilkinson of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex and Eleanor Blood of the same Parish : by the Eev'^. John
Evans, with Licence.
Charles Tough Kecf
Eich"!: Hodges "l
Gabriel Eouace > Church-Wardens
Will'": Harris J
April 1745
3'' Jeffery Whitney of the Parish of S*. George Hanover Square in the County
of Middlesex and Sophia MuUiner of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John
Hughes, with Licence.
15 Carew JVewman of the Parish of S'. Mary Bothaw London, and Elizabeth
Martin of the same Parish : by the Eev"^: John Evans, with Licence.
17 John Quarn of the Parish of Lambourn in the County of Essex, and Margery
Nickels of the Parish of AVoodford in the County aforesaid : by the
Eev"^: John Evans, with Licence
May 1745
No Marriages
June 1745
2'' Eobert D'Oyly of the Parish of Saint* George the Martyr in the County of
Middlesex and Mary Langley of the Parish of Saint Giles in the Fields
in the same County: by the B.ev'^: John Evans, with Licence.
July 1745
No Marriages
August 1745
IV^ Kichard French of the Parish of S^ James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Hannah Eeevcs of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John
Evans, with Licence.
September 1745
29th William Lipscomb of the Parish of S^ Clement Danes in the County of
Middlesex, and Susanna Coats of the same Parish : by the Eev"^: John
Evans, with Licence.
30 Samuel Horder of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in tlie County of
Middlesex, and Frances Barter of the same Parish : by the Eev'^: John
Evans, by Banns.
Chaeles Tough Eect'.
Gabriel Fouace"]
Jn°: Humphrys > Church-Wardens
Fra^: Smyth J
October 1745
20"'. Philip Cole of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex and Sarah Julian of the same Parish : by the Eev"': John
Evans, with Licence.
* Written over an erasure.— Ed,
30 Nicholas Douglass of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex and Mary Prunett of the same Parish : by the Eev*': John
Evans, by Banns.
November 1745
2'' John Hume of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County of Mid-
dlesex and Elizabeth Seare of the same Parish : by the Rev*^: John Evans,
with Licence.
12 John Wilkinson of the Parish of Saint James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Elizabeth Sanders of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John
Evans, Avith Licence
19 Dennis Delane of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex, and Margaretta Horsington of the same Parish : by the
Rev'': John Evans, with Licence.
December 1745
7th "Winiam Ker of the Parish of S^ Mary Le Strand in the County of Middlesex
and Elizabeth Scott of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John Hughes, with
January 1745
l*' John Middleton of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Grarden in the County of
Middx : and Mary Rask of the same Parish and County : by the
Rev'': John Evans, by Banns.
3 James Mills of West Drayton in the County of Middlesex, and Elizabeth
Blackman of Colubrook in the County of Bucks : by the Rev'': John
Evans, with Liceace.
20 John Cowper of the Parish of S*. Andrew Holborn in the County of Middle-
sex, and Eleanor Barlow of the said Parish of S^ Andrew Holborn : by
the Rev'': John Evans, with Licence
February 1745
ll'*> Alexander Robertson of the Parish of Saint Margaret in the City of West-
minster and Mary Hughes of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John
Evans, with Licence.
March 1746
27th "\^illiam Sugdon of the Parish of S'. Saviour Southwark in the County of
Surry, and Elizabeth Sparrow of the same Parish : by the Rev'': Charles
Tough, with Licence.
Chaeles Tough Rect^
Grabriel Fouace 1
Jn": Humphry s > Church- Wardens
Fra^: Smyth J
April 1746
5ih William Manfield of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Grarden in the County of
Middx : and Anne Hutchinson of the same Parish : by the Rev'': Charles
Tough, by Banns.
6 James Beete of the Parish of S^ Luke in the County of Middlesex and Ellen
Wall of the Parish of S'. Qeorge Hanover Square in the County afore-
said: by the Rev'': Charles Tough with Licence
7 Thomas Grosheron of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Gl-arden in the County of
Middx : and Aune Low of the same Parish : by the Rev'^: Charles Tough,
by Banns
22 Eobert Lane of the Parish of S*. Andrew Undershaft London and Eleanor
Lumley of the Parish of S*. George Hanover Square in the County of
Middlesex : by the Eev"*: Charles Tough, with Licence.
25 Thomas .Jones of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx and Elizabeth Jabow of the same Parish : by the Eev*^: Charles
Tough, by Banns.
May 1746
4'^ Kichard Carr of the Parish of Iver in the County of Buckingham and Eliza-
beth Shaw of the Parish of Great S*. Hellen London : by the Eev'^: Charles
Tough, with Licence.
26 "William Harry of Saint Ives in the County of Cornwall and Grace Bagwell
of Thames Ditton in the County of Surry: by the Eev'': Charles Tough,
with Licence.
27 William Wild of the Parish of S*. Anne Westm': in the County of Middx :
and Elizabeth Moakson of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the
County aforesaid : by the Eev"^: John Evans, by Banns.
June 1746
5*^ Thomas Dickenson of the Parish of Great Barford in the County of Bedford
and Mary Bermck of the Parish of S'. George Bloomsbury in the
County of Middlesex: by the Eev'^: John Evans, with Licence.
.July 1746
6^^ Francis Williams of the Parish of S'. Giles Cripplegate London and Anne
Eeynolds of the same Parish: by the Eev'^: John Evans, with Licence.
29 Charles Dartiquenave of the Parish of Saint Anne Westminster ia the
County of Middlesex Esq'', and Anne Elliot of the same Parish : by the
Eev**: John Hughes, with Licence.
Chaeles Toi'gh Eecf
Ju°. Humphrys "]
Tho^ Stephens > Church- Wardens
Henry Minekye J
August 1746
No Marriages
September 1746
No Marriages
October 1746
No Marriages
November 1746
10*'' Samuel Walker of the Parish of Christ-Church in the County of Middlesex
and Elizabeth Eecves of the Parish of S^ Mary Le Strand iu the same
County: by the Eev'': John Pidding, with Licence.
December 1746
28"' Thomas Heaton of the Parish of S'. Duustan in the West London and
Mary Watts of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields iu the County of
Middlesex: by the Eev'': John Evans, with Licence.
January 1746
No Marriages
Marriages. 173
February 1746
3th ■WTilliam Martin of the Parish of S'. James Garlich-Hith London, and Ann
Ironmonger of the Parish of S'. Griles in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex: by the Re"v^: John Howess, with Licence
March 1746
2^ Samuel Bickley of the Parish of S^ Sepulchre London and Isabella Holder
of the Parish of S'. Q-eorge Queen Square in the County of Middlesex :
by the Rev'': John Evans, with Licence.
Chaeles Tough.
Jn°: Humphrys "1
Tho^: Stephens > Church-Wardens
Henry Minekye J
April 1747
l^th "VVilliam Jones of the Parish of S*^. G-eorge Hanover Square in the County of
Middlesex and Sarah French of the Parish of S'. James Westminster in
the County aforesaid : by the Rev'*: John Evans, with Licence.
25 Richard Fayerman of Chedgrave in the County of Norfolk and Mary
Matthews of the Town of Cambridge : by the R^ Eev'': Father in God
Thomas Lord Bishop of Norwich, with Licence.
30 Thomas Axford of the Parish of S^ Clement Danes in the County of Middle-
sex and Susannah Hawkesley of the Parish of S'. Giles in the Fields in
the same County : by the ReV^: John Howess, with Licence.
May 1747
17^^^ Samuel Card of the Parish of S*. Margaret Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Christian-Moore Knackstone of the Parish of S'. Martin
in the Fields in the same County : by the Rev*^: John Evans, with
17 Thomas Death of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex and Margaret Feakes of the Parish of Bury S'. Edmund in
the County of Suffolk : by the Rev'': John Evans, with Licence
June 1747
27"* Peregrine Jones of the Parish of S'. G-eorge Hanover Square in the County
of Middlesex and Ann G-eorge of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John
Evans, with Licence
27 John Carter of the Parish of Fulham in the County of Middlesex, and
Martha Astin of the same Parish: by the Rev'': John Evans, with
July 1747
20'^ Thomas Briggs of the Parish of S', James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Jane Eberson of the Parish of S*. Andrew Holborn in the
same County: by the Rev'': John Howess, with Licence
26 Richard Bullock of the Parish of S'. James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Jane Moody of the Parish of S'. Andrew Holborn in the
same County: by the Rev''. Strickland Gough. Rector of Swafield, and
Vicar of Swiustead in Lincolnshire, with Licence.
28 John Johnson of the Parish of Saint Margaret Westminster in the County
of Middlesex and Elizabeth Bull of the same Parish : by the ReV*: John
Howess, \vith Licence.
August 1747
No Marriages
Charles Totjgh Eecf,
Jn'^: Huraphrys"!
Tllo^ Stephens > Church-Wardens
Will: Dunton J
September 1747
28^^ Barney Quin of the Parish of UK Paul Coveut Garden in the County of
Middx : and Mary Lidgard of the same Parish : by the Rev'': .John
Howess, by Banns
30 Richard Leland of the Parish of S^ James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex Esquire and Judith Philipps of the same Parish : by the Rev'':
Edward Darell, with Licence.
October 1747
gtii William Mills of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex and Eleanor Scott of the same Parish; by the Rev*: John
Howess, with Licence.
15 Charles Tutop of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex, and Eleanor Eadlau of the Parish of S^ Margaret Westmin-
ster in the said County : by the Rev'^: John Evans, -nath Licence.
22 Thomas Corderoy of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx : aud Anne Howes of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John Evans,
by Banns.
November 1747
2^5th Francis Palmer of the Parish of Saint Lawrence Poultney London, and Mary
Starkey of the Parish of Saint Austin's London : by the Rev"^: John
Howess, with Licence.
December 1747
No Marriages
January 1747
2^ William How of the Parish of S"^. George Bloomsbury in the County of
Middlesex aud Grace Pollitt of the same Parish : by the Rev'': Edward
Darell, with Licence
28 Joseph Bird of the Parish of S^ Duustan Stepney in the County of Middlesex
and Martha Godfrey of the Parish of S^ Ann iu the same County: by
the Rev'': Charles Tough, with Licence.
February 1747
4'^'' Robert Uncles of the Parish of S*^. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx : and Anne Hunt of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John Howess,
by Banna.
11 Robert Palin of the Parish of S'. Giles in the Fields iu the County of
Middlesex, and Mary Shallcross of the Parish of S*^. John the Evangelist
Westminster in the said County by the Rev'': John Evans, with
Chables Tough Rect"^
Jn°. Humphrys"!
Tho*. Stephens > Church- Wardens
Will: Duutou J
February 1747
13"' Thomas Nickalls of the Parish of Saint Gregory London and Mary Sparrow
of the Parish of Saint Mary "Woolnoth London : by the Eev'': John
Evans, with Licence.
14 Benjamin Pace of the Parish of S^ Mary Le Strand in the County of Middx:
and Mary Crawford "Widow of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in
the same County: by the Eev''. John Howcss, by Banns
21 William Halfpenny of the Parish of S'. James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Mary Harris of the Parish of Saint Anne Westminster in
the County of ■Middlesex : by the Eev'': John Pidding, with Licence.
27 Bennett Puddephatt of Hemel-Hempsted in the County of Hertford and
Esther King of Kings-Langley in the County aforesaid : by the Pev'':
John Evans, with Licence
March 1747
No Marriages
April 1748
16*'' William Goodall of the Parish of S*. James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Frances Eotheram of the Parish of S^ Anne Soho in the
same County : by the Eev'': John Howess, with Licence.
May 1748
No Marriages
June 1748
30*'^ Eichard Parsons of the Precinct of White Fryars London and Mary Butler
of Hackney in the County of Middlesex : by the Eev'': John Howess,
with Licence
July 1748
7*^* John Bentley of the Parish of Saint Mary Le Bone in the County of Middle-
sex, and Ann Sibley of the Parish of Stiidham in the County of Bedford :
by the Eev**: David Jenks, with Licence.
August 1748
23** John Leaf of the Parish of S^ James Westminster in the County of Middx :
and Jane Legas of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields in the County
aforesaid : by the Eev'': John Evans, with Licence.
Chaeles Tough Eecf.
Tho^ Stephens 1
John Eawlins > Church- AVardens.
Alex''. Gage J
September 1748
7'^ Eichard Sale of the Parish of Saint Ann Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Elizabeth Stevens of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John
Evans, with Licence.
October 1748
No Marriages
November 1748
4*h Joseph Slaughter of the Parish of S^ Mary Lambeth in the County of Surry
and Jane LLoyd of Portsmouth in the County of Southampton : by the
Eev'': John Evans, with Licence
8 Joseph Addington of the Parish of Saint Margaret Westminster in the County
of Middlesex and Frances Belcher of the same Parish : by the Rev*': John
Evans, with Licence.
30 William-Mostyn Haliday of the Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields in the
County of Middlesex and Sarah Lewis of the same Parish : by the Eev'^:
John Evans, with Licence.
December 1748
2'' John Thompson of tlie Parish of S'. Anne "Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Hannah Alsop of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden
in the County aforesaid : by the Eev'': John Evans, by Banns.
25 Christian -Philip Heideman of the Parish of St^. Paul Covent Garden in the
County of Middx : and Phillis Nipping of the same Parish : by the Eev*":
John Evans, by Banns.
January 1748
5^^ Thomas Kippax of the Parish of S^ Mary Le bone in the County of Middx :
and Martha Pocock of Hammersmith in the same County : by the Eev^:
John Evans, with Licence
19 John Evans of the Parish of S*. Giles in the Fields in the County of Middle-
sex and Hannah Nokes of of* the same Parish : by the EeV": John Evans,
with Licence.
19 John Wiggs of the Parish of S*. George Hanover Square in the County of
Middx : and Anne Budgin of the same Parish : by the Eev*": John Evans,
with Licence.
Charles Tough Eect'"
Tho^ Stephens'!
John Eawlins > Church-Wardens
Alex Gage J
February 1748
5^'' ClufF Bobcry of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx : ' and Elizabeth Elston of the same Parish : by the Eev^: John
HoAvess, by Banns.
7 James Maule of the Town of Eichmond in the County of Surry and Sarah
Flint of the Parish of S'. Margaret Westminster in the County of
Middlesex : by the Eev"^: John Howess, with Licence.
March 1748
No Marriages
April 1749
6"' Eobert Abbott of the Parish of Wisbich S^ Peter in the Isle of Ely, and
Hannah Miles of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx : by the Eev'': John Howess, with Licence.
30 Joseph Sherburn of the Parish of Saint Mary Eotherhith in the County of
Surry, and Statira Fawkener of the Parish of Saint John Southwark in
the County of Surry : by the Eev": John Howess, with Licence.
* Sic.
May 1749
27*'> Mark Story of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex, and Prances Sparks of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John
Howess, Avith Licence.
27 Jonathan Blowers of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middx : and Elizabeth Showell of the Parish of S'. Ann in the County
aforesaid : by the Eev*^: John Howess, with Licence
June 1749
4,th "VVilliam Thomlinson of the Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields in the County
of Middlesex, and Susanna Hunter of the same Parish : by the Eev^:
John Howess, with Licence
13 William Wood of the Parish of Bromley, in the County of Kent, and Martha
Brett of the Parish of S'. Margaret Westminster in the County of
Middlesex ; by the Rev'': John Evans, with Licence
19 Xewland Martin of the Parish of Saint James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex : and Elizabeth Meebowm of the Parish of Saint George
Bloomsbury in the County aforesaid : by the Eev*': John Evans, with
July 1749
4'^' The Reverend AVilliam Howard of Stanlake in the County of Oxford Doctor
in Divinity, and Mary Meetherke of Rushden in the County of Hertford :
by the Rev'': Charles Meetherke, LL.B. with Licence.
13"' John Hetley of the Parish of S^ John Hackney in the County of Middlesex,
and Susannah Jones of the Parish of S*. Andrew Holborn in the same
County: by the Rev'': Samuel Brafield, with Licence.
Charles Tough Rector
Tho^ Stephens
John Rawlins /> Church- Wardens
Arlander Dobson J
August 1749
1^*. William Grange of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Miadx : and Eleanor Turner of the same Parish : by the Rev*!: John
Howess, by Banns.
3 John Laight of the Parish of S'. Mary Le Bone in the County of Middlesex
and Sarah Cunstable of the Parish of S^ James AVestminster in the same
County: by the Rev**: John Howess, with Licence.
6 James Williams of Saint George Bloomsbury in the County of Middlesex and
Frances Lambert of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John Howess, with
8 Robert Powney of the Parish of S*. Stephen Coleman London, and Ann
Mazel of the same Parish : by the Rev*": John Howess, with Licence.
September 1749
24*" Robert Gillett of the Parish of Saint Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex and Jane Luff of the same Parish : by the Rev'*: John Evans,
with Licence.
October 1749
10'^ Henry Woodward of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex and Jane Hall of the same Parish : by the Rev*": John Howess,
with Licence
14 Samuel Williams of the Parish of Saint Clement Danes in the County of Mid-
dlesex, and Elizabeth Thames of the Parish of Saint James "Westminster
in the same County: by the Kev'': John Evans, with Licence.
22 Thomas Lane of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex and Anne Bishop of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in
the same County : by the Eev'': Samuel Brafield, with Licence.
31 Kichard Potter of the Parish of Saint Sepulchre London and Elizabeth Taylor
of the same Parish : by the Rev*^: John Evans with Licence.
November 1749
2* Richard Bartrum of the Parish of Saint Ann "Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Martha "Warrington of the same Parish: by the Rev'':
John Howesa, with Licence
20 Joseph Rust of the Parish of Saint Mary White-Chapel in the County of
Middlesex, and Sarah Lawrence of the Parish of Saint Thomas South-
wark in the County of Surry, by the Rev*^. Robert Billio, with Licence.
Chaeles Tough Rector
Tho«. Stephens 1
John Rawlins > Church -Wardens
Arlander Dobson J
December 1749
31 Thomas Parker of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex, and Elizabeth Strong of the same Parish : by the Rev*": John
Howess, by Banns
January 1749
1^* John Raper of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of Middle-
sex and Mary Roberts of the Parish of AUhallows Breadstreet London :
by the Rev'': John Howess, with Licence
10 The Rev'': William Bidwell of S'. Neots in the County of Huntingdon and
Joyce Manlove of the Parish of S^ Andrew Holborn in the County of
Middx : by the Rev"': John Evans, Avith Licence.
February 1749
13*'' AVilliam Bizett of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes in the County of Middle-
sex and Mary Serle of the Parish of Saint Botolph Bishop-gate London :
by the Rev'': Charles Tough, with Licence.
13 John Southam of Ash-Gibbon in the County of Bucks and Elizabeth Newman
of the Parish of S*. Gregory London : by the Rev**: Charles Tough, with
24 John Bagnall of Hatton Garden in the County of Middlx: Esquire, and Mary
Downing of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlx : by the Rev'': Thomas Francklin, with Licence.
25 William Broughton of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County
of Middx : and Sarah Curtis of the same Parish : by the Rev'': Samuel
Brafield, by Banns.
March 1749
S*** John Miller of Harting in the County of Sussex, and Mary Fuller of Wher-
well in the County of Hants : by the Rev**: John Evans, with Licence.
18 Thomas Michon of the Parish of S'. Luke in the County of Middx : and
Dorothy Gallon of the same Parish : by the Rev'': Samuel Brafield, with
March 1750
26 John Lewin of the Parish of Bushy in the County of Hertford and Mary
Toovey of the Parish of Watford in the County aforesaid: by the
Rev*': John Evans, with Licence.
Chaeles Tough Eector
Tho^ Stephens ]
John Rawlins > Church-Wardens
Arl Dobson J
April 1750
26"' Benjamin TurnbuU of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County
of Middx : and Catherine Broomsgrove of the same Parish : by the
Rev'': John Evans, by Banns.
May 1750
15"'. Ralph- Wardlaw of the Parish of S'. Margaret Westminster in the County
of Middlesex, and Mary Dare of Kensington in the same County: by the
Rev'': John Evans, with Licence
20 Walsingham Dowdeswell of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes in the County
of Middlesex, and Betty Stone of the Parish of S^ Griles in the same
County: by the Rev'': John Howess, with Licence.
June 1750
IS"* Lewis Cockram of the Parish of S'. George Bloomsbury iu the County of
Middlesex, and Elizabeth Homan of the Parish of S*. Giles in the Eields,
in the same County: by the Rev'': John Howess, Avith Licence
July 1750
8*'' Richard Seers of the Parish of S'. Mary Le Strand iu the County of Middle-
sex, and Martha Pengiley of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John Howess,
with Licence
August 1750
7"* Benjamin Cooper of the Parish of S^ Giles in the Eields in the County of
Middlesex and Grace Robinson of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden
in the same County: by the Rev^: Samuel Brafield with Licence
September 1750
X4tu William Oldfield of Chelsea iu the County of Middlesex and Elizabeth
Jackson of the Parish of Saiut Vedast, alias Poster, London : by the
Rev'': John Howess, \vith Licence
Chaeles Tough Rector
John Rawlins I
Edward Feline > Church -Wardens
Sam Baker J
October 1750
No Marriages
November 1750
13''' John ShefFard of the Parish of S^ George Bloomsbury in the County of
Middlesex, and Elizabeth Davis of Brockley in the County of "Worcester:
by the Eev"*: John Evans, with Licence.
December 1750
9*'' John Robertson of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex and Mary Hall of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John
Howess, with Licence.
9 Abraham Julien of the Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex and Jane Ogier of the Liberty of Norton Falgate in the same
County: by the Rev"^: John Evans, with Licence
13 John AVillson of Richmond in the County of Surry and Ann Parkes of the
Parish of Chelsea in the County of Middlesex : hj the Rev^: John Evans,
with Licence.
16 Isaac Lucas of the Parish of Saint Sepulchre London and Anne Strange of
the Parish of Saint Andrew Holbourn London : by the Rev'': John
Evans, with Licence.
January 1750
6"' Paul Yillepierre of the Parish of S*. Bartholomew the Less Loudon and
Rachael Baker of the Parish of S*. Clement Danes in the County of Mid-
dlesex : by the Rev'': Henry O Neil, with Licence.
26 Thomas Curryer of S^ James (xarlick-Hithe London and Mary Mecascree of
the Parish of Saint Botolph Aldersgate London : by the Rev*": William
Reyuer Rector of S'. Mary-Magdalen Old Fish Street, London, with
February 1750
2'' James Tillie of the Parish of Pillaton in the County of Cornwall and Mary
Buckhurst of the Parish of Fulham in the County of Middlesex by the
Rev'': John Evans, with Licence.
14 Thomas Boson of the Parish of Saint Dunstan in the AVest London, and
Elizabeth Gilbert of the Parish of Saint Paul Covent Garden in the
County of Middlesex : by the Rev'': Charles Tough, with Licence.
17 John Sheller of the Parish of Saint James AV^estminster in the County of
Middlesex and Elizabeth Wright of the same Parish: by the Rev'': John
Jones, with Licence
Charles Tough Rector
John Rawlins 1
Sam Baker > Church-Wardens
Edward Feline J
March 1750 & 1751
No Marriages
April 1751.
15^'' Robert Stack of the Parish of Saint George Hanover Square in the County
of Middlesex Esq'": and Anne Tullie of the same Parish: by the Rev'':
William Horner, with Licence.
20 Henry Holloway of the Parish of S'. Mary Magdalen Bermondsey in the
County of Surry, and Ann Downing of the same Parish: by the Rev'':
William Horner, with Licence
30 James Da^dson of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middx: and Kebecca Wiseman of the same Parish: by the Eev^: "William
Horner, by Banns.
May 1751
1«* John Kearl of Chilton in the County of Somerset, and Mary Smith of Wells
in the same County: by the Rev'': William Hornei*, with Licence
20 James Porter of the Parish of S'. Andrew Holborn in the County of Middle-
sex and Pheebe Congreve of the Parish of 8'. Mary WhitCrChappel in
the said County : by the EeV': William Horner, with Licence.
26 Blois De Blois of the Parish of S'. Bartholomew the Great, London, and
Dorothy Hartrup of the Parish of S^ Clement Danes in the County of
Middlesex : by the Eev*!: William Horner, with Licence.
June 1751
16"' Robert Gardner of the Parish of S^ Clement Danes in the County of Middle-
sex and Mary Cook of the same Parish: by the Rev'^: Henry O Neil, with
23 Joseph Smith of the Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex, and Ann Meredith of the same Parish: by the Rev^: William
Horuer, wath Licence
26 Samuel Morris of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex, and Panuy Ma-Cave of the same Parish: by the Rev'': John
Evans, Avith Licence.
Charles Tough Reef.
John Rawlins 1
Sam Baker > Church- Wardens
John Rigg. J
July 1751.
yth "William Tyler of the Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex and Elizabeth Yitu of the Parish of S'. Giles in the Fields in
the same County: by the Rev'': William Hoimer, with Licence
14; Richard Evans of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex and Elizabeth Roberts of the same Parish: by the Rev'':
William Horner, with Licence.
23 Hugh Whishaw of the Parish of Saint Clement Danes in the Coiinty of
Middlesex and Mary Jarvis of the Parish of Saint Ann Westminster in
the same County: by the Rev'': John Evans, with Licence.
23 Adam Smith of the Parish of Saint James AVestminster in the County of
Middlesex and Mary Durson of the same Parish: by the Rev'': John
Evans, with Licence
August 1751.
11"* Daniel Wagstaff of the Parish of Saint George the Martyr in the County of
Middlesex and Margaret Coats of the same Parish: by the Rev"': William
Horner, with Licence.
31 William Johnson of the Parish of S'. James Westmiuster in the County of
iMiddlesex and Rachel Mins of the same Parish: by the Rev'': William
Horner, with Licence.
September 1751
No Marriages
October 1751
3C> Eichard Price of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent G-arden in the County of
Middx: and Elizabeth Stone of the same Parish: by the Eev'': John
Evans, by Banns.
November 1751
28*'' William Bradley of Micklesham in the County of Surry and Elizabeth Fowler
of the Parish of Saint Antholin London: by the Eev'': William Horner,
with Licence
December 1751
l^t Theophilus Clayton of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent G-arden in the Count of
Middx: and Elizabeth Mires of the same Parish: by the Eev'': William
Horner, by Banns.
Charles Tough Eector
John Eawlins "]
Sam Baker > Church-Wardens
John Eigg J
December 1751
7*'' Fisher Littleton of the Middle Temj)le London Esq"": and Mary Seace of the
City of Norwich : by the Eev'': John Evans, with Licence
15 Thomas Grubb of the Parish of Saint Giles in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex and Eleanor Giles of the Parish of S*-. George Hanover Square
in the said County : by the Eev'': John Jones, with Licence.
January 1752
No Marriages
10"' John Watson of the Parish of S*^. Martin in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex, and Ann Kench of of* the same Parish : by the Eev'': William
Horner, with Licence.
March 1752
V*- Peter Deyman of Woolwich in the County of Kent and Elizabeth Foxall of
the Parish of S^ Paul Coveat Garden in the County of Middlesex: by
the Eev'': Thomas Barker M.A. Eector of Grittleton, Wilts, with
17"' The Eeverend William Horler of the Parish of Saint Paul Covent Garden in
the County of Middlesex, and Elizabeth Boughton of the Parish of
Saint Martin in the Fields in the same County : by the Eev'': J. Jones,
with Licence.
April 1752
2'' William Lewthwait of the Parish of Thoydou Garnon in the County of Essex
and Elizabeth Wood of the Parish of Saint Paul Covent Garden in the
County of Middlesex: by the Eev'': John Evans, with Licence.
16 William Nourse of Hammersmith in the Parish of Pulham in the County of
Middlesex and Sarah Goodwin of the same Place: by the Eev'': William
Horler, with Licence
* Sic.
30 Peter Albert of the Parish of Christ-Church in the County of Middlesex and
Judith Chavanon of the Parish of Saint Giles in the Fields in the same
County ; by the Eev'': John Evans, with Licence.
Charles Tough Eector
John Eawlins 1
Sam Baker > Church- Wardens
John Eigg J
May 1752
13*1' Eichard Burcher of the Parish of S'. Giles in the Fields in the County of
Middlesex and Elizabeth Foden of the Precinct of White Fryars London:
by the E'': John Evans, with Licence.
June 1752
2*^ William Dowson of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middles* and Letitia Yanmoss of the same Parish: by the Eev'^: John
Evans, by Banns.
15 Wilham Knight of the Parish of S*. Clement Danes in the County of Middle-
sex, and Eebecca Moi'ris of the same Parish : by the Eev'': William
Horler, with Licence.
July 1752
7'^' John Smith of the Parish of S'. James Clerkenw-ell in the County of Middle-
sex, and Elizabeth Bell of the same Parish: by the Eev'': John Evans,
with Licence.
19 Joseph Graham of the Parish of S*. Clement Danes in the County of Middx :
and Eleanor Forrest of the Precinct of the Savoy in the same County by
the Eev'': William Horler, with Licence.
August 1752
No Marriages
Heee Endeth Old Style
New Style
September 1752
No Marriages
Charles Tough Eector
Arlander DobsonT
Sam Baker > Church- Wardens
Jn". Haekett J
October 1752
7*'' John Stammers of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex and Catharine Hauksbee of the Same Parish: by the
EeV: William Horler, with Licence.
* Sic.
12 Richard Harvey of the Parish of Tilmanstone in the County of Kent and
Catherine 8prinp;ett of the Parish of Saint Margaret Pattens London:
by the Kev*': Thomas Birch Rector of S'. Margaret Pattens, with
November 1752
19"' John Grain of the Parish of S'. Aldate in the City of Oxford and Ann Allin
of the same Parish : by the Rev**: William Horler, with Licence.
24 "William Trepsack of the Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields in the County
of Middlesex and Eleanor Sangwine of the same Parish : by the
Rev*^: William Horler, with I>icence.
December 1752
24"' .Tames AVilkinson of the Parish of Saint James Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Mary Hull of the same Parish: by the Rev: William
Horler, with Licence.
27 Edward White of the Paiish of Saint Bartholomew the Great, London, and
Mary Ellis of the Parish of Saint Clement Danes in the County of Mid-
dlesex : by the Rev'': William Horler, with Licence.
January 1753
1«' .James Evardell of Walton in the County of Somerset and Betty Troode of
the City of Wells in the said County: by the Re\^: William Horler,
with Licence
February 1753
No Marriages
March 1753
22'^ John Clapp of the Parish of Tinmouth in the County of Devon and Elizabeth
Hard well of the Parish of S'. Mary-Magdalen Bermondsey in the County
of Surry: by the Rev"^: John Evans, with Licence.
April 1753
No Marriages
^ CiiAELES Tough Rector
Arlander Dobson~j
Sam Baker > Church- Wardens
Jn": Hackett J
May 1753
6"' Richard Eshelby of the Parish of Saint Bartholomew the Great London and
Sarah Davis of the Parish of Saint John Hackney in the County of
Middlesex : by the Rev'': Chai-les Tough, with Licence.
6"* Jacob Sawger of the Parish of S'. Mary Le Strand in the County of Middle-
sex and Agnes Wakham of the Parish of S*. Olave Hart-Street London :
by the Rev'': Charles Tough, with Licence.
10 John Patrick of Elton in the County of Huntingdon and Anne Johnson of
the Parish of Saint Paul Covent Garden in the County of Middlesex: by
the Rev'': .John Evans, with Licence.
14 Frans-Von Mehnen of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields in the County
of Middlesex and Ann Alt of the same Parish : by the Rev'': John Evans,
A\ith Licence.
24 Timothy Etock of Hatfield in the County of Hertford and Frances Thomason
of the Parish of Saiut Martin in the Fields in the County of Middlesex :
by the Rev'': John Evans, with Licence
June 1753
12*'' John Henson of the Parish of Saint Clement Danes in the County of Middle-
sex and Ann Sharplin of the same Parish : by the Eev'': John Evans :
with Licence
July 1753
5^^ Henry Scott of the Parish of S'. James "Westminster in the County of Mid-
dlesex, and Ann Lingen of the Parish of Kensington in the same County:
by the Kev'': William Horler, with Licence.
August 1753
No Marriages
September 1753
20'*^ Eobert Allen of the Parish of S'. Margaret "Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Ann Hasold of the same Parish : by the Eev'': AVilliam
Horler, with Licence.
29 Benjamin Smith of the Parish of Saint Clement Danes in the County of
Middlesex, and Mary Sanderson of the Parish of Saint Mary Somerset
London : by the Rev'': AYilliam Horler, with Licence.
Chaeles Tough Rector
Sam Baker 1
John Rigg > Church -Wardens
Isaac Day J
October 1753
11*'^ John Allen of the City and County of Oxford, and Mary Williams of Acton
in the County of Middlesex : by the Rev'': William Horler, with Licence.
23'' AVilliam Innes of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex and Mary Orchard of the same Parish : by the Rev'': William
Horler, by Banns.
November 1753
No Marriages
December 1753
No Marriages
January 1754
4"' George Heusser of the Parish of Saint Ann Westminster in the County of
Middlesex and Elizabeth Alsop of the same Parish : by the Rev'': William
Horler, with Licence
13 Vincent Trehearn of the Parish of Saint Thomas Soiithwark in the County of
Surry, and Mary Shipton of Hillingdou in the County of Middlesex : by
the Rev'': Samuel Ely, with Licence.
1(5 John Spencer of Winfield in the County of Berks, and Mary Monck of the
same Place by the Rev'': William Horler, with Licence.
February 1754
21"' John Michell of Richmond in the County of Surry and Mary Lawrance of
the same Place by the Rev'': John Evans, with Licence.
21 Thomas Crompton of the Middle-Temple London, and Elizabeth Eigby of the
Parish of S'. Mary Le Strand in the County of Middlesex; by the
Eev'': John Evans, with Licence.
26 Is icholas Luff of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes in the County of Middlesex :
and Alice Lambert of the same Parish by the Eev'': John Evans, with
John Etans, Curate Assistant
John Eigg > Church-Wardens
March 1754
7'** George Egleston of the Parish of S*. Lawrence Jewry London and Isabella
Gibbon of the Parish of Saint Paul Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex : by the Eev**: John Evans, with Licence.
JoHx Evans Curate Assistant
Sam Baker 1
John Eigg > Church-Wardens,
Isaac Day J
Banns of Marriage Between Samuel Anson of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent
Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Batchelor ; and Eleanor Eobinson of
the Parish of S'. Clement Danes, in the same County, spinster; were
published on the 14"'. 2V^, and the 28"'. Day of April 1754, John Evans,
Banns of Marriage between Joseph Sheldon of the Parish of S*. Martin in the
Fields, in the County of Middx ; and Susanna Eeed of the Parish of S'. Paul,
Covent Garden, in the same County ; were published on the 16'^. 23'^ & 30*^^.
day of June 1754. Certificate given John Evans, Curate.
Banns of Marriage Between Thomas Archer* of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent
Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Widower; and Margaret Eackham of
the same Parish, and County, Widow ; were Published on the 9'^. 16'**. 23*^
Days of June 1754.
Banns of Marriage between John Godsell of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent
Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Batchelor ; and Mary White of the
Parish of S*. James, Westm'' : in the County aforesaid, Spinster ; were
Published September the I^^-S-IS, 1754, by me, W". G. Foster.
Banns of Marriage Between John Eoberts of Wandsworth, in the County of
Surry, Batchelor ; and Elizabeth AVheatley of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent
Garden, in the County of Middlesex ; were published on October the 6"', the
13"' & the 20"'. 1754, per me, W". Horler.
Banns of Marriage between Eobert Scofield* of the Parish of S*. Clave, Southwark,
in the County of Surry, Batchelor ; and Sarah Mitchell of the Parish of
S*. Paul, Covent Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; were
published on November the 24"': December 1^' & December y' S"" 1754.
W" Horler, Lector.
Banns of Marriage between Eobert Anderson* of tlie Parish of S^ Paul, Covent
Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Batchelor ; and Elizabeth Blea of the
Parish of S^ Andrew, Holborn, in the County ,t Spinster ; were publish'd
March 16'^, 23, 30, 1755. John Evans, Curate.
* Entry of Marriage also given.— En. t '^i"-
Banns of Marriage between Jacob Siadahl of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent
Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Batchelor ; and Cathei*ine-Maria Eappon
of the Parish of S'. James, "Westminster, Spinster ; were published March
the 23<i, 30"^ & April the &^\ 1755. April the 10*^ 1755, Certificate given,
John Evans.
Banns of Marriage between Richard Birch* of the Parish of S*. James, Westm"".,
in the County of Middlesex, Batchelor ; and Martha Kaney of the Parish of
S^ Paul, Covent Garden, in the same County, Spinster ; were published on
Feby ye 23*^ March y« 2'', 9''' by me, John Evans.
Banns of Mai'riage Between George Hailey* of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent
Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Batchelor; and Anne Clements of the
Parish of S^ Anne, Westminster, Spinster; were published on the 20"'. 27'^.
of April & the 4"' Day of May 1755 ; by me, John Evans.
Banns of Marriage between Benjamin Gale* of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent
Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Batchelor ; and Deborah Rowles of the
same Parish, and County, Spinste|| ; were published on April y*^ 20**', 27"' &
May the 4"'. 1755 ; by me, .Tohn Evans.
Banns of Marriage Between William Betts* of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent
Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Batchelor ; and Hannah Stephen of the
same, Avere published on April the 6"'. 13"'. & the 20"». 1755.
Banns of Marriage Between William Salmon* of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent
Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Batchelor ; and Isabella Atkinson of
the same Parish, Spinster ; were published on the 27*^. Day of July the 3*
Day of August and the 10*'* Day of August 1755.
Banns of Marriage Between James Heath,* Batchelor ; of the Parish of S^ Paul,
Covent Garden ; & Jane Carter of y^ same Parish, in County of Middlesex ;
published February 8"', 15"', 22'^ by me, John Evans, Curate.
William Ruthveu, of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden, in the County of
Middlesex, Widower, and Frances Littell of the Parish of S'. James, Clerken-
M'ell, in the same County, Spinster, were Married in this Church, by Licence
of the Bishop of London, this Twenty-Second Day of June, in the Tear One
Thousand, Seven Hundred, and Fifty-four by me,
John Etans, Curate.
^, . ,^ . 1 ■ J u 4. TT / The Mark of William W. R. Euthven
This Marriage was solemnized between Us < pj,„,,pgg -r-H\e
T ,1 T, p f Sam' Gilchrist
In the Presence of I ^^^^^^j^^^^^.^
3 July Charles Mandell of the Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth AllenJ of the Parish of
Saint Paul, Covent Garden, in the same County, Spinster; by Licence of
the Arch Bishop of Canterbury. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : John
Pearsall, Martha Waters.
21 July Thomas Archer§ of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Widower, Widower|| and Margaret Eackhani^ of
the Same Parish, and County, Widow ; by Banns. John Evans, Curate.
Witnesses : Charles Nollwyn, John Archer.
* Entry of Marriage also given. — Ed.
t The first of the following entries, written in the printed forms introduced in the year 1754,
is written in full. Afterwards, particulars are condensed in transcription. Any discrepancy in
the signatures of contracting parties is noticed and "Witnesses' names are always given. — Ed.
X Signed " Mandell " and erased. — Ed. § Banns also given. — Ed.
II -Sic. 7 Signed by mark. — Ed.
24 Aug. Henry Paulin of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Catherince* Mence of the Parish of
S'. Martin in the Fields in the County aforesaid, Spinster ; by Licence
of the Bishop of London. Ben Mence, Vicar of S' Pancras, Middlesex.
AVitnesses : C. T. Paulin, W. Stevens.
31 Aug. Philip White of the Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields, in the County
of Middlesex, Widower, and Mary Walstream of the Parish of Saint
Paul, CoA^ent Garden, in the County aforesaid. Widow ; by Licence of
Thomas Lord Bishop of London. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : Eob*.
White, Mary Markland.
4 Oct. Lawrencet Gray of the Middle Temple London, Batchelor, and
Elizabeth Gernier of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Spinster; by Licence of the Bishop of London.
W"*. Horler, Lector. Witnesses: Daniel Grignion, Jn": Alder.
17 Oct. Robert Ideson of the Parish of Saint Martin Orgar, London, Batchelor,
and Esther BrathwayteJ of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden,
in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence of the Bishop of
London. W™ Horler, Lector. Witnesses : Tho^ Stone, John Wooldridge.
27 Oct. Robert Devis of the Pai"ish of Saint George, Hanover Square, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Frances Batts§ of the Parish of
S* Paul, Covent Garden, in the same County, Spinster ; by Licence of
the Arch Bishop of Canterbury. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : Thomas
Perkin, Thomas Atkinson.
11 Nov. William Bowdler of the Parish of S' Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, by the Consent of his Mother, and
Isabella Mirrick|| of the Parish of S^ Clement Danes, in the said County,
Spinster ; by Licence of the Arch Bishop of Canterbury. John Evans,
Curate. Witnesses : John Jeyes, Cha^ Courteen, Eliz Hesketh the
Mother of the above William Bowdler.
4 Dec. John Barnard of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Grace Culverwell of the same
Parish, Spinster ; by Jjicence of the Arch Bishop of Canterbury. John
Evans, Curate. Witnesses : William Cave,^ Mary Cantillon
7 Dec. John Williams of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Ann Guy of the Parish of Saint
George, in the County aforesaid, Spinster ; a Minor ; by Licence of the
Arch Bishop of Canterbury, by and with the Consent of William Guy the
Natural and Lawfull Father of the said Minor. W"' Horler, Lector.
Witnesses : Cha: Raymond, Tho^ Williams.
8 Dec. Christian Garlin^ of the Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Catherine Wademayer of the Parish
of Saint Paul Covent Garden, in the said County of Middlesex, Spinster ;
by Licence of the Arch: Bishop of Canterbury. W'" Horler, Lector.
Witnesses : David Wademayer, Ann Wademayer.
26 Dec. Robert Scofield** of the Parish of S*. Olave, Southwark, in the County
of Surry, Batchelor, and Sarah Mitchell of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent
Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by Banns. W"' Horler,
Lector. Witnesses : Robert Bagshaw, Mary Lambert.
2 Jan. John Higgons of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor; and Mary Knight of the Parish of
* Signed " Catherine." — Ed. t Signed " Laurence."— Ed.
X Signed " Brathwate." — Ed. § Signed " Francis Batt." — Ed.
II Signed " Meyricko." — Ed. l" Signed by mark. — Ed.
** Bauns also ^ive^. — Ed.
Saint John the Evangelist, Westminster, in the same County, Spinster ; a
Minor; by and with the Consemt of Joseph Knight the natural and
lawfull Father of the said Minor ; by Licence of the Arch Bishop of
Canterbury. John Kidgell, Clerk. Witnesses : Jos Knight, John Higgons.
4 Jan. William Marcellus of the Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Anna Amelia Moyes* of the Parish
of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, in the County aforesaid, Spinster, a Minor,
by and with the consent of Martha Sharpe, Widow, the natural and
lawfull Mother of the said Minor; by Licence of the Lord Bishop of
London. W'" Horler, Lector. Witnesses : James Dryden, Martha
9 Jan. Marmaduke Browne of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, in
the County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Ann Fraucklyn of the same
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence of Thomas Lord Bishop of London. W"'
Horler, Lector. Witnesses : Peter Brand, Jane Brand.
23 Jan. Thomas Eeid of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Dainty of the same
Parish, spinster ; by Licence of Thomas Lord Bishop of London. John
Evans, Curate. Witnesses: E.*^. Haines, S. Goodyer.
4 Feb. John Jackson of the Parish of Saint Mary xlldermary, Loiidon,
AVidower, and Mary Thurmond of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent
Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster; by Licence of the Arch-
Bishop of Canterbury. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : John Coggs,
John Marshall.
24 Feb. John Jones of the Parish of Saint Mary, Lambeth, in the County of
Surry, Widower, and Caroline Morris of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent
Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence of the Arch-
Bishop of Canterbury. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : Cha^ Courteen,
Anne Morris.
1 March William Hughes of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Widower, and Elizabeth iS'ourse of the same
Parish, Spinster; a Minor; by and with the Consent of James Nourse
the Brother and Guardian, appointed by the High Court of Chancery ; by
Licence of Thomas Lord Bishoj) of London. John Evans, Curate. Wit-
nesses : James Nourse, Eob' JXourse.
9 March John Willan of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Gronous of the same Parish,
Spinster; by Licence of Thomas Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. John
Evans, Curate. Cha^ Courteen, John Stacey, Parish Clerk.
30 March George Mourgue of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Gai'den, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Lightning of the same Parish,
Spinster, a Minor, by anclf the Consent of John Lightning the natural
and Lawfull Father of the said Minor ; by Licence of the Arch-Bishop of
Canterbury. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : John Lightning, Hannah
3 April Krobert AudersonJ of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, m the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Blea of the Parish of
S^ Andrew, Holborn, in the same County, Spinster; by Banns. John
Evans, Curate. Witnesses : John Bond, Cha^ Courteen.
6 April William Fowler of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Sarah Dickiu§ of the Parish of
S'. Martin in the Fields in the County aforesaid, Spinster ; by Licence of
the Bishop of London. W'». Horler, Lector. Witnesses : Jn°. Watson,
Ann Watson.
* Signed " Moyse."— Ed. t Sic.
X Banns also given. — Ed. § Signed " Dickeu." — Ed.
10 April William Bickerton of the Parish of Saint Martin, Vintry, London,
Batchelor, and Sarah Baley* of the Parish of S^. Paul, Covent Garden,
in the County of Middlesex, Spinster; by Licence of the Bishop of
London. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : Joseph Settle, Susan
12 April Eichard Birchf of the Parish of S*. James, Westm'., in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Martha Kaney* of the Parish of S*. Paul,
Covent Garden, in the same County, Spinster ; by Banns. John Evans,
Curate. Witnesses: Thomas Longstaff, John Stacey.
G May George Haileyt of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Gardeu, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Anne Clements* of the Parish of
S'. Anne, Westminster, Spinster ; by Banns. John Evans, Curate. Wit-
nesses : William Claxton, Cha^ Courteen.
10 May Benjamin Galet of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Deborah Eowles* of the same
Parish and County, Spinster; by Banns. John Evans, Curate. Wit-
nesses: James Woudey, Suan:J Collins
19 May A\''illiam Bettst of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Hannah Stephen of the same
Parish and County; by Banns John Evans, Curate. Witnesses: Hester
Stephens, Cba^ Courteen.
19 May Eoger Griffiths of the Parish of Saint Margaret, AVestminster, in the
County of Middlesex, Widower, and Mary Elson of the Parish of Saint
Paul, Covent Garden, in the County aforesaid, Widow; by Licence of
Thomas Lord Bishop of London. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : Isa"=.
Gaynon, Sarah Gaynon.
20 May Abraham Senior of the Parish of Saint Clement Danes, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Salisburj^ of the Parish of S* Paul,
Covent Garden, in the same County, Spinster; by Licence of the Arch
Bishop of Canterbury. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : Henry Eed-
wood, Peregrine Phillips.
1 July William Kingsford of the Parish of Thanington, in the County of
Kent, Esquire, Batchelor, and Jane Benson of the Parish of S'. Paul,
Covent Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence of the
Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : Jn°.
Frank, Eliz. Wilson.
6 July Eichard Stone of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Anne Harvey§ of the Same Parish,
Spinster; by Licence of the Lord Bishop of London. AV'". Horler, Lector.
Witnesses : Werner Kappen, Martha Mangaar.
12 July John Taylor of the Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Leitch of the Parish of Saint
Paul, Covent Garden, in the said County, Spinster, a Minor, by and with
the Consent of Peter Leitch the Natural and Lawful! Father ; by Licence
of Thomas Lord Bishop of London. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses :
Peter Leitch, James Tayler.
24 July John Ealph of the Parish of S. Paul, Covent Garden, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Ann Atkinson of the Parish of Saint George
the Martyr, in the Said County, Widow ; by Licence of Thomas Lord
Bishop of Loudon. W™ Horler, Lector. Witnesses: William Bowsey,
Mary Bowsey.
27 July Carlton Pattinson of the Parish of Saint Giles in the Fields, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Sarah ScouUough of the Parish of
* Signed by mark. — Ed. t Banns also given. — Ed.
X Sic. § Signed " Hearvey."— Ed.
S^ Paul, Covent Garden, in the County of Middlesex afores'':, Spinster;
by Licence of Thomas Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. W'" Horler, Lector.
AVituesses : Ben''. Brady, Mary Burbidge.
29 July Joseph Harris* of the Parish of South Mims, in the County of Mid-
dlesex, Widower, and Honour Armstrong* of the Parish of Saint Paul,
Covent Garden, in the same County, Spinster; by Licence of Thomas Arch-
Bishop of Canterbury. W'" Horler, Lector. Witnesses : Jekyil Catesby,
Cha. Courteen.
2 Aug. John Penn of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields, in the County
of Middlesex, Widower, and Elizabethf Monk of the Parish of S^ Paul,
Covent Garden, in the aforesaid County, Widow ; by Licence of Thomas
Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. John Evans, Curate. AVitnesses : Tho.
Manning, Cha^. Courteen.
17 Aug. Timothy Coates of the Parish of S*. Mary, Rotherhithe, in the County
of Surry, Batchelor, and Hannah Waring of the Parish of S' Paul,
Covent Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Widow ; by Licence of
Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses :
Eob^ Stead, Cha. Courteen.
21 Aug. William SalmonJ of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Isabella Atkinson§ of the Same
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. W"' Horler, Lector. AVitnesses : John
Cook, Thomas Locket.
25 Aug. Eichard Vincent of the Parish S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in y^ County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Isabella Burchell of the Parish of S^ Mary,
Lambeth, in y^ County of Surry, Spinster; by Licence of Thomas Lord
Bishop of London. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : Eliz. A'incent,
Tho: Dummer.
28 Aug. Jonathan Earlam of the Parish of S'. Paul, Cov'. Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Christian Skeen of the Parish of
S*. Margaret, Westminster, in y*^ same County, Spinster; by Licence of
Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses :
Joseph Thornthwaite, James Jacks.
12 Sep. William Boote of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Widower, and Catherine Coy of the Parish of
S^ George, Hanover Square, in the County of Middlesex, AVidow ; by
Licence of Thomas Lord Bishop of London. John Evans, Curate. Wit-
nesses : Will"'. Manby, John Davies.
13 Sep. Eichard Haines of tlie Parish of S. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Widower, and Mary Hutchins of the same Parish,
Spinster; by Licence of Thomas Arbishop of Canterbury. John Evans,
Curate. AA^itnesses : Massell Hutchins, Eliz Hassell.
21 Sep. Eobert Lochhead of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Eebecca Beathj| of the same Parish,
Spinster; by Licence of Thomas Arbishop of Canterbury. John Evans,
Curate. Witnesses: Alexander Hewett, .lane Covrteeu.
23 Sep. Eobert Eletcherlf of the Parisli of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, AV^idower, and Elizabeth Long, Widow, of the saine
Parish in the same County ; by Licence of Thomas Archbishop of Canter-
bury. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : Cha^ Courteen, Jane Covrtten.
13 Oct.** Thomas Laiidall of the Parish of S' Paul, Covent Garden, AVidower,
and Elizabeth Graham of the same Parish, AVidow, in the County of
Middlesex ; by Licence of Thomas Bishop of London. John Evans,
Curate. Witnesses : Eich*^: Price, Mary Vialls.
* Signed by mark. — Ed. t Signed " Elizeabeth." — Ed.
X Banns also given. — Ed. § Signed " Bella Atkison." — Ed.
II Signed " Rebakh Bath." — Ed. T Signed by mark. — Ed.
** This entry is dated 1754, evidently by mistake. — Ed.
16 Oct. Samuel Feme* Strafford of the Parish of S*^. Paul, Coveut Garden, in
the County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary A^anderman, Spinster, of
the same Parish, and same County ; by Licence of Thomas Archbishop of
Canterbury. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses: John Sewell, Mary
27t Oct. Thomas Edmund Biddle of the Parish of S' Clement Danes, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Edith Butler of the Parish of
S^ Pauls Coveiit Garden, Spinster; by Licence of Tho^ Archbishop of
Canterbury. W"\ Horler, Lector. Witnesses : John Farrer, Cha*.
28 Oct. Thomas Massa of the Parish of South Weald, iny^ County of Essex,
Bachelor, and Jane Mayo of the Parish of S* Paul's Covent Garden, in y^
County of Middlesex, Spinster; by Licence. W". Mayo, Minister. Wit-
nesses: John Shower, Thomas Shower.
28 Oct. Arthur KelowayJ of the Pai'ish of S* Pauls, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, & Mary Brown § of y^ same Parish,
Spinster; by Bauns. W". Horler, Lector. Witnesses: Rich'd Horn,
Edward Trehoe.
6 Nov. Francis Evatt of the Parish of S' Pauls, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Price || of the^ Parish of S* Dun-
stan. Stepney, in the Same County, Spinster ; W"' Horler, Lector. AVit-
nesses : William Evatt, Fra. Taverner.
16 Nov. John Kirk of the Parish of S' Pauls, Covent Garden, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, & Elizabeth Woodman of y** Parish of Chiswick,
Spinster; by Licesce.** W"' Horler, Lector. Witnesses: Jn° Trenley,
Eliz Scotchard.
7 Dec. James Coye of the Parish of S'. Paul, Cov^ Garden, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Barbara Mairissft of the same Parish, Widow ;
by Licence of y*^ Archbishop of Canterbury. John Evans, Curate.
AVitnesses : Frances Bissell, Cathern Ealles.
15 Dec. Rob' Bostock Goater of y"^ Parish of S* Pauls, Covent Garden, in y^
County of Middlesex, Batchelour, & Mary Gray of y*^ same, Spinster ; by
Banns. W™ Horler, Lector. Witnesses : Henry Goater, Hugh Eiddell.
21 Dec. Joseph AVorthingtoii§ of the Parish of S' Mary Lebone, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Warren§ of the Parish of S* Paul,
Covent Garden, Widow ; by Licence of the Lord Bisop** of London.
P. M. Sam^ Brafield. Witnesses : William Yates, Thomas Greensall.
28 Dec. John Stott of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden, Widower, in the
County of Middlesex, and Jane Hemet, Spinster, of the same Parish in
the aforesaid County ; by Licence of the Bishop of London. John Evans,
Curate. Witnesses : Jacob Hemet, Cha^ Courteen.
18 Jan. By Virtue of A Licence from Tho' Lord Bishop of London, James Clam
of y^ Parish of S*^ Pauls, Covent Garden, in the County of Middlesex,
Batchelor, & Mary Mason of the Same, Spinster; Wm Horler, Lector.
Witnesses : Poller Mason, James Mason.
26 Jan. James Macklin§ of the Parish Of S*^ Pauls, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, and Jane Arlingson;}:! of the Same; by Banns. W™
Horler, Lector. Witnesses : Bryan Toole, Cha* Courteen.
* Signed " Fern."— Ed. t Altered from "26."— Ed.
t Signed " Kellaway."— Ed. § Signed by mark. — Ed.
II Signed " Pryce." — Ed. ^\ An erasure. — Ed.
** Sic. tt Signed " Barbra Miris." — Ed.
It Signed " Arlinson."— Ed.
28 Jan. Richard "Wilton of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, and Ann AVoolley, of the Parish of Saint Martin
in the Fields, in the said County ; by Licence of the Archbishop of
Canterbury. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : Henry Wilden, Jane
18 Feb. Eich"!. Mince* of Parish Mary La bone, in the County of Middlesex,
AVidower, & Mary Smith of the Parish of Saint Pauls, Covent Garden, off
in y« S^J County, Spinster; AV™ Horler, Clerk. AVitnesses : Edward
AVheattall, Eliz Eaton.
19 Feb. Alexander BeezlejX of the Parish of SK Margrets, New fish street, in
the County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mansel Moors§ of the Same
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. [Published on the 1 of feb on the 8^'' and
the 15"'] A\^"' Horler, Clerk. ^Vitnesses : Cha^ Taylor, Cha^ Courteen.
26 Feb. Eev"i Edward Moulding of the Parish of S* Pauls, Covent Garden,
Batchelor, and Mary Banks|| of the Same, Spinster ; by Licence of the
Arch Bishop of Canterbury. AV™ Horler, Clerk. AVitnesses : Ed : Ingram,
Ann Ingram.
28 Feb. AVilliam Tompson of the Parish of S' Giles, in the County of Middle-
sex, Batchelor, and Mary Engel* Spinstef of the Parish of S* Paul Covent
Garden, in j^ Same County ; by Licence from y^ Archbishop of Canerbury
Court. AV"' Horler, Assist: Curate. AVitnesses : John Gagg, Jane
1 March Christopher GriflBth Esq"-: of the Parish of S^. Paul, Covent Garden, in
the County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Ann Chichely of the Parish of
AVinterbourn, in the County of Gloucester, Spinster ; by Licence from the
Archbishop of Canterbury. John Cradock, D.D. Eector. AVitnesses :
James Howden, Da Thomas.
3 March James Miles of the Parish of S' Pauls, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Eliz: Decotelogan^ of the same Parish,
Spinster ; by Banns. AV™ Horler, Clerk. AVitnesses : Elizi Spence, Mary
13 March Edward Tumour Esq'', of Shillington Park, in the Parish of Karford,
in Sussex, Batchelor, and the Hon'''^. Ann Archer of the Parish of S'. Paul,
Covent Garden, in the County of Middlesex, a Spinster ; by licence from
the Arch Bishop of Canterbury. J: AVilmot, A.M. Fellow of Trinity
College, Oxford. AVitnesses: Plimouth, Henry Archer, Jos: Gurth.
18 March John Booth of the Parish of S' Pauls, Covent Garden, in y^ County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Carteret Broadley of the same Parish, AVidowerf ;
by Licence. AV"' Horler, Ass""^. Curate. Witnesses : Joseph Broom, John
6 April John Ballentyne** of the Parish of S'. Paul, Cov'. Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, and Sarah Stephens of the same Parish ; by Licence.
John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : Tho^ Stephens, Jn° Stephens.
9 April Thomas Eidge, Batchelor, of the Parish of S' Paul, Covent Garden, in
the County of Middlesex, and Catherineft Sowdon of the Parish of S'.
George the Martyr, in y^ County of Middlesex ; by Licence of Archbishop
of Canterbury. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses: Geo: Donovan, Mary
19 April Samuel TomkisJJ: Batchelor of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden,
in the County of Middlesex, and Ann Phipps, Spinster, of the Parish of
S*. Andrew, Holborn, in y'= same County ; by Licence of the Archbishop of
* Signed by mark. — Ed. f Sic.
X Signed " Alex' Beesley."— Ed, § Signed "Mancell Moore."— Ed.
II Signed " Bankes."— Ed. f Signed " Decoctogon."— Ed.
** Signed " Ballntyne.^'— Ed. ft Signed " Catharine."— Ed.
Xt Signed " Tomkiss."— Ed.
TOL. Ill, C C
Canterbury John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : Eobert "Webster, Joice
19 April .Tames Heath,*t Batehelor, of the Parish of S'. Paul, Cov'. Grarden, in
the County of Middlesex, and Jane Carter,! Spinster ; of the same Parish
and County ; by Banns. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : John Tipsing,
William Milburn.
20 April William Swanwick of the Parish of S' Mary Le Strand, in the County
of Middlesex, Batehelor, and Hannah Doscett of the Parish of S* Paul,
Covent Grarden, in the Said County, Spinster; by Licence of the Arch
Bishop of Canterbury. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : liobert Kigals,
John Kobinson.
21 April George Pope of the Parish of Christ Church, London, Widower, and
Ann Lucas of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden, in the County of
Middlesex, Spinster; by Licence from the Arch Bishop of Canterbury.
.John Cradock, D.D. Eector. Witnesses : George Townsend, C^la^ Courteen.
24 April Christopher Byrne of the Parish of S' Paul, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Bachelor, and Mary Werry of the Parish of S' Ann & Agnes,
Aldersgate, London, Widow ; by Licence of y^ Arch Bishop of Canter-
bury. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : Norris Potts, Cha^ Courteen.
2 May Marcelliu GirardettJ of the Parish of S* Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batehelor, and Mary Frogatt of the Parish aforesaid,
and same County, Spinster ; by Banns. John Evans, Curate. ^Witnesses :
Chr''. Klern, Mary Smith.
7 May Samuel Daniel of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batehelor, and Mary Kemp, Spinster, of the same
Parish and County; by Banns. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses: W™.
Wall, George Bye.
13 May William Green of the Parish of Saint Paul,§ Garden, in the County of
Middlesex, Batehelor, and Alice Manlove of the Parish of Saint Andrew,
Holborn, in the County of Middlesex ; by Licence of the Archbishop of
Canterbury. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses: Fr: Eawkes, Cha*. Courteen.
IG May William .James of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batehelor, and Mary Elizabeth Ellis of Saint Martin
Parish, Ludgate, London, Spinster; by Licence of the Bishop of London.
John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : John Eobinson, Cha^. Courteen.
22 May Ambrose Godfi-ey Hanckwitz of the Parissh of S' Paul, Covent Garden,
in the County of Middlesex, Batehelor, and Dorothy Ashcroft of the Parish
of Mepsall, in the County of Bedford, Spinster; by Licence of the Arch-
bishop of Canterbury. Edm**. Warneford, Lecturer of S' John Clerken-
well. Witnesses: Ant: Wharton, Eich*!. Ashcroft.
23 May Thomas Cooke of the I'arish of Saint Mary Le Bone, in the County of
Middlesex, Batehelor, and Joyce Carrf of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent
Garden, in the Said County ; by Licence of the Bishop of London. John
Evans, Curate. AVitnesses : W"". Clai'k, .John Nottingham.
24 May Cornelius Cayley of the of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batehelor, and Sarah Dyer of the Parish of S'. Johns,
Hackney, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence of the Bishop
of London. .John Evans, Curate. AVitnesses: John Dyer, Cha^. Courteen.
28 May George Hankin of the Parish of Stansted Abbots in the County of
Hertford, Batehelor, a Minor, and Mary Twitchell of the Parish of Saint
Paul, Covent Garden, in the County of Middlesex, a Minor, by Licence
of the Archbishop of Canterbury. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses :
Father, Tho^ Hankin, The Guardian, Mich: Pepper.
7 June Eobert Gordon of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, in the
* Banns also given. — Ed. f Signed by mark. — Ed.
X Signed " Girardet."— Ed. § Sic.
County of Middlesex, Esquire, a Batchelor, and Charlotte Terrill, widow, of
the same Parish and County ; by Licence of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
John Evans, Curate. "Witnesses: Geo: Savage, John Kobinson.
18 June Henry Bagworth of y^' Parish of S' Pauls, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Bedford of the same Parish,
Widow ; by Licence from >•= Arch Bishop. AV"'. Horler, Ass"*. Curate.
Witnesses : Joseph Gorton, Cha^. Courteen.
20 June Erancis Loveday of the Parish of S' Pauls, Covent Garden in y^ County
of Middlesex AVidower & Catha Riley* of y"^ same Parish Spinster were
married in this Church by Banns [Published May y« 16*'' 23''^ 30"'] "W"'
Horler Assit: Curate Witnesses: Eli Jones, Cha* Courteen.
22 June Michael Saunders of y^ Parish of S' Pauls, Covent Garden, in y^
County of Middlesex, Widower, and Elizabeth Dean,t Minor, of the same
Parish, in y*= S*" County, AVith Consent of Her Mother; by Licence from
the Arch Bishop. W" Horler, x\ssis"': Curate. Witnesses : Thomas Ueane,
George Wilkinson.
26 June James Mason of the Parish of S*. Paul, Cov*. Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Gandon of the same Parish and
County, Spinster ; by Licence of the Archbishop of Canterbury. John
Evans, Curate. Witnesses : Mich. Mason, S Brandes.
27 June AVilliam Whitehall of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes, in the County
of Middlesex, AVidower, and Maragardey EideauteiJ: of the Parish of S*.
Paul Covent Garden, in the said County, Spinster ; by Licence of the
Bishop of London. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses: Stephen frampton,
Ehz Bird.
29 June James Kennedy of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Jane Tomsou of the Parish of Saint
Mary le Bone in y'^ said County, Widow ; by Licence of y* Arch Bishop
of Canterbury. John Kedgell, Preacher of Berkly Chapel. Witnesses :
Hub*. Dolphin, Mary Murray.
18 July AV"' AVilliamst of the Parish of S' Pauls Covent Garden in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Dorothy Gangf AVidow of the same Parish ;
by Licence from y*^ Arch Bishops Court. W'". Horler, Assis*. Curate. AVit-
nesses : Samuel Osbourn, AV'" Brewton.
25 July W*" Cutter of the Parish of S* Anns, Black Eryars, London, AVidower,
and and§ Mary Baker, || of the Parish of S* Pauls Covent Garden, in y*=
County of Middlesex, Widow; by Licence from y* Arch Bishops Court.
W" Horler, Ass"*. Curate. AVitnesses : John Davis, Eliz Bailey.
30 July Fielding Empson of the Parish of S* Pauls Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Widower, and Elizabeth Call, Widow ; of y^ Same
Parish ; by Licence from y^ Arch Bishops Court. AV''^ Horler, Assis"**.
Curate. Witnesses : Lewrance Lattermer,^ Cha^ Courteen.
12 Aug. Joshua Hulmes of the Parish of Covent Garden, in y"^ County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Adams of the same Parish, Spinster ; by
Licence from y^ Bishop of Londons Court. AVf" Horler, Assis"*. Curate.
Witnesses : John Cheston, Mary Cheston.
22 Aug. AV"'" Hunt of the Parish of Covent Garden, in y<= County of Middlesex,
Batchelor, and Barbara** Woan of y*^ Parish S* Clement Danes, in y^ said
County, AVidow^ ; bv Licence from y*^ Arch Bishops Court. AV"' Horler,
Asst"*. Curate. AVitnesses : AVill": Shudall, Alartha Shudall.
5 Sep. The Eev'"* AV"' Mince Clerk of y« Parish Bigglestode, in y^ County of
Bedford, Batchelor, and Katharine Glassff of the Parish of S* Pauls
* Si£;ned " Reilly." — Ed. t Signed bj mark. — Ed.
+ Signed " Maru Garda White Hall."— Ed. § Sic.
II Signed " Beaker."— Ed.
^ This name has been twice written, the first signature being afterwards crossed out. — Ed.
** Signed " Barbra."— Ed. tt Signed " Glasse."— Ed.
Coveut Garden, Spinster ; in y'' County of Middlesex ; by Licence from
y^ Arch Bishops Court. W"'. Horler, Ass"'. Curate. Witnesses : Ja^
Abbiss, Eichard Yeo.
28 Oct. Kenneth Mackenzie of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Sarah Barker of the same Parish,
"Widow ; by Licence from the Bishop of London. John Grade ck, D.D.
Hector. Witnesses : Joseph Broom, John Robinson.
17 Nov. W" Martin of y^ Parish of S* Pauls Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Sarah Phillips of y"^ Parish of S*- Mary le Bone,
Widow ; in y*^ Same County ; by Licence from y'^ Arch : Bishops Court.
W™. Horler, Assis"^ Curate. Witnesses: Antho: Martiii, Willi Swauwick.
18 Nov. Tho^ Jackson* of the Parish of S' Pauls Covent Garden In y*^ County
of Middlesex, Widower, and Ann Hore* of the same. Spinster ; by Licence
from y'= Bishop of Londons Court. W"'. Horler, Assis"^ Curate. Wit-
nesses : W"'. Fenton, Jasper Munday.
19 Nov. Jonathan Tyers of the Parish of S*. Paul Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Margaretf Dawson of the same
Parish, Widow ; by Licence from the Arch Bishop of Canterbury. John
^ Cradock, D.D. Rector. Witnesses : W. Lethieullier, Tho' Challenor.
20 Nov. John Warham of y*^ Parish of S' Clement Danes in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and BathiahJ Batteson of y« Parish of S' Pauls
Covent Garden, in y'' Same County, Spinster ; by Licence from y"^ Bishop of
London. W"". Horler, Assis"*. Curate. Witnesses: George Batteson,
Jane Batteson.
21 Nov. Edward Clark§ of y*^ Parish S' Pauls Covent Garden, in y« County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Ann Leslie || of y'= Parish of S' George Hanover
Square, in y'^ S*^ County, Spinster; by Licence from y« Bishop of London's
Court. W"\ Horler, Assis"*. Curate. Witnesses : Perris May dwell, John
Pitt, Anna Maria Blackstone.
5 Dec. Tho^ Pitt of the Parish of S' Pauls Covent Garden, in y^ County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Eliz : Juliana Plamplin^ of y" same Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence from y^ Bishops Court. W"'. Horler, Assis'. Curate.
Witnesses : W™. Elton, Mat^. Miller.
3 Jan. W™ Hannam of the Parish of St^ Pauls Covent Garden, in y^ County
of Middlesex, Batchelour, and Bathia Leister** of the same Parish,
Spinster; by Banns. W"'. Horler, Assist"'. Curate. Witnesses: John
Hannam, Jone Oliphant.
10 Jan. Ric'''. Marshall of the Parish of S' Pauls Covent Garden, in y'^ County
of Middlesex, Widower, and Ann Carrol of the Parish of Acton, in y^ S^
County, Widow ; by Licence from y*^ Arch Bishops Court. W"'. Horler,
Ass"'. Curate. Witnesses: Byard Ashton, Eliz Ashton.
16 Jan. W"' Scott of the Parish of S' Paul Shadwell in the County of Middle-
sex, Batchelor, and Mary Greenwood of the Parish of S' Paul Covent
Garden, in y^^ Same County, Spinster; by Licence from y^ Bishops Court.
W"\ Horler, Ass"'. Curate. Witnesses : W'". Poole, Emm. Applegarth.
17 Jan. Thomas Pattonft of this Parish of S'. Paules Covent Garden, in y«
County of Middx, Batchelor, and Dorothea Bold of y'= Parish of S'. George,
Bloomsbury Square ; by Lycense from y'^ Bp. of London. Thomas Wilson,
Eect'. of Walbrook. Witnesses: J. Bold, Frances Bold.
26 Jan. Richard Roper of the Parish of S' Pauls Covent Garden, in y« County
* Signed by mark.— Ed. f Signed " Margarett."— Ed.
t Signed " Bithiah."— Ed. § Signed " Clarke."— Ed.
II Signed " Lesslie."— Ed. 1[ Signed " Plampin."— Ed.
*♦ Signed " Bethia Lister."— Ed. ft Signed " Patten."— Ed.
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Eleanor* M" Donnell of the same Parish,
Spinster; by Licence from y'' Arch Bishops Court. W™. Horler, Assis"*.
Curate. Witnesses : Mich Eyan, Elizabeth Barion.
10 Feb. Nicholas Solomon of the Parish of S'. Paul Cov': Garden, Batchelor,
and Mary Williams, Spinst^ of the same Parish, in the County of Middle-
sex ; by Licence from the Archbishops Court. Johu Evans, Curate.
Witnesses: Kob'. Skinner, Elizabeth Peacock.
16 Peb. Alexander M'^Pherson of the Parish of S* Pauls Covent Garden, in y®
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Jane Hendy of the Parish of S' Giles
in y* fields, in y^ S** County, Widow ; by Licence from y^ Arch Bishops
Court. W". Horler, Assis"*. Curate. Witnesses : Jn°: Smith Serg\ John
17 Feb. Tho^ Gowerf of the Parish of S* Martins in y'' Fields, in y« County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Mayes, of the Parish of S^ Pauls
Covent Garden, in y"^ Same County, Spinster; by banns. W". Horler,
Assis"'. Curate. Witnesses: Will"": Swanwick, John Kobiuson.
21 Feb. Richard Warren of the Parish of S' Paul Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Sarah Eeade of the Parish of S*^
Giles in the Fields, in y^ County aforesaid. Spinster; by Licence from
y^ Bishops Court. W"". Horler, Ass°^ Curate. Witnesses : Jn°. Eeade,
Jane Haw stead.
15 March William Berry of the Parish of Saint Mary Le Bone, Widower, in the
County Middlesex, and Mary Gray, Widow, of the Parish of Saint Paul
Covent Garden, in y^ said County ; by Licence of the Bishop of London.
John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : Tho*: Young, Francis Oliver.
11 April John Wells, of the Parish of S^ Paiil Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and MargaretJ Quin, of the Parish of S'. Paul
Covent Garden ; by Licence from the Dean & Chapter of Canterbury.
James Clarke, Assist^ Curate. Witnesses : John Eobinson. Cha'.
19 April John Euddick of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane AmersonJ of the
Parish of S*^. George, Hanover Square ; by Banns. James Clarke, Assistant
Curate. Witnesses : Thomas Euddick, J Mary Wallington.J
24 April George Dawson of the Parish of S*. Clement Danes, Widower, and
Elisabeth Monro§ of this Parish, Widow ; by Licence from y^ Dean &
Chapter of Canterbury. James Clarke, Assists Curate. Witnesses: Eliz:
Jack, Cha^ Courteen.
1 May Samuel Johnson of the Parish of S^. Paul Cov^ Garden, Batchelor,
and Elizabeth Potter of the Parish of S' Mary Le Savoy, in the County
of Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence of the Bishop of London. John
Evans, Curate. Witnesses : Cha^. Courteen, Cha*. Me. MiiJbourn.
3 May John Nuburn|| of the Parish of S^ Botolph, Aldgate, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary TargasJ of this Parish, Spinster 3 by
Banns. James Clarke, Assist Curate. Witnesses : Cha'. Courteen, John
22 May John Middleton:^ of this Parish Batchelor, and Elizabeth Foster of
this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. James Clarke, Assistant Curate.
Witnesses : W™. Cass, W"'. Morris.
24 May Thomas Pratt of this Parish, Batchelor, and Obedience Brown of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. James Clarke, Assistant Curate. Wit-
nesses: Elizabeth Brown, Johu Brown.
29 May^ Charles Salmon of this Parish, Batchelor, a Minor, and Charlotta
Mathyson of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. James Clarke, Assist
Curate. Witnesses : Daniel Luckhurst, Sarah Taylor.
* Signed " Elear."— En. t Signed " Goer."— En.
X Signed by mark. — Ed. § Signed " Munro." — Ed.
II Signed " Nuborn."— Ed. H Dated 1756, evidently by mistake.— Ed.
5 June "William Oaker of the Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields in the County
of Middlesex, and Ann Stephens of the Parish of S'. Paul Covent Garden
in the same County, Spinster; by Licence of the Archbishop of Canter-
bury. John Evaus, Curate. Witnesses: Tho^ Stephens, Cha^ Oaker.
7 June William House* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elisabeth Helpes* of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. James Clarke, Assistant Curate. "Wit-
nesses : Sam. Bailey, John Eobinson.
16 June Christopher Hill Esquire of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary East of
the Parish of S'. Clement Danes in the County of Middlesex, Spinster;
by License from the Arch Bishop of Canterbury. John Cradock D.D.
Eector. Witnesses : "W. East, Cha^ Courteen.
30 June Richard Evans of the Parish of S^ Paul Covent Garden, Batchelor, in
the County of Middlesex, and Mary Ann Cockley* of the same Parish,
Spinster; by Licence of the Archbishop of Canterbury. John Evans,
Curate. Witnesses : Tho^ Ayleway, Sarah Varls.
15 July William Edwards of the Parish of S'. George the Martyr in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Annef Winter of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence from y*^ Arch Bishop of Canterbury. James Clarke,
Assist^ Curate. Witnesses : Tho^ Davies, Cha^ Courteen.
IS Julv Thomas Cartledge of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elisabeth Webster of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. .James Clarke, Assist'. Curate. Wit-
nesses : James Brooks, Cha^ Courteen.
31 July John Churchill* of the Parish of Kingston upon Thames, in the
County of Surry, Widower, and Mary Thompson* of this Parish, Spinster;
by Licence from the Bishop of London. James Clarke, Ass*. Curate.
"Witnesses : Edward Stanley, Mary Eench.*
1 Aug. Joseph Fletcher of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elisabeth Lawrence* of
this Parish, Spinster; by Licence from y^ Bishop of London. James
Clarke, Ass*. Curate. Witnesses: Thomas Davis, "Willi™: Swanwick.
6 Aug. Jacob Friend of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Crosoer of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence fr: the Bishop of London. James Clarke.
Witnesses: John Hewitt, Cha^. Courteen.
7 Aug. Robert Whitworth of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Lymberg of
this Parish, Sjiinster; by Licence fr: the Arch Bishop of Canterbury.
James Clarke. Witnesses : John Scherzberg, Cha^. Courteen.
7 Aug. AVilliam .Jones* of this Parish, Widower, and Mary Cary of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence from the of London. James Clarke.
AV^itnesses : Joyce Cary, Margaret Jones.
9 Aug. Thomas Perrem* of this Parish, Widower, and Sarah Watkins* of this
Parish, Spinster, a Minor; by Licence from y*^ Arch Bishop of Canter-
bury. James Clarke. Witnesses : AV™. Bun-, AVill'": Swanwick.
10 Aug. Henry Coats of this Parish, Batchelor, and Susanna ElskineJ of this
Parish; by Banus. James Clarke. AV'itnesses : Lawrence Warren, Jn**.
18 Aug. James Wood of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne Stephens§ of this
Parish ; by Banns. James Clarke. AVitnesses : Catharine Davenport*
Mother of y"^ Girl, Tho^ Ewart.
21 Aug. .John Barlow of this Parish, Batchelor, aud Margaret Hart of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence from the Arch Bishop of Canterbury.
James Clarke. AVitnesses : Fra^. Harvey, Mary Burn.
26 Sep. Thomas Evans of this Parish, Batchelor and Ann Evans* of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence from the Bishop of London. Tho. Clark.
AVitnesses : S. Carks, Ann King.
9 Oct. Jekyll Catesby of this Parish, Widower, and Elisabeth Craswel of this
* Signed by mark.— Ed. t Signed "Ann." — Ed.
X Signed " Elkine."— Ed. § Signed " Ann Stevens."— Ed.
Parish, Spinster; by Licence from y^ Arch Bp. o£ Canterbury. James
Clarke. Witnesses : John Kobinson, Cha^ Courteen.
11 Oct. William Mott of this Parish, Widower, and Anne Portenton* of the
Parish of S*. John the Evangelist, Widow ; by Banns. James Clarke.
AVitnesses : Thomas Gordon, Ann Gordon.
24 Oct. William Churchman of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Cornish of
the Parish of SK Anne Westminster, Spinster ; by Banns. James Clarke.
Witnesses: Eliz Fielding, Eliz: Eielding.f
10 Nov. Alexander Ross of this Parish, Batchelor, and Susannah Sanders* of
this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses: W'" Mead,
Sarah Mead.*
14 Nov. George Speller of this Parish. Batchelor, and Jane CowellJ of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence from y^ B''. of London. James Clarke.
Witnesses : Tho^ Evans, William Hanks.
22 Nov. Edward Cook of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne§ Hunt of this
Parish ; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses : Cha^ Courteen, W":
14 Dec. John Akerman of the Parish of Alhallows on the Wall, Batchelor,
and Mary Banyan of this Parish, Widow ; by Licence from y*^ Arch B''.
of Canterbury. James Clarke. Witnesses: John Swift, Cha^ Courteen.
8 Jan. Henryll Burky of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Morris* of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses: William Boy ce,
Elisabeth Boyce.*
18 Jan. William Pearless of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne§ Say of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence from j^ Arch Bishop of Canterbury. James
Clarke. Witnesses : M Bovell, Sussana Say.*
29 Jan. John Eobiiison of the Parish of S'. Lawrence Jewry, Bachelor and
Catharine Eoberts* of this Parish, Widow ; by Licence from y« Bishop
of London. James Clarke. Witnesses : Elizabeth Longville, Eichard Cave.
31 Jan. Thomas Moss of this Parish, Batchelor, and Lydia Eobinson^ of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses: Jonathan Cope,
Cha®. Courteen.
3 Eeb. Samuel Leech of this Parish, Widower, and Mary Hopkinson** of
this Pai'ish, Spinster ; by Licence from y^ Arch B''. of Canterbury. James
Clarke. Witnesses : Jn°. Haynes, John Eobinson.
7 Feb. Bryan Letiard of the Parish of S'. Martin's in the Fields, Batchelor,
and Mary Mortimoreft of this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. James
Clarke. Witnesses: Agnes Eemsten, Dennis Lynch.
7 Feb. William Cale of this Parish, Batchelor, and Dorothy Chamberlain:}:^ of
this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses: W'" Cale,
Will"'. Swanwick.
IG Feb. Thomas Manners of this Parish, Batchelor, and Susannah Buckland of
the Parish of Bother Worton in the County of O.xford; by Licence
from y^ Arch Bishop of Canterbury. James Clarke. Witnesses: John
Stewart, Tho=: Pervil.
12 March Thomas King of the Parish of S^ James Westminster, Batchelor, and
Mary Anne§ Sheppard of this Parish, Spinster, a Minor; by Licence
from the Arch Bishop of Canterbury. James Clarke, Ass*. Curate. Wit-
nesses : John Wall, James Kollyer.
* Signed by mark. — Ed. t Sic.
t First signed " Spellar," and erased.— Ed. § Signed " Ann."— Ed.
II Signed " Henri."— Ed. f Signed " Lidea Moss."— Ed.
** Signed " Mary Leech." — Ed. ft Signed " Mortimer." — Ed.
tX Signed " Chamberlaine."— Ed.
2 April Philip Wicksted* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Cooke of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence from D'. Lynch (the See of Canterbury
being vacant) James Clarke. Witnesses : Elizabeth Mutehall, John
8 April William Probert of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margery Batesf of the
Parish of S'. Clement Danes, Spinster ; by Banns. James Clarke. Wit-
nesses : Joseph Sadler, Elizbeth Sadler.
14 April Joseph Dyer of the Parish of S'. Bennet Fink, London, Batchelor, and
Mary Freeman of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence from the Arch Bishop
of Canterbury's Court. James Clarke. Witnesses : Elisbeath Esmond,
John Eobinson.
14 April John Catts of the Parish of S^ Margaret Westminster, Widower, and
Frances Shower of this Parish, Widow ; by Licence from the Bishop of
London. James Clarke. Cha^ Courteen, John Eobinson.
IG April Daniel Clix of the Parish of S'. Martin in y« Fields in y« County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Hurt of this Parish, Spinster ; by
Licence from y<= Bp. of London. James Clarke. Witnesses : Eich<i.
Bingley, Henriette Bragg.
18 June Simon Mackenzie of the Parish of S^ George Hanover Square,
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Martha Waters of this Parish, Spinster; by
Licence from the Arch Bishop of Canterbury. James Clarke. Wit-
nesses : Fen wick Lyddal, John Howell.
19 June Eichard Evausf of this Parish, Widower, and Mary WaitJ of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Bauns. Tho : Clarke. Witnesses : James Leslie,
Cha^ Courteen.
20 June William Annis of the Parish of S*. Botolph, Aldersgate, London,
Batchelor, and Elizabeth Bellord of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence
from the Arch Bp. of Canterbury. James Clarke. Witnesses : Edw.
Goodwin, Eliz. Pottingall.
20 June John Wills of the Parish of S'. Ann, Westminster, Batchelor, and
Ann Sandham of this Parish, Widow ; by Licence from the Arch Bp of
Canterbury. James Clarke. Witnesses : Matt^ Eutton, Cha^ Courteen.
29 June Henry Sharp of this Parish, Batchelor, and Henrietta Blizard of the
Parish of S^ Mary, Lambeth, Spinster ; by Licence from y^ A. Bp. of
Canterbury. James Clarke. Witnesses : William Blizard, Harriot
5 July§ Joseph Batty|| of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Silburn of the
Parish of S'. Peter le Poor, Spinster; by Licence from y^ A. Bp. of
Canterbury. James Clarke. Witnesses : .Jonas Tysson, John Eobinson.
.5 July Eichard Hare of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Holmes of the
Parish of S'. Benedict near Paul's Wharf, Spinster; by Licence from
y« Bp. of London. James Clarke. Witnesses : Jasper Holmes, William
6 July Charles Exshaw of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Court of the
Parish of Allhallows, Staining, Spinster ; by Licence from the Bp. of
London. James Clarke. Witnesses: John Peyton, Eliz: Court.
17 July Thomas Ask of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Stuckeyt of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Francklin. Witnesses : Thomas
Kirgate, Cha^: Courteen.
18 July Francis Harter of the Parish of S*. Martin in y^ Fields, Batchelor, and
Annel" Gibbs of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence from the A.Bp. of
Canterbury. James Clarke. Witnesses: Kitson Grorey B G-ersor (?),
Mary Waggett.
* Signed " Wicksteed."— Ed. t Signed by mark.— Ed.
% Signed " "Waite."— Ed. § Altered from " June."— Ed.
II Signed " Battye."— Ed. % Signed " Anna."— Ed.
27 July Benjamin Chadwell of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Wood of this
Parish ; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses : William James, John
30 July Francis Frey of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne* Herneman of the
Parish of S'. Ann, Westminster ; by Licence from the Bishopt of
London. James Clarke. Witnesses : Ann Moore, Marg* Jordan, Jn"*
1 Aug. John Hague of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth CuUin of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. James Clarke. AVitnesses: Thomas Jackson, J
Cha®. Courteen.
2 Aug. Matthias Cocksedge of the Parish of S'. Martin in y" Field, Batchelor,
and Anne* Martin of the Parish of S'. Paul Cov^: Garden, Spinster; by
Licence from y^ A.Bf. of Canterbury. James Clarke. Witnesses :
Eobert Groat, Mary Grace.
7 Aug. Nicholas Garrot Stevens of this Parish Esq'., Widower, and Susannah
Phillipps§ of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence from the Bishop of
Loudon. James Clarke. Witnesses : Lewis Shirley, Mary Shirley.
13 Aug. Joseph Isacc|| of the Parish of S^ Andrew, Holbourn, Batchelor, and
Eliz: Young of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. James Clarke. Wit-
nesses : Matthew Haynes, Ellen or Young.
22 Aug. John Cecly of the Parish of Putney in Surrey, Widower, and Mary
Triguet of this Parish, Widow ; by Licence from the Bp. of London.
Tho: Clark. Witnesses: Lancelot Olijjhant, J Oliphaut, M Norman.
24 Aug. Samuel Bowker of the Parish of S^ James, Westminster, Widower,
and Elisabeth Jebb of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence from the Arch Bp.
Canterbury. James Clarke. AYitnesses : Ann Gates, Eliz Cunyngham,
Eich-": Jebb.
30 Aug. AYill™. Yates of this Parish, Widower, and Mary Jones J of this Parish,
Widow ; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses : Anne Smith, J Joseph
3 Sep. Thomas Marshall of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Locker of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence from the A.Bp. of Canterbury. James
Clarke. Witnesses : M. Locklaer (?), Cha^. Courteen.
7 Sep. Thomas Marlow of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elisabeth^ Webb of
the Painsh of S^ Mary le Strand, Spinster ; by Licence from the
A.Bp. of Canterbury. James Clarke. Witnesses : Edw"". Upham, Arm
By hill.
27 Sep. John Hearson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Lindell of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence from the A.Bp. of Cant: Tho: CJark. Wit-
nesses: Thomas Hooker, Cha^. Courteen.
28 Sep. Charles Cook of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elisabeth^ Smith of the
Parish of S'. Mary Hill in the County of Middlesex, Spinster; by Banns.
James Clarke. Witnesses : Jo^ Cox. Cha^: Courteen.
3 Oct. John Pinnick of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elisabeth^ Simpson of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. James Clarke. AYitnesses : Jane Gee,
James Sketchley.
12 Oct. John Trace** of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elisabeth Jarvesft of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses : AY"" Jack, Eliz :
13 Oct. James Freeland of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne* Garton of this
Parish, AYidow ; by Licence. James Clarke. Witnesses . Tho^. Miller,
Dorethy Bird.
* Signed " Ann." — Ed. f Altered from " Arch Bishop." — Ed.
t Signed by mark. — Ed. § Signed " Susana Phillip." — Ed.
II Signed " Isaac." — Ed. If Signed " Elizabeth." — Ed.
** Signed "Trais."— Ed. ft Signed " Elizabeth Jarvis."— Ed.
29 Oct. William Sa'n'yer o£ this Parish, Batchelor, and Martha Harm©re* of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses: Bed Har-
more, Mary Carpenter.*
10 Nov. Edward Clarke* of the Parish of S'. George, Bloomsbury, Batchelor,
and Susanuahf Barr of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. James
Clarke. Witnesses: Sarah Carboss, John Robinson.
19 Nov. Edward Hardin* of the Parish of S* Paul, Covent Garden, in the
Connty of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Pottell* of the same
Parish; by Banns. Tho. Clark. Witnesses: Will"': Swanwick, JNlary
2 Dec. Thomas Palmer of this Parish, Widower, and Mary Lutwyche* of the
Parish of S' Jauies, Clerkenweli, Widow ; by Licence. James Clarke.
AVitnesses : Jn" Jones, Frances Palmer.
8 Dec. Edward Howard of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane Brookhurst of
the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields, Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence.
James Clarke. Witnesses: Joseph Hodges, Cristany Hodges.
9 Dec. Benjamin Byam of this Parish, Batchelor, and Susannah Scott of the
Parish of S'. George, Hanover Square; by licence. James Clarke.
Witnesses : Jn" Woodward, Martha Scott.
26 Dec. John Willyams of the Parish of East Ham, in the County of Essex,
Widower, and Ann J Goodere of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence.
James Bate, curate for y^ time. Witnesses: J^ Tatter sal), Jn" Somerset
Frederick, Hen: Gould.
31 Dec. Thomas Nash of the Parish of S'. Paul, Cov'. Garden, Batchelor, and
Elizabeth Duglass* of the Parish of S' Martin in the Fields, Spinster;
by Licence. James Clarke. " Witnesses: Tho^ Lacy, AV"\ Swanwick.
4 Jan. Eobert Barrett of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elisabeth Dickenson* of
the Parish of S*. Margaret, AVestminster, Spinster ; by Licence. James
Clarke. Witnet^ses : Nat'. Hutchinson, W". Swanwick.
14 Jan. Thomas Beacham of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne Newland* of
this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses: Tho'*.
Gourlay, Eliz: Gourlay.
15 Jan. William Chapman of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Carpenter* of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses : W™. Eoe-
buck, AVill"": Swanwick.
20 Jan. Thomas Francklin of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Yenables, Spinster, of the
same Parish ; by Licence of the Bishop of London. John Evans. Wit-
nesses: John Christopher Smith, Elizabeth Sandby.
21 Jan. James Watson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Judith Middleton* of
this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. James Clarl<e. Witnesses: John Con-
worth, Jane Covrteen.
23 .Tan. John Bowers of this Parish, Batchelor, and Alice Briscoe of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses: B: Byam,
Ann Uhl.
2S Jan. Charles Farges* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane Barker of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. .lames Clarke. Witnesses: Henry Frances,*
.Judith Frances.*
29 Jan. Pye Donkin of the Parish of S'. Andrew, Holborn, Batchelor, and
Martha Hurt of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. James Clarke.
Witnesses : Will™: Swanwick, Jane Covrtten."
* Sicrned by mark.— Ed. f Signed "Susanah."— Ed,
X Signed "Anne." — Ed.
1 Feb. Will'". Wulf* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Smith, Spinster,t of
this Parish, 8piuster; by Licence. James Clarke. Witnesses: John
TreeloA^e, William .Swanwick.
17 Feb. Samuel Bernard Grast of the Middle Temple, London, Batchelor, and
Rachael Young of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. James Clarke.
Witnesses: Lewis Felice, Eleanor Monk.
18 Feb. Joseph Young of this Parish, Batcheloi*, and Mary BowelsJ of this
Parish, Widow ; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses : David Swinstow,
Sarah Denman, Jos Broom.
10 March Jacob Minors of this Parish, Batchelor,§ and Frances Vallancy|| of
the Parish of S'. Mary le Bon, Spinster; by Licence. James Clarke.
Witnesses : David Minors, Will'". Swanwick.
10 March William (xriffiths of this Parish, W^idower, and Sarah Laugley of this
Parish, Widow; by Licence. James Clarke. Witnesses: Hen>: Hen-
nings, Esther Hennings.^
17 March John Johnstone** of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elisabeth Wood^ of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. James Clarke. AVitnesses : Mary Daw,
Sarah Daw.
1 April James Haliday of the Parish of S*. James, Clerkenwell, in the County
of Middlesex, Widower, and Susannah Burtft of this Parish, Widow ; by
Licence. James Clarke. Witnesses : AVill'^': Swanwick, Jane Covr-
1 April Jasper Pollecut of the Parish of S'. James, Westminster, Batchelor,
and Elizabeth WoottonJJ of this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. .James
Clarke. Witnesses : Will"^': Swanwick, Jane Covrteeu.
G April William Cartwright of this Parish, 'Batchelor, and Catharine§§ Dutton
of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. James Clarke. AVitnesses : John
Thompson, Sarah Thompson.
15 April David Hatchmau of this Parish, Batchelor, and Kebecca HooperJIH of
the Parish of S^ Andrew, Holborn, Spinster; by Licence. James Clarke.
Witnesses: Joseph Hodges, Elizabeath Dears.
18 April John Bennett of the Parish of S^ Ann, Westminster, AVidower, and
Anna Brice of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. .James Clarke. Wit-
nesses: Simon Hennekin, Isabella A^ernon, Kob'. Swanneil.
18 April Thomas Kirkmau of this Parish^ Batchelor, and .Jane Foster of the
Parish of S*. Martin in the Fields, Spinster ; by Banns. James Clarke.
AA^itnesses : S Nickals, A Griffin, M Lear.
19 April Samuel Frederick Bierhold^^ of this Parish, Batchelor, and Hannah
Cook of this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. James Clarke. AVitnesses:
Andreas Knirsch (?), Sarah Acott.
23 April Henry Addison of this Parish, Widower, and Eleanor Corkhill*** of
this Parish, Widow ; by Banns. James Clarke. AVitnesses : Andreas
Knirsch (?), George Porter, AV^ill'". Swanwick.
8 May AVilliam Ward of the Parish S^ Andrew, Holborn, Batchelor, & Ann
Oates of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the County of Middlesex,
Spinster; by Licence of the Archbishop of Canterbury. John Evans,
Curate. AVitnesses: C R*^ Jebbs, Ann AVottou.
13 May Francis Harvey of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Bunn of the
Parish of S'. Mary, Aldermary, Spinster; by Banns. James Clarke.
Witnesses : Margaretta AVard,^ Thomas Harvey, Nich*: Langford.
* Signed " Wulff."— Ed. t Sic.
i Sigued " Bovvell.s." — En. § Written over uu erasure. — Ed.
11 Signed "Minors." — Ed. ^ Signed by mark. — Ed.
** Signed'- John.stoii."— Ed. ft Signed " Burtt."— Ed.
Xt Signed " Woottn " by mark.— Ed. §§ Signed " Cathrine." — Ed.
nil Sigued " RebcG'i Hoopeer." — Ed. ^^ Signed " Frederick Bierhold." — Ed,
*** Signed " Eliuer Corkill." — Ed.
14 May AVill"> Tilley of the Parish of Maidstone in Kent, Widower, and
Charlotte* Yates of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. James Clarke,
Witnesses: Eliz Spring, Will'". Swanwick.
21 May Richard Levi of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, and Mary North of the same Parish ; by Licence of the
Bishop of London. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses : Alexander White,
Will™. Swanwick.
24 May Griflfith Griffithf of this Parish, Batchelor, and .Jane JenkinsJ of this
Parish, Widow ; by Licence. .James Clarke. Witnesses : Benjamin
Derby, Walter Sedhhad (?).
.3 June Koger Omer of the Parish of S*. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey,
Widower, and Mary Smith of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Tho:
Clark. Witnesses: Ja*: Muddocks, Mary Aldwell.
4 June Joseph ShaltonJ of this Parish, Batchelor, and Martha Russell of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses : Mary Gregory,
Masey Pugh.
10 June Robert Scatchard of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth West of the Parish of
S^ Mary, AVhite Chappel in the same County, Widow ; by Licence. John
Evans, Curate. Witnesses : Tho^ Scatchard, James Finch.
17 June James Giddings of the Parish of S*. Clement Danes, Batchelor, and
Mary Pallant of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. .James Clarke. Wit-
nesses : Tho^. Stephens, James Miller, Henry Shepard.
19 June AVilliam Davidson of the Parish of S*. Annes, Westminster, Batchelor,
and Catharine§ Watson of this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. James
Clarke. Witnesses: W'". Watson, Mary Clarke, Grace Goldsmith.
19 June George Attwood of the Parish S'. Paul, Covent Garden, and Ann
Thomas of the Parish of Chelsea ; by Licence. Tho^ Cole. Witnesses :
W"': Devis, Sarah Holland.
23 June John Banbury of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah HoltJ of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses : Charlotte
Kappen, Hannah Shaw, Edw'^ Brimmer.
15 July Thomas Prosser of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Woodward of
this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Tho: Clark. Witnesses: Rob*: Ellis,
Mary Prosser.
17 July Basil Woodd of this Parish, Batchelor, and Hannah Price of the
Parish of Richmond, in the County of Surry, Spinster ; by Licence.
W"». Collins, Lect': of S\ Nich^: Cole Abby. Witnesses: Elizabeth
Woodd, Geo: Woodd, Hann^': Hill.
3 Aug. Stephen Gom of the Parish of Hillingdon, Batchelor, and Esther
Batty of this Parish, Widow ; by Licence. James Clarke. Witnesses :
Edw'' Dickason, Jane Cowrteen.
7 Aug. Morgan Apsley Hall of the Parish of S* Saviour, Southwark, Batchelor,
and Mary Dawson of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. James Clarke.
Witnesses : John Marshall, Jane Marshall.
11 Aug. John Philpott of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary LuckingJ of this
Parish, Widow ; by Licence. James Clarke. Witnesses : Tho Griflfith,
Elisabeth! Butler.
29 Aug. George Dickenson^ of the Parish of S'. Giles in the Fields, Batchelor,
and Martha Longman of this Parish, Widow; by Banns. James Clarke.
Witnesses: .John Woodrooffe, Anne Holloway. ||
30 Aug. Robert^f Whcable of the Parish of S' Botolph, Aldgate, Batchelor, and
* Signed " Chariot.' —Ed. f Signed " Griff Griffths."— En.
X Signed by mark.— Ed. § Signed " Cathrin."— Ed.
II (?) Signed by mark.— Ed. ^ Signed " Robbert."— Ed.
Mary Barns* of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. James Clarke.
Witnesses : Marth Falmear, Nathaniel Edwards.*
7 Sep. John Hutchinson of the Parish of S^ Mary, AVhite Chapel, Batchelor,
and Mary Sprigg of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. James Clarke.
Witnesses : Jane Brookbank, Tho*. Brookbank.
9 Sep. James Matthews of this Parish, Batchelor, and Maria Wadman of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses : Mary Collett,
Ann Sleigh.
11 Sep. John Wood of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Dimous* of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Bans. James Clarke. Witnesses : Will"': Swan-
wick, Jane Covrteen.
16 Sep. Francis Aliamet of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elisabethf Brough of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. James Clarke. Witnesses : Thomas
Baitn bridge, John Kidgell.
16 Sep. James Lockhart of the Parish of Saint Dunstan in the East, London,
Batchelor, and Ann Knight of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Grarden,
Midd'^, Spinster; by Licence from the Arch Bishop of Cant>. John
Kidgell, A.M. Witnesses : John Higgons Jun''. Mary Higgons.
28 Sep. Thomas Wooley of the Parish of S*. x\nne, Westminster, Batchelor,
and Jane Maule of the Parish of S*. Paul, Cov*. Garden, Spinster; James
Clarke. Witnesses : Will'": Sw\anwick, Jane Covrteen.
2 Oct. John Powdich of the Parish of S'. Mary, Woolnoth, Widow^er, and
Mary Leverland of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. James Clarke.
Witnesses: Ger: Leverland, Sns: Leverland.
5 Oct. Matthew MortonJ of this Parish, Batcheloi-, and Elisabeth§ Madden
of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. James Clarke. Witnesses : George
Deleny, Will™. Swanwick.
21 Oct. John Wallis of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne Carpenter* of this
Parish, Widow ; by Licence. James Clarke. Witnesses: John Townsend,
William Harrison.
27 Oct. Eobert Landall of the Parish of S^ Giles in the Fields, Batchelor, and
Elisabeth Cunyngham of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. James
Clarke. Witnesses : James Eraser, Sarah Fell.
3 Nov. Rich'^. Day of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Uhl of this Parish,
Spinster; by Licence. James Clarke. Witnesses: Benj Byam, Martha
10 Nov. George Starr of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Hay ward of this
Parish, Widow ; by Licence. James Clarke. Witnesses : W™. Coster,
E Bracey, Jeany Hutchison.
23 Nov. Godwinll Wood of the Parish of S* Paul, Cov' Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Anson* of the Same Parish, Spinster ;
by Licence. James Clai-ke. Witnesses : Michal Kelly, Margaret Rodgers.*
25 Nov. Benjamin Newman of this Parish, Batchelor, and Alice Burton of tJiis
Parish; by Banns. Thomas Francklin. Witnesses: William Simpson,
Jane Covrteen.
29 Nov. Bartholomew Eness* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elisabeth Carr* of
this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses: Will"':
Swanwick, Jane Covrteen.
6 Decll Henry How of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Thorns** of Same
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. James Clarke. Witnesses : William
Sw^anwick, Jane Covrteen.
22 Dec. John Bellamy of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah NichoDsft of this
* Signed by mark. — Ed. t Signed " Elizabet." — Ed.
X Signed " Moreton." — Ed. § Signed " Elizabeth." — Ed.
II Altered from " Goodwin " and signed " Godwin." — Ed.
■'' '■ November" first written and crossed through. — Ed.
** Signed " EUs Thomas."— Ed. ft Signed " Nickals."— Ed.
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. .Tames Clarke. Witnesses : John Jackson,
Cath": Jackson, W"'. Setree.
22 Dec. Henry Colquhoun of this Parish, and Ann Wilcox of this Parish ;
were married by Licence. John Kidgell, Rector of Wolverstone. Wit-
nesses : Sarh* Wilcox, P"". Muilman, Mary Reddish.
25 Dec.f Samuel Wilson of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in Middle-
sex, Batchelor, and Sarah Gough of the Parish of S^ Bartholomew the less,
London, Spinster; Edward Darell. Witnesses: Ben: Necklin, Will"
Swan wick.
27 Dec. John Gawler of the inner Temple, Batchelor, and the honourable
Cai'oliue Bellenden of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. .James Clarke.
Witnesses: Frederick Campbell, J Bellenden, Anne Lynd.
30 Dec. Charles Sawyer of the Parish of S'. George, Hanover Square, Batchelor,
and Elisabeth J Henderson of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. James
Clarke. Witnesses : Tho^ Moor, Mary Henderson.
15 Jan. Francis Allwood of this Parish, Widower, and Anne§ Haines of this
Parish, Spinsteri| ; by Licence. James Clarke. Witnesses : Mary
Allwood, Elizabeth Allwood.
23 Jan. James Bencraft of this Parish, Batchelor, and Henrietta Rich of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. James Clarke. Witnesses : Michael
Homer, Susanna Homer.
29 Jan. Richard Rathbone of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane Best of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. John Home. Witnesses : James Sketchley,
Mary Parr.
16 Feb. John Ford of this Parish, Batchelor, and Marthe Willard of this
Parish, Widow ; by Licence. James Clarke. Witnesses: Tho^ Heckford,
John Bill.
22 Feb. John Spensley of this Parish, AVidower, and Catharine Reillylf of the
Parish of S*. Giles in the Fields, Widow; by Licence. James Clarke.
Witnesses: Margaret Wallace,1[ Will™: Swanwick.
24 Feb. Christopher Lewis Bock of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary** Bourne
of this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses: Mary
Schrder,^ Jane Covrteen.
6 April Charles Field of the Parish of S^. Paul, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchel, and Sarahff Collett of Same Parish, Spinster;
by Banns. Tho : Clarke. Witnesses: INI ary Collett, Jane Covrteen.
6 April William Marsden of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
(.'ounty of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Sarah Smith of the Parish of S' Brides,
London, Spinster ; by Banns. Tho: Clark. Witnesses: AV'" Churchman,
K Gibbs.
12 April James White of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Hostugl of this
Parish, Widow ; by Licence. James Clarke. Witnesses : Richard Gale,
.Jane Covrteen.
13 April Thomas MeziareJJ of this Parish, Widower, and Margaret Southelllf of
this Parish, Widow ; by Licence. James Clarke. Witnesses : Jane Covr-
teen, Will"': Swanwick.
20 April Tho: Smith of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Eliz: Dunkly§§ of this Parish, Spinster"; by
Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses : Jos**: Tristram, John Came.
* Sic. t This entry, first dated " 1757," has been altered to " 1759." — Ed.
t Sigrned "Eliz;"— Ed. § Signed "Aon."— Ed.
II \\'ritleii twice.— Ed. ^ Signed by mark.— Ed.
** Signed "Me-^"— Ed. ft Signed "Sans."— Ed.
It Signed " Ziarc."— Ed. §§ Signed " Elizebetb Dunkley."— Ed.
20 April James Pauliii* o£ this Parish, Widower, and Hannah "White of the
Parish of S'. Martin in ye Fields, in ye Liberty of "Westminster, Spinster;
by Banns. James Clarke. "Witnesses : John Carne, David Sweets. t
25 April John Silberrad of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Crispin of the
Parish of S' Georges, Hanover Square, Sjjinster ; by Banns. James Clarke.
Witnesses: John Bauman, Mary Hinwood.
25 April Christopher Bostock of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary LeazerJ of
this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. .lames Clarke. Witnesses: Jane
Covrteen, Mary Jenkins. f
27 April John Cossens of the Parish of S' Mary, AVoolnorth, London, Batchelor,
and Sarah Tusonf of the Parish of S* Paul, Coveut Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Spinster; by Licence. James Tattersall, Eector. Wit-
nesses : T Cossens, A Cossens, Jn" Dike.
4 May Tho^. Reynolds of this Parish, Batchelor, and Martha Adey of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. .James Clarke. AVitnesses : Will'": Swan-
wick, elisabeth Caresile.
6 May .James Chaplin of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Marraden of this
Parish, Spinster ; bv Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses: Ann Fleming,
William Griffiths, Sarah Griffiths.
17 June Eichard White of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret Wardlef of
this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Tho*. Cule. Witnesses: Tho^. Burbidge,
Catherine Howard.
26 June Bezaleel Stumbles§ of this, Batchelor, and Sophia Eaf'ugeau of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Charles Thomas. Witnesses : Gab'
Eafugeau, Ann Rafugeau, Mary Coldham.
26 June Tobias Jonesf of the Parish of Beckenham, in the County of Kent,
Batchelor, and Isabella Eobsont of this Parish ; by Licence. John Home.
Witnesses : Will™: Swanwick, Hannah Swanwick.
29 June James Meudham of the Parish of S"^ Dunstan's in the West, London,
Batchelor, and Mary Baylis of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. John
Home. Witnesses: Henry Paulin. Sam': Hibberdine.
20 July Eichard Alleuf of Parish of Ealing in the County of Middlesex,
Widower, and Sarah Eeynolds|| of this Parish, Widow ; by Licence. John
Horne. Witnesses: W"MVoods, Mary .Jones.
20 July Samuel Stone of the Parish of S'. James, Clerkenwell, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Maria Yeale of this Parish, Spinster ; by
Licence. John Home. Witnesses: Tho* Southan, E Dyed.
26 July Samuel Ealand of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Bemont of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Tho* Cole, Curate. Witnesses: John
Seago, Erasmus Crake.
27 July Samuel Weaver of the Parish of Christ Church, London, Widower,
and Sarah Edmunds of this Parish, Widow ; by Licence. John Horne.
Witnesses: Ann Axton, Will'" : Swanwick.
31 Aug. Eichard Goodger of the Pai'ish of S' Peter Lepore, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Church^ of the Parish of S*: Paul, Covent
Garden, Spinster; by Banns. Tho Clarke. AVitnesses: W"' Churchman,
Mary Churchman.
31 Aug. Griffiths Edwards of the Parish of S': Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Widower, and Mary Steele, Spinster, of Same Parish ;
by Licence. Tho : Clarke. AVitnesses : Elis"' Bell, AV"\ Churchman.
3 Sep. James Savage of the Parish of S'. Mary le bon, Batchelor, and Mary
"Wingfield of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. James Clarke. AVit-
nesses : Sam^ Edwards, AVill"' : Swanwick.
* Signed " Pullin." — Ed. t Signed by mark. — En.
X Signed " Leaser." — Ed. § Signed '• Stumbels." — Ed.
II Signed " Reynalds." — Ed. % Sigued " Churchmau." — Ed.
5 Sep. Patrick Carrol* of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields, Batchelor,
and Elizabeth Byrne of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. James Clarke.
Witnesses : Marg"^ Cope, .ludith Carey. f
9 Sep. William Lister of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret Wolcock;}: of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. James Clarke. Witnesses : Elizabeth
Inglethorp, Will™: Swanwick.
21 Sep. Samuel Brown of the City of Canterbury, Batchelor, and Jane
Kedman§ of the Parish of S': Paul, Covent Garden, in the County of
Middlesex, Spinster; by Licence. Tho. Clarke, Witnesses: Rob*.
Hepburn, E Ross.
21 Sep. Rich'': Price of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Lucy Mary Taylorf of Same Parish,
Spinster; by Banns. Tho: Clarke. Witnesses: William Hoddy,
Marg' Hody.
6 Oct. Michael Croustromf of the Precinct of the Savoy, Batchelor, and
Rachael Blakelockf of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. James Clarke.
Witnesses : Richard Segery, Ann Hand.
9 Oct. Robert Bemont of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Harrison of the
Parish of S'. George. Bloomsbury ; by Licence. James Clarke. Wit-
nesses : Anne Rowe, William Rowe, Eleaz'' Burchell.
20 Oct. Robert Rutley of the Parish of S'. George, Bloomsbur}^ Batchelor,
and Elisabethjl Miller of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. James
Clarke. AVitnesses : John Rutlev, Martha Morgan.
20 Oct. Moses Smith of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, Batchelor,
and Helena Griffith of the Parish of S^ Clement Danes, Sjiinster, in the
County of Middlesex ; by Licence of ye Archbishop of Canterbury. John
Evans* Curate Ass*. Witnesses : C : Y: Y : Houk, C. Pyle.
30 Oct. Richard Christmas of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Singer of the
Parish of S*. Clement Danes. Spinster ; by Banns. James Clarke. Wit-
nesses : Ja^: Christmas, Tho': Singer, Hannah Castle, Elizabeth Welch.
4 Nov. James Giffard of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, Widovi-^er,
and Diana Goodenough of the Parish aforesaid, Spinster; by Licence from
the Archbishop of Canterbury. Phocion Henley, CI for the Rector.
W^itnesses : Eliz Meares, M Meares.
4 Nov. Daniel Garsson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Hubertf of
this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses:
W"" Thomasson, Jane Thomasson, Sarah Curtis.
9 Nov. Will™. Fowler of this Parish, AVidower, and Margaret Aberdeen^ of
this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. James Clarke. Witnesses: John
Fowler, Fra^ Aberdein.
9 Nov. John AVood of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Cox of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence from the Bishop of London. John Evans, Assistant.
Witnesses : Jn° Lancaster, Sarah AVinchurst.
13 Nov. George Fair of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret Brownlees** of
the Parish of S*. Mary, A¥hitechappell, Spinster; by Lycence. Thomas
Kynaston. Witnesses : Thomas Scott, John Besey.
16tt Nov. John Johnson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Drewf of the
Same Parish, Spinster; by Lycence. Tho^ AVinder. AA^itnesses : Will"':
Swanwick, Jane Covreen.
25 Nov. Tho^ A^ass of the Parish of South Mims, Batchelor, and DennisJJ
Chadock of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. James Clarke. AVit-
nesses : John Sewell, Jane Covrteen.
* Signed " Pattrick Carroll." — Ed. f Signed by mark. — Ed.
J Signed "M. Wlocok."— Ed. § Signed " Redmon."— Ed.
II Signed " Eliz'abeth."— Ed. f Signed ■' Margart Aberden."— Ed.
** Signed "Margaet Browlees." — Ed. ft Altered from " fifteenth."— Ed.
tl Signed " Deniss CadoUk."— Ed,
5 Dec. Thomas Walker of this Parish, "Widower, and Barbara Slaney* of the
Parish of Hornsey, "Widow ; by Licence. James Clarke. "Witnesses :
Thomp" Hicks, "William Swanwick.
11 Dec. Thomas Haukin of this Parish, Bjj,tchelor, and Martha Bond of the
Parish of Maidstone, in the County of Kent, Spinster ; by Licence.
Thomas Murray. Witnesses : Michael Ballard, Jane Covrteen.
16 Dec. William Brunton of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Marshall of
this Parish, Widow ; by Banns. Thomas Murray. "Witnesses : "Will™:
SwauAvick, Jane Covrteen.
30 Dec. John Bromley of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Tims of said
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray. "Witnesses : Sam^
Johnstone, Sus*. Goodchild.
3 Jan. Charles Eodd of this Parish, Bachelor, and Charlottef Naish of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. John "Warner. Witnesses: Tho: Dummer,
K Xaish, Clementina Naish.
4 Jan. Bobert Cummins of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Perkins of the
Parish of Christ Church in the County of Surry, Spinster ; by Licence.
Thomas Murray. "Witnesses : Morgan Rice, Jeam Ann, "VYilliam Keale.
22 Jan. Charles Swift of this Parish, Batchelor, and Catherine Howard of
said Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Thomas Murray. "U^ itnesses : Edward
Howard, Jane Howard.
25 Jan. AVilliam Pebworth of the Parish of S' "Vedast, Foster lane, Batchelor,
and Sarah GilesiJ: of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Thomas Murray.
"VN^itnesses : G-eorge Lee, Eliz*'^: Toomer.
31 Jan. Thomas Chilton J: of the Parish of Harrow on the Hill in the County
of Middlesex, Widower, and Sarah Hewet§ of this Parish, Spinster; by
Licence. Thomas Murray. "Witnesses : Joseph Settle, Lucy Price.
1 Feb. Thomas Court of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Osburn|| of same
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Thomas Murray. "Witnesses: Samuel Smith,
Ann Spindler.
12 Feb. Jeremiah Bullock of this Parish, Batchelor, and Hannah Calloway of
the Parish of S' George, Hanover Square, "Widow ; by Licence. Thomas
Murray. "Witnesses : J. Smeaton, Mary Jenkinson.
13 Feb. William Pemble of the Parish of Cranbrook, in the County Kent,
Batchelor, and Mary Bowden of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence.
Thomas Murray. "Witnesses : Thomas Smith, Martha Smith.
17 Feb. Edward FulfordiJ: of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane WatkinsJ of
Same Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray. "Witnesses: William
Swanwick, Jane Covrteen.
15 March J ohn Jones of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Eowles^ of the Parish
of "W^altham Abbey, County Essex, Spinster; by Licence. Thomas Murray.
Witnesses : John Norris, W'": Churchman.
24 March Adam Stevinson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane Millne** of said
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Thomas Murray. "Witnesses: Jean Milne,
James "Watts, Hellon "Watts.
24 March Robert Judd of this Parish, Batchelor, and Dorothy Brereton of the
Parish of S* James, Westminster ; by Licence. Thomas Murray. Wit-
nesses ; Rob'. Judd, Lydia Judd.
* Signed "Slany."— Ed. t Signed " Charlott."— Ed.
X Signed by mark. — Ed. § Assisted in signing. — Ed.
II Signed " Osbur " by mark.— Ed. ^ Signed " "Raoul."— Ed.
** Signed " Milne."— Bd.
28 March Eobert Tidmas of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Hayter of said
Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Thomas Murray. Witnesses: Mary Blake,
E. Blake, Ann Jermy.
29 March Eobert Eedfera of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Lander of
said Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Thomas Murray. Witnesses: Jeff:
Sail, Henry Frith.
30 March James Bishop of this Parish, Batchelor, and Hannah Eaynor of said
Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Thomas Murray. Witnesses: Abigail
Campling, Jane Covrteen.
13 April Francis Manby of the Parish of South Weald in the County of Essex,
Esq'':, Batchelor, and Mary Wright of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence
from the Archbishop of Canterbury. John Evans. Witnesses: Anth.
Wright, Jn". Wright.
17 April William Gribson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Lydia Partridge of said
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray. Witnesses : Ann Part-
ridge, Mary Ling* her sister, Benjamin Ling.
18 April William Bates of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Martharf Goore of
said Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Thomas Murray. Witnesses: W'"
Haynes, B. Bates, M^. Atkinson.
29 April Eichard Langman of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Eoger.*;}: of
said Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Thomas Murray. Witnesses : Erancis
West, Mary Jones.
9 May Eobert Fleetcraft* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Hemings§ of
said Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray. Witnesses : John
Selby, William Crafts, William Swanwick.
17 May Cornelius Pope of the Parish of S* James, Clerkenwell, Batchelor, and
Maryll Eearnley of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Thomas Murray.
Witnesses: John Hepworth, Marey Jones.*
24 May William Tuite of the Parish of S* Giles's in the Fields, Batchelor,
and Catherine Eeddan of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Thomas
Murray. Witnesses : Will™ Swan^^dck, Jane Covrteen.
2 June John Spring of this Parish, Batchelor, and Euphan Nash of the Parish
of S* Martin's in the Fields, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray.
Witnesses : And"'. JS'ash, Eliz*i'. Nash.
10 June Edward Moorton of this Parish, Widower, and Olive Forder of said
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray. Witnesses : W™.
Churchman, Will™. Swanmck.
22 June Benjamin Piper of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Holker of said
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray. Witnesses : Jn°:
Thompson, Susanna Oliver.
30 June William Clapshaw^ of the Parish of Clapham, in the County of
Surry, Widower, and Sarah Bush, Spinster, of the Parish of Saint Paul,
Cov*. Garden, in the County of Middlesex ; by Licence of the Bishop of
London. John Evans, Curate, Witnesses : Charles Shephard, William
Swanwick, Clerk.
2 July Daniel Gell of the Parish of Battersea, in the County of Surry,
A\''idower, and Margaret Clagett of the Parish of S'. Paul, Cov'. Garden,
in the County of Middlesex ; by Licence of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
John Evans. AVitnesses : Anthony Gell, Jane Clagett.
7 July John Day of this Parish, Batchelor, and Catherine Gregory** of the
Parish of Waltham, Holy Cross, County Essex, Spinster ; by Licence.
Thomas Murray. Witnesses : John Jones, Sarah Eaoul.
* Signed by mark.— Ed. t Signed " Mather."— Ed.
X Signed " Rggers." — Ed. § Signed by mark as " Heming." — Ed.
II Signed " 'Marey."— Ed. % Signed " Clapshu."— Ed.
** Signed " Day ^' and altered to " Gregory."— Ed,
26 July John Marshall Browning of this Parish, Batchelor, and Henrietta*
Edmonds of said Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Thomas Murray. Wit-
nesses: Benjamin Carpenter, William Swanwick.
1 Aug. Eiohard Gough of this Parish, Widower, and Elizabeth Webbt of said
Parish, Widow ; by Banns. Thomas Murray. Witnesses : Elinor Wilki-
son,t Jane Covrteen, William Swanwick.
2 Aug. Samuel Conno of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Anderson of the
Parish of Kings End, County Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence. Thomas
Murray. Witnesses : William Crosier, Jane Covrteen.
2 Aug. Joseph Jackson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret Corraganf of
said Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Thomas Murray. Witnesses: Benjamin
Tailford, Crispeanas Bean.
6 Aug. George Kegwin of the Parish of Kingston upon Thames, Batchelor,
and Margaret Morrisf of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Thomas Mur-
ray. Witnesses : William Swanwick, Jane Covrteen.
13 Aug. John BennetJ of the Parish of S* Ann's, Westminster, Widower, and
Mary Pike of this Parish, Widow ; by Licence. Thomas Murray. Wit-
nesses : John Eawlins, Margreatt Gascoigne.
18 Aug. Edward Wilson§ of the Parish of S'. Paul, Cov*. Garden, In the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Birch, Spinster, of the Parish of S* Giles
in aforesaid County; by Licence. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses: James
Coy, Ann Collins.
31 Aug. Eoger Mays of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne Sandersf of said
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray. Witnesses : Thomas
Kenny, William Plymsell.
3 Sep. James Martin of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Leuty of the Parish
S"^ Giles's, Spinster, Minor ; by Licence. Thomas Murray, Curate Assist.
Witnesses : George Leuty, William Swanwick.
15 Sej). John Benyon of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Benyon of same
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Thomas Murray, Curate. Witnesses :
Grace Calmady, P Davall, A Wotton, Cha^: Child, Ben: Benion.
8 Oct. Samuel Griffiths of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth 01iver|| of the
Parish of S' Martin in the Fields, Spinster, by Licence. Thomas Murray,
Curate assis*. Witnesses : William Lympas, Mary Griffiths.
10 Oct. Stephen Picard of the Parish of S'. Martin in the Fields, Batchelor,
and Sarah Eowley of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Thomas Murray,
Curate. Witnesses : Anne Backler, Ann Carter.
11 Oct. Samuel Cooke of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Dillwyn of said
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate Assist : Witnesses :
Mary Walker, Mary Clarke.
11 Oct. William Buuuing of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Lonnon of said
Parish, Spinster; by Licence of Arch Bishop Canterbury. Thomas Murray,
Curate. Witnesses : Werner Kappen, Marguet Thiebau, Eliz Syms, Martha
Mangaar, Margarett Palmer.
31 Oct. Thomas Willis of the Parish of Saint John, Wapping, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and AnneH Mortimer of the Parish of Saint Paul,
Covent Garden, in the same County, Spinster ; by Licence of the Arch-
Bishop of Canterbury. John Evans. Witnesses : Thomas Mortimer, Mary
17 Nov. Henry Eustis of the Parish of Saint Peter Le Poor, London, Batchelor,
and Mary Eobertsf of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middx, Spinster ; by Licence of the Lord Bishop of London.
Richard Mason. Wituessea : Barnard Gardner, Ste"^. Gaubert.
* Signed " Henneritta."— Ed. t Signed by mark.— Ed.
X Signed " Bennett."— Ed. § Signed " Willson."— Ed.
II Signed " Olivier."— Ed. IF Signed " Ana."— Ed.
11 Dec. Thomas Call of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Hinton of the
Parish of S*. George, Queen Square, Spinster; by Licence. Thomas
Murray, Curate. Witnesses: Tho: Benuett, Jn'' Heaven.
25 Dec. Edward "Williams of the Parish of Saint Mary Le Strand, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Jones* of the Parish of Saint
Paul, Covent Garden, in the same County, Spinster ; by Licence of the Lord
Bishop of London. Richard Mason. Witnesses': Jn° Loader, Will™
10 Jan. John Loader of the Parish of Saint Mary, Woolchurch, London,
Batchelor, and Mary Chriestleyf of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden,
in the County of Middlesex, Spinster; by Licence of the Bishop of London.
Eichard Mason. Witnesses : Edward AVilliams, Martha Christley.
22 Jan. William Frecotte of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Blake of said
Parish, Spinster, a Minor, & by her Mothers Consent ; by Licence of y^
Arch Bishop of Canterbury. Thomas Murray, Curate Assistant. Wit-
nesses : Ann Blake, John Lawrence.
25 Jan. James Rice of the Parish of Woolwich, County Kent, Widower, and
Elizabeth ChammingJ of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Thomas
Murray. Witnesses : William Swanwick, Jane Covrteen.
28 Jan. John Regnier of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Eegnier of the Parish
of Chelsea, Spinster, a Minor, by Consent of Parents; by Licence. Thomas
Murray, Curate Assist. AVitnesses : Cha^ Hardey, Marthe Regnier.
1 Feb. Richard Ledsom of this Parish, Widower, and Anne§ Hore of same
Parish, Widow ; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate Assist. Witnesses :
J Fryer, A an Fryer, Elizabeth Fryer.
15 Feb. William Hopkins of the Parish of S* George, Bloomsbury, Batchelor,
and Sarah Bradley of this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray,
Curate. Witnesses: AVilliam Swanwack, Jane Covrteen.
16 Feb. Francis Williams of the Parish of S' Margaret, Westminster, Widower,
and Susanna Elliott of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Thomas Murray,
Curate. AVitnesses : Sarah Elliott, Jane Owen, Herb^ Gomond, Jn" Spicer.
17 Feb. George Phillips of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Alexander of
Same Parish, Spin.ster; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate. AVitnesses:
Jane Wood, Jane Covrteen, William Swanwick.
22 Feb. William Green of the Parish of S* Mary Le Strand, Batchelor, and
Jane Collier of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Thomas Murray, Curate
Assistant. Witnesses : Peter Desbrosses, Will">. Swanwick.
24 Feb. Richard Handy of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Morris of same
Parish, Spinster; by Licence Arch Bp Canterbury. Thomas Murray,
Curate Assistant. AVitnesses: Ja^ Leslie, Will™: Swanwick.
7 March AVilliam Haynes of this Parish, AVidower, and Elizabeth Blacow of
said Parish, AVidow; by Licence. Thomas Murray, Curate. Witnesses:
R Browne, C Kelly.
12 March Robert Palmer of the Parish of Portsmouth, County Southampton,
Batchelor, and Martha Margaret Palmer of this Parish, Spinster; by
Licence Arch Bp Canterbury. Thomas Murray, Curate Assis*. Wit-
nesses : AVemer Kappen, Hannah Perm.
14 March John Robinson of the Parish of S* Saviours, Southwark, County Surry,
Batchelor, and Elizabeth Morland of this Parish, Spinster; by License
Achbp Canterbury. Thomas Murray, Curate Assisf^^ Witnesses : Will™.
Hayhurst, Phillis Hayhurst.
* Signed " Eliz Williams." " Late Jones " apparently added by Clerk.— Ed.
t Signed " Mary Loader." " Late Chriestley " apparently added bv ulerk.— Ed.
I Signed " E. Chammen."— Ed. § Signed " Ann."— Ed.
11 April John Wilson of the Parish of Stepney, Widower, and Rebecca Taylor*
of this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray. Witnesses : Ann
Booth, John Newbound.
12 April James Webster of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes, Batchelor, and
Mary Turrelf of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Thomas Murray,
Curate. Witnesses : William Swauwick, Jane Covrteen.
12 April John Plaistowe of the Parish of Henley upon Thames, Batchelor, and
Mary Walker of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence Arch Bp Canterbury.
Thomas Murray. Witnesses : J Sayer, Ann Christien.
13 April Joseph Grimakly of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary BlagdeniJ: of the
same Parish, Spinster, & Minor ; by Licence & with her Father's Consent.
Thomas Murray, Curate Assist. Witnesses: Joseph Settree, W™ Blagden,
Ann Eldridge.*
13 April J.ames Lover§ of the Parish of Tsleworth, Middlesex, Batchelor, and
Mary Radish|| of this Parish, Spinster, and Minor; by Banns. John
Butley, Curate. Witnesses : William AVeston, Mary Hodson.
19 Apiil Charles Morison of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne^ Harding of
said Parish, Widow; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate. Witnesses:
Henry Heunings, Dorothy Shaw, William Gray.
23 April Kichard Highland of this Parish, Batchelor, and Eose Finney** of said
Parish, AVidow ; by Licence. Thomas Murray, Curate. Witnesses :
W. Newton, Thomas Thome.
25 April Thomas Batten of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne Schoalestt of said
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate Assist. Wit-
nesses : Greoi'ge Poole, Katheriue Perris.
. 8 May Edward Littleford of this Parish, Batchelor, and Grace TrebbleJI of
said Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Thomas Murray, Curate. Witnesses :
Will Mounsher, Mary Muddiman, Eliz*'' Smith.
30 May John Doe of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Phillips of said Parish,
Spinster; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate. AYitnesses : John Carne,
Sarah Ludlow.
31 May John Morgan of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Parish§§ of said
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate. AVitnesses :
Thomas Eoberts, James W^ynne.
6 June Joseph Hornby of the Parish of S' Andrews, Holborn, Batchelor, and
Ann Brewer of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence Archbp. Canterbury.
Thomas Murray, Curate. AV^itnesses : Lio': Garlick, Dan Glover, Sarah
Hornby, Eliz^'' Hornby, Sarah Pilkington.
6 June John Martin of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret Rider|||| of said
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate. Witnesses: James
Hennen, Elizabeth Duperry,* AVill"' SwauAvick.
13 June John Skene of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne Borsfoutt^T[ of the
Parish S' Martins in the Fields, Spinster ; by Baiins. Thomas Murray,
Curate. AV^itnesses : John Borfout, Jane Borfout.
13 June Thomas Roberts of this Parish, AVidower, and Margaret Hewett* of
said Parish, Widow ; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate. Witnesses :
Rich'' Morgan, John Morgan.
21 June John Horrod of the Parish of S* James, Westminster, Widower, and
Theadosia Finney of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence ArchBp Canter-
bury. Thomas Muri-ay, Curate. AVitnesses : Robert Tommas, AVill™:
Swan wick.
* Signed by mark.— Ed. t Signed " Turrell."— En.
X Signed " Blagdon."— Ed. § Signed " Lever."— £d.
II Signed " Reddish."— Ed. IT Signed " Ann."— Ed.
** Signed " Finny."— En. tt Apperently signed by mark. — Ed.
tX Signed " Trebbe.'— Ed. §§ Signed " Parry."- Ed.
Illj Signed " Ryder."— Ed. ITII Signed "Ann Borfout."— Ed.
30 June "William Bradfield of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne Steel* of said
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate. Witnesses : Edward
Weller, AVill"': Swanwick.
8 July William Bingham of this Parish, Widower, and Ann George* of said
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate. Witnesses: Jane
Covi'teen, Will"': Swanwick.
10 July Thomas Buckeridge Noyes of this Parish, B"", and Sarah Hucks, Spin"".
of the Parish of S' George, Bloomsbury, in this County ; by License.
Mountague Bush S.T.B. & Curate of Aldgate. Witnesses : George Blagrave,
J H Kelly.
11 July Peter Brett of the Parish of S* Clement Danes, Batchelor, and Mary
Pickering of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Thomas Murray, Curate.
Witnesses : Will"': Swanwick, Jane Covrteen.
til July Thomas Samms of the Parish of S* Martin in the Fields, Batchelor,
and Jane NicholsJ of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Thomas Murray,
Curate. Witnesses : Will"': Swanwick, Jane Covrteen.
19 July Thomas Nelson* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret Kennedy* of
same Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate. Witnesses :
John Mill, Rose Cardiff, Will"': Swanwick.
2 July§ Cospar Shaffetile of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne|| Shillern of said
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray. Witnesses : Johnn Michael
Werthschmied (?), Jane Covrteen.
5 Aug. John Pittman of the Parish of S' Peter's, Cornhill, Batchelor, and
Susannah Virgen^f of this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray,
Curate. Witnesses: W Paul, AVill"': Swanwick, Jane Covrteen.
14 Aug. William Braint of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Trotmin* of
said Parish, Spinster ; by Licence of Arch Bp Canterbury. Thomas
Murray, Curate. Witnesses : Babe Trotman, Will"'. Swanwick, Thomas
15 Aug. William Goff of the Parish of S' Dunstan's in the East, Batchelor,
and Elizabeth Hoyle* of this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas
Murray, Curate. Witnesses : Hannah Hirst, David Hoyle, Hannah
Corral 1.
22 Aug. Daniel Skilceom* of this Parish, Widower, and Mary Purcell of same
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate. Witnesses : James
Willams (?), Jane Covrteen, A\^i 11'": Swanwick.
29 Aug. John Hunt of the Parish of Birmingham, County of Warwick,
Batchelor, and Lucy Hill of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence Arch Bp
Canterbury. Thomas Murray, Curate. Witnesses : Charles Shephard,
Sam' Hatton.
29 Aug. Mark Oliver of the Parish of AllHallows, Barking, Widower, and
Mary Peal** of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Thomas Murray,
Curate, ft
4 Sep. John Little of the Parish of St. Martin in the fields, in the County of
Middlesex, Widower, and Mary Newton of the Parish of S* Paul, Covent
Garden, in the same County, Spinster; by Licence. Ab"^. Hurley, Curate
for this time. Witnesses : .Jemima Goadby, Sarah Newton.
5 Sep. Joshua Toten of the Parish of St. Mary, Islington, in the County of
Middlesex, AVidower, and Judith Cook* of the Parish of St Paul, Covent
Garden, in the same County, Widow ; by Licence. Ab"'. Hurley, Curate
for the time. Witnesses : Geo. Kenward, Eliz Kenward.
* Signed by mark.— Ed. t This entry is dated 1760, apparently by i^istake. — Ed.
X Signed " NichoUs.' — Ed. § Probably in mistake for " Aug." — Ed.
y Signed "Ann."— Ed. % Signed " Susan Virgein."^ED.
*■* Signed " Peall."— Ed. tt Blank in Register.— Ed.
5 Sep. Samuel Eobinson* of this Parish, Widower, and Catherine Eewbottom*
of this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ab"\ Hurley, Curate for this time.
Witnesses : Mary Yates, W"': Yates.
11 Sep. Charles Bellingham of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Lockwood*
of the Parish of S* Dunstan, Stepney, Widow ; by Licence. Thomas
Murray, Curate. Witnesses : James Cavalier, Elizabeth Hurst.
,15 Sep. Eichard Morgan of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Edwards of said
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate. Witnesses : James
Sketchley, Will"\ Swanwick.
20 Sep. Joseph Blake of this Parish, Batchelor, and Susannaf Mackie of same
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate Assist. Witnesses :
John Mackie, Jane Covrteen, Mark Smith.
26 Sep. John Teuuant of the Parish of S* Anne, Westminster, Minor, by the
consent of Frances Tennant his Mother, Widow, and Elizabeth Allcock of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence Bishop London. Thomas Murray, Curate
Assistant. AVitnesses: Fra^ Tennant, Mansell Allcock, Margarett Marshall,
Mary Tennant.
30 Sep. Edward Atkinson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret WallisJ of
said Parish, Spinster ; by Licence Arch Bp Canterbury. Thomas Murray,
Curate. Witnesses : William Smith, Jane Covrteen.
4 Oct. Eobert Young of the Parish of Chatham, County of Kent, Batchelor,
and Mary Eichardson of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence Arch Bp Canter-
bury. Thomas Murray, Curate. Witnesses: John Lidgbird, Will"': Swan-
6 Oct. William Slatter of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Hanson* of
same Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate. Witnesses :
Will™: Swanwick, Jane Covrteen, Mary Smith.
7 Oct. Gabriel Knowles of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth§ Kebble of
Same Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate. Witnesses:
Jo^ Walsingham, Jane Covrteen, Ursula Walsingham.
9 Oct. Eidley Dorman|| of the Parish of S' George the Martyr, Batchelor,
and Elizabeth Young of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Thomas
Murray, Curate. Witnesses : J. Scott, Cecilia Arne, Isabella Scott.
19 Oct. John Arbuthnot of this Pai'ish, Widower, and Anne Stone of White-
hall, in the said County, Spinster; by Licence. Peter Elvers, Curate for
this time. Witnesses : Andrew Stone, Geo Arbuthnot.
1 Nov. William Norton of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Nunn of said
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate Assist. Witnesses:
John Highfield, Jane Covrteen, Mary Smith.
7 Nov. George Eoberts of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Sceaf^ of
said Parish, Sj)inster ; by Licence. Thomas M;!.irray, Curate xlssist. Wit-
nesses : Marget Wies, William Wise.
21 Nov. John AUdred of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Duckitt** of
said Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate Assist. Wit-
nesses : Mary Duckett, Jane Covrteen.
29 Nov. Samuel Hider of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Jones of said
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate Assist. Witnesses:
W™: Yates, Anthony A^iolet, Mary Yates.
15 Nov. Thomas Bickers of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Card of said
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Thomas Murray, Curate Assist. Witnesses:
Sam' Johnstone, Phebe Ann Sloan, Ann Lane.
* Signed by mark.— Ed. f Signed " Susannah." — Ed.
X Signed " Wallace."— Ed. § Signed " Elizbath."— Ed.
II Signed " Dormon."— Ed. IT Signed " Elisebeh Scafe."— Ed.
** Signed " Duckett."— Ed.
20 Dec. John Lines of the Parish of Tuubridge, County Kent, Batchelor, and
Jane Relph of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Thomas Murray, Curate
Assist. AVitnesses : Rob*. Eelph, G Mead, Tho« Camfield.
3 Jan. Hubert Lecherft* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Susannah Lebranf of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Stipen Henry Metman, John Kennedy.
6 Jan. William Manning of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth YorkJ of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Samuel Swinerton, Will'": Swanwick.
7 Jan. Robert Mahon of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary EloidJ of this
Parish, Widow ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will™:
Swanwick, Jane Covrteen.
13 Jan. Richard Shepley of the Parish of Saint Vedast, Foster Lane, London,
Batchelor, and Susannah Ledeut of this Parish, Widow ; by Licence. Ezekiel
Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Geo: Shepley, Anne Gallais, P Anth>'. Planche.
14 Jan. John Stacie of this Parish, Batchelor, and Susan Rowland of the Parish
of Saint Pancras, in the County of J\J iddlesex. Spinster j by Licence. Ezekiel
Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Ann Little, AVill'": Swanwick.
15 Jan. Henry Krohn of the Parish of S^ Giles in the Fields, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Langford of this Parish, Spinster ; by
License. James Tattersall. AVitnesses : Edw". Herbert, Mary Langford,
A Langford, Sarah Carmey, Molly Jones, Louisa Langford, Rob'. Langford,
Abraham Langford.
24 Jan. John Lewis§ of the Parish of Saint John, Southwark, in the County of
Surry, Batchelor, and Mary Bennettj| of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : John Ives, Elizabeth Browning.
27 Jan. Thomas Shearwood of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Hughes of this
Parish, Sjiinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Joshua
Andrews, Mary Jones.
6 Feb. James Smith of this Parish, Batchelor, and Hannah Jefferys of the
Parish of Saint Martins in the fields, in the County of Middlesex, AVidow ;
by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : G. Cameron, Eliz*''
10 Feb. Richard Mountain of the Parish of S^ Giles in the fields, in the county
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Thomas of this Parish, Spinster ; by
Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: AV"': Lewis, Lee Butler.
13 Feb. John Roat^ of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne WatersJ of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : John
Jones, Jane Covrteen.
13 Feb. Meredith Dodd of this Parish, Batchelor, and Catherine JonesiJ: of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Henry
Lewis, Jane Covrteen.
14 Feb. AVilliam AVilliams of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Brindley of the
Parish of S'. Mary, Lambeth, in the County of Surry, AVidow ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : James Benwell, Martha Benwell.
14 Feb. AVilliam Ravensear** of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane Phillips of
this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. W^itnesses: John
Phillips, Mary Taylor.
» Signed " H. B. Le Cherf."— Ed. f Signed " Sussanne Lebrun."— Ed.
X Signed by mark. — Ed. § Signed " Loeis." — Ed.
II Signed " lienuet." — Ed. % Signed " Root." — Ed.
** Signed " Ravenshear."— Ed.
15 Feb. John Sawrey of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret Dickey of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. "Witnesses : "Will":
Swau\rick, Mary Smith.
3 March Charles Blomer of the Parish of S^ Mary Le Bone, in the County of
Middlesex, and Sarah Perreau of this Parish, Spinster; by License. Egerton
Leigh, Curate for the time. Witnesses : J^ Tattersall, Susanah Perreau,
Jun"", Susannah Perreau, Eobert Perreaii, Esther Perreau, Daniel Perreau.
6 March Jeremiah Meyer of the Parish of S*. Paul, Cov'. Garden, in the County
of iMiddlesex, Batchelor, and Barbara Marsden of the Parish of S' John the
Evangelist, "^Westminster ; by Licence from Eich^: L**. Bishop of London.
James Clarke. Witnesses : Jn" Marsden, Eliz Marsden.
7 March Charles Hewett* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Careyf of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : James
Jones, Will"' : Swanwick.
10 March James Midwinter of this Parish, Batchelor, and Tabitha Watts of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: William
Swanwick, Mary Smith.
12 March John Crouch of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Boddyf of the
Parish of Watford, in the County of Hertford, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Hannah Body, John Sleythorp (?)
15 March William Nurse of this Parish, Widower, and Jane SaltmashJ of the
Parish of Ken.^ington, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Pegrum Thorpe, Sarah Hardwick.
2 April Thomas Ansell of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Blackmore of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: W":
Blackmore, Mary Davis, Ann Blackmore.
3 April James Simkins of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sally§ Pullen of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate, "^'^ituesses: Henry
Aylett, Ann Aylett.
10 April James Mellishf of the Parish of Eichmond in the County of Surry,
Batchelor, and Elizabeth Feltonf of this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : J G-resham, Fortuna Philpot, Eliza-
beth Gresham.
12 April John Maidment of this Parish, Widower, and Ann Crookert of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Luke
Brimer, Mary Eowles.
14 April Thomas Knight of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane Mallows of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Eliz
Debney, AVill"': Swan^\ick.
16 April Samuel Gardner of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret Jones of the
Parish of S*. Mary Le Strand, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by
Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Jane Eoberts, Sarah Croft.
17 April Thomas Goodvdn of the Parish of S*. Martin in the fields, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elisabeth Hurd of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Joseph
Bounsall, Arminell|| Bounsall.
17 April Benjamin Phillips of the Parish of S'. Martins in the fields, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elisabeth West^ of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : W"". Phillips,
Jn" Davies.
23 April John Spark of the Parish of S^ Giles in the fields, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Kerr of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Sarah Cardale, Will"': Swanwick.
* Signed " Hewitt."— Ed. f Signed by mark.— Ed.
t Signed " Saltmarsh."— Ed. § Signed " Salley."— Ed.
II An erasure. — Ed. % Signed " Lest."— Ed.
24 April Augustin Eoverre of the Parish of S* Giles's in the Fields, and Mary
Finch of Parish of S' Pauls, Covent Garden, Minor ; by Licence. Francis
Ayscoiigh Dean of Bristol. Witnesses : Jo^ Finch, Ferdinand Gil-
28 April Joseph Grant of this Parish, Batchelor, and Alice Cane* of the Parish
of Twickenham, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel
Tiouse, Curate. Witnesses : Hannah Carnell, William Carnell.
2 May John Berkeley of the Parish of S'. Andrew, Holborne, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Catharinef Bodenham of the Parish of
S* Paul, Covent Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster; by
Licence. James Tattersall, Kector. Witnesses : Jn". Tancred, Mary
Tancred, Mary Prince.
3 May Francis Lawson of the Inner Temple, Esqr, London, and Margaret^
Cox of the Parish of S' Paul, Covent Garden, in the County of Middlesex,
Spinster, a Minor; by License. James Tattersall, Kector. Witnesses:
Mary Arundel, Eliz*'' Forfar, Robert Atkins, Will"' Swanwick Clerk, Hen-
rietta Le Roussau, John Le Eoussau.
3 May John ()sborn§ of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Sterling§ of the
Parish of Cheshunt, in the County of Hertford, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : William Wise, Marget AViss.
12 May The ReV^ William Brereton of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden,
Batchelor, and Mary Nevil|| of the same Parish, Spinster; by Licence.
W"*. Rouse, Curate for this time. Witnesses : George Nevile, Farrington
Bristow, Cath: Wyatt.
If) May W'". Heath of the Parish of S^ Clement Danes in the County of Mid-
dlesex, Batchelor, and Sai-ah Rossiter^ of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent
Garden, in the same County, Spinster ; by Licence. W"'/ Rouse, Curate
for this Time. Witnesses : Jane Erington, Sarh Leitch.
16 May Cornelius** Alderson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth March of
the same Parish, Spinster; by Banns. AV™. Rouse, Curate for this time.
Witnesses: Mary Ledles (?) Will™: Swanwick.
21 May James White of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Widower, and Catherineff Hamward of the same Parish,
Spinster; by Licence. W"'. Rouse, Curate for this Time. Witnesses:
Rich" Maltby, AVill'": Swanwick.
23 May Richard Brown of the Parish of Christ Church, Spittle Fields,
Batchelor, and Sarah FaverJJ of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, Spinster ; by
Banns. W"'. Rouse, Curate for this Time. Witnesses : Jereme Oakley,
Eliz: Fletcher.
24 May John Wrigle8worth§§ of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Jane Avery of the same Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence. W"'. Rouse, Curate for this Time. Witnesses :
Elizaljath Camage, Will"': Swanwick.
26 May William Cross of this Parish, Batchelor, and Arabella Dorman of the
same Parish, Spinster; by Banns. AVilliam Rouse, Curate for this Time.
Witnesses : Rich''. Darke, Dorothy Dorman.
27 May Nicholas Mulhall of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, Batchelor,
and Sarah Garret|||| of the same Parish, Spinster; by Licence. William
Rouse, Curate for this Time. AVitnesses : Edward Hogan, Robert
* Signed " Cain."— Ed. t Signed " Kitty Catherine."— Ed.
X Signed " Margaretta." — Ed. § Signed by mark.— Ed.
II Signed " Nevile."— Ed. % Signed " Rossi tter."— Ed.
*• Signed "Cornelious."— Ed. ft Signed " Caeriue."— Ed.
i; Signed " Feaver."— Ed. §§ Signed " Wigelsworth." — Ed.
nil Signed "Garratt."— Ed.
29 May W"\ Evatt of the Parish o£ S'. Paul, Covent Garden, Batchelor, and
Susannah Browii of the Parish of Hackney, in the County of Middlesex,
Spinster ; by Licence. "William Rouse, Curate for this Time. Witnesses :
Eliz Clark, Kich'' Evatt.
29 May John Gom of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden, Batchelor, and
Eleanor Raiidall* of the Parish of S'. Andrews, Holborn, widow ; by
Licence. William Rouse, Curate for this Time. Witnesses : Edw''. Briggs,
Elizabeth Gom.
2 June Patrick Mullin* of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden, Batchelor,
and Mary Garrettf of the same Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. William
Rouse, Curate for this Time. Witnesses : James Garrett, Will"': Swau-
5 June Daniel Rowles of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, and Elizabeth
Phipp* of the same Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. William Rouse, Curate
for this Time. Witnesses : Ma)isell Allcock, Elizbeth Allcock.
9 June Joseph Hands of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane Wood of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: John
Poole, Susannah Candler, Sarah Foster, Ann Simpson.
IG June William Reddish of this Parish, Batchelor, and Frances Dodd* of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Jn°
Holliday, Will"\ Swanwick.
19 June John Minshaw* of this Parish, Widower, and Susan BroomanJ of this
Parish, Widow ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Henry
Bowley, Ed Gunter.
20 June Daniel M^. Lean of the Parish of S'. Andrews, Holbourn, London,
Batchelor, and Eleanor§ Fitzsimons of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Isabila Riddili, William Swan-
2 July Jonathan Wildman of the Parish of Ampthill, in the County of Bed-
ford, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Knight of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: William Sanders, Mary Evans.
3 July William Massie of the Parish of S*. James, Clerkenwell, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Barton of this Parish, Spinster;
by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : W°^ Barton, Jane Covr-
6 July John Swayne of the Parish of Christ Church, London, Batchelor, and
Mary Crawford, Spinster, of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex; by Licence. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses:
John Horton, Jennor Swayne.
10 July Edward Palmer of the Parish S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Meeds of the Parish of Alhallows,
Bread Street, London, Spinster ; by Licence. John Evans, Curate. Wit-
nesses : Isabella Johnston, Jane Covrteen.
11 July Nicholas Vanger of the Parish of S*. Ann's, Westminster, Batchelor,
and Sarah Dea]|| of the Parish of S' Paul, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Spinster; by Banns. John Evans, Curate. Witnesses:
John Peter H^rtung, Ann Deall.
13 July Abraham Hodgis* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Watts* of this
Parish, Widow ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses :
William Swanwick, Jane Covrteen.
18 July Josephl" Higgs of this Parish, Widower, and Ann Marshall of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Assistant Curate. Wit-
nesses :. Jane Covrteen, Will™ Swanwick.
* Signed by mark. — Ed. f Signed " Mar Garot." — Ed.
t Signed " Susaun Brvvman.'" — Ed. J Signed " EUinor." — Ed.
II Signed " Deall.'— Ed. f Signed " Josph."— Ed.
20 July John Boughton of the Parish of Saint Mary, Newington, in the County
of Surry, Batchelor, and Ann Oldroyd of the Parish of Saint Paul's, Covent
Garden, in the County of Middlesex; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Assistant
Curate. AVitnesses : John Lane, Mary Boughton, Sarah Boughton.
23 July John Forbes of the Parish of Saint Bridget otherwise Bride, London,
Batchelor, and Charlotte Pratt of this Parish of Saint Paul, Covent G-arden,
in the County of Middlesex, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Assistant
Curate. "Witnesses : Mary Owen, Charles Morgan.
24 July Walter Roe of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Ann Pankett* of this Parish, Spinster;
by Licence. Ezekiel Bouse, Assistant Curate. Witnesses : Geo Brown,
Meary Pancut (?) Jane Covrteen.
25 July E-ichard Deadmanf of the Parish of S'. Giles in the Fields, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Eebecca Henryf of the Parish of
S'. Pauls, Cov* Garden, Westmiuster, Spinster ; by Bands. John Evans,
Curate. Witnesses : Elizabeh Henry, Teresa Borradale.
2 Aug. Richard Ashcroft of the Parish of S* Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Margaret Andrew^s of the Parish of
S*^ George's, Hanover Square, in the same County, Spinster ; by Licence.
James Tattersall, Rector. Witnesses: Tho^: Giirnell, AVill'": Swanwick.
9 Aug. Paul John Brockmer of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden,
Widower, and Sarah Pritchard;!: of the Parish of East Green^ach, in the
County of Kent, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Assistant Curate.
Witnesses : Peter Paul, Sam^. Millar, Sarah Court.
20 Aug. John Coates of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, Batchelor,
and Alice Wilkinson of the same Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. AVilliam
Mence, Curate for the time. Witnesses : Henry Paulin, Eliz Poole, Sarah
24 Aug. Charles Jarman§ of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Anne Banger|| of the same Parish,
Spinster; by Banus. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses: Alex'
Mabyn Bailey, Eliz Smith, James Sketchley.
26 Aug. Rice Price of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Ann HurreD of the Parish of Saint Laurances,
Jewry, London, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Assistant Curate.
Witnesses : Allen Hurrell, H: Johnson, R** Haines.
3 Sep. John Dunn of the Parish of S'. Andrew, Holbourne, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Fennf of the Parish of Saint Paul,
Covent Garden, in the same County, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse,
Assistant Curate. Witnesses : Catherine Beecroft, Will"": Swanwick.
17 Sep. Robert Aldridge of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Gilbert of the same Parish,
Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Assistant Curate. AVitnesses: Eliz
Jefferson, Tho*. Jefferson.
18 Sep. John Griffin of the Parish of S'. Martin in fields, in the County of
Middlesex, Widower, and Martha Jones of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent
Garden, in the same County, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Assist-
ant Curate. Witnesses : Margrit Hicks, Will™: Swanwick.
26 Sep. Thomas Tounge of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, Batchelor,
and Susannah Wilkin of the Same Parish, Spinster; by Licence. W"'.
Rouse, Curate for this Time. Witnesses : John Callan, Elizabeth
2 Oct. Thomas Maunf of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, Bat: and
* Signed " Pancutt."— Ed. t Signed by mark. — Ed.
X Signed " Prichard." — Ed. § Signed " Henry Charles Jarman."— Ed.
II Signed "Ann Banyar."— Ed.
Ann Bradley* of the same Parish, Spinster; by Banns. W'". Eouse, Curate
for this Time. Witnesses : Will"': Swauwiek, Jane Covrteen.
2 Oct. Benedictus Berggren of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Moore of the
Parish of S*. Martins, Spinster; by Banns. W'". Eouse, Curate for this
time. AVitnesses : Tho*. Hunt, Carl Broniberg.
3 Oct. Abraham Morris* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Garretf of the
same Parish, Spiii.ster; by Banns. W"'. House, Curate for this Time.
Witnesses: James (jorrutt, Jane Covrteen.
4 Oct. Thomas Patching of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, Batchelor,
and Ann Ives* of the Parish of AVoolvvich, in the County of Kent, Spinster;
by Licence. AV'". Bouse, Curate for this Time. Witnesses : Dina Hollis,
Frances Bow.
5 Oct. Edward Crow of the Parish of S'. Dunstans in the East, London,
Widower, and Catherine Ditcher* of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden,
in the County of Middlesex, Widow ; by Licence. AV'" Eouse, Curate for
this Time. Witnesses : Charles Lawrence, Aim Crow.
9 Oct. John Batten of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, Batchelor, and
Henrietta Bragg of the same Parish, Widow ; by Licence. W'". Eouse,
Curate for this Time. AVitnesses : Ann Batten, Ei: Batton, Eich*^. Bingley.
9 Oct. Edward Tims of this Parish, Batchelor, and Catherine Dolanson* of
the same Parish, Spinster; by Banns. W™. Eouse, Curate for this Time.
AVitnesses : Mary Lanton, Vaughan Barwell.
14 Oct. George Hutchinson of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden,
Batchelor, and Elizabeth Holdstock of the same Parish, Spinster ; by
Licence. W™. Eouse, Curate for this Time. Witnesses : Will™: Swan-
wick, Jane Covrteen.
20 Oct. The Eeverend Thomas Cole of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah
Niccoll of the Parish of S^ Alphage, Jjondon Wall, Spinster ; by Licence.
D. Ehudde, Minister of S*. Thomas's Southwark. Witnesses: Tho^
Bayley, Sarah May Bayley, Mary May Bayley.
23 Oct. Eichard Taylor of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Jennet JohnsonJ of the Parish of
S' George, in the same County, Widow ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse,
Assistant Curate. AVitnesses : Will"" Eobinson, Kathrien Eoss.
29 Oct. Thomas Burgess* of this Parish, Widower, and Joan§ Poulton of the
Parish of Saint Johns, Westminster, in the County of Middlesex ; by
Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Assistant Curate. AVitnesses : W"* AVagstaff,
Elizabeth Harvey.
1 Nov. William Eobinson of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Widower, and Mary Beart* of the same Parish,
AVidow; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Assistant Curate. Witnesses : Will'".
SwauAvick, Jane Covrteen.
3 Nov. Elisha Vass of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Anne|| Simpson of the same Parish,
Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Assistant Curate. AVitnesses:
Joseph Goldwin, Mary Marson.
25 Nov. James Moiu'gue of the Parish of S*. George, Southwark, in the County
of Surry, Batchelor, and Margaret Bawden of the Pjirish of Saint Paul,
Covent Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Eouse, Assistant Curate. AVitnesses : Marg*: Bawden, AVill'":
6 Dec. Eichard Griffith of the Parish of S* Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Susannah Smith of the Liberty of
* Signed by mark.— Ed. t Signature indistinct.— Ed.
X Signed " J. Jenuet Johnston."— Ed. § Signed " Joun."— Ed.
II Signed "Ann." — Ed.
the Tower of London, Spinster; by Licence. James Tattersall, Eector.
Witnesses : Tho. Griffith, Jane Severn.
8 Dec. Robert Hundlebee of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Widower, and Elizabeth Jewster* of the same
Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Assistant Curate. Wit-
nesses : Will"': Swauwick, Jane Covrteen.
15 Dec. William Draper of the Parish of Froyle, in the County of South-
ampton, Widower, and Elizabeth Whaleyf of the Parish of Covent Garden,
in the County of Middlesex, AVidow ; by Licence. James Tattersall,
Hector. Wilaiesses: Charlotte Nicholas, Will": Swanwick.
28 Dec. Edward Tayler of the Parish of Eulham, in the County of Middlesex,
Batchelor, and Susannah:|: Cox of the Parish of S* Paul, Covent Garden, in
the same County, Spinster, a Minor; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse,
Assistant Curate. Witnesses : Henry Dekar, E Booty, Anna Maria
29 Dec. Richard Tates of the Parish of S^ Martin in Eields, in the County of
Middlesex, Widower, and Mary Jones of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent
Garden, in the same County, Widow; by T^icence. Ezekiel Rouse,
Assistant Curate. Witnesses : Sarah Woods, And'''. Lambert.
1 Jan. Alexander Hutchinson§ of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, in
the County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Boyd of the same Parish,
AVidow ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Assistant Curate. Witnesses : Will™.
Swanwick, Mary Smith.
5 .Tan. James Powis of the Parish of S'. George, Southwark, in the County
of Surry, Widower, and Rose James of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent
Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel
Rouse, Assistant Curate. Witnesses: Anna Turpin, John Turpin.
5 Jan. AVilliam SimjjsonH of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Judith Laramore of the Parish of
S^ Nicholas, Deptford, in the County of Kent, Widow ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, Assistant Curate. Witnesses : Sam'. D'Bossens, Jane
15 Jan. Robert Whitehead of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Hopwood* of the same
Parish, Wido^^ ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. • Witnesses:
John Thomas, Betty Bvrnett.
^ 22 Jan. Owen Griffiths^ of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Widower, and Catherine Maddox* of the same
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Assistant Curate. Witnesses :
Hannah Rogers, Jane Covrteen.
23 Jan. Thomas Billmore* of the Parish of Greenwich in the County of Kent,
Batchelor, and Ann Bone** of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden, in
the County of Middlesex, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Assistant
Curate. Witnesses : David Bassett, Mary Trimme.
2 Feb. John Keith of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret Reidff of the
same Parish, Sj)inster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Assistant Curate.
Witnesses : Alex'' Edison, Isabella Gumming.
4 Feb. Hugh Owens of the Parish of S'. Dunstan in the west, London,
Batchelor, and Hannah Price of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses : Sarah Price, Catherine
* Signed by mark.— Ed. t Signed " Whalley." — Ed.
X Signed " Susanna." — Ed. § Signed " Hutcheson." — Ed.
II Signed " Simsou."— Ed. T Signed "Griflith." — Ed.
** Signed " Boom."— Ed. tt Signed " :Hargeret Reed."— Ed.
4 Feb. John Derry* o£ the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Euth Hardey of the same Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Bouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses :
Jane Covrteen, Will'": Swanwick.
4 Feb. Joseph Worthingtonf of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
Coimty of Middlesex, Widower, and Lattice Addwardsf of the Parish of
S*. Paneras, in the same Count)', Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse,
Assistant Curate. Witnesses: Edw*^ Yates, Jane Green, Hen Green.
5 Feb. Jeremiah Keys of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and JaneJ Davis of the same Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Assistant Curate. Witnesses :
Elizabeth Gentill, Will'". Swanwick.
9 Feb. Robert Halsey Baldrick Esq of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden,
in the County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Charlotte§ Leveiland of the
same Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. James Tattersall, Rector. Witnesses:
Gerv^ Leverland, Nassau Senior, Sus: Leverland, Gervase Leverland, Mary
Powdich, Eliz Hutton, John Donuellan, Frances Senior, Rachel Senior.
19 Feb. John Williams of the Parish of S^ Andrew, Holbourn, in tlie County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Anue|| Haywood of the Parish of S'. Paul,
Covent Garden, in the same County ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant
Curate. AVitnesses : ]Mary Haywood, Hester Berg.
28 Feb. John Parker of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Widower, and Sarah Graves^ of the same Parish, Widow; by
Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Assistant Curate. Witnesses: Letitia Merigin,
George Holder.
6 March William Buunyf of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth** Collyer of the same Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses :
Edith Eastwood, Will'". Swanwick.
6 March Bullingham Ballordf of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Sadgrove of the same Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Assistant Curate. Witnesses :
Elizabeth Hardstaff, John Sadgrove.
8 March Richard Moore of the Parish of S* John, Wapping, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Jane Marshall of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent
Garden, in the same County, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assist-
ant Curate. AVitnesses : Myra Marshall, Tho. Marshall.
lo March John Craven of this Parish, Widower, and Mary Cass of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence. 1 homas Francklin, Curate for the time. Witnesses : .
Tho^ Dawson, Jane Cass, Sam^ Bell, Lucy Cass.
18 March Thomas Beach of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Stevenson of the
Parish of S*. Clement Danes, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by
Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses: Margat Stevenson,
John Stevenson.
21 March William Norton of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Widower, and Elizabeth Bailey of the Parish of
S'. Andrew, Undershaft, London, Spinster, a Minor; by Licence. Ezekiel
Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses : Tho. Bailey, W"'. Bailey.
25 March William Dods of this Parish, Batchelor, and Isabellaft Blacklock of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Assistant Curate.
Witnesses : John Maddison, Will"' Swanwack.
31 March Roger Harrison of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
* Signed "Derrey." — Ed. f Signed by mark. — Ed.
X Signed " Jenny."— Ed. § Signed " Charlott."— Ed.
II Signed "Ann."— Ed. ^ Signed " Srah Greevs."— Ed.
*• Signed " Elizbeth."— Ed. ft Signed " Isabla."— Ed.
County of Middlesex, Widower, and Sarah Will son of the Parish of
S'. Clement Danes, in the same County, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel
Kouse, assistant Curate. AV^itnesses : John Harrison, Will"': Swanwick.
5 April Thomas Whiteman of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Catherine
Whiteman of this Parish, AVidow ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant
Curate. AVitnesses : James Digweed, Will"'. Swanwick.
7 April AVilliam Obrien of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Susanna* Sarah Lovisa Strangways of
the Parish of S*. George, Hanover Square, in the same County, Spinster; by
Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, assistant Curate. AVitnesses : Cha^. Ecnnett,
AVill"!. Swanwick.
11 April John Ealand of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Bunstone of the
Parish of S'. James, AVestminster, in the County of Middlesex, Widow ; by
Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. AVitnesses : AVill"': Swanwick,
Jane Covrteen.
11 April James Dobbin of this Parish, Widower, and Margaret Johnson of the
Parish of S'. James, Westminster, in the County of Middlesex, Widow; by
Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. AVitnesses : Elizabeth Evor,
John Dunn.
17 April Robert Davy of the Parish of S' Paul, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Stagg of the same Parish, a
Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. AVitnesses:
Geo. Stagg, Frank Stagg, Ann Stagg, George Davy.
26 April AVilliam Adams of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, AA^idower, and Susannaf Spicer of the Parish of Little
Stanmore, in the same County ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant
Curate. Witnesses : Maria Spicer, Annabela PufSos, Elisabeth A'irgo.
29 April Robert PughesJ of the Parish of S^ Mai'y Le Bone, Batchelor, in the
County of Middlesex, and Ann Lewis of this Parish, Spinster; by Banns.
Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. AVitnesses : Jane AVadman, James Taaffe.
30 April AVilliam Allison of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Keys of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. AVitnesses:
Mary Kynaston, AVill™. Swanwick.
10 May Peter Burn of this Parish, Batchelor, and Susannah Cope of the
Parish of S*. Ann, Westminster, by Licence. Tho: Hornbuckle, Minister.
Witnesses : Priss Todderick, AVill"': Swanwick.
27 May James Harbuck§ of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Brown of the
Parish of Saint Lawrence, Jewry, Spinster ; by Licence. Tho: Hornbuckle,
Minister. Witnesses : AVilliam Swanwick, Jane Covrteen.
27 May David Norie of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Lane,|| Spinster, of this
Parish ; by Banns. Tho: Hornbuckle, Minister. Witnesses : Sam' John-
stone, Jane Covrteen.
29 May The Rev'' Peers Newsam of the Parish of Rudbrook, in the County of
Warwick, Batchelor, and Mary Harris of this Parish, Spinster, a Minor ; by
Licence. Tho: Hornbuckle, Minister. AVitnesses: Jos: Harris, Clem*
Newsam, W™ Harris.
4 June William Hunter of the Parish of Saint Andrew, Holborn, Batchelor,
and Esther Allgood of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Tho : Hornbuckle,
Minister. Witnesses : Rob'. Groat, Mary Allgood, John Irving.
10 June Charles Maggs of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah AVhite of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Tho: Hornbuckle, Minister. Witnesses:
Joseph White, Ann AVatters, Eliz: White.
11 June William Hurst Dadley of this Parish, Batchelor, and Esther Roldstou^
* Signed "Susan."— Ed. t Signed "Susannah. "—En.
X Signed "Pughe." — Ed. § Signed " Starbuck." — Ed.
II Signed "Laen."— Ed. T Signed " Esher Eolosson,"— Ed.
of the Parish of S*: Clement Danes, in the County of Middlesex; by
Licence. Tho: Hornbuckle, Minister. "Witnesses: Ja.Dadley, William
Swan wick.
18 June John Heys of the Parish of Kerkby, in the County of "Westmorland,
Batchelor, and Ann Kigge of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel
Eouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses : H W Holmes, Jane Kigge.
18 June Robert Fearnly* of the Parish of Saint Clement Danes, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Bemont of this Parish, Spinster ; by
Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses : E. Harrison,
Will"' Swawwick.
24 June Henry Gruber of the Parish of S^ Paul's, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Sarah Harris of the Parish of Mepersholt, in
the County of Bedford, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, assistant
Curate. Witnesses : Ja®. Leslie, Hannah Prittey.
24 June John Goldsmith of the Parish of S'. Margaret, Westminster, in the
County of Middlesex, Widower, and Carolina Tren grouse of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses :
James Trengrouse, Mary Trengrouse.
28 June William Powell of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Susannah Fisher of the same Parish, Spinster ;
by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, assistant Curate. AYitnesses : Bar Eisher,
James Scribo. J: Edwards, Eliz. Scribo.
8 July James Smithf of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Eobinson of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banus. Ezekiel Eouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses :
Tho^ Cook, Tho^ Stone.
9 July John Goodridge of the Parish of S*. Sepulchre, London, Batchelor, and
"Elizabeth Ansel J of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse,
assistant Curate. Witnesses : John Frith, Han'' Eochall.
14 July John Bradstreet of this Parish, Batchelor, and^ Diana Lewis of the
Parish of S^ Clement Danes, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by
Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses : Ch^ Waller,
Will"'. Swan wick.
19 July John Wilson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Constant Yilet§ of this
Parish, Widow ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses :
J Sampson, Jane Covrteen.
24 July Michael|| Eeydin of this Parish, Batchelor, and Susannah Herdf of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses:
Sarah Lavy, Elizabeth Staurt.
29 July John Bound of the Parish of Fulham, in the County of Middlesex,
Widower, and Elizabeth Irons^f of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Eouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses : Will"'. Swanwick, Mary Smith.
1 Aug. Samuel Smith of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Neale of the Parish
of Christ Church, London, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, assistant
Curate. Witnesses : Ann Neal, George Neale.
5 Aug. John Gates** of this Parish, and Sarah Spencer of the Parish of S'.
Giles in the Fields ; by Licence. E Harrison, Curate of S' Giles in the
Fields. Witnesses : Sam^: Spencer, John Gates, Sarah Fathringham, Ann
5 Aug. John Wilson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Duke of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Bouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses :
Mary Bignall, John Ballentyne.
7 Aug. Charles Best of the Parish of Saint Swithin, London, Batchelor, and
* Signed " Fearnley."— Ed. t Signed b}' mark. — Ed.
t Altered from " Hensel."— Ed. § Signed " Constance Ulyate."— Ed.
II Signed "Micheal."— Ed. f Signed " Elizebeth lorns."— Ed.
** Signed " John Gates Junior."— Ed.
TOL. Ill, O Q
Harriot Light of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse,
assistant Curate. Witnesses: Su^ Light, Fra: Best.
7 Aug. Eichard Deane of this Parish, Batchelor, and Letitia* Gunstone of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. "Witnesses:
AYill'" : Swanwick, Jane Covrteen.
19 Aug. "William Phillipsf of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth AVoodwardf
of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate.
"Witnesses : "Will"' : Swanwick, Mary Smith.
6 Sep. Richard Rose of the Parish of S'. Sepulchre, London, Batchelor, and
Alice Taylor of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assist-
ant Curate. AVitnesses : Mary Bird, Sophia Schram.
7 Sep. Samuel Rumney of the Parish of Saint Ann, "Westminster, in the County
of Middlesex, Bate'', and Elizabeth Bouington of this Parish, Spinster; by
Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses: Tho: Eastgate,
Robl Whitworth.
9 Sep. Alexander Hay of this Parish, Widower, and Jane How of this Parish,
Widow ; by Banns. Ezek. Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses : John
Cowie, Will™. Swanwick.
17 Sep. Nicholas Burrinf of the Parish of S*. Brides, London, Batchelor, and
Sarah WallJ of this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant
Curate. Witnesses : Ann Penvey, Charles Webb.
22 Sep. Edward Clark§ of the Parish of S^ Briget, otherwise Bride, London,
Widower, and Jane Cass of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, Spinster;
by Licence. W". Rouse, Minister. AVitnesses: Ann Bell, Mary Sharp,
Janet Smith, W'". Ca^iS, John Craven.
27 Sep. James Capel of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Dunford of the same
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. W'". Rouse, Minister. Witnesses: Rebecker
Webster, John Russell.
6 Oct. Daniel Trew Woodward of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Davidson of
the Parish of Greenwich, in y^ County of Kent, Spinster ; by Licence.
James Clarke, Minister. Witnesses : Jn" Woodward, Harriott Clarke,
B Byam, Susan Byam, Martha Scott.
6 Oct. Joseph Cook of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, Batchelor, and
Ann Chapman of the same Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. W™. Rouse,
Minister. Witnesses : William Brown, Joshua Constable.
18 Oct. Stephen Lovelandf of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Bucking-
hamf of the Parish of Horsel, in the County of Surry, Spinster; by Banns.
Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses : Edward Brimmer, Will™.
22 Oct. Robert Mairis of this Parish, Batchelor, and Martha Bayley Hales of
the Parish of S'. Andrew, Holbourn, London, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses : Giles Bayley, Ann Bayley,
Sarah Marsh, James Coy.
24 Oct. Richard Carrad of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Griffithsf of
the Parish of S*^. Martins in the fields, in the County of Middlesex,
Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. AVitnesses :
Will™: Swanwick, Mary Smith.
27 Oct. Robert Williams of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane Chassereau of the
Parish of S'. Mary Le Bone, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster; by
Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses : Fra": Chassereau,
Step": Williams.
3 Nov. James Hall of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret Bakerf of the
Parish of S*. Margaret, Westminster, Widow ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse,
assistant Curate. AVitnesses : AVilliam Baker, AVill™. Swanwick.
* Signed " Latitia."— Ed. t Signed by mark. — Ed.
X Signed " WU."— Ed. § Signed " Clarke."— Ed.
4 Nov. Joseph Andrews of the Parish of S^ Andrew, Holbourn, London,
Batchelor, and Ann Gardiner of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence.
Ezeliiel Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses : Benj": AVaterhouse, Marj
6 Nov. Robert Pallett of the Parish of Easington, in the County of Hertford,
Widower, and Elizabeth Turner of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses : Mary Lawrence, James
10 Nov. Christopher Henry Baumer of the Parish of Great S'. Helens, London,
Batchelor, and Elizabeth Stow of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses : E Ortou, Frances Stow.
11 Nov. John Russell of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Willshire of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses:
Cate Russell, Martha Russell.
22 Nov. John Gebheart of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Knott of this Parish,
Spinster, a Minor; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. AVit-
nesses : John Alckory, David Robertson.
25 Nov. John Lyde of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Spate of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. AVitnesses :
AVilliam Swauwick, Mary Smith.
26 Nov. Humphry Roberts of the Parish of S'. Martin in the fields, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Hawkins* of this Parish,
Widow ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. AVitnesses : Henry
Birch, Will"'. Swamvick.
3 Dec. John Price of the Parish of S^ James, AVestminster, in the County of
Middlesex, AV^idower, and Jane Stokesf of this Parish, AVidow; by Licence.
Ezek. Rouse, assistant Curate. AV^itnesses : Eliz Parrin, Jas Hodgson.
9 Dec. Thomas Hancock of the Parish of S'. James, Westminster, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Caswell* of this Parish,
AVidow ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses : Tho^
' Adams, Sam'^ Burgess.
lOJ Dec. John Taylor* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Lee* of the same
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Edmund Marshall, Minister. AA^ituesses :
Jn° Bosworth, Jn° Brooks.
11 Dec. John Prigg of this Parish, AVidower, and Obedience rowler§ of the
same Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Richard Penueck, Minister. Witnesses:
Mary Jennings, Tho^ Jennings.
29 Dec. John BoUen of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Gray of the l^irish
of Lambeth iii the County of Surry, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel
Rouse, assistant Curate. AVitnesses : Jos George, M George.
23 Jan. Thomas Holdaway of the Parish of Fisherton in the County of Wilts,
l^atchelor, and INIary Hawis of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden in
the County of Middlesex, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant
Curate. Witnesses : Tho*. Rackett, John Bunny.
24 Jan. Richard Thomas of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Penny of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses:
AVill"'. Swanwick, Jane Covrteen.
15 Feb. AVilliam Dowse of this Parish, Widower, and Ann Crofts of the Parish
of Rickmansworth, in the County of Hertfox'd, Spinster ; by Licence.
Richard Mason, Assistant Curate. Witnesses : W Burr, AVill™. Swan-
* Signed by mark.— Ed. f Signed " Stock."— Ed.
t First dated " Twelfth " and erased. — Ed. § Signature has been written over an erasure.— Ed.
17 Feb. John Lightning Junior of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Gray o£
Sheerness, in the Isle of Sheepey, in the County of Kent, Spinster ; by
Licence. Kichard Mason, Assistant Curate. Witnesses: George Mourgue,
Eliz Wheeley.
19 Feb. Morgan Jones, Clerk, of the Parish of Chalfont, Saint Giles, in the
County of Bucks, a Batchelor, and Lydia Eldridge of the Parish of S*.
Paul, Covent Garden, in the County of Middlesex, a Spinster; by Licence.
David Price, Kector of Aston Clinton, Curate for the Time. Witnesses :
James Tattersall, Eliz Tensh, Eich'i. Whitchurch, Will'". Swauwick, Clerk.
20 Feb. Marmaduke Teasdale of the Parish of Saint Andrew, Holbourne,
London, Batchelor, and Msiria Eeid of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent
Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster; by Licence. Eichard
Mason, Assistant Curate. AVitnesses: Sarah Stafford, Cath"^. Paulin,
J Browne, Alice Coates.
10 March Hugh Penfokl of the Parish of Epsom, in the County of Surry,
Batchelor, and Susannah* Bosomworth of the Parish of Saint JPaul, Covent
Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Widow ; by Licence. Eichard
Mason, Assistant Curate. Witnesses: Geo: Saxby, Elizabeth Penfold,
Ann Jones.
19 March David Moiris of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary King of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. E Laxton, Minister. Witnesses : Nich":
Fryes, Mary Hodges.
26 March Joseph Wright of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Eowsell of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Eichard Mason, Assistant- Curate. Wit-
nesses: William Svvanwick, Mary Smith.
2 April William Williamsf of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth AYaylettiJ:
of this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezek. Eouse, assistant Curate.
Witnesses : Catherine Thompson, Mary Burdett.
12 April George Borradale§ of this Parish, Esq^ Batchelor, and Betsy Hodges
Haudley of the Abby-Parish of S* Alban's in the County of Hertford,
Minor ; by Licence. James Tattersall, Eector. Witnesses : J Borradale,
Teresa Borradale, Mary Greenhill, Elizabeth Greenhill.
13 April Eichard Butler of the Parish of SK Olave, Hart Street, London,
Batchelor, and Sarah Freemantle|| of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent
Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel
Eouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses : Jn" Fremantle, Frances Fremantle,
Bridget Fremantle.
14 April Jacob Lawrence of the Parish of S^ Pancras, in the County of Middle-
sex, Widower, and Sarah Fell of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden,
Widow ; by Licence. Ezek : Eouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses : Jn"
Lawrence, Ja^ Brooks, Priscilla Lawrence, Mary Brooks.
10 April William Pacy of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Benbridge of the Parish of Lock, iu
the County of Derby, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, assistant
Curate. AVitnesses : Sarah Parker, Will™: Swanwick.
21 April John A'igurs of the Parish of Kingston, iu the County of South-
ampton, AVidower, and Elizabeth Acton of this Parish, Spinster ; by
Licence. Ezek: Eouse, assistant Curate. AVitnesses: Jn" Jones, Mary
21 April Thomas Tracey of the Parish of S'. Leonard, Forster Lane, Loudon, a
AVidower, and Elizabeth Darley of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence.
Ezek: Eouse, assistant Curate. AVitnesses: Barn: Darley, Pat'' Cantwell.
28 April Bishop Tjideared of this Parish, Batchelor, and Martha Saffreay of
* Signed " Susanna." — Ed.
t Altered from "John Willett " both in text and signature. — Ed.
t Altered from " Cardeu " in text.— Ed. § Altered from " Barradale."— Ed.
II Signed " Fremaulle."— Ed.
this Parish, Widow ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. Wit-
nesses : Will"': Swanwick, Mar}'^ Smith.
28 April Thomas Du Chesne of the Parish of S*. Giles in the fields, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Sarah Eowlat* of this Parish,
Spinster; by Licence. Ezek: Kouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses:
Will"' Dasson, A.un Horton.
1 May William Hooke of the Parish of S*. Mary, Lambeth, in the County of
Surry, Batchelor, and Ann Carpenter of this Parish, Widow ; by Licence.
Ezek : Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses : Mich' Sanders, Will™ Swan-
4 May William Baker of this Parish, Batchelor, and Catherine Bailyf of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. Wit-
nesses : Richard Harden, Lan*^' Smith, Sarah Hardin.
9 May John Lewitt of this Parish, Widower, and Jane OliverJ of the Parish
of S*. Mary, White Chapel, in the County of Middlesex, Widow ; by
Licence. Ezek: Rouse, assistant Curate. AVitnesses : Samuel Bates,
Will'": Swanwick.
12 May Daniel Davies of this Parish, Batchelor, and Lucy Reece of the Parish
of S^ Greorge, Hanover Square, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster;
by Licence. Ezek : Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses : Ellin Locker,
W" Jones.
19 May John Ashley of this Parish, Widower, and Sarah Collins§ of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses:
Jos Hitch, Charles Ashley.
9 June John Sangster of the Parish of Westham in the County of Essex, and
Isabel Willen|| of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden; by Licence.
William Rouse, Minister. Witnesses : Jn" Willan, Will"\ Swanwick.
9 June James Stuckey of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Matthews§ of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. AYilliam Rouse, Minister. Witnesses :
Richard Cart, Will'": Swanwick.
27 June Robert Mogrudgefl" of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Mills§ of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, assistant Curate. Witnesses:
John Mills, John Ballard.
4 July John Mackinder of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Perdue** of the
Parish of Saint John the Evangelist, Westminster, in the County of
Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence. Richard Mason, assistant Curate.
Witnesses : Sus* Man Jackson, R<' Chambers.
6 July John Margaram of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Forrest of the
Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields, Spinster : by Licence. Richard
Mason, Assistant Curate. Witnesses : Tho^ Russell, Jane Forrest.
IS July Joseph Tucker of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Bell of the
Parish of S^ Giles, Cripplegate, London, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel
Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : John Tucker, Lydia Hewes.
2L July Edmund Vincent of the Parish of S'. Botolp, Aldersgate, London,
Batchelor, and Ann Feline of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel
Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Edw'': Feline, Magdalen Feline.
21 July Henry Terrey of the Parish of S*. George in the East, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Jane Barker of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Jos: Selth, Elizabeth Selth.
21 July Francis Bell of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Broad§ of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Banns. Ezek : Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Jonas Broad,
Mary Broad.
* Signed " Sa rowlet."— Ed. f Signed " Cutlireme Bailey."— Ed.
X Signed " Oliuer." — Ed. § Signed by mark. — Ed.
II Signed " Isabella "Willan."— Ed. IT Signed " Mogridge."— Ed.
** Signed " I'urdue." — ^Ed.
4 Aug. Thomas Green of this Parish, Batchelor, and Eleanor Sutton* of this
Parish, Sj)inster ; by Banns. E. Dixon, Curate of S^ Martins. Witnesses:
George Fryer, Will'" Svvanwick.
15 Aug. Henry Storr Wait of the Parish of S'. Giles's, Cripplegate, London,
Widower, and Mary Tinkler of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. J^.
Tattersall, Rector. Witnesses : .In" Tinkle, Ja^ Corneck, Eliz'^' Langton,
Eli Abbe, Eliz Tinkler, Eliz. Tinkler Jun'', Mary Corneck.
17 Aug. Luke Moore of this Parish, Batchelor, and Dorothy Neashamf
of the Parish of Streatham, in the County of Surry, Spinster ; by
Licence. J® Tattersall, Eector. Witnesses : Chales Chatfield, Ann
18 Aug. Robert Hughes of this Parish, Widower, and Dorothy MiddletonJ of
tliis Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. J^ Tattersall, Kector. Witnesses :
Will'". Swauwick, Mary Smith.
25 Aug. Hugh Einegan of this Parish, Widower, and Mary Froth* of this Parish,
Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Kousc, Curate. Witnesses: Elizbeth
Green, Will'". Swauwick.
25 Aug. John Cooke of this Parish, Widower, and Jane Hile* of this Parish,
Widow; by Licence. Ezek: Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Rob*. White-
head, Will'". Swanwick.
14 Sep. John Salmon of the Parish of SK Botolpli, Aldersgate, Batchelor, and
Elizabeth Sumpter of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden ; by
Licence. W'". Rouse, Minister. Witnesses : Will"^ Swanwick, Jane
16 Sep. John Grigsou,* Batchelor, of the Parish of S^ Martins, in the Fields,
and Ann Neale3,§ Spinster, of the Parish of S' Paul, Covent Garden; by
Banns. William Rouse, Minister. Witnesses : Joseph Smith, Elizbeh
20 Sep. William Edwards of the Parish of S'. Giles in the Fields, Batchelor,
and Ann Waite of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, Spinster ; by
Licence. William Rouse, Minister. Witnesses: Richard Church, || Ann
22 Sep. Charles Blackmore of the Parish of S*. Mary, Lambeth, in the County
of Surry, Widower, and Sarah Marwood of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent
Garden, Spinster ; by Licence. AVilliam Rouse, Minister. Witnesses :
Will'". Swanwick, Jane Covrteen.
22 Sep. Thomas Burcher of the Parish of S'. Saviour, Southwark, in the County
of Surry, Batchelor, and Ann Hind of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent
Garden, Spinster; by Licence. William Rouse, Minister. Witnesses:
Will'" Swanwick, Margaret Wiggins.*
2(3 Sep. William Stevens of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, Widower,
and Ann Carter^ of the sauie Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. William
Rouse, Minister. Witnesses : Nicho^: Voss, Mary Voss.
29 Sep. Thomas Wilding* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Martha Smedley of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Sarah
Smith, AVill'". Svvanwick.
1 Oct. John Freelove* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Fanny Parker* of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezck. Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : AVill'"
Swanwick, Jane Covrteen.
2 Oct. Richard Bullin of the Parish of Richmond, in the County of Surry,
Widower, and Ruth Dunn of this Parish, AN'^idow ; by Licence. Ezekiel
Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Rachel Stodly, Rob Todd.
5 Oct. Thomas Smith of the Parish of S'. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street, London,
* Signed by mark.— Ed. t Signed" Nesham." — El).
X Signed " Midilton."— Ed. § Signed " Neals."— Ed.
II "AS " is written here.— Ed. IT Signed " Curter." — Ed.
Batchelor, and Kezia* Cass of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel
Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: W". Cass, Jane Smith.
21 Oct. Eichard Spencerf of the Parish of S'. Andrew, Holbourn, Batchelor,
and Ann HaggartyJ of this Parish, Sjjinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse,
Curate. AVitnesses : AVill'". Swanwick, Jane Covrteen.
26 Oct. Charles Askew of this Parish, Widower, and Lydia Baker of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Edward Bankett, Will"': Swanwick.
31 Oct. Robert Boyd of the Parish of S*. Martin, Ironmonger Lane, London,
Batchelor, and Esther Orr of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel
Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Rob'. Orr, Penelope M'^Callok.
10 Nov. Thomas Green of the Parish of Saint Martins in the fields, in the
County of Middlesex, Widower, and Gnzel§ Eawlins of this Parish,
Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Ann Slater,
Tho*. Bradshaw.
12 Nov. Francis M'^Weaneyf of the Parish of S'. Giles, Cripplegate, London,
Batchelor, and Dorothy Flud|| of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Owen M'^Dermitt, Lill Green.
17 Nov. Thomas Cross of this Parish, Batchelor, and SebrahT Eogers of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. E Dixon, Curate of S'. Martins. Witnesses :
Thomas Wimbridge, Will"': Swanwick.
17 Nov. Nathaniel Eench of the Parish of Fulham in the County of Middlesex,
AVidower, and Elizabeth Burgoin** of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence.
Rii Dixon, Curate of S' Martin. Witnesses : Tho^ Jordan, Will": Swan-
23 Nov. William Bunce of this Parish, Batchelor, and Harriot Gretton of the
Parish of S'. Martin'^ in the fields, Spinster ; by License. Thomas
Eraucklin, Lecturer of this parish. Witnesses : Charles Gretton, W™
24 Nov. Samuel Champlin of this Parish, Batchelor, and Catherine Toothf of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Ann Avern, Jose^^h Morgan.
28 Nov. John Corker of the Parish of Rotherham in the County of Tork,
Batchelor, and Elizabeth Lane of this Parish, Widow ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : James Brown, Emorrt Rhunton.
28 Nov. William Howardf of this Parish, Widower, and Mary Chettallft of
this Parish, Widow; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses:
Eliz Harvey, Carolina Eornandes.
12 Dec. Ezekiel Rouse of the Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Clementine Naish of the Parish of
S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the same County, Spinster ; by Licence.
J* Tattersall, Rector. Witnesses: Cath Naish, Edmund Marshall, Mary
Marshall, Rich*^ Sheffield, Mary Grignion.
14 Dec. Gwyun Davisij:;}; of the Parish of Coomb, in the County of Carmarthen,
Widower, and Martha I^avgharne of the Parish of S' Paul, Coveiit Garden,
in the County of Midx, Spinster; by License. Francis Stone, Minister.
AVitnesses : Mary Hewson, W"' Liudeman.
17 Dec. Thomas Horsley of the Parish of S'. George, Hanover Square, in the
County of Middlesex, Widower, and Amy§§ Warwick of the Parish of
S* Paul, Covent Garden, in the same County, Spinster ; by Banns. Francis
Stone, Minister. Witnesses : Sarah Dickinson, Sarah Welsli, W"*
* Signed " Kezin."— Ed. t Signed by mark. — Ed.
I Signed " Hatrgerty."— Ed. § Signed " Grissell."— Ed.
II Signed " Flood."— Ed. T Signed " Sabrah."— Ed.
** First signed " Rench " and erased. — Ed. ft Signed " Chettell." — Ed.
XX Signed " Davies."— Ed. §§ Signed " Amey."— Ed.
Edmonds, W™. Pigou, Chas Pigou, Prances Kershaw, John Price, James
19 Dee. William Gates of the Parish of S* Paul, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Widower, and Ann Hambleton of the Parish of St. Martin
in the Fields in the same County, Widow ; by License. Francis Stone,
Minister. Witnesses : Will™: Swanwick, Jane Covrteen.
24 Dec. John Powell of this Parish, Widower, and Hannah Penn of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will™:
Swanwick, Mary Smith.
29 Dec. George Edge of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Child* of this Parish,
Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Sarah Child,
John Child.
1 Jan. Patrick Gibson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Hassanf of the Parish
of S*. Giles in the fields, in the County of Middlesex, Widow ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate W^itnesses : Geo: Hassan, John Gibson.
8 Jan. William Napier of the Parish of S^ Martin in the fields, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Jane StewartJ of this Parish, Spinster ; by
Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Samuel Stewart, Margt
17 Jan. George Scarr of the Parish of S^ Martin in the fields, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Henrietta Maria Higgous of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Anthy.
Hodgson, Will"". Swanwick.
19 Jan. James Draper of the Parish of S'. Martins in the fields, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Feline of this Parish, Spinster; by
Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Edw"^: Feline, Mary
19 Jan. Anthony Carne of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Lock* of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Kempe
Brydges, Will™: Swanwick.
21 Jan. Michael Coe of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Allen of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Ann
Tyrrell, Will™. Swanwick.
25 Jan. James Duberly of this Parish, Widower, and Louisa Langford of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. John Warner, Preacher at Tavistock
Chapel. Witnesses : Eob*. Langford, M Langford.
25 Jan. Adam Arnold of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Chelsome§ of the
Parish of Ewell, in the County of Surry, Widow ; by Licence. Ezekiel
Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Maria Stout, John Ballard.
26 Jan. John Murray of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane Giar of this Parish,
Spinster; by Licence. Ezek. Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Ann Chandler,
Will™: Swajiwick.
28 Jan. John Dunstan of this Parish, Batchelor, and Catherine Alexander|| of
the Parish of S' Martin in the Fields, in the County of Middlesex,
Spinster; by Banns. Ezek. Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: W™: Churchman,
Ellen Eideras.
1 Feb. Thomas Lloyd of this Parish, Batchelor, and Martha Fellows of the
Parish of S*. Luke, Chelsea, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by
Licence. Ezek: Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : James LLoyd, Hannah
1 Feb. John NeileU of this Parish, Batchelor, and Esther Dawes* of this
* Signed by mark. — Ed. f Signed " Haussan." — Ed.
t Signed " Jean Steuart."— Ed. § Signed " Chelsom."— Ed.
II Signed " Cathrane Alluxandar."— Ed. U Signed " Neal."— Ep.
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezek : Eouse, Curate. "Witnesses : Peter
Nott, John Shields.
9 Feb. John Bowerman of this Parish, "Widower, and Ann Crawford of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Eliz
Crawford, Peter Paul.
16 Feb. Matthew Pearson of this Parish, Batchellor, and Elizabeth Poole of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence. J Lee, Curate. "Witnesses: J Giffard,
D Giifard.
19 Feb. Charles Bowstreet* of the Parish of S'. George, Hanover, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Ann Allport of this Parish, Spinster; by
Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Henry Bingham, lane
24 March Andrew Eork of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane Allen of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. "Witnesses : Will"": Swan-
wick, Francis Leman.
31 March A\''alter Bangoef of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Bowdickf of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses :
Edw*^, Denton, Queen "Street, Bloomsbury. James Berkley, Sarah
4 April George Laing of the Parish of Saint James, Westminster, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Wickson of this Parish, Spinster; by
Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses: William Helper, Betey
10 April William Broughton of this Parish, AVidower, and Mary Blake of the
Parish of S'. Mary, Lambeth, in the County of Surry, AVidow ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : AVilliam Harding, William Bromley,
Sarah Leonah, Ann Manning.
26 April Thomas Stephens of this Parish, AVidower, and Sarah Lamb of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. James Tattersall. AVitnesses: John Taylor
Lamb, Benj: Gutteridge, Mary Lamb, Eliz Cricklowe, Jane Julliott, Jane
5 May Samuel Ellis of this Parish, Widower, and Elizabeth Jonesf of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: George
Eing, Elizabeth Jacob.
10 May Edward Thompson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Eigden of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
H Thompson, AVill*^^ Swanwick.
12J May Alexander AVilliamson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret§ Eoss
of this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Sophia Eliz: AVilliamson, ' Geo : Sutherland, James Williamson, Eobert
13 May Nicholas Soan of this Parish, Widower, and Elizabeth Barker of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Sarah
Boltonf, Will'": Swanwick, Francis Leman.
13 Mav John Freeman of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Stirropt of this
"Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : William
Barton, Mary Wharton.
15 May Peter Paul of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Alford of the Parish of
"^Saint Mary, AVhitechapel, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster; by
Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Eliz Paul, Martha AVood-
ward, Ann Threlkeld, Mary Alford, Ja^ Woodward.
3 June Dennis Mac Doualdf of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Derryf of
this Parish, Si)inster; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses:
AVill™: Swanwick, Francis Leman.
* Signed " Bowstreed."— Ed. t Signed by mark.— Ed.
I Altered from " eleventh."— Ed. § Signed " Margret."— Ed.
yoL. III. S H
8 June Daniel Morgan of the Parish of Saint George, Southwark, in the
County of Surry, Batchelor, and Martha Fazakerley* of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. 'VVitnesses : Will™:
Swanwick, Francis Letnan.
10 June John Brown of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Little of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate, Witnesses : Edw*^, Palmer,
Ann Palmer.
23 June Henry Thomas of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabethf Eumsey of
this Parish, Spiuster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
John Peter Schoin, Will™ Swanwick.
24 June Samuel Blount Esq^ of the Parish of Saint Martin in the fields, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Grace Belli of this Parish, Widow ;
by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. W^itnesses : George Blount, Esther
Blount, Eliz Belli.
28 June William Hodges of the Parish of S'. George. Bloomsbury, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Sarah Jones of this Parish, Spinster;
by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Stephen Bass, George
29 June Lewis John Bontemps dit Yemeuil of the Parish of S'. Mary Le Bone,
in the County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Charlotte Bissell of this Parish,
Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Joseph
Grimaldy, Mary Tarnold.
3 July John Gibbins| of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane Ashley of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will'".
Swanwick, Francis Leman.
3 July Thomas Bailey of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Williams of
this Parish, Widow; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses:
Moses Hart, Will^^: Swanwick.
14 July Richard Hughes of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Stanley of the
Parish of S'. George, HanoA-er Square, in the County of Middlesex,
Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: John Kirk-
patrick, Mary Kirkpa trick.
22 July Eobert Ling of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth DockleyJ of the
Parish of S*. Andrew, Holborn, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster;
by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Miles Smith, Will"":
28 July Samuel Carter of the Parish of S*. Lukes, old Street, in the County of
Middlesex, Widower, and Margaret Cox+ of this Parish, Spinster; by
Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : William Willingtou, Mary
31 July Eobert Haselar of the Parish of S*. Margaret, Westminster, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Anna Margareta Dornbush of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : John
Dornbush, Will"'. Swanwick.
3 Aug. Eobert Pidder§ of this Parish, Bachelor, and Margaret Lucas+ of this
Parish, Widow ; by Banns. George Marriott, Curate. Witnesses : Eliza-
beth Goyce, Augustin Howland.
17 Aug. Thomas Foster;]: of the Parish of S'. Sepulcre, in the County of Middx,
Bachelor, and Eleanor GarlandJ of this Parish ; by Licence. George
Marriott, Curate. Witnesses: Abraham Wood, Sarah Wilcox.
19 Aug. John M^ Donnell of this Parish, Widower, and Hannah Perk|| of the
Parish of S* George, Bloomsbury, Spinster; by Licence. George Marriott,
Curate. Witnesses : J". Jury, Arthur Collins, Tho^ Tanner.
• Signed "Feazakerley."— Ed. t Signed " Elizbeth."— En.
X Signed by mark.— Ed. § Signed " Pedder."— Ed.
II Signed " Park."— Ed.
24 Aug. James Christie* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaretf Thompson of
this Parish, Spinster ; by License. George Marriott, Curate. Witnesses:
James Leonard, Mary Andrews.
30 Aug. Simon Addison of this Parish, Batchelor, and Alice Teates of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. G-eorge Marriott, Curate. Witnesses :
Elenor Hastings, W™. Taylor.
31 Aug. William Egan of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elisabeth Paul of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Geoi'ge Marriott, Curate. Witnesses :
John Eorrall, Sarah Gandon, Susanna Gandon.
4 Sep. Pierre BarnardJ Michell of this Parish, Widower, and Lucy Chitwin§ of
this Parish, Spinster; by License. George Man-iott, Curate. Witnesses:
Edw'' Degrave, Hannah Degrave.
7 Sep. Nicholas Naylor of the Parish S'. Mai-y le bow,|| London, Batchelor,
and Elizabeth Pryor^^ of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Spins'"; by Licence A.B. Cant. Chr"": Armstrong,
Curate. Witnesses : Hannah Clarcke, William Wace.
10 Sep. Charles Gartside of the Parish of S^ Martin in the Eields, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Eebecca Morrall of this Parish,
Spinster; by Licence B. L. Chris'': Armstrong, Curate. Witnesses:
Will'": Swanwick, Francis Leman.
10 Sep. Joseph Wilkinson** of this Parish, Batchelor, and Hannah Langley of
the s'': Parish, Widow; by Banns. Christ'': Armstrong, Curate. Witnesses :
Thomas Tuttell, Mary Tuttell.
13 Sep. Thomas Gammage of the Parish of Saint Giles in the Fields, in the
County of Middlesex, Widow', and Eebecca Nealeff of this Parish,
Widow; by License. George Marriott, Curate. Witnesses: Eliz Field,
John Smith.
28 Sep. Samuel Cropley of this Parish, Widower, and Beulah Judith|| Mayle of
the Parish of S'. Giles in the fields, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster;
by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Tho% Cuming, Edw:
11 Oct. John Brooks of this Parish, Widower, and Hannah Wright of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Will"^.
Swanwick, Francis Leman.
13 Oct. Eichard Jones of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Jones of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : George Hawx-
well, Sevil Cookks.
19 Oct. Josiah Young of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Clark §§ of this
Pai'ish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Josiah
Young, Se'', Mary Young.
19 Oct. Henry Sangster of this Parish, WidoAver, and Elizabeth King|||| of the
Parish of S^ Clement Danes, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ;
by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : John Gallaway, Mary
8 Nov. Eichard Peacock of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Hancock of
the Parish of S^ Margaret, Westminster, in the County of Middlesex,
Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will'":
Swanwick, Francis Leman.
11 Nov. John Prigg of this Parish, Widower, and Ann Pickering of this Parish,
Widow ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Jos'': Hunt,
Joanna De Bleville.
* Signed " Christe."— Ed. t Signed " Mgaret."— Ed.
X Signed " Bernard." — Ed. § Signed " Chetwynd."— Ed.
II Altered from " bone." — Ed. If Signed " Proyr," — Ed.
** Altered from " Wilkissou."— Ed, +t Signed " Rebeckah Neal."— Ed.
XX This name is omitted in signature. — Ed. §§ Signed " Clarke." — Ed.
nil Signed by mark. — Ed.
14 Nov. Thomas York of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Richards of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel House, Curate. AVitnesses : Will'"
Swanwick, Will"' Swanwick,* Francis Leman.
18 Nov. John Lewis of this Parish, Batclielor, and Martha Husbands! of the
Parish of S^ Margaret's, Westminster, in the County of Middlesex; by
Banns. .V Tattersall, Eector. Witnesses: William Lewis, Francis
18 Nov. Isaac Brown, Batchelor, of the Parish of S* Margaret, Westminster, in
the County of Middlesex, and Sarah Stafford of this Parish ; by License.
J^ Tattersall, Kector. AVitnesses : Mary Teasdale, Maria Teasdale, AVill"':
Swanwick, W. Duke Teasdale.
10 Dec. David Davies of the Parish of S'. Martin in the fields in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, :md Mary LawrenceJ of this Parish, Spinster: by
Licence. Ezekiel Bouse, Curate. Witnesses : Edward Eanee, Elizbeth
13 Dec. Edward Blackshaw of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Rogers of
this Parish, Widow; by Licence from the Bishop of London. Ezekiel
Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : George Chapman, Will'": Swanwick.
15 Dec. Thomas Eaton of this Parish, Batchelor, and Amey Fielderf of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Martha
Letts, John Gaff.
19 Dec. Ebenezer Geale of the parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, and Elizabeth
Pleasant Barr of the Parish of Saint Sepulchre; by Licence. Geo:
Laughton, Curate. Witnesses : J^ Tattersall, Henrv Kvans, Joseph Barr,
P Barr.
20 Dec. Gerat Tool of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Sarah Wefer§ of the Parish
of S*. George, Hanover Square, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster;
by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : W"": Banks, Eliz*!'
22 Dec. Jonathan Hopkinsou of this Parish, Batchelor, and Fanny|| Dawson of
this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses:
AV'" Millar, Jos: Harris.
29 Dec. Thomas Marlow of this Parish, AVidower, and Sarah Neald^f of this
Parish, Widow ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : J^ Hurmay,
Mary Nelson.
1 Jao. John Biich** of the Parish of S'. Benedict near Pauls Wharf, London,
Batchelor, and Sarah Burrenff of this Parish, Widow ; by Licence of the
Archbishop of Canterbury. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses: Rob*.
AVestcombe, Ann Dewey.
18 Jan. Mathew Pearce of this Parish, Widower, and Anne Curd of the Parish
of Staines, in the County of Middlesex, AVidow ; by Licence. Ezekiel
Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : James Lake, Will"': Swanwick.
25 Jan. Nicholas Quin|J of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Men-itf of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Hen: Poole, Curate, pro hec vice. Witnesses:
Rachel Milton, AN^'ill'". Swanwick.
1 Feb. AVilliam Cross of this Parish, Batchelor, and Martha Reecef of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Jos:
Herrenden, Sarah Dickson.
* Sic. Probably the .same person has signed twice. — Ed.
t Signed by mark.— Ed. J Signed " Lavrance."— Ed.
§ Signed " Weaver."— Ed. || Signed "Frances."— Ed.
IF Signed " Neild."— Ed. ** Signed " Bucs."— Ed.
ft Signed " Burrin."— Ed. JJ Signed " Nickcos Quu."— Ed.
3 Feb. Samuel Euscoo* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary "White of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel House, Curate. "Witnesses: Eliz
Yeomans, James Walter.
24 Feb. Henry Lufff of this Parish, Batchelor, and Dorothy Thurlowf of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Philip Fenton, Cattaiieo C Peer (?).
2 March William Lloyd of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Edwardsf of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Kouse, Cui'ate. Witnesses :
William Jenkins, William Holloway.
10 March William James of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Bennett of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: John
James, Will"". Swanwick.
15 March Thomas Dodgshon of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Staunton of
this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses:
Will™; Swanwick, Francis Leman.
29 March John Hogg of the Parish of St James, Westminster, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Fisher of this Parish, Spinster; by
Licence. Tho^ Francklin. Witnesses : Th' Groddard, Will"' Swanwick.
9 April John Lawrence of this Parish, Batchelor, and xlnn Price of the Parish
of S*. Albans, AVoodstreet, Cheapside, Loudon, Spinster ; by Banns.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Ann Lightning:, John Liirhtninsf.
12 April John HawelliJ: of this Parish, Batchelor, and Lsetitia Goddardf of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Th^
Groddard, John Hogg.
12 April John Brodie of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jennet Stonehousef of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will™;
Swanwick, Francis Leman.
17 April William Harding of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Foreyf of
this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses:
Tho% Cook, Will'": Swaiiwick.
21 April Edward Cheevers of the Parish of Fulham, in the County of Middle-
sex, Batchelor, and Mary Lewis § of this Parish, AVidow ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Robert Russ, Thos Grloyne.
25 April Michael Clark of this parish, Batchelor, and Catherine Dowlan|| of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Terren
Maguvis, Mary Stephens.
25 April William Richards^ of this Parish, Batchelor, and Grizzell** Patty of
this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses:
Margat G-rifes, Will"'. Swanwick.
28 April Henry Emraettft of this Parish, Batchelor, and Dorothy Cablef of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. JEzekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Edward Langaridge, Sarah Camden.
5 May John Ford of this Parish, Batchelor, and Martha Holmesf of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : AV'"
Hall, John Powell.
8 May John Hopkiusou of the Parish of S^. Mary Le Bone, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Sarah Culverwell of this Parish, Spinster; by
Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : AYill"': Swanwick, Francis
10 May Samuel Jones of the Parish of S'. Gregory, London, Batchelor, and
Elizabeth ScatlifE of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse,
Curate. Witnesses : Rob'. Grant Juu"":, Mary Horn, Juo Scatliff.
* Signed " Ruscoe."— Ed. t Signed by mark.— Ed.
t Signed '■ Yowell."— Ed. § Signed " Luiss."— Ed.
il Signed "Cathain Dolan."— Ed. f Signed " Richard."— Ed.
♦♦ Signed "Grezell."— Ed. ft Signed " Eoimett Henry Emmett."— Ed.
20 May John Basill of this Parish, Batclielor, and Ann Dodsworth* of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : William
Swanwick, Francis Leman.
2J; May John Good of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Blackwell* of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Nicholas
Dare, Elizabeth Elmer.
2 June Alexander Danielf of the Parish of S'. George's, Hanover Square, in
the County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Sarah Taylor of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Cathrane
Taylor, Jonathan Greaves.
G June Neal]: Johnston of the Parish of S' Mary, Islington, in the County of
Middlesex, Bachelor, and Mary Burdett of the Parish of Saint Paul,
Covent Garden, in the same Parish, § Spinster; by Licence. Charles
Burdett, Doctor of Divinity. Witnesses : Tho Burdett, M Olger, Sasanah
7 Juno William Briggs of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne Downbin of the
Same Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. James Tattersall, Rector. Witnesses :
Ann MuUins, Will'". SwauAvick, Francis Leman.
7 June Kob*^. Brown of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Vanhouse|| of the
Same Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Geo: Jeffreyes. AVitnesses : Jona:
Rhodes, Hester Brown.
14 June George Whyley of this Parish, Widower, and Mary Parr of the Parish
of Ratcliffe Upon Trent in the County of Nottingham, Widow; by Licence.
Geo: Jeffreyes. Witnesses: Will'": Swanwick, Mirrain Gace.
14 June John Prestwood of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne^ Wademayer of
Same Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Geo: Jeffreyes. Witnesses: E**:
Williams, M Stupp, Julia Pitt.
25 June George Foyle Esq'' of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Soley of the
Parish of S^ Laurence in the City of AVinchester, a Spinster ; by Licence.
Geo: Jeffreyes, Curate for the Time. Witnesses: W"': Watts, Eliz
29 June Will"'. Jenkins of this Parish, Batchelor,** and Leitia Warthington* of
this Parish, Widow; by Banns. Geo: Jeffreyes. Witnesses: William
LLoyd, John Grainiary.
19 July William Candred* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Coopertf of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Thomas Chee, Tho^ Pritchard.
26 July John Hawkins]:^ of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane Fultun* of the
Parish of S'. Leonard, Shoreditch, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse,
Curate. Witnesses : Saliar Mille, Will"': Swanwick, Francis Leman.
10 Aug. Casper Loaffrt§§ of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Margaret Spangen-
berg of this Parish, Widow; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses:
Jacob Leuey, Will'". Swanwick.
11 Aug. John Perry of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Rawlins* of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. W^itnesses: Susanah
Perry, Thomas Parry.
30 Aug. Rowland Watson of the Parish of S^ Andrews, Holborn, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elenor|||| Kitchen of this Parish, Spinster, a
Minor by & with y*= Consent of Hannah Kitchen, Widow ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Jos''. Watson, Eliz. Roberts.
12 Sep. John Hope of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Collison of this
* Signed by mark. — Ed. t Sigaed " Alexsander Daniell."— Ed.
X Signed " Neill." — Ed. § Sic.
II Signed " Wainhouse." — Ed. If Signed " Ann." — Ed.
## " ^vidower " first written and erased. — Ed. ft Signed " Coouper." — Ed.
tt Signed "Howkins." — Ed. §§ Signed "Casper Lofret" (?).— Ed.
nil Sigaed"Ellenor."— Ed.
Parish, Widow ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eoiise, Curate. Witnesses : Will'".
Swanwick, Francis Leman.
13 Sep. John Moses of this Parish, Widower, and Mary Weston* of this Parish,
Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Will™. Swan-
wick, Francis Leman.
14 Sep. Kevenhuller Skinner of the Parish of S*. Martin in the fields, in the
County of Middlesex, a Batchelor, and Mary Hawkes of this Parish,
Spinster, a Minor ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses :
Cha^ Thorpe, Sophia Eeaben, Kath Price.
23 Sep. Eunibald Staunton of this Parish, Batchelor, and Hester Mason of the
Pari.«h of S*. Luke, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster; by Licence.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Tho^ Mason, Saudis Staunton.
21 Oct. Eobert Eussf of the Parish of S'. Martin in the fields, in the County of
Middlesex, AVidower, and Mary Alining of this Parish, Spinster; by
Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: George Alning, AVill'";
Swan wick.
22 Oct. Nathaniel Adams of the Parish of Boxford, in the County of Suffolk,
Widower, and Mary Lifton of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel
Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Charles Hart, AVill"". Swanwick.
24 Oct. James Need of this Parish, Batchelor, and Frances AVilliams of the
Parish of S'. Andrew, Holbourn, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ;
by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : James Mort, Charlotte
31 Oct. James TattersalJ of this Parish, Widower, and Elizabeth Crichlowe of
the Parish of AVest-Ham in Essex, AV^idow ; by Licence. John Tattersall,
Eecf of Depden, Suftblk. AVitnesses: AVilliam Dodd, .Jane Tattersall,
Mary Ann Crichlowe, Ann Maria Sturgeon, Sarah Stephens, Tho^ Stephens.
15 Nov. Arthur Calwell of this Parish, Batchelor, and E]izabeth§ AVeed of the
Parish of Greenwich, in the County of Keut, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will"': Swanwick, Francis Leman.
17 Nov. George Day of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret Marshall of the
Parish of Hadley, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Ed Beesly, AVill'". Swanwick.
26 Nov. Eichard Sheridan of this Parish, Batchelor, and Catherine Thornton* of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Tho^ Crow, Michii. Moore.
28 Nov. Joseph Adams of this Parish, Batchelor, and Susannah Want of the
Parish of AVare, in the County of Hertford, a Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AA^itnesses : AA^ill™: Swanwick, Francis Leman.
8 Dec. Eichard Hedges of the Parish of Heston, in the County of Middlesex,
Widower, and Hannah Isles* of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : John Thomas, Will™: Swanwick.
22 Dec. Thomas Frith* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret ForrestH of the
Same Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Geo: Jeffreyes, Cur: for y*^ Time.
AVitnesses : James Frith, Hannah Cowell, M Twine.
30^ Dec. William Stephen of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Lencton* of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Cha^
Cotton, Elibath Bill.
11 Jan. George Jessop of this Parish, Batchelor, and Dorothy Eippin of the
Parish of South Minis, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Will"': Swanwick, Francis Leman.
* Signed by mark. — Ed. t Signed "Rass." — Ed.
t Signed " Tattersall."— Ed. § Signed " Elizbeth."— Ed.
U Signed " Mrget Forest."— Ed. f Altered from " Twenty ninth."— Ed.
17 Jan. John Billington of this Parish, Batchelor, and Catherine Skin'en of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Bauus. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Alex""
Skirven, Mary Jones,
20 Jan. Morris Morgan of the Parish of S*. Leonard, Eastcheap, London, a
Batchelor, and Mary Smith of this Parish, a Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Leizabeth Pell, Will"'. Swanwick.
21 Jan. John Field of this Parish, Widower, and Susannah* Holditch of the
Parish of S*. Dunstan in the West, London, Widow ; by Licence. Chris'':
Armstrong, Curate pro hac vice. Witnessss : Tho^ Morrill, Mary Morrill.
21 Jan. William Jackson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne Hallfordf of the
Same Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Chris"': Armstrong, Curate pro hac vice.
Witnesses : AVill'". Swanwick, Francis Leman.
26 Jan. James Jones of the Parish of S* Botolp Bishopsgate, Widower, and
Hannah Green of this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse,
Curate. Witnesses : Sam': Foster, Will"'. Swanwck.
31 Jan. Thomas Woodcockf of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Stringf of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses: Eich^
Rathan, Hannah Mackway.
11 Feb. John G-off of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Bagg of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Cm-ate. AVitnesses : John Taylor,
Mary James.
13 Feb. Lewis Crespin of this Parish, Batchelor, and AnneJ Massy of the
Parish of S' Martin in Fields in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by
Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Nicholass Massy, Ann
Silberrad, Elizabeth Massy.
IG Feb. George Biddle of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Fenn of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Geo: Jefferyes, officiating Cur: AVitnesses:
Simon Temple, Mary Scandwett
21 Feb. Joseph Bance of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Rench of the Pari-sh
of Fulliam, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel
Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Xah*"-' Rench, Eliz Rench.
25 Feb. John Andrew of the Parish of S'. Stephen, AValbrook, Batchelor, and
Mary Elgie of this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate.
AVitnesses : Ann Capey, AA^ill'" Elgie, Mary Dore.
9 March John Meadows of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Brown of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses: Will"'.
Swanwick, Francis Leman.
13 March AVilliam Wrathall of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Richardson
of the Parish of S*. Giles in the fields, in the County of Middlesex,
Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Edward
Bryant, Will"' Swanwick.
14 March' Joseph William Crabb Esqr of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary
Coffin, Spinster, of the same Parish ; by License. James Tattersall,
Rector. Witnesses: L: Brown, AVill™. Swanwick, Francis Leman.
15 March George Harriss§ of the Parish of S* Clement Danes, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary AVall ace of this Parish, Spinster; by
License. James Tattersall, Rector. Witnesses; Jn°. Wallace, Alerve
Tinlay, Eliza Layard, AVill"'. Swanwick, Mary Ann Layard.
3 II April Aaron Bv water of the Parish of S'. Pauls, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Martha Phillipsf of this Parish,
Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Rousf% Curate. AVitnesses: Will"'. Swan-
wick, Francis Leman.
4 April Stephen Pollard of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Prince of this
* Signed " Susanna."— Ed. t Signed by mark.— Ed.
t Signed "Ann."— Ed. § Signed " Harris."— Eo.
11 An erasure.— Ed.
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : John
Mitchell, Will'". Swauwick.
4 April Thomas Wing of the Parish of S'. Paul's, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Margaret Lemau of the 8ame Parish, Spin-
ster; by Licence. John Jeffreys, Curate pro hac vice. Witnesses : George
Howson, Marg* Ivory.
9 AjH'il William Kidgell of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Frances* of this
Parish, S|)inster; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: John
Winter, Mary Winter.
10 Ajjril John Littler of the Parish of Horsney, in the County of Middlesex,
Batchelor, and Mary Davis of this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel
Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : William Ore, William Sanders.
10 April Thomas Roberts of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Ivy of this Parish, Spinster ; by
Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Jemima Mills, Will™
12 April James Hall of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Mooret of this Parish,
WidoAv ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Ellen Singleton,
Eichad Singleton.
17 April Daniel Bower of this Parish, Widower, and Jane HerneJ of the Parish
of S'. Dunstan in the west, London, a Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel
Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : George Howson, Ann Crow.
17 April John Parrott of this Parish, Batchelor, and Hannah Stejjhenson of
this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses:
Peter Babels, Eliz Thomas.
23 April John Hierons of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Barnham* of
the Parish of Isleworth, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster; by Licence.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will'". Swanwick, Francis Leman.
30 April Samuel Barlow of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Allen§ of the
Parish of S'. Mary Le Bone, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by
Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will'". Swanwick, Francis
1 May John Eamsden of the Parish of S'. Andrew, Holbom, London, a
IBatchelor, and Elizabeth Thompson of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will'". Swauwick, Ann Leman.
6 May Eev''*': Jonathan Carter of the Parish of Great Cornard, in the County
of Suffolk, Clerk, Batchelor, and Eliz"': Cole, Spinster, of the Parish of
Saint Paul, Covent Garden, in the County of Middlesex ; by Licence.
Paul Elers Scott, Curate for the time. Witnesses : A Gardner, H. Shrive.
8 May Cock Langford of the Parish of S' Paur% Covent Garden, and Mary
Gubbins,|| Spinster, of this Parish; by License. Tho*. Francklin, Curate
pro Temp. Witnesses : A Langford, Mary Twolen, C Guest.
19 May John Eatcliffe of this Parish, & Mary Johnson* of this Parish ; by
Licence. E Dixon, Curate S^ Martin's. Witnesses : James Carter,
AVill'". Swanwick.
22 May Farr Blissett of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jemima^ Ealph of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Bans.** Paul Elers Scott, Curate pro Temp. AVit-
nesses : Will'". Swanwick, Ann Leman.
2.3 May John Murray of this Parish, Batchelor, and Annett Edwards of this
Parish, Sjjinster ; by Banns. Geo: Jeffreyes, Curate. Witnesses: Ja'
Murray, Elizabeth Muri'ay, Sarah .lohnson.
20 May Eobert White of this Parish, Batchelor, and Annett Evans of the Parish
* Signed by mark. — Ed.
X Signed " Jean Heane." — Ed.
II Signed " Gubbin."— Ed.
** Sic.
TOL. m.
t Signed " More."— Ed,
§ Signed "AUin."— Ed.
^ Signed " Jmame."— Ed.
ft Signed "Ann."— Ed.
of S^ Leonard, Shoreditch, Spinster; by Banns. Geo: Jeffreyes, Curate.
Witnesses : John Kent Tarrant, Will*". Swanwick.
15 June Thomas Snook, Batchelor, of the Parish of Little Bedwin, in the County
of Wilts, and Jane Eussell, Spinster, of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent
Garden; by Licence. Paul Elers Scott, Curate pro Temp. Witnesses:
John Tucker, AVill'". Swanwick.
21 June John Griffiths,* Batchelor, of the Parish of S'. Michael, Bassishaw,
London, and Mary Beven, Spinster, of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent
Garden ; by Licence. Paul Elers Scott, Curate pro Temp. Witnesses :
Sam'. Stockdale, Sarah Bevan.
23 June Henry Fell, Batchelor, of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, and
Susannah Hardey,t Spinster, of the Parish of SaintJ Paul, Covent Garden ;
by Licence. Paul Elers Scott, Curate: pro Temp : Witnesses : W"'. Han^ey,
Will"'. Swanwick.
28 June Jacob Hewetson of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, Batchelor,
and Mary Lewis Jones, Spinster, of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent
Garden; by Licence. Paul Elers Scott, Curate pro Temp: Witnesses:
Mary Dobbins, Will"'. Swanwick.
30 June Richard Tully of the Parish of S^ Mary Le Bone, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Catherine Dorubush of this Parish, Spinster ;
by Licence. Geo: Jeffreyes, Assist*: Curate. Witnesses: John Dom-
bush, A Dornbush.
3 July .Joseph Gibbons of this Parish, Batchelor, and Henrietta§ Amelia Evans
of this Parish, Widow ; by Licence. Ezekiel Bouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Will"'. Swanwick, Ann Leman.
3 July John Jones of this Parish, Batchelor, and Penelope Humphrys of the
Parish of S*. Giles in the fields, in the County of Middlesex, a Spinster ;
by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : William Humphrey,
Sarah Mileham.
16 July William Gresham of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Coombe of the
Parish of S*. Clement Danes, in the Same County, Spinster, a minor ; by
Licence. Geo: Jeifreyes, Assist*. Curate. AVitnesses : Tho Coombe,
Era^. Stone, Mary Coombe, Eliz Gresham, Olimpia Coombe.
24 July Joseph Withers of the Parish of S*. Pauls, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlisex, Widower, and Mary Andrews || of the Same Parish,
Spinster; by Licence. Geo: JefFreyes, Curate. Witnesses: Alexr Bonk,
Will"i. Swanwick.
26 July Phillip Mathias of this Parish, Widower, and Esther Loughton of the
Same Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Geo: Jeffreyes, Curate. Witnesses:
Eliz Redmond, Tho^ Banner.
29 July Henry Wilson || of the Parish of Croydon, in the County of Surry,
Batchelor, and Anne Brook || of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Geo:
.JefEreyes, Assist*: Curate. Witnesses: Lucy Gammon, Saml Westbrook.
28 Aug. James Pope of the Parish of Greenwich, in the County of Kent, a
Batchelor, and Mary Bovey^ of this Parish, a Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : H Bingley, John Pope.
29 Aug. Joseph Cooperll of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Stevens|| of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Willam
AVainwright, William Swanwick.
31 Aug. John Fowler of the Parish of S* Martin in the fields, in the County of
Middlesex, a Batchelor, and Eleanor** Hooson of this Parish, a Spinster;
by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Thomas Webb, Eliz
* Signed " Griffits."— En. t Signed "Susannli Hardy."— Ed.
t Written over " Spiu.ster."— Ed. § Signed " Henretta."— Ed.
II Signed by mark. — Ed. % Signed " Bouey." — Ed.
** Signed " EUenor."— Ed.
Carriages. 24^
5 Sep. John Miller of the Parish of Saint Ann, in the County of Middlesex,
Widower, and Ann Richardson of this Parish, Widow ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Eoiise, Curate. Witnesses : Bell Carrick, J. Albany Wallis.
11 Sep. William Roades of this Parish, Widower, and Hannah Rutter* of this
Parish, AVidow ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : William
Svvanwiek, Mary Jones.
19 Sep. Thomas Mollineux of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Dimond of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Wessen
Nelson, Will'" Swan wick.
22 Sep. Will"! Hopcraft of the Parish of S^ Leonard, Shorditch, Batcher, and
Mary Hopcraft of the Parish of S^ Pauls, Coveut Grarden, Spinster; by
Licence. Geo: Jeffreyes, officiating Curate. Witnesses: Rich'^. Labrum,
Sarah Gillett, Ann Hopcraft.
24 Sep. Richard Linley of the Parish of S*. Pauls, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Annef Devis of the Parish of S'. John the
Evangelist, Westminster; by Licence. Geo: Jeffreyes, assist'. Curate.
Witnesses ; Sarah Devis, John Turner.
24 Sep. Francis Stiles| of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Lewis of the Same
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Geo : Jeffreyes, officiating Curate. Wit-
nesses : Alee Wood, Will™. Swanwick.
26 Sep. John Bryant of this Parish, AVidower, and Mary Tuttell of the Same
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Geo : Jeffreyes, Curate. Witnesses: Thomas
Tuttell, Susannah Meale.
2 Oct. John Harries of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane Morrey of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVituesses : Elizabeth
Dyer, John Ireland.
2 Oct. Frederick§ Bergstorff of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Pettit of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : W"'
Williams, Hannah Riddey.
2 Oct. Henry Camfield|| of the Parish of Speldhurst, in the County of Kent,
Batchelor, and Rachell Mardall^ of this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Thomas Lewington, Jane Longhlin.
15 Oct. Gregory Bateman of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Welch of the
same Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. James Tattersall. AN^itnesses : Ju°.
AValford, Ann AVelch, Daii West, Phil" A^eale.
20 Oct. Thomas Ricketts of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Robinson** of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVituesses :
John Lemon, AVill"'. Swanwick.
21 Oct. Richard Page of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaretft AViliiams of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AV^itnesses :
John Sugar, Mary Suagr.
1 Nov. John Piatt of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Scatchard of the
Parish of S' Mary, AVhite Chapell, in the County of Middlesex;
by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Sarah Scatchard,
Aquila Scatchard.
13 Nov. John Hill of this Parish, Widower, and Hannah DickinsJJ of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Ann
AViliiams, Rob*. AViliiams.
13 Nov. Edward Starling of this Parish, Batchelor, and Molley Butler§§ of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Rob'
Ashmore, Elizabeth Howell.
* Signed " Ratter."— Ed. t Signed " Ann."— Ed.
t Signed " Styles."— Ed. § Signed "Freedreeck."— Ed.
II Signed " Harr}' Camfieeld." — Ed.
% First signed " Rachel C-imfiel," then erased and signed " Richel Ma rdell." — Ed .
** Signed by mark. — Ed. ft Signed " Margreat." — Ed.
Xt Signed " Dickens."— Ed. §§ Signed " Molly Buttler."— Ed.
17 Nov. Jotn Neale of this Parish, Batcbelor, and Jane Berryman of the Parish
of Merton, in the County of Surry, a Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel
Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Rob'. Browning, Henery Ozziver.
22 Nov. John Goodchild of the Parish of SK Martins in y*^ fields, Batchelor, and
Ann* Lester, Widow, of this Parish; by Licence. Jii". Truslen. Wit-
nesses: Elizabeth Truslet, Will"'. Swanwick.
27 Nov. Richard Breathwitt of this Parish, a Balchelor, and Ann Twopenny t
of this Parish, a Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses:
Rich'' Wise, Elizabart AVise.
27 Nov. Johan Pieter Rathlauw of the Parish of S', Ann, Westminster, in the
County of Middlesex, Widower, and Judith Ann Wheler of this Parish,
Spinster; -by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Dorothea Du
Bois, Mic': Hinde.
27 Nov. John Nicholas of this Parish, Batchelor, and Catherine Lukey of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Bainis. James Tattersall, Rector. AVitnesses : Will'"
Clemsou, James Tyler, Ann Smith, Elizabeth Moore.
17 Dec. John Elliott of the Parish of S'. Martin in the fields, Batchelor, and
Ann WilliamsonJ of this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse,
Curate. Witnesses : Frederick Hahn, Isabel Brown, Mary Willamson.
1 Jan. Richard Willacy of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann StewartJ of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: George
Baskerville, James Boys.
5 Jan. Robert Whitehead of this Pai'ish, Widower, and Ruth Hopkins of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
James Robinson, Frances Kirk.
12 Jan. Richard Pass of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Laurence§ of this Parish, Spinster ;
by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Elizabeth Ward, Will™.
14 Jan. Robert Knight of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Saunders of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Sarah
Saunders, Benjamin Bristow.
17 Jan. William Nightiugall Read of this Parish, Batchelor, and Dinah Shatlock
of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Daniel Wielke, Eliz"» Shatlock.
22 Jan. David Robertson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Russell of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : John
Margram, Mary Margram.
7 Feb. Edward MartinJ of the Parish of S*, Paul, Cov*. Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Colts|| of the Parish of S' George,
Hanover Square, in the same County, Widow ; by Licence. Ezekiel
Rouse, Curate. W^itnesses : Ja^ Gibson, Will"' Swanwick.
19 Feb. Richard Woodhouse of the Parish of S^ Martin in Fields, in the County
of Middlesex, a Batchelor, and Sarah Vernon of this Parish, Spinster ;
by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will"'. Swanwick,
H Swanwick.
27 Feb. Thomas Watridge^f of the Parish of S'. Martin in the fields, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Ann Thrupp** of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Jn": Horsley,
Mary Hitchcock.
* Signed " Anna."— Ed. t Signed " Tvropeny."— Ed.
X Signed by mark. — Ed. § Signed " Lawrance." — Ed.
II Signed " Coles."— Ed. T Signed " AVateridge."— Ed.
** Signed " Thrup."— Ed.
Carriages. ^4&
19 March Richard Lovekin of this Parish, Batchelor, aud Ann Margaretha*
Muller, of the Parish of S^ Margaret, AVestmiuster, in the County of
Middlesex, Spinster, a Minor ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Wit-
nesses: Tlio Burrows, Elizabeth Lovekin.
20 March Samuel Scott of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Jones of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Mary Wilkinson,
Will"'. Swanwick.
26 March Tho^ Blades of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Elledgef of the
Parish of S*, James, AVestrainster, Spinster ; by Banns. G Borradale,
Minister. Witnesses: Will'". Swanwick, H Swanwick.
28 March Robert LeuwellenJ of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Silke of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses :
Jenkins Buller, AVill'". Swanwick.
30 March Henry Cook of the Parish of Saint Clement Danes, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Lovekin of this Parish, Spinster; by
Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Tho^. Burrows, Mary
1 April Bedford Stubbings of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Jay of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will"*
Swanwick, H Swanwick.
4 April Joseph Fox of this Parish, Batchelor, and Eleanor§ Candler of the
Parish of S'. Mary Le Bone, in the County of Middlesex, AVidow ; by
Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : John Fawcett, Henrietta
9 April Thomas Preston of this Parish, AVidower, and Elizabeth Pogson|| of
this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses :
John Pogson, Jane Groring.
16 April Richard Cloudes of the Parish of S*. James, Clerkenwell, in the County
of Middlesex, a Batchelor, and Ann Overhead of this Parish, Spinster;
by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses: AVill"*. Swanwick, Rebecka
15 May Solomon Frost of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane Anderson^ of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Edward
Egginton, Alexaudar Probest>u.
3 June John Connor of the Parish of S' Mathew, Friday Street, London,
Widower, aud Christian** AVest Lake of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Sam' AV^ebster, Ann AVebster.
20 June Michael Toung of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Darwen of the
Parish of S'. Luke, Chelsea, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by
Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Rich'' Lovekin, Mary
25 June John Adam Zauten Schlaeger of the Parish of S'. Giles in the fields, in
the County of Middlesex, a Batchelor, and Mary Booty of this Parish,
a Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVituesses : E Booty,
Nicolas Sellour.
5 July Charles Swain Booth of the Parish of Saint Clement Danes, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Hannah Gilpin Sharp of the Parish
of S' Paul, Covent Garden, in the same County, Spinster ; by Licence.
J* Tattersall, Rector. Witnesses : AVilliam Gilpin, Will'". Swanwick.
10 July Arnold Timmer of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Frances Bowers of this
Parish, a Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses:
John Peter Schein, James Sketchley.
* Signed "Margretha."— Ed. t Signed " Eliedg."— Ed.
t Signed by mark. — Ed. § Signed " Elenor." — Ed.
II Signed "Preston late Pogson." — Ed. If Signed " Janey Andrson." — Ed.
** Signed " Christiana." — Ed.
13 July Elliston* Chapmau of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Jackson of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Mary
Sturterant, John Jones.
23 July Halph Wood of the Parish of Woolwich, in the County of Kent,
a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Uennenf of this Parish, a Spinster ; by License.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Thos Scott, Mary Wood.
15 Aug. Eobert Harrison of the Parish of Berwick upon Tweed, a Batchelor,
and Catherine;}: Gray of this Parish, Spinster ; by License. G Borradale,
Minister. AVitnesses : W™ Dennis, Will"". Swanwick.
19 Aug. Benjamin AVatkins of the Parish of S' Martin in the Fields, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Barnett of this Parish,
Spinster; by Licence. James Tattersall, Eector. AVitnesses: John
Barnett, J Eailton, Ann Barnett, Eich''. Beale, Sarah Eailton.
23 Aug. Tho*: Britton of the Parish of S*. James, Westminster, in the City of
Bristol, W^idower, and Elizabeth Slade of this Parish, Widow ; by Licence.
Philip Batteson, Minister. Witnesses : James Smith, Mary Tommas,
Steve Tommas.
3 Sep. Jonathan Tidswell of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Densey§ of this
Parish, AVidow ; by Banns. G. Borradale, Minister. Witnesses : Elzbath
Pellinger, Eich'^ Tidswell.
13 Sep. Eichard Sheppard of this Parish, Widower, and Louisa Soule of the
Parish of Eichmond, in the County of Surry, Spinster; by Lisense.
Francis James, Minister. AVitnesses : AV"^ Margerum, Mary Mar-
14 Sep. John Bazley of this Parish, Batchelor, and Avis Bott of the Same
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Francis James, Minister. Witnesses : Alee
Lewis, Sarah Mills.
20 Sep. William Gaskin§ of the Parish of Fulham, in the County of Middlesex,
Widower, and Mary Clayton of this Parish, Spinster; by License. Ezekiel
Eouse, Cm-ate. AVitnesses : Eob*^ Howes, AVUl™. Swanwick.
25 Sep. AVilliam Clark || of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Smith of this
Parish, AA^idow ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Jn°.
Cornack, Eebekah Cornek.
25 Sep. Joseph Williams of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Smith§ of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Stephen
Cocking, Martha Cocking.
14 Oct. John Syer of the Parish of S'. Luke, in the County of Middlesex,
AVidower, and Ann Lambford of this Parish, Spinster; by License.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Elizabeth Vanniel, Susan Hbery,
Edw" Hbery.
4 Nov. Olle Bock of the Parish of S^ Andrew, Holborn, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Bridgman of this Parish, a Spinster ; by
License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Sarah Graham, Mary
Thomas, Elizabeth Markham, T Bridgman, Jn° Newman, Anne Hayward,
Mary Thomas, Jonhan Eogen.
9 Nov. John Eaymond§ of the Parish of Saint Saviour, Southwark, in the
County of Surry, AVidower, and Elizabeth Swain^I of this Parish, Spinster ;
by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Jn° Phillips, Mary
18 Nov. Edward Shephard Angel of the Parish of Christ Church, in the County
of Surry, Batchelor, and Ann Farrell of this Parish, Spinster ; by License.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Jn° Farrell, Tho« Simpson, Mary
Carruthers, W"" Carruthers.
» Signed " Elliiston."— Ed. t Signed " Dinnen."— Ed.
X Signed " Katy."— Ed. § Signed by mark.— Ed.
II Signed " Clarke."— Ed. IT Signed " Swaine."— Ed.
23 Nov. Edward Buckham of the Parish of S*. Clement Dane, Batchelor, and
Mary Bellars of this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouee, Curate.
Witnesses : Jona: Rhodes, Anne Hill.
28 Nov. James Hough of the Parish of S^ Clement Danes, in the County of
Middlesex, Widower, and Mary Pennyfeather of this Parish, Spinster ;
by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Tho^ Huxley, Sarah
6 Dec. William Hunt of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Henrietta Dunstall of
the Parish of S*. Martin in the fields, in the County of Middlesex, Spin-
ster ; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: John Taylor,
Will"' Swanwick.
10 Dec. James Wallis of the Parish of S* Bartholomew the Great, London,
Batchelor, and Mary Stap* of this Parish, Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel
Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : John Warren, Will'" Swanwick.
17 Dec. William Banksf of this Parish, a Widower, and Sarah Wright of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Paul Elers Scott, Official for Eev''. M^
Eouse. Witnesses : Tho^ Pinnill, Bety White.
19 Dec. Humphry Heely of this Parish, a Widower, and Margaret ParrotJ of
this Parish, Widow ; by Licence. Paul Elers Scott, Official for Eev'^ M""
Eouse. Witnesses : Will'". Swanwick, H Swanwick.
1 Jan. John Etherington of the Parish of Twickenham, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Bond,t Spinster, of this Parish, in the
Said County ; by Banns. Paul Elers Scott, Official for Eev''. M'' Eouse.
Witnesses : George Kennard, Marj^ Martin.
2 Jan. Anthony Hodgson of Lincolus Inn in the County of Middlesex,
Batchelor, and Margaret§ Kelly of the Parish of Saint Paul, Coveut
Garden, Widow ; by Licence. Paul Elers Scott, Official for Eev'^. M^
Eouse. Witnesses : AVill"'. Swanwick, John Herd.
18 Jan. Francis Pellerin Boudard of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Genevievre
Sanson of the Parish of S^ Mary, Wooliiorth, London, a Spinster; by
License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Cath. Arple, Ann
Silberrad, J Oabery.
28 Jan. Thomas Eales of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne Eosterf of the
Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields, Spinster; by License. Francis
James, Minister. Witnesses : Eich"! Foster, Elizbeth Foster.
4 Feb. Thomas Learmouth|| of this Parish, Batchelor, and Isabella Blackf of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Alex'" Shepherd, Will"'. Swanwick.
5 Feb. Peter Collins^ of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Jane Spencer of this
Parish, a Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses:
William Elbel, Elizabeth Elbel, Mary M^Dermot.
20 Feb. John Bragg of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret Morris of this
Parish ; by Licence. E. Dixon, Curate of S' Martin. Witnesses : Eliz
Snape, Jeremiah Watson.
21 Feb. Eob' Weston of this Parish, Widower, and Allicia** Waterhouse of the
Same Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Will"' Swanwick, Janes Greves.
8 March Samuel Aubrey of this Parish, Batchelor, and Arabella Yenables of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Mary Crofts, E Smullon.
* Signed " Stapp."— Ed. t Signed by mark.— Ed.
J Signed " Margarett Burcett."— Ed. § Signed " Margraet."— Ed.
11 Signed "Lurmouth."— Ed. ^ Signed " Collin."— Ed.
** Signed " Alicia." — Ed.
15 March James Smith of this Parish, a Batchelor, ^and Jane Giddes* of this
Parish, a Spinster; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses:
Will"'. Swanwick, H Swanwick.
23 March William Collier of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Meadley of
this Parish, S])iiister ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
H Swanwick, Will™. Swanwick.
7 April John Gallant of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann Challans of the
Parish of Grantham, in the County of Lincoln, a Spinster ; by License.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Harry Potter, Will"'. Swanwick.
15 April Thomas Foxall of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Ridgeleyt of this
Parish, Spinster; by Bauns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: M Hird,
Will'". Swanwick.
15 April Eobert Taylor;}: of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah HobbsiJ: of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Samuel
Bostock, Will'". Swanwick.
16 April William Jennings of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Lyne of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: James
Hill, Adam Mangaar, Amelia Murrer.
18 April Samuel Eotton of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Sarah Swain of the
Parish of High-Wickham, in the County of Bucks, Spinster; by License.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Geo. Adamson, H Swanwick.
22 April Lewis Hendrie of the Parish of S'. James's, Westminster, in the
County of Middlesex, and Jean Leslie of this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : John Dickeson, Alex'". Eamage,
Eobert Forbes.
24 April The Eev'' Eobert Holt Butcher of this Parish, Clerk, and Ann Manaton
of the Parish of t^aint John the Evangelist, in the same County, Spinster ;
by License. J^ Tattersall, Eector. AVitnesses: Guv Bathurst, Mary
Acworth, Martha Manaton, W" Barlow, Eliz Manaton.
25 April Eichard Hedges§ of the Parish of Heston, in the County of Middlesex,
a Widower, and Christian AV^illiamsiJ: of this Parish, a Spinster; by License.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Samuel Hooper, AVill'". Swanwick.
1 May William Horsley of this Pari.-*h, Widower, and Sarah Harris of the
Parish of Mortlake, in the County of Surry, a Spinster ; by License.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Eliz Horsley, David .Jennings.
5 May AVilliam Cholwich of the Parish of S'. Mary Le Strand, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Ann|| Barnes of this Parish, Spinster; by
License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Chris''. Zincke, Jn".
8 May Philip Eyan of the Parish of S' A^edast, Forster Lane, London,
Batchelor, and Catherinelf Slaughter of this Parish, Spinster ; by License.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. -AVitnesses: x\ndrew Christy, Mary Crelghton.
9 May Anthony Eood of the Parish of S^ Paul's, Covent (jarden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Hannah Ford of the Same Parish,
Spinster; by Licence. Francis James. Witnesses: W"' Hoi)kins, Mary
21 May Samuel Millward of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Mayo of this
Parish, a Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Kouse, Curate. Witnesses:
Benjamine Gardiner, Will'" Swanwick.
25 May Eobert Butterworth of the Parish of S*. Giles in the fields, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Leuty of this Parish, a
Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : John Abra-
hall. Will"' Swanwick.
* Signed "Jean Geddes."— Ed. t Signed " Ridgley."— Ed.
t Signed by mark.— Ed. § Written over an erasure.— Ed.
II Signed " Anne."— Ed. % Signed " Caterine."— Eo.
7 June Eichard Foy* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Ann Conuerf of
this Parish, Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Lawrence -Carleton.t Ann Lotus.
13 June William Barnet & Mary Kirton both of this Parish ; by License,
A. B.C. R. Dixon, Curate of S'. Martin. Witnesses : Kempe Brydges,
H Fielding.
21 June Eoger 8izer of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Hawley of this Parish,
Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Elizabeth
Bliss, Will'". Swanwick.
24 June Eobert Eobertson of the Parish of Saint Cuthbert Wells, in the County
of Somerset, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Goldfinch of this Parish, a Spin-
ster ; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will"' Swanwick,
H Swanwick.
26 June Casper Loffert of this Parish, Widower, and Eleanor Dennyf of the
Parish of S'. Mary, Islington, in the County of Middlesex, Widow ; by
License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Mary Griffiths, Sarah
27 June 'J'homas Hughes of this Parish, AVidower, and Ann Bali of the Parish
of S*. Botolph, Bishopsgate, London, a Spinster; by License. Ezekiel
Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : James Hall, Will'". Swanwick.
28 June John Farrell of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Carruthers of the
Parish of Walton upon Thames, in the County of Surry, Spinster, a
Minor; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Eob Carruthers,
Edw^': Shep'': Angel, W™. Carruthers.
30 June Thomas Butler of the Parish of Woolwich, in the County Kent, a
Batchelor, and Susannah;}: Eyland of this Parish, a Spinster; by License.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Geo: Bud, John Smith, Elizabeth
1 July Close Dreavesf of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Meadley§ of this
Parish, Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will"
Swanwick, William Collier.
25 July AVill"'. Greenley|| Esqi". of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Brown
of Same Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. John Blakistou, Curate. AV^it-
nesses : Sarah Hinchliff, Catherine Muscott.
26 July James Gandon of the Parish of Saint Mary le Bone, in the County
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Eleanor Smullon of this Parish, Spinster ; by
Licence. F Bowen, Curate. Witnesses : Mary Crofts, Will™. Swan-
30 July William Swindells of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Sarah Bowditch of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence. F. Bowen, Curate. Witnesses : Thomas Burgis,
Will'". Swanwick.
16 Aug. AVilliam Saul of the Parish of Stanton by Bridge, in the County of
Derby, aAVidower, and Sarah Dawson of this Parish, a Widow; by License.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : A Lantware, Ann Lantvvare, Dedr
19 Aug. Alexander Leyster^ of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jennet Morrisf of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVilnesses :
Stephen Long, Eliz. Davy, John Davey.
20 Aug. Morris Jouesf of this Parish, Batchelor, and Amey Hackittf of this
Parish, AVidow ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AV'itnesses : William
Ballard, AVill"'. Swanwick.
2 Sep. William Crossf of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Johnson of thia
* Signed " Toy." — Ed. t Signed by mark. — Ed.
X Signed " Susanna." — Ed. § Signed " Meaidley." — Ed.
II Signed " Greenly."— Ed. f Signed " Lister."— Ed.
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Paul Elers Scott, Curate Pro Tempore.
Witnesses : "W"' Haliburton, Ann Butler, Margreat Halyburton.
3 Sep. Eobert Pemberton of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Williams of
the Parish of S'. Thomas, Southwark, Spinster ; by Banns. E. P. Finch,
Min^". Witnesses : Tho^ Lucas, Ann Page, Mary Lucas, F Williams.
5 Sep. Josshua* Qhomas of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, Batchelor,
and Elizabeth S^eet of the Parish of Saint John the Evangelist, West-
minster, Spinster; by Licence. Paul Elers Scott, Curate pro Tempore.
Witnesses : Eliz'' Thomas, Eusebius Sweet.
18 Sep. Samuel Broomef of this Parish, and Ann DaviesiJ: of this Parish, by
Banns. P. E. Scott, Curate pro: Tempore. Witnesses : A Sanders,
Eobert Sanders.
20 Sep. Charles Eouseau§ Burney of This Parish, Batchelor, and Esther Burney
of This Parish ; by Licence. P. E. Scott, Curate pro Tempore. Wit-
nesses: Eob^ Stiange, Mary Bruce Strange, Cath Cooke, Ann Burney.
23 Sep. Thomas George Green || of this Parish, WidoAver, and Euth Whitehead
of This Parish, Widow ; by Licence. P. E. Scott, Curate jjro Tempore.
Witnesses: Ann Barrey, W"' Hopkins.
25 Sep. Christopher M*^:Enally of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane Brown of
this Parish, Widow ; by Licence. P. E. Scott, Curate pro Tempore. Wit-
nesses : Chrisf Moore, Eobert Hill.
27 Sep. Charles Cowan of this Parish, Widower, and Hannah PalmerJ of this
Parish ; by Licence. Chr""; Armstrong, Curate pro tempore. Witnesses :
Will"^ Swanwick, Judith LLoyd.
29 Sep. James Frith of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Twine of this Parish,
Spinster; by Licence. Philip Batteson, Minister. Witnesses: Felix
Buckley, Eliz Ford.
30 Sep. Aaron Hatch of this Parish, and Ann Evan^ of the Parish of S^ Mary
le Bone; by Licence. Chrisf: Armstrong, Curate, pro: hac vice. Wit-
nesses : John Eichard Eo} al. Will™. Swanwick.
1 Oct. Henry Webb of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Lewis of the Parish of
S' Giles in the Fields, Spinter; by Licence. Philip Batteson, Minister.
Witnesses: AVill"'. Swanwick, H Swanwick.
7 Oct. Hugh M^.Quoid of the Parish of S*. George, Southwark, in the County
of Surry, a Batchelor, and Hester Child J of this Parish, a Spinster; by
License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : G- Edge, Elizabeth Child.
18 Oct. Cecil Taylor of the Hamlet of Hammersmith, in the Parish of Fulham,
Mid^": and Batchi'': & Catherine Grainger of this Parish, Spinster; by
License. Francis James Cl*^: Witnesses : Vincent Mathias, Will"".
27 Oct. Thomas Williams of the of Saint Lawrence Jewry, London,
Batchelor, and Ann Lantware of this Parish, Spinster; a Minor; by
License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Dedr Lantware, Ann Lant-
ware, W°^ Noah Lantware.
30 Oct. Joseph Diston of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth** Watkins of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Will™. Swanwick, H Swanwick.
31 Oct. Jeremiah Dinneytt of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Jane FieldingiJJ of
the Parish of Kensington, in the County of Middlesex, a Spinster; by
License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Cha' Bates, Will"'. Swan-
* Sipfned " Joshua." — Ed. t Signed " Broom." — Ed.
X Signed by mark.— Ed. § Signed " Rosseau." — Ed.
II Signed " Greene."— Ed. % Signed " Ewan."— Ed.
*» Signed " Elisebeth."— Ed. tt Signed " Diney."— Ed.
XX Signed " Fieldin."— Ed.
8 Nov. Thomas Hudson of the Parish of Covent Garden, and Mary Fynes of
the Parish of S'. Brides, London; by license. Step: Walsh, Minister.
Witnesses : Edw'^. Ashwell, Dorothy Chawner, Elizabeth Scott.
15 Nov. Alexander Mutch of this Parish, Widower, and Mary Jtieaney* of the
Parish of Camberwell, in the County of Surry, Spinster ; by License.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will'". Swanwick, H Swanwick.
28 Nov. John Davis of the Parish of S* James, Grarlick hill, London, Widower,
and Ann Grreggf of this Parish, Spinster; by License. Ezekiel Eouse,
Curate. Witnesses: Martha Monk, Elizabeth Clarke, William Clark.
30 Nov. William Pool of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane PryceJ of the Parish
of S'. Giles in the fields, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by License.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will"*. Swanwick, H Swanwick.
8 Dec. James Goddle of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann DowlingJ of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Will™.
Swanwick, H Swanwick.
18 Dec. George OrfordJ of the Parish of S*. Andrew, Holbourn, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Marks of this Parish, Spinster ;
by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Philip Hare, Sarah
20 Dec. Mathias§ Clement of this Parish, Widower, and Mary Euth|| of this
Parish, Widow ; by Banns. Ezekiel Kouse, Curate. Witnesses : George
Reymuud, Will'". Swanwick.
21 Dec. John Bliss of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann Poynter of the Parish
of S^ Mary, White Chapel, in the County of Middlesex, a Spinster; by
License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AV^itnesses : Henry Stad, Mary Low.
22 Dec. Bisby Lambert^ of the Parish of S'. Martin in the fields, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Eawlins** of this Parish, Spinster ; by
License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : John Godwin, Cath Sags.
23 Dec. John Taylor of this Parish, and Phillis Boydeff of this Parish ; by Banns.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Adam Boyd, James Boyd, Catharine
Kean, Mary Heartt, Mary AUwood.
26 Dec. PhilipJ J Carney of this Parish, Batchelor, and Hannah Macarty J of this
Parish, Spinster; by Bauns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses: Jn°
AVilloughby, AVill'". Swanwick.
27 Dec. Thomas IJlyate of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Doran of the
Parish of S'. Botolph, Bishopsgate, London, Widow ; by License. Ezekiel
Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Isaac Sampson, Susana Collier.
5 Jan. Thomas Moule of the Parish of Saint Clement Danes, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Peace of this Parish, a Spinster ; by
License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : W™ Moule, S Moule, Eliz
6 Jan. Samuel Cox of the Parish of S^ George, Southwark, in the County of
Surry, a Batchelor, and Anua§§ Simpson of this Parish, a Spinster ; by
License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Peter Martin, Ann Eoyd-
6 Jan. Eobert Lallow of this Parish, Widower, and Elizabeth Powell|||| of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : William
WaUis, Step«° Dowglas.
* Signed " Eenny."— Eo. t Signed " Grigg."— Ed.
X Signed by mark. — Ed. § Signed " Matthias." — Ed.
II Signed " Marey llouth." — Ed. H Signed " Lambart." — Ed.
** Signed "RawUngs." — Ed. tt Signed " Boyd." — Ed.
tX Signed " Phillip."— Ed. S§ Signed " Hannah."— Ed.
11 II Signed "Elez Poowll."— Ed.
12 Jan. Thomas Bradsbaw of this Parish, AVidower, and Ann Birch of this
Parish, Spinster ; bv License. Ezekiel Eonse, Curate. AVitnesset: : John
Croft, Will™ Swaiiwick.
13 Jan. Theophilus Tompson Tutt of tliis Parish, Batchelor, and Dorothy Reid
of this Parish, Spinster; by L'cense. Ezekiel Kouse, Curate. M'itnesses:
W Duke Teasdale, Ja^ .Sc|uibb, Sarah Parrott, Eliz Teasdale.
21 Jan. John Middleton of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Clarke of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Francis .James, Cur*. A¥itnesses : Elizabeth
Quarn, Tho^ Bracey.
24 Jan. Eichard Davis of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Looker of the
Parish of Lambourne, in the Couiity of Berks; by License. E T Butcher,
Curate for the Time. AV^itnesses : William Scafe, Frances Looker, Mar-
gret Tompson.
9 Feb. John Doudall* of the Parish of S*. George, Bloomsbury, Batchelor, and
Arabella Carpenter* of this Parish; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate.
AVitnesses : Eich'^. Spindelow, Mai-y Spindelow.
10 Feb. John Offord* of this Parish, Widower, and Margaret Godardf of y'=
same Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Francis James, Cur*. Witnesses:
Will™. Swanwick, Mary Bails.*
13 Feb. Moses Murrant of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary EoachJ of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses: W™.
Churchman, S Marsden.
25 Feb. AVilliam Eowe AVhitlock of the Parivsh of S'. Mary, White-Chaple, in
the County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Sophia Westerley Bielby§ of this
Parish, Spinster; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Mary
Cooper, Will"'. Swanwick.
3 March Thomas Thorpe of the Parish of Hampton, in the County of Middle-
sex, a Batchelor, and Ann Davies of this Parish, a Spinster ; by License.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Eich^ Davies, AVill™. Swanwick.
3 March James Pover of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Phillips* of
this Parish, Widow; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses:
John Powell, AVilliam Pover.
12 March George AValker Dyall Jones of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sophia
Zincke of the Parish of Lambeth, in the County of Surry, Spinster, a
Minor ; by License. James Tattersall, Eector. Witnesses : Tho^ Par-
kinson, Eliz Zincke.
31 March Samuel Pawson, Widower, and Dorothea Lancake, Spinster, both of
this Parish ; by Francis Porter. AVitnesses : Delia Place,
Jn": P: Hungerford, .Jn": Bromfield.
31 March Michael Appleby of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Martin of
the Same Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Francis Porter. Witoesses :
Morris Connelly, Marg': Connelly.
7 April AVilliam Churchman of this Parish, Widower, and Sarah Marsden of
same Parish, AVidow ; by License. Francis Porter. Witnesses : Walter
Cornish, John Leigh, Mary Tudor.
22 April Thomas Talbott|| of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Robinson1[
of Same Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Francis Porter. AVitnesses : Edw^
Eobinson, AVill™. Swanwick.
28 April John Clark of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Trypheua Ward of the
Parish of S'. Andrew, Holborn, in the County of Middlesex, a Spinster ;
by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Elizabeth Thoms, Will"'.
30 April Stephen Soame of this Parish, Batchelor, and Francis Wyun of the
* Signed by mark.— Ed. t Signed by mark as " Goddard."— Ed.
t Signed " Roch."— En. § Signed " Beilby."— Ed.
II Signed "Talbot."— Ed.. - T (?) Signed " Elizalth Rolisou."— Ed.
Parish o£ S*. Ann, Westminster, in the County o£ Middlesex, Spinster ; by-
License. Ezekiel Kouse, Curate. "Witnesses : Giles Powell, Will™ Swan-
1 May John Osborn of the Parish of Saint Martin in the fields, in the County
of Middlesex, a Widower, and Judith Paiers of this Parish, a Spinster ; by
License. Ezekiel Kouse, Curate. Witnesses : Salley Savory, Tho^
2 May John Griffiths of this Parish, AVidower, and Eleanor* Jones of the
Parish of All hallows on the Wall, London, Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel
Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Seth Kirby, Mary Welby.
4 May George Forbes of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Hewett of the
Parish of S*. Martin in the fields, iu the County of Middlesex, Widow ; by
License* Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Mathew Busher, Will"'.
8 May William Manning of the Parish of xlll Saints, in the County of North-
ampton, a Batchelor; and Elizabeth Linney of this Parish, Spinster; by
License. Ezekiel House, Curate. Witnesses: E'. Whit worth, Iliffe Linney.
19 May John Burden of this Parish, Batchelor, and Susannahf Poole of this
Parish, Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Tho^
Snow, Ann Snow.
4 June Gabriel Seguin of this Parish, Batclielor, and Mary Austin of this
Parish, Widow ; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will"':
Swanwick, H Swanwick.
7 June William Addington of the Parish of Saint Margaret, Westminster, in
the County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Jane M'^Gusty of this Parish, a
Spinster; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: James Han-
nigan, Marcus D'arcy.
13 June The Rev^'. John Herries M.A. of the Parish of S': Martin in y^ Fields,
in the County of Middlesex, Batchel^ and Herbert J Murray of the Parish
of S*. Paul, Con"*'. Garden by License. Francis James. Witnesses : Jn°
Taylor, AV'illiam Rutherford.
14 June William Bain of this Parish, Bachelor, and Susannah§ Gandon of this
Parish, Spinster; by License. Francis James. Witnesses: Sarah Judd,
Will"". Swanwick.
18 June William Chambers of the Parish of SK Mathew, Friday Street, London,
a Batchelor, and Mary Hawkins of this Parish, Widow ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Sam'. Webster, Ann Webster.
23 June John Boviugdon of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann Calcutt of this
Parish, a Spinster; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses:
Jn" Calcutt, Margret Calcutt.
25 June Albright Low|| of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Rochins|| of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
John Winter, Mary Winter.
30 June William Gibbons|| of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Walter of this
Parish, Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Will"" Swanwick, H Swanwick.
30 June James Cooney of the Parish of S'. Giles in the fields, iu the County of
Middlesex, Widower, and Elizabeth Carter] | of this Parish, a Spinster ;
by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Christ'' Moore, Ja^:
Hey Ian.
13 July John Croft of this Parish, Batchelor, and Hester Carey of this Parish,
Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : E Langtou,
D Langton.
* Signed " Einor."— Ed. t Signed " Susan." — En.
+ Sic. § Signed " Susanna." — Ed.
II Signed by mark. — Ed.
26 July Charles Bromfield of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann Broom* of the
Parish of S'. James, Westminster, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ;
by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Pietro Catani, John
29 July Charles Sarjant of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Bathoe of the
Parish of S^ Griles in the fields, in the County of Middlx, Spinster; by
License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : C Michell, H Hutchins,
Oriana Michell, J Pine.
8 Aug. John Pond of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Oriana Michell of the
Parish of S*. Andrew, Uudershaft, London, a Spinster; by License.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: J Pond, Mary Pond, John Mackclary,
John Pritchard.
17 Aug. James Savage of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Warrinerf of the
same Parish, Spinster ; by License. Erancis James. Cur*. Witnesses :
Will™. Swauwick, H Swanwick.
18 Aug. John Balmforth of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann HinshawJ of y®
same Parish, Spiaister ; by Banns. Francis James, Cur^ Witnesses :
Nath^ Hantley, Eliz Hinshaw.
21 Aug. Thomas Layburn of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret§ Fish of
Great Yarmouth, in the County of Norfolk, Spinster ; by Licence.
J Smith Cu''. Witnesses : Elizabeth Fish, Will™. Swanwick.
12 Sep. Richard Woodson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne Coneway;};
Wid^''. of this Parish ; by Banns. Francis James, Cur'. Witnesses : John
Cave, Will™. Swanwick.
16 Sep. George Burton of this Parish, Widower, and Elizabeth FosterJ of the
Parish of S^ Martin in the Fields, in y^ County of Middlsex, Wid""; by
Licence. Francis James, Cur'. Witnesses : David Tynie, Will™. Swan-
19 Sep. William Black of this Parish, Batchelor, and Hellen Hutchinson|| of
the same Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. J Smith, Cu''. Witnesses :
Isabella Waddell, Isabell Traill, William Dundass, John Aldey, Geo.
Mackaray, James Davie.
27 Sep. Thomas Turner of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Hayden of the
same Parish, .Spinster; by Banns. Francis James, Cur'. Witnesses:
Hassell Hutchins, Ann Hayden, Elizabeth Hutchins.
29 Sep. John Hearne of this Parish, Bachelor, and Anne^ Best of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Banns. J Smith, Cur'. Witnesses : Mich^. Thynne, Peter
29 Sep. James FarrellJ of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth HudsonJ of
this Parish, Widow ; by Licence, L.B.L. J. Smith, Cur'. Witnesses :
Peter Brand, Cath'^ Brand.
5 Oct. Thomas Jacob Bourdillon of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Eastgate
of this Parish, Spinster ; a minor ; by Licence. J^ Tattersall, Rector.
Witnesses : Tho: Eastgate, Jane Bourdillon, Hannah Crossley, Mary
7 Oct. William Thomson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret** Thomson
of the same Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Francis James, Cur': Wit-
nesses : William Farrell, Ptr Farrel.
20 Oct. James Richardsft of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane Jenkins of the
Parish of S'. Clement Danes, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster; by
License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Ale"^ Hardie, Will™: Swan-
» Signed " Boom."— Ed. f Signed " Warrinar."— Ed.
X Signed by mark.— Eo. § Signed " Margret."— Ed.
II Signed " Helen Hutchison."— Ed. ^ Signed " Ann."— Ed.
** Signed " Margay'."— Ed. ft Signed " Richardson."— Ed.
25 Opt, "William Beever of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary "Ward of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Thos
Blackwell, Mary "Williams.
24 Oct. Eichard Merryfield of this Parish, Widower, and Martha Briscoe of
the Parish of S*^. Margaret, Westminster, in the County of Middlesex,
Widow ; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : William Dean,
Eliz Snow, Ann Eiley, W"' Wells, Phillis Davies, Eich^ Blackman.
27 Oct. William Barnard of this Parish, Batchelor, and Alice Staines of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Jane
James, John Staines.*
31 Oct. John Phillis of this Parish, Batchelor, and Prances Martin of the same
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Erancis James, Cur'. Witnesses : Jam^
Brind, Su^ Brind, Elizabeth Harrisson, Ann Harrisson, Eob'. Banning
17 Nov. Andrew M'^.Minusf of this Parish, Batchelor, and Carolina Kinder| of
the Parish of S*. Giles in the fields, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ;
by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Thomas Einny, Thomas
17 Nov. Thomas Prosser of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Cooper of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will"".
Swanwick, H Swan wick.
24 Nov. Joseph Bance of this Parish, Widower, and Lucy James of this Parish,
Widow ; by Licence. John Tale, Clerk. Witnesses : Will™. Swanwick,
H Swanwick.
15 Dec. John Thomasf of the Parish of S'. Edmund the King, London,
Batchelor, and Jane WilHamst of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden,
in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence. Francis James, Cur*.
Witnesses : Anna Massey, Humpy Prichard.
16 Dec. The Eev*^. Weeden Butler, Clerk, of the Parish of Saint George,
Hanover Square, in the County of Middlesex, Batchelor ; and Ann
Giberne of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. William Dodd, Clerk.
Witnesses : George Giberne, John Dyer, C Giberne.
23 Dec. John Palmer of this Parish, Batchelor, and Hannah Owens of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Eich''.
Dickinson, Will™. Swanwick.
4 Jan. George Herring of this Parish, Batchelor, and Carolina Mollingf of
this Parish, Widow ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Will™. Swanwick, H Swanwick.
6 Jan. William Hodgson of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Margaret Tatum of
this Parish, Spinster : by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
W™ Whitlock, Sophia Whitlock.
8 Jan. Charles Dymoke Willaume of this Parish, Esq"", Batchelor, and Mary
Hamilton of Tingrith Parish, in the County of Bedford, Spinster; by
Licence. Erancis James, Cur'. Witnesses : T Palmer, Will™. Swau-
14 Jan. Samuel Foxon§ of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne Marriman|| of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. John Tale, Clerk. Witnesses: E Johnston,
Elizth Carpenter, Harriot Sedgwick, Sarah Nuttall.
14 Jan. John Page of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Box of the Parish of
* " Robert Hanning Brooks " has been written here and erased. — Ed.
t Signed by mark.— Ed. J Signed by mark as " Cooper."— Ed.
§ Signed " Faxon." — Ed. || Signed " Merriman."— Ed.
S'. Brides, London, Spinster ; by Licence. John Tale, Clerk. Witnesses :
Ann "VTard Evans, Ellen Box.
2G .Tan. Thomas Howard of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth* Chapman of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Edlin Howard, Eleanor Chapman.
2 Feb. John Leach of this Parish, Batchelor, and Martha "Waits of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Banns. Francis James. Witnesses : Le^wies Hughes,
Susnar Mitch el.
6 Feb. John Maitland of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne Storey of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Cha^
Maitland, Eliz Fowkes.
7 Feb. William Farrell of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Scott of the
Parish of S*. Clement Danes, in the County of Middlesex, Widow ; by
License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : W"' Thomson, Will'".
14 Feb. Peter Jaques of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Catherine Coates of this
Parish, a Spinster; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses:
Eob*. Scott, Aann Jaques.
15 Feb. George AVilliam Angell of the Parish of S^ Mary, Woolnorth, London,
Batchelor, and Sarah Baker of this Parish, a Spinster; by License.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : George Eobertson, Will"'. Swan-
23 Feb. Matthew Pearson of this Parish, Widower, and Lucy Sharp of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence. J^ Tattersall, Eector. Witnesses :
J. Giffard, Tho^ Andrews, Ann Eochfort, Eob'. Somerby, John Ellison,
Eebekah Sharp.
24 Feb. John Cobb of the Parish of S'. Martin in the fields, in the County of
Middlesex, Widower, and Mary Babell of this Parish, Widow ; by License.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Hannah Mackmallan, Chrisf King.
27 Feb. John Abraham Fisherf of the Parish of S^ Pauls, Covent Garden, in
the County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Powell of the Same
Parish, Widow ; by Licence. Tho^ Fountaine, Minister. Witnesses :
Jane Fountaine, H. W. Branson.
1 March John Hill of the Parish of S^ Martin in the fields, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Homan of this Parish, Spinster ; by
License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Tho^ Ehodes, Ann
5 March Thomas Croft Esq of the Parish of S'. James's, Westminster,
Bachelor, and Elizabeth Spiller of this Parish, Spinster, a Minor; by
Licence with the Consent of her Father. John Waring, of Bishopsgate.
Witnesses : Eich''. Croft, John Spiller.
8 March Lewis Gevaux of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Eoberts of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
James Crowcher, John Allison, Eich'i Eawtan, Sarah Eowton.
13 March John Sherreu of this Parish, a Widower, and Mary Hibben of this
Parish, a Widow ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
AVilliam Nettlefold, Eichard Mehin.
2 April George Holmes of the Parish of Aston, in the County of Oxford, a
Batchelor, and Henriette MargaretJ Gilliard of Parish, a Spinster; by
Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: F*". Gilliard, Diana
7 April John Castle of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Parsons§ of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Edw"*.
Daniell, Frances Beale.
* Signed " Elizath."— Ed. t Signed " J A W Fisher."— Ed.
X This name is omitted in signature. — Ed. § Signed " Pearson." — Ed.
20 April William Higgiiis* of this Parish, Widower, and Catharine Snow* of
this Parish, Widow; by Banns. Jn". Bp Humphreys. Witnesses: Eli
Snow, E Allcock.
27 April John Thompson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Christiana Bowen* of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Jn° Bp Humphreys. Witnesses :
W Kayner, W™ Simpson.
27 April Thomas Snelling of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Angelf of the
Parish Saint Clement Danes, Spinster ; by Licence. Jn". Bp Humphreys.
Witnesses: Ann Angell, Sarah Newlaud.
2 May John Turner* of the Parish of Paddelworth, near Snadling, in the
County of Kent, Widower, and Elizabeth Gent* of this Parish, Spinsrter;
by Licence. Jn". Bp Humphreys. Witnesses : David Keill, Sharaf Gent.
4 May James Carter of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Ferrey* of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Jn°. Bp Humphreys. Witnesses: Hannah
Wood, Mary Ferry.
14 May John Stainer of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Tayler* of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Banns. W"'. Rouse, Clerk. Witnesses : E Lipscomb,
William Swanwick.
15 May Levi Ames Esquire of the Parish of Shepton Mallet, in the County of
Somerset, Widower, and Sarah Sealy of the Parish of Saint Paul, Covent
Garden, Spinster; bv Licence. W™. Eouse, Clerk. Witnesses: James
White, Mary AVhite,' Elizabeth Sealy.
19 May Richard Cope Hopton of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, Esq"",
a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Seeker of Serjeants Lin, Fleet Street, London,
Widow ; by Licence. W"'. Rouse, Clerk. Witnesses : John Bird,
M Jenkin, Hannah Bird.
4 June James Mitchell of this Parish, Batchelor, and Betty Hoare of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Stephen
Hoare, Mary Mills.
11 June James Price of this Parish, Batchelor, and Lydia Sanderinham of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Richard
Frankham, Ann Dyer.
21 June James Challoner of the Parish of S'. Andrew, Holborn, London,
Batchelor, and Elizabeth Wakelin J of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will™. Swanwick, H Swanwick.
22 June Richard Harris of this Parish, Batchelor, and Susannah§ Blundon of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will"'.
Swanwick, H Swanwick.
28 June AVilliam Carr of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Burnston|| of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Mary
Doane, Francis Nelson.
29 June Thomas DoddsT[ of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane Lacy* of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : John
Hardon, Dorothy Hard on.
11 July Michael Lejeune of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Jones of the Parish
of S'. Giles in the fields, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: H Evans, Barbara Jones, Tho^. Weeks,
Anne Bowen.
20 July James Don of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Poynter of this Parish,
a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Ann Bliss,
John Bliss.
30 July James Delatre of the Parish of Saint Bennet Fink, London, Widower,
and Mary Anderson of this Parish, Spinster ; by License. Edw''. G. Foote,
* Signed by mark. — Ed. f Signed " Angell." — Ed.
J Signed "Elsabeth Waklon."— Ed. § Signed " Susena."— Ed.
II Signed " Burnstone."— Ed. ^ Signed " Dods."— Ed.
Minister. Witnesses : Betty Wadham, C'' Atkinson, T. J. Maguiae,
Agentina Lepir.
3 Aug. Thomas Raison of the Parish of Saint Mary, Strafford, in the County of
Suffolk, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Cooper of this Piirish, Spinster; by
License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Ed: Cooper, John Thomson.
4 Aug. Ricliard Quartermain of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane Bird of this
Parish, Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Drury
Bird, Tho^ Bailey.
6 Aug. Richard* King of this Parish, Batchelor, and Hester Hadleyf of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: John
Littlecott, William Admigall.
17 Aug. John Sealert of this Parish, Batchelor, and Rose Burgessf of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : James
Sampson, Mary Kirk.
22 Aug. William Watson of this Parish, Widower, and 'Jheodosial Sim of this
Parish, Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : J Sim,
M Towne, A Whitehead, E Eox.
10 Sep. William Massey of this Parish, and Mary Bawbell of the Same Parish ;
by Banns. Erancis James, Cur*. AVitn esses : Sarah Bawbell, Will'":
20 Sep. Tho' Parker of the Parish of S* James, Westminster, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Phebe Wi<rgins§ of this Parish, Spinster ; by
Licence. Erancis James, Cur'. Witnesses : AVill'": Swanwick, H
4 Oct. John Kupky of this. Parish, Widower, and Elizabeth Bingley of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Rich*"
Bingley, Henrietta Bragg.
6 Oct. John Rigby of the Parish of S^ Pauls Covent Garden in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Luxtonf of the Parish of S*. Mary
Lebone, in the Same County, Spinster ; by Licence. John Stephens,
Minister. Witnesses : Judith Luxton, Will"': Swanwick.
11 Oct. John Brown of the Parish of S* Giles's, Cripplegate, Batch"", and
Isabella|| Gallon of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. John Stephens,
Minister. VV^itnesses : Harriotte Shippey, Anne Shippey, Susanna
*VVheeler, W'". Wheeler.
15 Oct. Edward Tarr of the Parish of S'. Giles in the fields, in the County of
Middlesex, a widower, and Elizabeth Adley^ of this Parish, Spinster; by
License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : John Pomier, Martha Bott,
Sunah Riorto.
16 Oct. William Allen of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Progers** of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : W"'.
Gardner, A Harley.
19 Oct. Joseph Eling of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabethft Williams of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Thomas
Eling, Elizebeth Barns.
21 Oct. Thomas Walklin of this Parish, Batchelor, and Susannah Barretf of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. • Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Samuel
Teen, Will'". Swanwick.
25 Oct. John Elmer of this Parish, and Margaret Spinks:!:^ of this Parish ; by
Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Benj'" Lazenby, Will'".
25 Oct. George Nokes of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Quarn of this
* Signed "Riceard." — En. t Signed by mark. — Ed.
X Sij^ned " Tdouss." — Ed. § Signed by mark as " Wiggen." — Ed.
II Signed " I.<«abell." — Ed. % Altered from " Hadley " and signed by mark. — Ed.
** Signed " Elz Prodgers."— Ed. ft Signed " Elizabth."-ED.
It Signed "Spink." — Ed.
Parish, Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Tho*
Bracey, John Quarn, W"' Tucker, Eliz Bracey.
31 Oct. Thomas Wilkinson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Lebeg of the
Parish of Pre.ston, in Lancashire ; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate.
Witnesses : William Vale, Eliz Vale, Benj" Goodwin.
31 Oct. John Eagle of this Parish, Batchelor, and Isabella Sabray* of this
Parish, Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Henry
Eagle, May Sebrey, Prances Eagle.
9 Nov. John Cooper of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Sarah Green of this
Parish, a Widow; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Cm-ate. Witnesses:
Alex^ How, Frances Cooper, Sus° Mayor.
17 Nov. Hambly Dennis of this Parish, Widower, and Johanna Fine Marshall*
of this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Wituesses:
John Paris, Elizabeth Sanders.
5 Dec. Benjamin Steane of the Parish of S'. Mary, Rotlierhithe, in the County
of Surry, Batchelor, and Margaret xVdams* of this Parish, Spinster ; by
License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : George Mourgue, Ann
5 Dec. William King of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Rebecca Hinde of the
Parish of S^ Mary, Colechurch, London, a S|)inster ; by License. Ezekiel
Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Samuel Pegge, Thomas King, E. King.
7 Dec. Thomas Frost of this Pai'ish, Widower, and Sarah Smart* of this Parish,
Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: AVill'": Swan-
wick, H Swanwick.
22 Dec. John Blondallf of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann MaltbeyJ of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Duncan Ferguson, Wili"M Swanwick.
3 Jan. Aaron Morritt of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Morritt of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Sam'. Baker, Eliz: Coplestone.
9 Jan. Newe Barwick of the Parish of S' Andrew, Holborn, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Ann Crichlowe of this Parish, Spinster;
by License. James Tattersall, Rector. Witnesses: Mar Burkwitk, Eliz
Tattersall, Anna Maria Sturgeon, Jane Tattersall, Dorothy Tattei'sall,
Frances Tattersall, Tho^ Barwick, Sam' Troughton, George Sturgeon.
28 Jan. Thomas Clear of the Parish of Saint James, Westminster, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Sarah Needham of this Parish, Spinster ;
by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : James Towsey, Eliz
30 Jan. John Banks of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Ford of this
Parish, a Spinster; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Wituesses:
Mary White, Thomas Ford.
7 Feb. George King of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Dorothy§ Mills of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
EUizebeth Peek, AVill™ : Swanwick.
9 Feb. William Mayhill|| of the Parish of S'. Martin in the fields, in the County
of Middlesex, and Elizabeth^ Collambell of this Parish ; by Banns.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : John Collambell, Ant>' Collambell.
20 Feb. James Salmon of the Parish of Camberwell, in the County of Surry,
Widower, and Ann Lawrence* of this Parish, a Spinster; by License.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Mary Davies, David DavicB.
* Signed by mark. — Ed. t Signed " Blundell." — Ed.
X Signed " Mauteby."— Ed. $ Signed " Dorethy."— Ed.
II Signed " WiUam Mihill."— Ed. ^ Signed " Elizbeth."— Ed.
21 Feb. John Bodinghani* of the Parish of S^ Andrew, Holborn, London, a
Batchelor, and Sarah Powell of this Parish, a Spinster; by License.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : William Swanwick, H Swanwick.
22 Feb. Walter George of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Christiana Baily* of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Will'". Swanwick, H Swanwick.
22 Feb. Aaron Abbottf of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann AldersonJ of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Bouse, Curate. Witnesses : George
Dunbar, Mary M*^Grigor.
24 Feb. Owen Quinn of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Hutchinson §^ of
this Parish, a Spinster; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses:
Will"'. SwauAvdck, H Swanwick.
30 March Eobert Morris of the of SI Bennet, Pauls Wharfe, London,
Batchelor, and Anne Chistiana Dornbush of this Parish ; by License.
F Bowen. Witnesses : Lucy Dornbush, W"' Giffard.
12 April Thomas Hickey of this Parish, Batchelor, and Hannah Gore of the
Parish of S'. James, Westminster, Spinster ; by Licence. Jn°. Bp
Humphreys, Curate. Witnesses : Mary Brown, Frances Brown.
15 April Charles Gourdenj] of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Jackson* of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Francis James. Witnesses : Hannah
Sewell, Will"': Swanwick.
19 April John Sanderson of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann Brown of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
John Lunn, Ann Lunn.
22 April Samuel Clark of the Parish of S'. James, Westminster, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Haskins*of this Parish, a Spinster;
by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Cary Emms, Ja*.
22 April Eobert Keene of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Esther Hughes of this
Parish, a Spinster; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses:
John Farwell, Mary Keen.
26 April John Carmichael of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Hannah Suowedon^
of this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. W". Aveling, J''. Witnesses : John
Eailton, Will'": Swanwick.
1 May Alexander Minnell of the Parish of S* Mary Le Bone, in the County of
Middlesex, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Jones of this Parish, a Spinster ; by
License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Sam^ Johnstone, Mary
11 May** Frederickft .Jacobs of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann Watkius of
this Parish, a Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses:
Eich'^ Street, Hannah Street.
21 May James Calvert of the Parish of Louth, in the County of Lincoln,
Batchelor, and Catherine Eaymond of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence.
Jn". Bp Humphreys. Witnesses : Ann Townseud, Will"'. Swanwick.
1 June John Nichols of the Parish of Tandride, in the County Sury, Batchelor,
and Anna Maria Jones of this Parish, Spinster; bj"^ Licence. Francis
James, Cur*. Witnesses : Char'. Jones, Will'". Swanwick.
3 June William Giffard of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Louisa Dornbush of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Eobert Morris, Anne Morris,
6 June Eichard Kearny J ij; of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann Pope of this
* Signed by mark.— Ed. t Signed " Abbot." — £d.
t Signed "Allderson." — Ed. § Sij?nature indistinct.— Bd.
II Altered from " Jordan." — Ed. % Signed " Snowden." — Ed.
•* Altered from " Ten."— Ed. ft Signed "Priederick." — Ed.
IX Signed " Kearney."— Ed.
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Hugh
Higgins, Mary Eliz Morris, Mary Higgins.
13 June* James Christief of this Parish, a Widower, and Ann Turffordf of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : John
Morris, Elzbeth Morris.
13 July Peter Salmon of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Butler of this Parish,
a Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Isaac Sillcock,
Will™: Swanwick.
5 Aug. John Silvester of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Polly AmeliaJ Crone of
the Parish of S*. Andrew, Holborn, in the County of Middlex, Spinster ;
by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Em Crone, Will'":
5 Aug. John Tinkler of this Parish, Widower, and Anna Maria Sturgeon of
this Parish, AVidow ; by License. J^ Tattersall, Rector. Witnesses :
Mary- Ann Barwick, Eliz Tattersall, Newe Barwick, Will"': Swanwick. •
13 Aug. John Summers of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Sarah Palmer of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
John Gold, Mary Wordley, William Summers, Sarah Summers, Ann
22 Aug. Robert Gideon of this Parish, a Widower, and Mary Treugrouse of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses :
John Goldsmith, Juduth Trengi'ouse.
23 Aug. Henry Bowman of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Sarah Belline of the
Parish of Tooting, in the County of Surry ; by License. Ezekiel Rouse,
Curate. AVitnesses : Tho^: Bland, Eliz*''. Belleniis, Rich'^ Smith.
24 Aug. James LTnderwood of the Parish of S'. Peter, Cheap, London, a AVidoAver,
and Elizabeth Moody of tliis Parish, a Spinster; by License. Ezekiel
Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : S L Barnes, James Moody.
28 Aug. James AVarring of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Brewer of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E.^ekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Will™ Hopkins, Catherine Perrett.
29 Aug. AVilliam Turner of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Marshall of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses :
Martha Price, Ellis Price.
29 Aug. John Taylor§ of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Sarah Newman of this
Parish, a Spinster; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses:
AVill™. Swanwick, H Swanwick.
1 Sep. John Lohr of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann Hopkinson of this
Parish, a AVidoAv ; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. AVitnesses : John
Hornshow, Johannah Maria Hornshow, Eleaner Hobkirk.
12 Sep. Thomas Harvey of this Parish, Batchelor, and Jane Holtf of the same
Parish, Spinster ; by banns. Edw'': G: Foote, Clerk. AVitnesses :
AVilliam Northwood, AVill"': Swanwick.
19 Sep. Joseph Draper of this Parish, Batchelor, and Eliz:|| Bretland of the
Parish of Saint Alphage, Lond": Spinster j by Licence. P: E: Scott,
Minister, (pro hac vice). AVitnesses: John Peter Schein, AVill":
2i Sep. John Stanford of this Parish, AVidower, and Margaret AViset of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Francis James, Clk. AVitnesses : James
AVise, Sarah Laugham.
23 Sep. JenkinTI Buller of this Parish, Batchelor, and Frances Smith of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Bans. P: E: Scott, minister, pro hac vice. Witnesses :
AVill'": Swanwick, H Swanwick.
* Misplaced in Register. — Ed. t Signed by mark. — Ed.
X Signed " Emela."— Ed. § Signed " Tayler."— Ed.
11 Signed " Elizabeth."— Ed. ^ Signed " Jenkins."— Ed.
26 Sep. Samuel Watkins* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Caston of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. P. E. Scott, Minister, pro hac vice.
Witnesses : William Dunslom, Luke Watkins.
26 Sep. Eob'. Mann of this Parish, Batchelor, and Eliz. Snape,t Spinster, of
this Parish ; by Banns. P: E: Scott, Minister pro hac vice. Witnesses :
Luke Watkins, Will'": Swanwick.
26 Sep. Rich'': Roberts of the Parish of Saint Margarets, Rochester, in the
County of Kent, Batchelor, and Mary Williams of this Parish, Spinster ;
by Licence. P: E: Scott, Minister pro hac vice. Witnesses : Tho*.
Morgans, Jane Johns.
30 Sep. Samuel Kerridge of this Parish, Batchelor, and Eliz:J Rogers Spinster,
of this Parish ; by Banns. P E: Scott, Minister, (pro hac vice). Witnesses :
W'" Chandler, Sarah Benjamin.
30 Sep. Thomas Whatley of this Parish, Widower, and Sarah .Jeffries,§ Spinster,
, of the Parish of S'. Clement Dane ; P E: Scott, Minister (pro hac vice).
Witnesses : Elizabeth Bui'ch, W" Chandler, Barbara Chandler.
16 Oct. Robert Halett|| of this Parish, and Sarah Morganf of this Parish ; by
Banns. Erancis James, Cur^ Witnesses : Will'": Swanwick, H Swanwick.
17 Oct. Peter M<=. Queen of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Grarnhamf of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence. P. E. Scott, Minister (pro hac vice).
Witnesses : Will'": Swanwick, Adam Tranent.f
17 Oct. .John Leigh of this Parish, Batchelor, and Eliz: Nash of this Parish,
Spinster; by Licence. P. E. Scott, Minister (pro hac vice). Witnesses:
W'" Churchman, Ann Cornish, Ann Roberts, William Burton.
19 Oct. John Kitchingman of the Parish of Saint Bride, London, Batchelor, and
Sarah^ Owen of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. P E: Scott, Minister
(pro hac vice). Witnesses : Jn". Niemau, Mary Adaman.
20 Oct. John Harries of this Parish, Widower, and Frances Fleming of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. P E: Scott, Minister (pro hac vice).
Witnesses : M. Marry, .John Ireland.
24 Oct. James Sketchley of this Parish, Widower, and Eliz: Rafugeau of this
Parish, Widow ; by Licence. P: E: Scott, Minister (Pro hac vice).
Witnesses : Thomas Highfield, John Horton, Ann Horton.
29 Oct. John Miall of this Parish, Batchlelor, and Mieldrad** Thomas of the
Same Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. P E: Scott, Minister (pro hac vice)
Witnesses : John Wainman, Will'": Swanwick.
16 Nov. John Jones of the Parish of S'. Mary Le Strand, in the County of
Middlesex, a Batchelor, and Charlotte Robinsonff of this Parish, a Widow ;
by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Sarah Stevens, Anthony
17 Nov. Andrew G-reenwell of this Pai-ish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Hurst of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
W"' Shaw Covent Garden, Will'": Swanwick.
20 Nov. John Ibbotson of the Parish of S'. James, Westminster, in the County
of Middlesex, a Batchelor, and Ann Lloyd of this Parish, a Spinster ; by
License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : W'". Bishop, Ann
23 Dec. Christophci'JJ Muller of the Parish of St. Ann, Westminster, iu the
County of Middlesex, a Batcheloi", and Jane Harris of this Parish, a
Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will'^^
Swanwick, H Swanwick.
* Signed by mark as " Watkin." — Ed. t Signed by mark. — Ed.
X Signed "Elizabth."— Ed. § Signed " Jefferies."— Ed.
II Signed " Hallett."— Ed. H Signed " Sarh.»— Ed.
** Signed " Mildrid."— Ed. ft Signed " Roberets."— Ed.
tl Signed " Christdoflfell."— Ed.
29 Dec. Thomas Wall* of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Hester Mushett* of this
Parish, a Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: David
Heill, Elizabeth Heill.
2 Jan. William Whiufield of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Susannah Barberf of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Tho^ Chaplyn, James Sneath, Eliza Sneatli, Eliz*''. Smith, Anne Cbaplyn.
5 Jan. William Nicholson of this Parish, a Widower, and Ann Leggett* of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Cm-ate. Witnesses :
Jame Webstr, Will"': Swanwick.
6 Jan. IsaccJ Pitcher of the Parish of 8'. Botolph, x\ldgate, in the County of
Middlesex, A¥ido\ver, and Elizabeth Tinkler of this Parish, a Spinster ; by
Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AYituesses : New Barwick, Anna Maria
G Jan. Peter Haderill of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Betty AVoods of this
Parish, a Spinster; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses:
James Clark, Frances East, Thu^ King.
8 Jan. Stephen Hough of this Parish, a Widower, and Sarah Higdon of the
Parish of S'. Andrew, Holborn, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by
License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Henry Brown, Mary
Higdon, Elizabeth Higdon.
13 Jan. Joseph Bristow of the Parish of S^ George, Bloomsbury, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Ann Mitchener of this Parish, Spinster ; by
License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : J Bristow, M Hilliar, Grace
Chatburn, Elizabeth Briggs.
12 Feb. William Hamilton of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret Litchfield§
of this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Will™: SAvanwick, H Swanwick.
14 Feb. William Marshall of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Wittickerjl of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Ann Williams, Will"': Swanwick.
24 March Mathewlf Armstrong of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann Wood of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Will'^: Swanwick, H Swanwick.
18 April William Hawkes of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Beersheba**
Langerwood of the Parish of S'. George, Bloomsbury, in the County of
Middlesex, a Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
H Swanwick, Will™: Swanwick.
30 April William Lee of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Guy of the Parish of
S*. Clement Danes, in the County of Middlesex, a Spinster ; by License.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Will'" Swanwick, H Swanwick.
3 May William Strickland of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Chabot of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Will"": Swanwick, H Swanwick.
22 May Joseph Blackham* of this Parish, a Widower, and Mary Margaret* of
the Parish of S*. Giles in the fields, in the County of Middlesex ; AYidow.
by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Tho: Harrison Kirkley,
Hugh Ryon.
24 May Joseph Law of the Parish of S*. Albans, in the County of Hertford,
Widower, and Agnesff Cowper of this Parish, a Spinster; by License.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Jn" Cowper, Eoger Bolton.
* Signed by mark. — Ed. t Signed " Susan Barbur." — Ed.
X Signed " Isaac." — Ed. § Signed " Lichfield." — Ed.
II Signed " Witteker."— Ed. f Signed " Matthew." — Ed.
** Signed " Bashsheba.'— Eu. ff Signed " Agness." — Ed.
25 May John Cliri stopfer* Zeidler of the Parish of S^ Pancras, in the County
of Middlesex, Widower, and Susannaf Durant of this Parish, a Spinster ;
by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Henry Dawson,
A Lascelles.
29 May Jacob Loffel of the Parish of S*. Martin in the fields, in the County of
Middlesex, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Bone of this Parish, a Widow ; by
License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Edward Kelly, Hannah
30 May George Jones of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary BadaleyJ of this
Parish, a Widow ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Jn". Pearson, Mary Parsons.
11 .Tune AVilliam Blow of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Coderington;}; of this
Parish, a Widow ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Barbara Lake, Elnor Butler.
14 June Eichard Eiley of the Parish of Eearsby, in the County of Leicester, a
Batchelor, and Elizabeth Corbet§ of this Parish, a Spinster; by License.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Eliz*''. George, Hugh Eandall.
16 June John Brown || of this Parish, Widower, and Mary LakeJ of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Banns. Eichard Stainsby, Minister. Witnesses : George
Thornley, Martha Mole, Susannah Warne.
19 June James Kempe^ of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Ashcroft**
of this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Thomas Ascroft, W" Eyalls.
20 June William French of the Parish of S^ George the Martyr, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Henrietta Colemanft of this Parish, a
Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : B Bartlet,
Margaret Hingeston, Hannah Hustler, M Bartlet.
22 June James West of the Parish of S*. Gregory, London, Batchelor, and Louisa
Cheek of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. Will™. Lucas, Minister.
Witnesses : Tho: Waye, J Wolfe.
17 July Edward Owen of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary BurkeJJ of this
Parish, Spinster, a Minor; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Elizabeth Burke, J Will™. Swanwick, Will™. Swanwick Jun'".
24 July Peter Bates of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Hannah Porter of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Joseph Pennington, Saunnah Penington.
3 Aug. William Cave of the Parish of S^ Giles in the fields, in the County of
Middlesex, and Elizabeth Young of this Parish ; by Banns. Ezekiel
Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Benj". Gale, Ann Guns.
4 Aug. AVilliam Fletcher§§ Kirkland of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Margaret
Eeed|||| of this Parish, a Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate.
AVitnesses : Elizabeth Clapliam, Clar^ Wilson.
10 Aug. John BroadesJ of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Catherine CavannaghJ of
this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses:
James Foye, AVill™: Swanwick.
14 Aug. Francis SherridanJ of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth BirkJ of
this Parish, a AVidow ; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Tho". Starling, Jane Coussons.
16 Aug. Thomas Yeomans of this Parish, a Widower, and Lsetitia Thomas of
the Parish of Finchley, in the County of Middlesex, a Spinster ; by License.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Tho^ Jones, Will™: Swanwick.
* Signed " Cristopher."— Ed. t Signed " Susuna."— Ed.
J Signed by mark. — Ed. § Signed " Corbot."— Ed.
II Signed " Browne."— Ed. «r Signed " Kemp."— Ed.
** Signed "Ascroft." — Ed. ft Signed " Colman."— Ed.
tX Signed " Burk."— Ed. §§ Altered from " Kirkland Fletcher."— Ed.
11 II Signed " Margret Read."— Ed.
18 Aug. Amos Avery of this Parish, Widower, and Ann Mason of this Parish,
a Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Bouse, Curate. Witnesses: Eich'' Kelly,
Charles Evans.
25 Aug. Thomas Needham of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Weddel* of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Geo: Weddell, Isabella Waddll.
1 Sep. John Dancastle of the Parish of S*. John in the Soke, in the County of
Southampton, and Ann Dancastle formerly 0 Eeilly.f of this Parish ; by
Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will"^ Scandrett, Will"':
Swan wick.
4 Sep. William Summers of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Wordley of
this Parish, a Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses:
Jeremiah Wordley, Mary Willson, Sarah Summers.
29 Sep. John Humphreys of this Parish, Bachelor, and Eleanor;}; Singleton of
this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. John Fox, Minister. Witnesses:
Margaret Singleton, Ann Hart.
4 Oct. Lawrence Gall of this Parish, Bachelor, and Charlotte Dove of the
Parish of Saint George, Bloomsbury, in the county of Middlesex ; by
Licence. John Fox, Minister. Witnesses : Susanna Gardner, Ann Vesey.
5 Oct. Eobert Taylor of the Parish of Saint Michael Eoyal, London, Bachelor,
and jNJary Mackenzie§ Jackson of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. John
Fox, Minister. Witnesses : J Kitchiner, Will™: Swanwick.
6 Oct. Daniel Brewer of this Parish, Bachelor, and Elizabeth Eichardson of
this Parish, WidoAV ; by Licence. John Fox, Minister. Witnesses :
Eichard Maltby, Hannah Eichardson, Thomas Eichardson.
16 Oct. Edward Thompson of the Parish of S*. Andrew, Holborn, in the County
of Middlesex, a Batchelor, and Mary Pinches of this Parish, a spinster ; by
License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Ja^ Gosling, Mary Baker.
22 Oct. Mathew Clark || of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Bright of the
Parish of Saint James's, Westminster, Spinster ; by Banns. Sam Markham,
Minister. Witnesses : Thomas Clarke, Eosetta Clarke.
23 Oct. Thomas Goodchild^f of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Betts of
Same Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. William Boyer, Clk. Witnesses :
James Betts, Andrew Highstreet Law.
23 Oct. William Hyde of the Parish of S'. Pauls, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, a Batchelor, and Mary Law^ of the Parish of Saint Saviors,
Southwark, in the County of Surry, Spinster, a minor ; by Licence.
William Boyer, Clk. Witnesses : Eliz Law, And"' Highstreet Law,
John Law.
25 Oct. John Fisher of this Parish, a Widower, and Ann Angell of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will™:
SwaQwick, H Swanwick.
31 Oct. Patt Sheeham** of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Carney^ of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Matthew Kelly, John Mills.
9 James Midwinter of this Parish, a Widower, and Ann Watts of the
Parish of S'. Margaret Moses, London, Spinster; by Licence. Ezekiel
Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will"': Swanwick, H Swanwick.
8 Dec. Francis Wheatley of this Parish, in the County of Middlesex, Batchelor,
and Eosamond J J Mann of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse,
Curate. Witnesses : J. H. W. Fisher, Eliz Fisher.
20 Dec. Eichard Maltby of this Parish, in the County of Middlesex, Widower,
* Signed " Weddell."— Ed. t Signed "Ann O Reilly."— Ed.
X Signed " Elleanor." — Ed. § Signed " Mackensey." — Ed.
II Signed "Matthew Clarke." — Ed. T Signed by mark. — Ed.
** Signed "Sheehan."— Ed. if Sic. J j Signed " Rosemond."— Ed.
TOL. Ill, M M
and Jane King of the Parish of S' George, Hanover Square, of the same
Countv, "Widow; by License. Thomas JVancklin, Minister. "Witnesses:
Cha*. Eennett, Eliz Thompson. Henrietta Thompson.
22 Dec. Isnac Ellard of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Pebecca Flint* of the
Parish of S' Margaret, AVe^1minster, in tlie County of Middlx, Spinster ;
by License. Ezekiel Pouse, Curate. "Witnesses: La-vid Eobertson, Ann
17 Jan. William Abbey of tlie Parish of Ealing, in the County of Middlesex,
Batchelor, and Margaretf Morgan of this Parish, Spinster ; by License.
William De Chair Tattersall, Minister. Witnesses : William Pary, Mary
Lawrance, Ann Heslep.
26 Jan. Pichard Coulter of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Taylor* of this
Parish, Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Henry
Oldfield, William Davies.
26 Jan. John Th( msonj of the Parish of S*. Andrew, Holborn, London, Batchelor,
and Elizabeth Thurston of this Parish, a Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel
Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: John Wallace, John Barton.
7 Feb. Peter Dillon of the Parish of Saint Martin, Ludgale, London, Widower,
and Catherine Oneil* of this Parish, a Widow ; by License. Ezekiel Eouse,
Curate. Witnesses: Tho^ Baker, C Moore.
8 Feb. John Howell of this Parish, and Eleanor Welch* of this Parish; by
Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Tho^ Jacobs, John Hanlon,
Jane Widdon.
11 Feb. John Hamilton Mortimer§ of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Jane Hurrell
of the Parish of S^ Clement Danes, in the County of - Middlesex, Spinster;
by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : H T Wortham, Allen
Hurrell, Amie Ann Vaughan.
12 Feb. Eichard Burbidge of this Parish, a Widower, and Mary Thomson || of
this Parish, a Widow ; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Elizabeth Carpenter, Will"^: Swanwiek.
13 Feb. John Oram of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Susannah Harris^ of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Jn°.
Silk, Mary Lunn.
18 Feb. Edward Edw^irds of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Jenner of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: John
Taylor, Mary Edwards, Sarah Assell.
18 Feb. Eichard Harris of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Sarah Bourne of this
Parish, a Widow ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : John
Taylor, Mary Edwards, Sarah Assell.
21 Feb. Thomas Pearce of the Parish of S^ James, Clerkenwell, in the County
of Middlesex, Widower, and Isabella** Gun of this Parish, a Widow ; by
License, Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Sarah Clark, Ma" Syer.
23 Feb. James Simonds of this Parish, a Widower, and Elizabeth Poole of the
Parish of S^ Mary, Lambeth, in the County of Surry, a Widow ; by
License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will™: Swanwiek, H
9 March Thomas Fortescue Halfordft of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Jane
Davies of the Parish of S*. Martin in the fields, in the County of Middlesex,
Spinster; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: David Davies,
Ann Halford.
* Signed by mark. — Ed. t Signed " Marget." — Ed.
X Altered from "Thompson." — Ed. § Signed " Jn". Mortimer." — Ed.
IJ Signed " Thompson."^ED. •[[ Signed " Susana Harriss." — Ed.
•» Signed " Isablla Gunn."— Ep. ft Signed " Thomas Halford."— Ed.
12 MarcK Johu Saffiu of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Susannah "Wilkinson of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVituesses :
Will"': Swanwick, H Swanwick.
29 April Joseph Delegal of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Eden of the
Parish of S'. Mai-y Colechurch, London, a Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel
Kouse, Curate. AVituesses : James Delegal, Hannah Cooke, Sarah Harris.
30 April Peter Eiyn of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Deborah Ash* of this
Parish, a AVidow ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesscs : AVill™:
Swanwick, H Swanwick.
16 May Kobert Barbor Esq, of the Parish of Somerford, in the County of
Stafford, a AVidower, and Catherine Leech of this Parish, Spinster, a
Minor; by Jjicense. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses: Jn°: Haynes,
Mary Haynes, Edw*^. Leech.
21 May John Bird of the Parish of Downliam, in the County of Essex,
Batchelor, and Sarah Pearson of this Parish, Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel
Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Will™: Swanwick, H Swanwick.
4 June John Kelly of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Susannah Flight of the
Parish of S' Clement Danes, in the County of Middlesex ; by License.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVituesses : AV"' Plight, Sarrah Plight.
4 June Tho^ Daniel of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Manningt of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses :
AVill™: Swanwick, H Swanwick.
4 June John Eandall of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Ellis of this Parish ;
by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Will"V Swanwick, John
10 June Edward Britt of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Southeyf of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses :
Will™: Swanwick, H Swanwick.
15 June James AVinch of the Parish of S^ Peter in S'. Albans, in the County of
Hertford, Batchelor, and Mary Hitchcox of this Parish, Spinster ; by
Licence. Erancis James, Cur': AVituesses : Elener Hitchcox, W™ Aloule.
21 July AViliiam Knight of the Parish of Staudon, in the County of Hertford,
Batchelor, and Sarah Day of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Francis
James, Cur'. Witnesses : Ju": Stokes, George Mourgue.
25 July Johu Grray of the Parish of S': Pauls, Covent Garden, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Blenkinsop of this Parish, Spinster ;
by Licence. Francis James, Cur'. Witnesses : Mary Scott, Margret
15 Aug. James Paddon of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Joyce of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
James Eastman, Anna Sophia Fricker.
19 Aug. ThomasJ Speddiug of this Parish, Batchelor, and Helen Torbury§ of
the Parish of S'. Giles in the Fields, in the Same County, Spinster; by
Licence. Francis James, Cur': AVituesses : Ann AValdron, Thom^.
9 Sep. Edward xludersouf of the Parish of Croydon, in the County of Surry,
Batchelor, and Mary Swan of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. G Chitty,
Curate. Witnesses: Jn° Brooks, Ja^: Tapper J uu*".
24 Sep. William Barrett of the Parish of S'. Clement Daues, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Amy Dodd of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent
Gai'den, in the same County, Spinster ; by Licence. G Chitty, Curate.
Witnesses : Tho^ Williams, Sarah Williams.
24 Sep. Gaetauo LoUi of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the County
* Apparently signed by mark. — Ed. t Signed by mark. — Ed.
X Signed " Tomas." — Ed. § Signed "Hellen Torbery." — Ed.
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Sophia Brown of the Same Parish, Spinster ;
by Licence. G Chitty, Curate. Witnesses : Samuel Osbourn, Mary
1 Oct. John Mason the Young'' of the Parish of Hammersmith, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Middleditch of the Parish of S^ Paul,
Coveut Garden, in the same County, Spinster; by Licence. Gr Chitty,
Curate. Witnesses: George Scarr, Will'": Swanwck.
2 Oct. Eees Evans of the Parish of UK Paul, Covent Garden, in the County of
Middlesex, Bathchelor,* and Latitia Jenkinsf of the Same Parish, Widow ;
by Licence. G Chitty, Curate. Witnesses : David Morris, Will™:
5 Oct. Eobert Bland of the Parish of S' Martins in the Fields, Widower, of
the County of Middlesex, and Dolly Nash of the Parish of S* Paul, Covent
Garden, Spinster ; by Licence. Tho: Bund, Cur: pro hac vice. Witnesses :
Tho: Martyn, Ann Martyn.
26 Oct. Henry Bound of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Burton of the Parish
of Watford, in the County of Hertford; by Licence. Sam Markham,
Minister. Witnesses : W^"' Hinkill, Will™: Swanwick.
11 Nov. Jasper Smithf of this Parish, Widower, and Jane Morganf of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Bouse, Curate. Witnesses : W™
Jones, Wihelm Zahlman.
18 Nov. Eichard Eaton of the Parish ofS' Olave, Hart Street, London, Batchelor,
and Sarah Isack of the Parish of S^ Paul, Covent Garden, in the County of
Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence. Sam Markham, Minister. Witnesses :
Tho^ Bradshaw, Will"': Swanwick.
21 Dee. Thomas Percy of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Dorothy Bridle of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Will™: Swanwick, H Swanwick.
31 Dec. Thomas Stogden of this Parish, and Mary Howellf of this Parish ; by
Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: John King, Will"': Swanwick.
22 Jan. James Pover of this Parish, a Widower, and Elizabeth Taylor of the
Parish of S'. George, Bloomsbury, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ;
by License. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : James Hall, Sarah Wall,
Jane Dakin.
4 Feb. Stephen Le Clere of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Westf of the
Parish of S'. Ann, Westminster, in the County of Middlesex ; by License.
Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Isaac Eimell, Will"': Swanwick.
8 Feb. AVilliam Lake of this Parish, and Jane Hughes of this Parish, a
Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses: Will'". Swanwick,
H Swanwick.
18 Feb. Andrew PadisonJ of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Catherine§ Hyde of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Benj" Boutflower, Mary Pearson.
19 Feb. William Andrews of this Parish, Batchelor, and Amelia Perry of this
Parish, a Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses:
E"* Franklin, Eob^ Walker.
26 Feb. James Lincoln of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Hannah Quickfallf of
this Parish, a Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses:
AV^ill™. Swanwick, H Swanwick.
31 March William Anderson of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Martha Eumseyf
of this Parish, a Spinster ; by Licence. Ezekiel Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
John Peter Schein, Will"": Swanwick.
* Sic. t Signed by mark. — Ed.
X Signed " Pedison."— Ed . § Signed " Katharine."— Ed.
31 March David "Williams of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann Hassell* of the
Parish of S*. Clement Danes, (a Widow) in the County of Middlesex ; by
Licence. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Miles Gabriel, Eliz
6 April Henry Morrow of the Parif<h of S^ Mary, Woolnorth, London, a
Batchelor, and Eleanora Gill of this Parish, a Widow ; by Liccence.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Jn. Gill, Geo Johnson, Sibylla Dee.
8 April Samuel Bellows of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Deborah Tubbsf of this
Parish, a Spinster; by Banns. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Sam^
Osbourn, Ann Smith.
8 April William Flight of this Parish, a Widower, and Elizabeth Holdstock of
the Parish of S'. Mathew, Bethnall Green, in the County of Middlesex,
Spinster ; by License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Geo:
Hutchinson, Ann Bayley.
14 April Thomas Sisum of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Smithf of the
Parish of S*. Clement Danes, in the County of Middlesex, a Widow; by
License. Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: William Nicholson, Will"*:
Swan wick.
14 April William Dry of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann BecketJ of the
Parish of Greenwich, in the County of Kent, a Spinster ; by License.
Ezekiel Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Tho^ Roberts, Will"": SwauAvick,
16 April George Clarke of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Jennet Melrose of this
Parish, a Widow ; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will™:
Swanwick, H Swanwick.
30 April Henry Hemmings§ of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Sarah Squires || of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Thomas
Beck, Erancess Waddington.
30 April James Clubb of the Parish of S'. Giles in the fields, in the County of
Middlesex, Batch'', and Sarah Sandles of this Parish, a Spinster ; by
Licence. E. Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : John Clubb, Ann Richson.
6 May The Reverend Edward John Andrews Frith, Clerk of the Parish of
North Cray, in the County of Kent, Batchelor, and Mary Coster of the
Parish of S'. Paul, Co vent Garden, in j^ County of Middlesex, Spinster ;
by Licence. Tho. Green, Clerk. Witnesses : D. Tatham, F Tatham,
S Teshmaker, Susanna Tatham, Sarah Tatham.
12 May John Tearl of this Parish, Widower, and Mary Ord of the Same Parish,
Spinster ; by Banns. W™. Buckingham, Minist^ Witnesses : John Lee,
Will™: Swanwick.
13 May W™. Alexander Banks of this Parish, B.ichelor, and Jane Ferguson of
the same Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Chalon"" Byng Baldock, Minister.
Witnesses : Ferguson Ferguson, Jane Savell, Mary Jackson.
15 May James Vallance of this Parish, Bachelor, and Christiana Newdick of
the Parish of S* Catharine, Coleman, Loudon, Spinster ; by Licence.
Chaloner Byng Baldock, Minister. Witnesses : Joseph Baden Newdick,
Eliza Parfitt, Elizabeth Sussannah Newdick, Chris'' Tyler, John Weldou,
Frances Newdick.
20 May James Sextonf of this Parish, Batchelor, and Anne Keefff of this
Parish ; by Banus. Chaloner Byng Baldock, xMinister. Witnesses :
Robert Floyd, Bartholomew Ryan, Mary Danely.
26 May James Chandler of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Sarah Boucutf of this
Parish, a Spinster; by Banns. E. Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: George
Thorndell, Jane Robertson.
1 June Robert Heuson of this Parish, a Widower, and Grace AUen^ of this
* Signed " Hassal."— En. t Signed by mark.— Ed.
X Signed " Beckett." — Ed. § Signed " Hemming."— Ed.
II Signed ''' Sciuiers."— Ed. U Signed " Allan."— Ed.
Parish, a Spinster; by Licence. E. Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Tho*:
Creighton, David Keill.
5 June Daniel Turner of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Gilding of
the Parish of S*. Bridget, otherwise Bride, London, a Spinster; by Licence.
E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Sarah Bates, Will"': Swanwick.
16 June Cliarles Fountain of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Eedrex of Same
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. J Downes, Minister. Witnesses : G
Williams, Joshua Fountain, Elizabeth Moore.
23 June William Mathison of this Parish, Batchelor, and Isabella Daly of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. J Downes, Clerk. Witnesses : Hugh Scott,
Isabella Scott.
29 June Peter Rambin of the Parish of S^ James's, Westminster, in the County
of Middlesex, Widow*", and Elizabeth* Mason of this Parish, Widow ; by
Licence. J Downes, Clerk. Witnesses: John Peter Schein, Eleanor
4 July Henry Wright of the Parish of S^ Margaret, Westminster, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Daws of this Parish,
Spinster; by Licence. J Downes, Clerk. Witnesses: Will™: Swanwick,
Mary Swanwick.
7 July Thomas Robotham of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Coltheart of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. J Downes. Witnesses : Will™: Swanwick,
H Swanwick.
15 July Johu Stewart, Batchelor, of this Parish, and Isabellaf Duncan of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Rich'': Pitt, Minister. Witnesses : Alex'
Strachan, Robert Deampster.
22 July George NewiyJ of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Constance MaideJ of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E: Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Thomas
White, James Peddey.
23 July Thomas RigneyiJ: of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Sarah BriceJ of this
Parish, a Spinster; by License. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Stephen
Kelly, Mary Kelly.
4 Aug. Thomas Lund of the Parish of S'. Saviour's, Southwark, in the County
of Surry, a Batchelor, and Barbara ClerksonJ of this Parish, a Spinster ;
by License. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : George Suffolk, R E Baily.§
11 Aug. Richard Darkin of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann NelsonJ of this
Parish, a Widow; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Will"*
MofEett, Will™. Swanwick.
17 Aug. Peter Clark of the Parish of S'. Clement Danes, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Gam of this Parish, Spinster, a Minor,
by Consent of Ann Gam, Widow ; by Licence. E Rouse, Curate.
Witnesses : Ann Gam, Peter Paul, J Goldwell, Jane Hyde.
24 Aug. Francis Grubb of this Parish, a Widower, and Elizabeth Lee of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Licence. E. Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Rowland
Lee, Will"'. Swanwick.
1 Sep. Richard Baxter of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary LoydJ of this
Parish, a Widow ; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Tho*. Rutter,
Rob^ Belbin.
2 Sep. Johu Rivers of the Parish of S'. Mary Le-bone, Batchelor, and Mary
Wesleyll of this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Geo: Steers, Min^
Witnesses : Mary Singleton, Ann Hawes.
15 Sep. James Russel^ of this Parish, Bachelor, and Lucy Cottiss** of this
Parish, Spinster; by Bauns. Jo.seph Hazard, Minister. Witnesses:
Will™: S\vanwick, H Swanwick.
* Signed " Elizbatli."— Ed. t Signed " Isobealle." — Ed.
X Signed by mark. — Ed. § Apparently signed by mark. — Ed.
II Signed by mark as "Mary Rivers." — Ed. ^ Signed "RussjU." — Ed.
♦» Signed "Lucy R Cottis."— Ed.
10 Oct. John Boutflower of the Parish of Chinkforcl, in the County of Essex,
Clerk, and Susanna Pfacli of 1his Parif-h ; by I>icence. Sanniel Pea(h,
Minister. Witnesses: B Bynm, Mary Byam, Susanna Peach.
15 Oct. John Baker of the City of Canterbury, in the Ccunly of Kent, Psquiie,
a Batchelor, and Jane Tattersall of lliis Parish, !S]>inster; by Licence.
W D Tattersall, Minister. Witnesses: James Tatlersall, Eector, Eliz
Tattersall, John Tattersall, Dorothy Tattersall, Will'": Swanwick, James
Tattersall, Clerk, Frances Tattersall.
16 Oct. George Gollard of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Cooksey* of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Beveridge Clendon, Minister. Witnesses:
William Cooksley, Sarah Crutteuden, Elizabeth Cruttenden.
27 Oct. George Meagert of the Parish of Croydon, in the County of Surry,
a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Gamblef of this Parish, a Spinster; by Licence.
E Eouse, C\irate. Witnesses : Ja^ Gamble, Maria Gamble.
11 Nov. George Eowley of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Horsley of
this Parish, a Spinster; by Licence. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses:
Jn° Horsley, S Eowley.
21 Nov, Peter Paul of this Parish, a Widower, and Ann GammJ of the Parish
of S'. Luke, Chelsea, in the County of Middlesex, Widow ; by Licence.
E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : W'" Miller, Jane Hyde.
24 Nov. John Peter Schein of this Parish, a Widower, and Barbara Allgoewerin§
of the Parish of Westham, in the County of Essex, Spinster ; by Licence.
E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : George Dowglas, Caspar Pfeninger, Ann
25 Nov. Erancis Chase of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Videon of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Mary
Videon, Erances King, Eog^ Lamb.
25 Nov. William Taveruer of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Martha Hall of this
Parish, a Spinster; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Eog''
Lamb, Mary Videon, Frances King.
29 Nov. Peter Sedgwick of the Parish of Giles in the Fields, in the County of
Middlesex, Widower, and Elizabeth Grawick|| of this Parish, a Widow; by
Licence. E Eouse, Curate. AVitneases : William Kirk, Ann Wixley.
9 Dec. James Ealph of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Jane Ball of this Parish,
a Spinster; by Banns. E. Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: John Morphele,
Will">: Swanwick.
23 Dec. Patrick Grub of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Violet Thompson^ of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E. Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Alex""
Lyon, Anne Mac Phersou.
25 Dec. George William Groom of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth
Wrightf of this Parish, a Spinster; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate.
Witnesses : Tho^ Burnell, Mary Burnell.
2 Jan. James Cock of the Parish of S*^ Margaret, Lothbury, London, Batchelor,
and Elizabeth Hobbs of the Parish of S* Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence. Sam Markham, Minister.
Witnesses : Ann Worth, C Maynard.
5 Jan. William Eglef of this Parish, Batchelor, and Catherine Osburnf of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Sam Markham, Minister. Witnesses : John
Eedmond, Will'". Swanwick.
19 Jan. George Eobert Manderville** of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Kirby
* Signed " Sah Cooky."— Ed. t Signed by mark.— Ed.
X Signed '"' Gam." — Ed. § Signed " Allgowerin." — Ed.
II Signed " Gralich."— Ed. If Signed "Thomson."— Ed,
** Signed " Mandaville." — Ed.
of this Parisli, Spinster ; by Banns. Sam Markham, Minister, Witnesses :
John Hopkins, Eliz''' Burchett.
1 Feb. Charles "Wasmus of the Parish of S*^. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Hannah Penelope A^anderkiste of
the Parish of Croydon, in the County of Surry, Spinster ; by Licence.
Sam Markham, Minister. Witnesses : Louis Poesch, Will"': Swanwick.
4 Feb.* Edmond Pentecostf of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Smith J
of the Parish of Crawley, in the County of Sussex, Spinster ; by Licence.
E. Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Allis CafEyn, Will"\ SwanAvick.
4 Feb.* James Edwards of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Betty Harris| of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : John
Eedmond, Susanna Ellis.
9 Feb. Eichard Lane of the Parish of Ealing, in the County of Middlesex,
Batchelor, and Ann Eeed of the Parish of S*: Pauls, CoA'ent Garden, in
the Same County, Spinster ; by Licence. W D Tattersall, Curate.
Witnesses : Sarah Eeed, James Eeed, Thomas Lane.
17 March* Thomas TylerJ of this Parish, a WidoAver, and Elizabeth Stagg§ of
this Parish, a Widow ; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will"":
Swanwick, H Swanwick.
19 March Benjamin Salmon Clerk, of the Parish of S^ Pauls, Covent Garden,
Batchelor, and Mary Little of the Parish of S*. Luke, Chelsea, Spinster;
by Licence. Tho. Jones, Minister. Witnesses : Sarah Jones, Thomas
Jones Jun''.
24 March* AVilliam Simmons of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Sarah Cook of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Mary
Cook, Will"': Swanwick.
13 April James Tillyer of the Parish of Harmonds in Middlesex, Bachelor, and
Susanna PattersonJ of the Parish of S* Pauls, Covent Garden ; by Licence.
J: A¥atkins, Officiating Minister. Witnesses : John Peter Schein, Barbara
17 April Miles Edward Wilks of the Parish of S'. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, B, and Elizabeth Burns of the same Parish, Widow ;
by Licence. James Watkins, Minister. Witnesses : William Dodson,
Sarah Jones.
26 April Samuel Nicholson of the Parish of Sheffield, in the County of York, a
Batchelor, and Catherine Hotham of this Parish, a Spinster ; by License.
E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : W" Hotham, M Wellings.
4 May Mathew|| Padgett of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Coomes of
the Parish of S*^. Giles, in the Town of Eeading, in the County of Berks ;
by License. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Eobt Coomes, Mary
Williams (?).
8 May John Brooke of this Parish, Widower, and Mary VirginJ of this Parish,
Widow ; by License. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Thomas Somes,
Ann Cade.
10 May Thomas Bramly of the Parish of Acton, in the County of Middlesex, a
Batchelor, and Mary Jennings of this Parish, a Spinster; by License.
E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Dan': Jennings, Mary Jennings.
25 May Joseph Walker of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Lydia Bradley of the
Parish of S*-. Bride, London, a Spinster ; by License. E Eouse, Curate.
Witnesses : Benj" Sargeant, L Bradley, Jun''.
1 June Stephen Bond of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann Good of the Parish
of S'. Austin, London, a Spinster ; by Licence. E Eouse, Curate.
Witnesses : Daniel Bond, Sarah Bond.
* This entr}' i.s dated 1776 probably by mistake. — Ed.
t Signed " Penecost." — Ed. J Signed by mark. — Ed.
§ Signed "Stag."— Ed. || Signed " Matthew."— Ed.
16 June Thomas Wright of the Parish of Saint Ann, Westminster, Widower,
and Dorcas Baker of this Parish ; by Licence. James Watluns, Off'e
Minister. Witnesses : George Collett, Will'" Swanwick.
22 June Alexander Pope of this Parish, Widower, and Mary Davies of the same
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. B W Salmon, Minister. Witnesses : George
Jones, Will™. Swanwick.
28 June Eobert Doyne Esquire of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Earn of
the Parish of Richmond, in the County of Surry, Spinster ; by License.
Philip Hawkins, Minister. Witnesses : Humf^ Earn, Ann Hawkins,
Martha Hawkins.
6 July Thomas Pearcey* of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann Plumb of this
Parish, a Widow ; by Licence. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : James
Jilp, Sarah Banks, M Bathurst.
18 July John Peers of the Parish of Clement, in County of Cambridge,
Batchelor, and Mary Townshendf of this Parish, Spinster ; by License.
W"' Buckingham Clerk. Witnesses: E'' Dealtry, Will"': Swanwick.
20 July William Cook of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary LayJ of this
Parish, a Spinster; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Eob*.
Scott, Tamar Eichardoii.
27 July Edward Snelson of the Parish of S*. Paul, Covent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex, Bat':, and Prances Dudley of the Parish of S^
George the Martyr, in the County, § Spinster ; by Licence. Beveridge
Clendon, INI in: Witnesses: Will™. Swanwick, H Swanwick.
10 Aug. Thomas Mellet of the Parish of Allhallows, Barking, London, Batchelor,
and Elisabeth|| Sangster of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence from the
Bishop of London. Beveridge Clendon, Min"": Witnesses : Walter Keith,
Marjory Sangster.
28 Aug. Joseph Stephens of the Parish of Kensington, in the County of
Middlesex, Baf:, and Letitia Drury of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence
from the Bishop of London. Beveridge Clendon, Min: Witnesses: James
Duck, Mary Stephens.
10 Sep. Thomas Eaton of this Parish, Widower, and Mary Linford of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence from The Bishop of London. Beveridge Clendon,
Min: Witnesses : Will'": Swanwick, H Swanwick.
15 Sep. Thomas Lemon of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elisabeth Kampshall^^ of
this Parish, Widow ; by Banns. Beveridge Clendon, Min: Witnesses :
Matthew Tanner, Ann Gueest.
27 Sep. John Eichards of the Parish of S' Paul, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Maiy Ann Low of the Same Parish, Spinster,
a Minor ; by Licence. James Tattersall, Rector. Witnesses : Abr"^
Ivaugford, Eob*: Langford, David Low, Sarah Simson, Ja^ Eichards,
Thomas Low.
29 Sep. George Cockran** of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Payne** of the
Same Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. James Watkins, Minister. Witnesses :
John Cokran, Will™: Swanwick.
12 Oct. Eichard Holder** of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Margaret Dolton**
of this Pai'ish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Thomas Walker, Mary Jones.
19 Oct. Eichard Alexander of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Eussell of
this Parish, a Spinster; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Eliz*'*
Thelwall, Moley Alexander, Joseph Thelwall.
23 Oct. Thomas Dows of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Alice Owen** of this
Parish, a Spinster; by Licence. E. Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Michael
Eedmond, Will''': Swanwick.
* Signed " Piercy."— Ed. t Signed " Toun.send."— Ed.
t Signed " Ley."— Ed. § Sic. || Signed " Elizabeth."— Ed.
T Signed " Elizabath Hempshall."— Ed. ** Signed by mark.— Ed.
29 Oct. Abraham Yining of the Parish S* Bridget, otherwise Bride, London, a
Widower, and Mary Long* of this Parish ; by Licence. John Tattersall,
Minister. Witnesses: James Mitchell, AVill"': Swan^^ick.
2 Nov. Thomas Hornby of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Cowlishawf
of this Parish, a spinster ; by Licence. E. Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Will"^: Swanwick, Tho^ Brennen.
2 Nov. Thomas Brennen of this Parish, a Widower, and Mary Colley!}: of this
Parish, a W^idow ; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Tho^
Hornby, AVill"'. Swanwick.
16 Nov. William Higgins of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Catherine§ White of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Licence. E Kouse, Curate. Witnesses : Ja*
Sawtell, Eli''* Sawtell.
21 Nov. William Sawbridge of this Parish, bachelor, and Mary Barne of the
Parish of Soterlery, in the County of Suffolk, spinster; by Licence.
Benj". Dawson, Minister. Witnesses : Hy Sawbridge, Judith Eouse,
Barne Barne, Mary Barne, Elizabeth Barne.
7 Dec. Isaac Hutchinson* of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Predmore* of
this Parish, a spinster ; by Licence. E Bouse, Curate. Witnesses :
AVill'": Swanwick, Jn° W^illiam Morgan.
15 Dec. Cuthbert Hutchinson of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Haynes
of the Parish of S'. Mary, Aldermary, London, Spinster; by Licence.
E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: Alex'. Eeid, James Keir.
22 Dec. Thomas Tendill* of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Jenkins of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Tho*
Hinshelwood, Biddy 0 Donee.
31 Dec. Joseph Langford of the Parish of S*. Mary, in the Town of Nottingham,
a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Tutt of this Parish, a Spinster; by Licence.
E. Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Mat Busher, Dor> Tutt, Sarah Parrott.
1 Jan. James Burgess* of the Parish of Highgate, in the Parish of Hornsey,
in the County of INliddlesex, AVidower, and Betty Mullens* of this Parish,
AVidow ; by Licence. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : John Boss, AVill™:
4 Jan. George Carpenter of this Parish, Widower, and Ann Cooke of this
Parish, AVidow ; by Licence. E Eouse, Curate. W^itnesses : William
Willson, Jn° Johnson, Lleor Johonson.
18 Jan. Thomas Gilbert of the Parish of S'. Botolp, Aldersgate, London, a
Batchelor, and Anna M'^Lellan of this Parish, a Spinster ; by Licence.
E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Eob*. M'Lellan, Maria M'^Lellan.
18 Jan. Thomasjl AVilliams of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Hannah Mole* of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses :
Abraham AVright, Will"': Swanwick.
5 Feb. John Goznoe of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Sarah^ Naybours of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses :
AV Naybours, Ann Naybours.
6 Feb. Ezekiel Eouse, Clerk, of this Parish, a Widower, and Mary Garth of
the Parish of S'. Giles in the Fields, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster;
by Licence. W"'. Eouse, Minister. Witnesses : Jos: Garth, Dorothy
9 Feb. Marcus Dixon of the Parish of S*. John, Wapping, Middlesex, & Mary
Pratt of this Parish, in the said County of Middlesex ; by Licence.
E Dixon, Curate. Witnesses : J: Kirkby, P (?) Dixon.
* Signed by mark. — Ed. f Signed " Coulishaw." — Ed.
X Signed " Colby."— Ed. § Signed " Catharine."— Ed.
U Signed " Thorns."— Ed. ^ Signed " Sarh."— Ed.
13 ^eb. Charles Macklin, and Elizabeth Jones, both of this Parish ; by Licence.
Thomas Hayward, Curate. Witnesses : Will'": Swanwick, H Swanwick.
23 Feb. William Benuet* of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Susannahf Hall of
this Parish, Spinster ; by Banus. E Kouse, Curate. Witnesses : Lydia
Hayward,* Will'": Swanwick.
8 March Thomas Boulton of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Staines*
of this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Edw'^ Evans, Ann Evans.
3 May Thomas Ormes of the Parish of Allhallows, Staining, London, a
Batchelor, and Elizabeth Evans of this Parish, a Spinster ; by Licence.
E Kouse, Curate. Witnesses : Thomas Watkins, Morgan Yaughan, Jane
11 May Edward Koberts of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Fellows of the
Parish of S' James, Westminster, by Licence. Eichard Taylor, Minister.
AVituesses : E Fellows, Mary Lamborn, Eliza"' Ann Degulhou, Dan".
14< May John Gothelf BrownJ of this Parish, Batchelor, and Sarah Poolman§ of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : John
Gottlob Brauiie, John Christian, Elizabeth Braune.
16 May John Gill of the Parish of S^ James, in the County of Middlesex, a
Widower, and Elizabeth Dee of this Parish, a Spinster ; by Licence.
E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Roger Gill, Sibylla Dee.
20 May Richard Keen of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mazy Bunco of this Parish,
a Spinster ; by Banus. Thomas Hayward, Minister. Witnesses : AVill™.
Swanwick, H Swanwick.
22 May Joseph Foster of this Parish of S'. Pauls, Covent Garden, and Mary
Green* of the Same Parish, Spiuster; by Licence. Thomas Hayward,
Minister. Witnesses : Will'": Swanwick, H Swanwick.
23 May Frauds Jones of this Parish, Widower, and Ann Trobe|| of this Parish,
Widow^ ; by Banns. Thomas Hayward, Minsf. Witnesses : Will'".
Swanwick, H Swanwick.
31 May William Hubbard of this Parish, Batchelor, and Eleanor Perkins* of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will"" :
Swanwick, H Swanwick.
7 June Daniel Rimell of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Phipps of the
Same Parish, Widow ; by Banns. Thomas Hayward, Min'': Witnesses :
Will'": Swanwick, H Swanwick.
17 June James Benhaim** of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Ricketsff
of this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Edwd Dauiell, E Daniell.
17 June James Passley+J of this Parish, Widower, and Elizabeth Collis of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Tho*.
Williams, AVill'". Swanwick.
18 June Robert Godfrey§§ of the Parish of Hanwell, in the County of Middle-
sex, a Batchelor, and Sarah Peen of this Parish, a Spiuster ; by Licence.
E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Tho^ Hewitt, Ann Marshall.
22 June Joseph Holland of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ltetitia Martha Major|| ||
of this Parish, a Spinster; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses:
John Sayce, Mary Holland.
22 June John Forbes* of this Parish, a Widower, and Elizabeth Burke* of this
♦ Signed by mark.— Ed. t Signed " Susanah."— Ed.
X Signed " Browne." — Ed. § Signed " Pullman." — Ed.
II First signed "Jones." — Ed. % "Spinster" is here written and erased. — Ed.
** Signed " Benham."— Ed. ft Signed " Rickett."— Ed.
XX Signed " Parsley."— Ed. §§ Signed " Godfray."— Ed.
i| I Signed " Letisher Maior." — Ed.
Parish, a Widow ; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Ann
Creedon, Will™: Swanwick.
4 July James Selaven* of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann Hunt* of this
Parish, a Spinster; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Mary
Edwards, Sutton Johnson.
4 July John Vigurs of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Charlotte Beazley of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Licence. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : James
Robinson, Dorothy Beazley, Elizabeth Beazley, Mary Robinson.
9 July James Tellt of the Parish of Edmund the King, London, Batchelor, and
Susanna Steele of the Parish of S': Pauls, Covent Garden, in the County
of Middlesex, Spinster ; by Licence. Tho^ Hayward, Minister. AV^itnesses :
M Goodinge, J Taylor, John Pierrie, Rich"^ Thresher.
16 July Roger Murley of the Parish of AUhallows, Bread Street, Batchelor, and
Frances Hempstead J of the Parish of S*. Pauls, CoA-ent Garden, in the
County of Middlesex ; by Licence. Thomas Hayward, Minister.
Witnesses : Hen: Gardiner, Eliza Bainbridge.
27 July John Williams of this Parish, a Batchelor, aiid Sarah Eavareth* of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Eliz Bethel,
Will'": Swanwick.
8 Aug. Joseph Dickers of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth§ Boston of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. W. Lucas, Minister. Witnesses : Ebenezer
Dickers, John Combs.
16 Aug. John Eairman of this Parish, a Widower, and Elizabeth* Cook of this
Parish, a Widow ; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : W Dunning,
Jane Webb.
18 Aug. William Stout of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Sarah BroAvn of this
Parish, a Widow ; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will'":
Swanwick, H Swanwick.
23 Aug. John Crump of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Martha Lewis* of this
Parish, a Widow ; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : AVilliam
Lewis, Will™: Swanwick.
24 Aug. John Evans of this Parish, Bachelor, and Jane Davis of the same Parish,
Spinster ; by License. Joseph Hazard, Minister. Witnesses : John Paul,
VVilliam Paul.
9 Sep. Henry Harbart of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Eoottit of the Same
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Joseph Hazard, Minister. Witnesses :
Allice Wellington, Will"': Swanwick.
10 Sep. John Stokes of this Parish, Widower, and Betty Boone of the Pa,rish of
S^ Martins in the Eields ; by License. Joseph Hazard, Minister.
Witnesses : Mary Pervil, Sarah White, Tho^ Walmsley.
15 Sep. Edward Ash of this Parish, Bachelor, and Sarah Prittey|| of this Parish ;
by Banns. Joseph Hazard, Minister. Witnesses : Mather Shelton,
Will'^'. Swanwick.
17 Sep. Pearl Betts of the Parish of Ipswich, in the County of Suffolk, and
Sarah Archer of this Parish ; by License. Joseph Hazard, Minister.
Witnesses : Will'": Swanwick, H Swanwick.
18 Sep. John Challis of this Parish, Bachelor, and Lettice Sell of the Parish of
S'. Andrew, Holborn, Spinster; by License. Joseph Hazard, Minister.
Witnesses : Geo: Stephens, Ann Green.
17 Oct. William Nelson of this Parish, a Widower, and Mary Williams* of the
Parish of S'. Mary, Newington, in the County of Surry ; by License.
E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Tho* Ferrar, Susan Ferrar, Jane Reeve.
20 Oct. Thomas Alexander Gardener of the Parish of S*. Clement Danes, in the
« Signed by mark.— Ed. t Signed " Fell."— Ed.
t Signed " Hemsted."— Ed. § Signed " Elizbath."— Ed. -
H Signed " Pritty."— Ed.
Carriages. ^1
County of Middlesex, a Batchelor, and Philadelphia Dean of this Parish,
a Spinster ; by License. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Joshua Bangs,
W™ How, Beckingham.
22 Oct. John Jarman of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann Lyth of this Parish,
a Spinster ; by License. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will™. Maning,
Will"': SwauAvick.
29 Oct. Frederick* Everberg of the Parish of S^ Paul, Shadwell, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Grace Mottf of this Parish, Spinster ; by
License. E: Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: M Reddish, E Bullery,
Winfreaed Fornswortt, Mary Agg.
1 Nov. John Whelan of the Parish of S^ Swithin, London, a Batchelor, and
Bridget M'^.Neal of this Parish, a Spinster; by License. E Rouse, Curate.
Witnesses : C Neal, Marg* Neal.
1 Nov. John Fincham of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann Dawsonf of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Josiah
Lee, P Neal.
6 Nov. George Mallard of the Parish of S'. Peter, Cornhill, London, a Batchelor,
and Phoebe Andrewson of this Parish, a Spinster; by License. E Rouse,
Curate. Witnesses: Tho-^ Huxley, Will"^. Swan wick.
8 Nov. Casper Friederick Lange of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann BalentineJ
of this Parish, a Spinster ; by License. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Jn" Stephens, Sarah Ballentyue, Mary Lambert.
17 Nov. Charles Dugard of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Weale of the Same
Parish, Spinster; by Licince. Edw''. G. Foote. Witnesses: Joseph
Weale, Sarah Ann Latton, George Lyne, George Lyne, Leonard Low.
17 Nov. John Plumer Ardesoif of tlie Parish of S''. Martin in the fields, in the
County of Middlesex, Widower, and Lucinda Mence of this Parish, a
Spinster; by License. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Cha^. Mence, Ann
Orme, Elizabeth Mence, Sarah Mence.
13 Dec. Thomas Dauby of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Rice of this
Parish, a Spinster; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Edmund
Bromley, Will™: Swan wick.
15 Dec. William Annesley of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Rachel Marett of
this Pai'ish, a Widow; by License. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: W°':
Ashburner, Ann Hett.
19 Dec. Carlo Rovedino of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Rosa Tinti of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by License. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Francis
Mecci, Will"': Swanwick.
19 Dec. Charles Israel Feilding of the Parish of S' George, Bloom sbury,
Batchelor, and Susanna Toms of this Parish, Sjjinster ; by Licence. George
Feilding, Minister. Witnesses : John Toms, Mary Ann Cummins, Jane
29 Dec. William Plees of the Parish of Christ Church, Spital Feelds, Batchelor,
and Jane Gordon of this Parish ; by License. George Costard, Minister.
Witnesses : Ann Lloyd, Peter Frushard.
30 Dec. Edward Akers of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Steedman of this
Parish, a Spinster; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: John
Steedman, Will'": Swanwick.
2 Jan. Jasper Sheppard§ of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Su8annah|| Smith of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : James
Goddle, Rob^ Carter, H Phaysey, E Carter.
* Signed " Frednik."— Ed. t Signed by mark.— Ed.
X Signed " Ballentyne."— Ed. § Signed " Shepard."— Ed.
\\ Signed " Susana."— Ed.
7 .Jan. Agar Weetmau o£ the Parish of Woolwich, in the County of Kent,
a Batchelor, and Ann Eochfort of this Parish, a Widow ; by License.
E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Frank Eochfort, Mary Eochfort.
13 Jan. John Henderson of tliis Parish, a Batchelor, and Jane Figgins of the
Parish of S'. Clement Danes, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster ; by
License. E Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : J Ireland, M Morrey, M : Ire-
23 Jan. John Jennings* of the Parish of Saint Saviour, South wark, in the County
of Surry, Batchelor, and Catherinef Eigby of this Parish, a Spinster; by
License. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will™: Bruton, Eliz^*': Ann
24 Jan. Morgan Hugh Kennedy of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Margaret
Farrell of this Parish, a Widow ; by License. E Eouse, Curate.
Witnesses : P. Kelly, E'l Elliott, D. Bryen.
24 Jan. Joseph Briggs of the Parish of Saint Gi-eorge, in the County of Middlesex,
a Batchelor, and Martha Clapson of this Parish, a Spinster ; by License.
E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Jn'' Briggs, Marg' Clapson, Tho= Briggs.
25 Jan. Lawrence Castle of this Parish, in the County of Middlesex, a Batchelor,
and Sarah Pope of the Parish of Horton, in the County of Kent, Spin-
ster; by License. Tho^ Hay ward, Min^. Witnesses: Will"": Swanwick,
H Swanwick.
28 Jan. George Gibbs of this, in the County of Middlesex, Batchelor,
and Judith Van Assendelft of the Parish of Wanstead, in the County of
Essex, Spinster ; by Licence. Tho^ Hayward, Min"". Witnesses : John
Liotard, Kath: Bolton, Isabill Liotard.
31 Jau.J John Lavender of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Harris§ of this
Parish, Widow^ ; by Banns. Thomas Hayward, Min"'. Witnesses : George
Hensley, Samuel Osbourn.
31 Jan. John Holmes of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann King of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Hayward, Min'". Witnesses : Samuel
Osbourn, George Hensley.
2 Feb. Samuel Eashfield of the Parish of S'. Martin Orgar, London, Batchelor,
and Henrietta French of this Parish, Spinster, a Minor, with the Consent
of John French, her Father; by Licence. J''^ French, Eector of Vange,
Essex. Witnesses : Ann French, Susanna French, Tho^ Chilton, Ja^
7 Feb. Peter Brough of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret Woollatt|| of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Hayward, Min^ Witnesses : Esther
Dyson, Alexander Anderson.
14 Feb. William Kingston of the Parish of S'. Mary-Le-bone in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Margaret Goodiuge of this Parish, a Spinster ;
by License. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Thomas Bradbuiy, M Hillain,
Cath Douglas.
16 Feb. The Eev'' WilHam Dechair Tattersall of this Parish, Batchelor, and
Mary Ward of the Parish of Wandsworth, in Surry, Spinster, Minor ; by
Licence with the consent of Mary Ward her Mother. John Tattersall,
Curate pro hac vice. Witnesses : J« Tattersall, Eector, Tho^ Newnham,
M AVard, Eliz Tattersall, Will'". Swanwick, Frances Tattersall, Eliz Ward,
D Tattersall, H Swanwick.
20 Feb. Joseph Hackett of the Parish of S' Martin in the Fields, in the County
of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Barnard of the Parish of S*. Paul,
Covent Garden, in the same County, Spinster; by License. James
Tattersall, Eector. Witnesses : Jn° Herring, Marg^ Towne, John Hackett,
Tho». Buck.
* Sigoed " Jenaias." — Ed. + Signed " Cathrine." — Ed.
X " Johu Holmes " and " Ann King " signed this entry by mistake.— Ed.
§ Signed "La vender."— Ed. || Signed •' WooUett,"— Ed.
13 March Anthony Gore Esquire of this Parish, Batchelor, and Judith Dobree
of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Thomas Hayward, Min"'. "Witnesses :
Eachel Stephens, Martha Dobree.
26 March William Champ of this Parish, Batchelor, and Frances Ely of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Thomas Hayward, Min''. "Witnesses : John
Yinn, "Will"': Swauwick.
4 April Thomas Parry of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Cummins* of
this Parish, a spinster ; by Banns. E Bouse, Curate. "Witnesses : Peter
Gront, "Will"'. Swanwick.
5 April "William Gordon of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann Jones* of this
Parish, a "Widow; by Banns. E Bouse, Curate. "Witnesses: "Will"'.
Swanwick, H Swanwick.
13 April John Nicholls of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Smith of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by License. E Bouse, Curate. "Witnesses : M Wal-
dron, Hanah Tompson.
19 April Eobert Sinclair of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Margai'et Gwynne of
this Parish, "Widow ; by Licence. Thomas Hayward, Min'". Witnesses :
C Gouding, Will'": Swanwick.
4 May Eobert Wedd of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Catherine! Eoyer of the
Parish of S^ James's, Westminster, Sjiinster ; by Licence. Thomas Ha)"-
ward, Min"". Witnesses: Bob'. Hodgkinson, Amelia Bowers.
14 May Bartholomew Canham of the Parish of Shenfield, in the County of
Essex, Batchelor, and Ann Powney of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence.
Thomas Hayward, Min"". Witnesses : John Sly, Mary Lockett, Ann
23 May Charles Wright of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Agnes| Main of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Bouse, Curate. Witnesses : Bobert
Grierson, James Forsyth, Margaret Wright.
24 May Daniel Thompson Gooddy of this Parish, and Hannah Fitch of this
Parish; by Banns. E Bouse, Curate. Witnesses: Will"'. Swanwick,
H Swanwick.
29 May James Purnell of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Agg of this Parish,
a Spinster; by Banns. E Bouse, Curate. Witnesses: D Williams,
M Mason, P Innmard (?), Mary Eood.
30 May John Warner of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Smith of this
Parish, a Spinster; by Banns. E Bouse, Curate. Witnesses: Will"':
Swanwick, H Swanwick.
2 June Jeremiah Keys of this Parish, a Widower, and Sarah Mason of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by License. E Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : P. Fenn (?),
Catharine Evans.
3 June Samuel Bright of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Day of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will"'.
Swanwick, H Swanw'ick.
7 June James James* of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Sarah Westbrook* of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Daucas
Dunning, Will". Swanwick.
13 June John Armstrong of the Parish of S'. Luke, in the County of Middlesex,
a Widower, and Catherine Davies§ of this Parish, a Spinster; by License.
E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : John Lloyd, Mary Lloyd.
15 June William Hodsdon of this Parish, Widower, and Mary Young* of this
Parish, Widows ; by Licence. Thomas Hayw'ard, Min^ "Witnesses:
Matthew Hodsdon, Elizabeth Hodsdan.
17 June John Potter of this Parish, Batchelor, and Susannah DavisH of this
* Signed by mark. — Ed. t Signed " Cathariuo."— Ed.
X Signed " Aggness."— Ed. § Signed " Devis." — Ed.
II Signed " Susana Davies." — Ed.
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Thomas Fayward, Min"". Witnesses : Will™.
Swanwick, .Tohu Sheppard.
20 June .James M^Cabe of the Parish of S'. Bridget, otherwise Bride, London,
Batchelor, and Elizabeth Bum of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence.
Thomas Hayward, Min'. Witnesses: Matt: Charley, Peter Bum.
29 June Eobert Powell of the Parish of Christ Church, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Lloyd of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence.
Thomas Hayward, Min^. Witnesses: W"' Greenwood, Kuth Lloyd.
29 June Thomas Wrighton* of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Morten of the
Parish of Headington, in the County of Oxford, Spinster, a Minor; by
Licence. Thomas Hayward, Min''. Witnesses: W Hill, Mary Willson.
IG July William Proctor of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Marshallf of the
same Parish, Widow; by Licence. Francis Barstow, Min'. Witnesses:
Will"'. Swanwick, H Swanwick.
19 July John Corsted of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary EevvissJ of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Thomas Hayward, Min^ Witnesses : Sarah
Ford, Christian Corsted.
23 July George Fall of this Parish, Widower, and Margaret Mf^Gill of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Thomas Hayward, Min''. Witnesses :
John Mackie, Bu^ Edwards, Step" Bond, Susanna M<=Gill.
25 July Joseph Kendall of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Humphreys§ of
the Parish of Saint Mary, Islington, in the County of Middlesex, Widow ;
by Licence. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Tho^ Davis, Eliz Davis.
26 July John Thomas of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann Hogg of this Parish,
a Spinster; by Banns. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses: Geo. M^Farren,
Mary M'^Farren.
30 July Thomas Cox of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Fanny Flint of the Parish
of S'. SaAdours, Southwark, in the County of Surry, Spinster ; by Licence.
E Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Edward Strudwickc, Susannah Flint.
1 Aug. William Dalrymple of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Simfield||
of this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Thomas Sinfield, Will'". Swanwick.
1 Aug. Thomas PowellJ of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Winifride MorganJ of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Will"':
Swanwick, Thomas Sinfield.
12 Aug. John Plackitt of this Parish, Widower, and Mary Dightou^ of this
Parish, Widow; by Licence. James Watkins. Witnesses: William
Manning, Will"': Swanwick.
24 Aug. Thomas BrooklandJ of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Stephens^
of this Parish, Spinster; by Banns. Thomas Hayward, Min"". Witnesses:
Jos Till, Will'" Swanwick. "
30 Aug. Eobert Jarvis of the Parish of Kensington, in the C^. of Middx,
Batchelor, and Ann Burgoyne** of this Parish, Spinster; by License.
George Marriott Min^ Witnesses : Eliabth Garuiss, Will"': Swanwick.
5 Sep. William Remington of this Parish, Batchelor, and Margaret Eeid of this
Parish, Spinster; by License. George Marriott, Min''. Witnesses:
Ursula Beadley, Will"'. Swanwick.
5 Sep. Nicholas Starkie of the Parish of S'. Martin in the fields, in the C". of
Middx, Batchy and Elizabeth Goddle of this Parish, Spinster; by License.
George Marriott, Min^ Witnesses : Hannah Manning, Will"'. Swanwick.
9 Sep. Robert Faulding of the Parish of S*. Mary, Bermoudsey, in the C. of
Surrey, Batchelor, and Frances Filkinft of this Parish, Spinster ; by Banns.
* Signed " "Wrightson."— Ed. t Signed " Marshll."— Ed.
X Signed by mark.— Ed. § Signed" Huniphrys."— Ed.
II Signed " Elizabeh Sinfield."— Ed. 1 Signed " Deighon."— Ed.
*» Signed " Burgoin."— Ed. tt Signed " Filkins."— Ed.
MAimiAGES. 281
George Marriott, Min*": Witnesses : W"" Setree, The*: Setree, Sarah
Clark, Ann Setree.
12 Sep. Samuel Eead of the Parish of S'. Georges, Hanover Square, Middlesex,
Batchelor, and Margaret Maria* Stanton of the Parish of 8'. Paul's,
Covent Garden, Spinster; by Licence. Thomas Hay ward, Min"". Wit-
nesses : W'" Haskell, Eliza Peace.
24 Oct. John Clark of this Parish, a Eatchelor, and Eebecca Slater of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Thos
Knapp, E Till, H A Browne, A Knapp, John Browne.
14 Nov. John Francis of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann Davy of the Parish
of Luke, in the County of Middlesex, Widow ; by License. E Eouse,
Curate. Witnesses : Dan^ Bates, Elizabeth Beers.
22 Nov. George Wilcox of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Dalton of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : Edward
Hayles, Will"'. Swanwick.
16 Dec. John Daws of the Parish of Ockham, in the County of Surry, a
Batchelor, and Mary Hole of this Parish, a Spinster ; by License. E Bouse,
Curate. AVitnesses : John Hole, Peter Yincent.
22 Dec. William Frederick Browne of the Parish of Launton, in the County of
Oxford, a Batchelor, and Bridget Burton of this Parish, a Spinster ; by
License. E Rouse, Curate. Witnesses : Thomas Burton, Will"": Swan-
4 Jan. Eichard Eogers of this Parish, AVidower, and Hannah Beer of the
Parish of S^ Margaret, Westminster, AVidow; by Licence. Thomas
Hayward, Min''. AVitnesses : AV^"". Eobinson, Hannah Harvey.
4 Jan. Thomas Matthews of the Parish of S^ Leonard, Shoreditch, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Euth Lloyd of this Parish, Spinster ;
by Licence. Thomas Hayward, Min"". Witnesses : Katharine Lloyd,
Mary Matthews.
4 Jan. Eobert Dunkin of this Parish, Batchelor, and Pelaxemaf Eichards of
the Parish of S*. James', Westminster, Spinster ; by Licence. Thomas
Hayward, Min^. AA^'ituesses : Sam Worldge, Pheby AVorlige.
5 Feb. Thomas Haines of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Teresa Borrodale of
this Parish, a Sjnnster ; by Licence. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Abraham Derippe, Jane Blackford, Anna Maria Haines.
8 Feb. Henry Eldridge of the Parish of S'. Dunstan, Stepney, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Elizabeth Lake of this Parish, a Spinster; by
Licence. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : James Lake Sen"", James Lake
Jun'', Tho* Eldridge, Jane Lake, AVilliam Lake.
14 Feb. John Wake of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary OwenJ of this Parish,
a Spinster ; by Licence. E Eouse, Curate. AA^itnesses : W Hilder, Will™.
20 Feb. William Newman of the Parish of S*. George the Martyr, in the
County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Lucy Strong of this Parish, Spinster ;
by Licence. E Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : AV™ Hodges, Tho Strong.
24 Feb. Seth Nelson Esq"", of the Parish of Ramsden Bellhouse, in the County
of Essex, Widower, and Sarah Taylor of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence.
Thomas Hayward, Min^ AVitnesses: S Proser, Alice A^ale, Thomas Aston
]■■, Luke Wilthew, Hannah Taylor.
27 Feb. Thomas Willisford of the Parish of S'. Dionis, Bachechurch, London, a
Batchelor, and Jane§ Eobb of this Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. Thomas
Hayward, Min''. Witnesses : J Harris, Will"'. Swanwick.
5 Feb. II Thomas HusseyJ of this Parish, Widower, and Catherine Goodenought
* This name is omitted in signature. — Ed. t Signed " Pelixzena." — Ed.
i Signed by mark.— Ed. § Signed " Jenny."— Ed. II Sic
VOL. Ill, O O
of this Parish, Widow ; by License. E Kouse, Curate. Witnesses :
Eowland Lee, William Henry Brailsford.
16 March Samuel Medley* of the Parish of S*. Sepulchre, Batchelor, and Mary
Pickeringt of this Parish ; by Licence. W"^. Eouse, Clerk. Witnesses :
AVilliam Swan wick, H Swan wick.
18 March Eobert Dagley of the Parish of S*. Mary Le Bone, in the County of
Middlesex, Batchelor, and Margaret Barnett of this Parish, Spinster ; by
Licence. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : E Barnett, Elem^ Pall, Eliz^^.
19 March George EeAv of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth A^alentine of
this Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. AVitnesses : John
Austin, Euphuca Eew (?).
26 March William Yinicombe of the Parish of S^ Margaret, Westminster, in
the County of Middlesex, Batchelor, and Mary Gates of this Parish,
Spinster ; by Licence. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : James Webster,
Ann Monro.
26 March William Nicholson of this Parish, a Widower, and Elizabeth Lemonf
of this Parish, a Widow; by Banns. E. Eouse, Curate. Witnesses:
James Webster, Ann Monro.
26 March John Day of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Mary Eobb of this Parish,
a Spinster ; by Banns. Eichard Stainsby, Minister. Witnesses : James
Limmer, Eliz'^' Pierpoint, Mary Brown.
28 March William Yokins of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Margaret Gray of
the Parish of S^ Giles in the fields, in the County of Middlesex, Spinster;
by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Eiiz Gray, Will"'. Swanwick.
3 April John EedaAvay of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Catherine J Oriel of this
Parish, Spinster; by Banns. T Hayward, Min''. Witnesses: Elizabeth
Eudaway, Eebecca Eedaway.
17 April William Peers of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Ann Sworder of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Licence. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses: H Pr it chard,
Will"". Swanwick.
3 May John Burbridge of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Esther Elles of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Banns. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : Will".
Swanwick, H Swanwick.
14 May Jacob Wright of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Euth Mathewsf of this
Parish, a Spinster ; by Licence. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : James
Eeed, Will"' Swanwick.
21 May Eichard Tryof this Parish, Batchelor, and Susan§ Ingram of this Parish,
a Widow, by License. T Hayward, Min"". Witnesses : Will"'. Bailey,
Will"'. Swanwick.
27 May John Barnes of this Parish, Batchelor, and Catherine Eoss of this
Parish, Spinster; by Licence. T Hayward, Min'". Witnesses: Will Geo
Eoss, Eliza Milton.
29 May The Eev''. John Brainbrigge|| of this Parish, Widower, and Charlotte S*
John of the Parish of Bow, otherwise Stratford Bow, Middlesex, Spinster ;
by Licence. A H Eccles, Eector of Stratford Bow. AYitnesses : Barbara
S*. John, Hannah Eccles.
17 June Eobert Edwards of the Parish of S*. Bridget, London, a Batchelor, and
Jane Price of this Parish, Spinster; by Licence. E Eouse, Curate.
Witnesses : Geo. Edwards, Elizabeth Hutchins.
17 June Eichard S^ John of this Parish, a Batchelor, and Alice Kellyt of this
Parish, a Widow ; by Licence. E Eouse, Curate. Witnesses : T Ulyate,
Will™. Swanwick.
* Signed " Madeley." — Ed. t Signed by mark. — Ed.
% Signed " Cathorne."— Ed. § Signed " Susanah."— Ed.
II Signed " Bambrigge." — Ed.
20 June James "West of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elisabeth Calcut* of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Samuel Yorke, Minister. Witnesses :
William Calcutt, Ann Smith.
25 June Thomas Davies of this Parish, Batchelor, and Mary Bennett of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Samuel Yorke, Minister. Witnesses :
J Davies, Sarah Maxted (?).
26 June William Hardwidge of this Parish, Batchelor, and Phebe Brookef of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Samuel Yorke, Minister. Witnesses :
Mather Shelton, William Swanwick.
6 July John Tackle of this Parish, Batchelor, and Ann Clewin of the Parish
of Finchley, in the same County, Spinster ; by License. Samuel Yorke,
Minister. Witnesses : Sam^ Shelley, Tho^ Rean.
9 July Edward Jones of this Parish, Batchelor, and Elisabeth;]; Sedgrove of this
Parish, Spinster ; by Banns. Samuel Yorke, Minister. Witness